Chapter 357 Iriya

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  Chapter 357 Iriya
  Morton raised his hand to stop Herman who was about to check, and he slowly walked towards the place where the figure appeared.

  The dirt and gravel on the ground began to jump, as if some force was pulling them.

  Thor lowered his head and scanned. This was the first time he saw Morton perform witchcraft. Although he was once polluted and his current physical magic value is limited, he is still the person with the strongest pure combat ability among the four consciousness bodies.

  Three meters away from the figure, Morton stopped. At this time, the soil under his feet was surging like ocean waves.

  "Don't attack yet, see who it is." Sol reminded him from behind.

  Morton nodded slightly, and then the soil in front of his soles really separated to the left and right like waves.

  The plants taking root above the soil also moved rapidly to the left and right with this force.

  Morton did not approach, but gradually moved away from the plants blocking the figure.

  The sun shines down from above, touching the corners that have been hidden in darkness for many years.

  Sol squinted his eyes, and he finally saw the figure opposite him clearly.

  Then his pupils opened slightly again.


  After the branches moved to both sides due to the rolling of the soil, Saul discovered that the motionless person behind him turned out to be Mark, who had not appeared for a long time.

  The other party used to be the resident senior in Katz's laboratory, responsible for cleaning and organizing. But then he seemed to go out often for promotion. After several changes, the head of the laboratory was fixed on Angela, and after Angela left with Billy, it became an unstable position again - Sol every time The people I meet every time are different.

  Mark did not respond to Saul immediately. He was still standing there, facing the southeast.

  Thor knew that that was the direction of the Wizard Tower.

  Morton turned around, now he had to wait for Thor to decide whether to attack or test next.

  Saul took two steps forward. When he was less than five meters away from Mark, the man who was standing still and seemed to be a sculpture suddenly turned his neck and looked over.

  "I'm waiting for you." Mark said.

  As soon as the opponent moves, all conscious bodies are on guard.

  The man was motionless just now, and no muscles could be seen undulating due to breathing and heartbeat.

  Like a dead man.

  But when he turned to look at Sol, all the cells in his body came alive in an instant.

  "Are you Mark?" Saul squinted his eyes, but did not see any unusual spirit in the other person.

  "It's me, I'll pick you up. You can't enter the valley by yourself." Mark replied calmly.

  There was no emotion on his face, and he looked more like a container than the four experimental subjects around Thor.

  "Then who am I?" Sol suddenly asked this question.

  Mark kept silent for a while, his expression still lifeless.

  After a moment, his pale lips opened, "Saul."

  "How do you prove that you are here to pick me up?" The corners of Saul's mouth raised, "I will not just go with strangers."

  Mark was not angry, he raised his hand On the right hand, a mouth is opened in the palm of the hand, and the mouth is opened, revealing a scarlet tongue.

  The tongue sticks out, and the tip of the tongue is slightly curled. There seems to be something transparent in the center, which is invisible, but it is pressed tightly against the tongue, making it impossible to close it.

  "Brother Sol! Brother Sol~"

  Penny began to act coquettishly in a low voice again.

  "Don't worry." After appeasing the little butterfly, Thor stepped forward.

  The four conscious bodies were all staring at Mark on the opposite side, but judging from their movements, they did not feel any danger or threat.

  "It seems that Kong Sha has called you too. Is there anyone else in the valley? I want to be mentally prepared."

  Mark's head slowly turned as Sol approached, but his body did not move at all.

  When Sol walked to his side, his head turned ninety degrees. The muscles were tense to the limit and the veins were stretched.

  But Mark's expression was still calm to indifferent.

  "There's Mark, Dorothy...Monroe..."

  Mark spit out names one by one.

  Thor began to frown after hearing the first one, and with more names, his frown became tighter.

  Until he heard a name, he suddenly stopped Mark.

  "Wait! Did you say Monroe?"

