Chapter 321 Experimental Subject 147

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  Chapter 321 Experimental Subject 147
  Since the showdown, Thor's status seems to have been improved by Goltha.

  Because during a daily inventory of the warehouse, he discovered that the rules on the first page of the warehouse rules had changed!

  The first item is that the number of burning candles must still be kept above eighty-eight.

  But the second item, not to use numbered items at will, has become not to take numbered items out of the warehouse without permission.

  In other words, Golza gave Saul access to the entire warehouse.

  Including the group of corpses that once belonged to Lady Yula's carrier.

  At the same time, on this day, Thor applied for a soul infusion experimental subject for a long time and finally came to report!
  After Sol discovered the changes in the warehouse manual, he did not use it immediately.

  The reason why these things are banned, in addition to their rarity, is because of their inherent dangers.

  Thor now re-examines all the materials in the second warehouse, and he wants to find out the parts that can be used for the next experiment.

  The experiments he wanted to complete were not just the resurrection experiments given to him by his mentor. Thor also did not intend to give up on improving his abilities.

  What can bring him the greatest attack power now is the combination of the second-level witchcraft's sadistic touch and the tentacles obtained by his spiritual transformation, forming an attack witchcraft against the spirit body - Soul Fishing.

  In addition, the development of the consciousness platform will also continue, but there is no rush.

  Thor was walking along the shelves in the warehouse, and when he looked up, he saw the "Elf Whisper" that he had given to Kongsha for use.

  The original two leaves of this thing have fallen off, leaving only a bare branch. Therefore, Mentor Gortha gave the "Elf Whisper" directly to Thor.

  However, Thor has never used this strange prop that can affect people's perception of time again.

  "This thing can act on consciousness. Can it also act as an anesthetic for the spiritual body?" Saul recorded his thoughts, "But this thing is probably dead." Saul was just about to record a piece of material

  . Suddenly I felt magic power fluctuation behind me.

  He quickly looked back, and through the gap between the shelves, he saw a huge quill floating in the air.


  It was the communication pen that had not seen any movement for several days.

  Sol quickly closed the note and walked quickly to the communication pen.

  By the time he reached the table, the quill had finished writing and flew back automatically.

  There is only one sentence on the parchment: The assistant has been sent to the bronze gate, please check it carefully.

  Thor sighed: "We're finally here."

  He put down what he was doing, quickly walked through the two corridors, and came to the bronze door.

  When he pushed open the door on the left, a cold and beautiful face appeared in front of him.

  She is still blond and has a curvy figure. She is wearing a black apprentice robe, which looks like a red carpet dress.

  All the test subjects in Mentor Rum's soul infusion experiment seemed to have the same mold.

  After Saul opened the door, a few seconds passed before the blonde second-level female apprentice turned her head stiffly and looked at Saul expressionlessly.

  "Hello, my name is No. 147, and I'm here to cooperate with your experiment."

  Sol sideways let people in, looking at 147's somewhat stiff steps.

  "576 I've always been curious. It's obvious that blond people are rarely seen in the tower. Why are all the test subjects of Teacher Rum blond and blue-eyed?"

  147 followed Thor, half a step behind, and his voice did not fluctuate at all. Said: "Our bodies have been transformed by Master Rum into a unified appearance, which is easy to distinguish and will not cause trouble when meeting relatives and friends of the body itself." Hearing this, Thor nodded, "That's true.


  He looked at the woman beside him, who looked to be in her early twenties. Under the witchcraft, the color of his eyes and hair could easily change. If someone told him that the body turned out to be that of an old woman, Thor would believe it.

  Although 147 is beautiful, Sol has no idea about her at all. After staying in the morgue and warehouse for a long time, everyone looks like material.

  Not to mention that this beautiful woman has a man's soul sealed in her body.

  When I think of this, I really have no charm at all.

  The two returned to the second warehouse, and 147 was really shocked by the row of corpses they saw when they entered the door.

  But because the soul and body are not in tune, even if it can barely drive action, some subtle control is still not possible.

  For example, widen your eyes, raise your eyebrows, etc.

  Therefore, 147's surprise was expressed as his mouth wide open with no expression on his face. The mouth was opened so wide that it could almost fit a fist.

  "Are these corpses?" Although he was surprised, 147's voice remained calm.

  "Yes, is there anyone you know?"

  When 147 was surprised, his eyes kept staring at a certain corpse, presumably it was someone he knew.

  But the corpse was very old and had been standing here before Thor entered the Wizard Tower.

  147 can meet such an old third-level apprentice. Presumably he is also a first-level apprentice who has been wasted in the wizard tower for more than ten years and cannot be promoted, right?

  Generally, those who are willing to undergo soul infusion experiments are those who have been unable to be promoted for a long time, have no hope, and are unwilling to give up.

  "Your soul and body are not in harmony. It is now forcibly sealed in the body with a witchcraft circle, so come here and stay away from these corpses." "Okay." The two walked through the


  of corpses and walked past Linlang. 147 didn't dare to look at the container, lowered his head and followed Thor closely.

  Finally, the two of them walked to the experimental table at the end of the warehouse. Here is another specially cleared open space, as well as a specially applied test bed for 147, the assistant.

  "From now on, you will come here at 3 o'clock every afternoon, and the experiment will usually be carried out until 7 o'clock. I will try not to delay your return to the dormitory. By the way, what kind of attribute witchcraft did you major in before?" Sol is nominally recruiting an assistant

  . If the opponent also majors in dark attributes, you can give him a hand in some experiments.

  "Dark attribute." After a few seconds, 147 responded slowly.

  Thor raised half of his eyebrows and thought: "It's not my imagination, this 147's reaction is so slow. I have been exposed to other experimental subjects with soul infusion before. Although they have slow perception and no expression, they don't react so slowly. Is it possible? Am I a defective product? Do you want to apply to Tutor Rum for a replacement assistant?" With

  such a slow response, when Sol is conducting more dangerous experiments, he may cause losses due to the lack of timely feedback from the other party.

  For example, 147 lives.

  Thor raised his eyes and looked at 147, who seemed to be in a daze again, and said directly: "My experiment is different from other soul infusion experiments. Others may only detect the reactions and changes of the soul under various situations, but I am more Focus on the numerical conditions of the body when the soul and body are in contact. If you cannot accurately cooperate with the experiment and provide timely feedback, it is best to quit this dangerous experiment." Unexpectedly, as soon as Thor finished speaking, 147 on the opposite side "popped

  " Kneel down.

  This time the action was much neater.

  Her hands were placed close to the ground in front of her, with her forehead pressed against the back of her hands.

  "My lord," her voice was full of desperate aura, "I'm here to follow you."

  Thor was stunned for a moment, then gasped, "Who are you?"

  "I...I am Hayden." After hesitating for a moment, 147 admitted in a somewhat shaky tone.

  Thor: Poof! ! ! !
  (End of chapter)

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