  Mark stopped reading the name mechanically, stopped and looked at Saul steadily, and then said: "Yes, Monroe."


  Monroe is actually in there?

  "I'm talking about who is in the valley, not who has been in the valley." "

  Yes, Monroe, in the valley."

  Monroe has cryptocrystals in his hands. He may indeed have entered the elves with Kongsha. valley. But he had clearly returned to the Wizard Tower and sent a message to Thor on behalf of Kongsha.

  But Mark said that the other party was in the valley!

  Sol then thought that the first thing Mark read was his own name, and asked with a sullen face: " he also in the valley?" "Yes,

  Mark, he is also in the valley." Mark answered.

  Morton also noticed something was wrong. He stood sideways in front of Saul and whispered, "Master, there is something wrong with this person."

  Saul knew that Morton meant that he did not want him to follow Mark.

  But now...

  Thor looked around. Although the forest in front of him was lush, it did not block much of his vision.

  This forest extends to the mountains in the distance, and the terrain of the valley is not visible.

  The only valley is Chuishou Valley in the east.

  "This is the address Kongsha left for me. If there is no one else to lead the way, we may not be able to get in without the key." "

  Yes, yes." Penny was the most enthusiastic at the side.

  She desires cryptocrystalline matter the most.

  At this moment, Mark suddenly spoke again.

  "...Thor is also in the valley."

  Several consciousnesses looked at Sol, feeling a little funny and a little weird.

  "Am I in the valley too?" he asked Mark subconsciously.

  Suddenly, a strong feeling of weightlessness appeared, and then everyone felt that they were landing rapidly.

  Or fall.

  Everyone looked around and at their feet.

  Thor's first reaction was to take off.

  But even though he had flown into the air, the severe weightlessness still did not lessen at all.

  He saw other consciousnesses also showing some panic expressions.

  However, the scenery around them did not change at all. Sol could still see the dust flying in the sun and the leaves disturbed by the wind.

  "Do you feel that I am falling?"

  "Yes, Master!" Several people replied one after another.

  Especially Herman, his figure was swaying slightly, as if he was falling rapidly, and he could no longer maintain his standing posture.

  Thor tried to close his eyes, and the feeling of weightlessness became more and more clear. He seemed to be in mid-air, and his brain and eardrums were telling him that he was falling faster.

  But when he opened his eyes, hey, what he saw before him was simply synonymous with the peaceful years.

  "Is my brain lying to me, or is there something wrong with my eyes?"

  Boom -

  the feeling of stalling suddenly stopped.

  Except for Mark, who was stiff and stiff, everyone was unsteady and fell to the ground.

  "Cough cough cough!" An spit out the dirt in her mouth and got up in embarrassment. She raised her neck and looked at Sol's direction. "Master, are you okay?"

  Sol was still flying one meter high in the air. However, the sudden disappearance of the feeling of weightlessness caused his mental strength to tremble violently, and he was suddenly unable to maintain his witchcraft, and his whole body fell to the ground.

  But fortunately, the impact he felt was as strong as jumping from a height of about one meter, and there was no impact as if he had been falling for dozens of seconds.

  Sol felt that he hadn't been so embarrassed in a long time. He lifted the hood over his head and patted the dirt from his clothes.

  "I'm fine. Are you okay?"

  They seemed to have really fallen from a height of 10,000 meters just now, but their bodies did not suffer the slightest impact.

  This cognitive contradiction makes it impossible for anyone to maintain any witchcraft.

  "Don't use your mental power to explore yet." Thor stood up with his arms propped up.

  "We may have entered the Elf Valley." Agu just got up from the ground.

  "Yes!" A slightly smiling voice sounded.

  Several people turned their heads and saw a joking smile on Mark's face, who was as stiff as a sculpture just now.

  "Welcome to the Forest of Four Seasons."

  Mark opened his arms, and his mouth on the palms of his hands also curled up in a twisted arc.

  (End of chapter)

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