Chapter 303 Absorbing evil spirits

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  Chapter 303 Absorbing evil spirits
  The most difficult step in becoming the master of the Black Castle is to establish a spiritual connection with the devil's vine.

  Only by establishing a good connection with Devil's Vine can we ensure that we can grasp the entire situation of Black Castle and Black Castle Forest. Can attack or defend.

  Therefore, Devil's Vine is the core of the entire Black Castle away from the Wizard Tower.

  After Keli completed this step, she no longer needed Sol's guidance for other matters - Sol was not as clear as she was yet.

  So Thor left Keli alone underground, politely and deliberately said goodbye to the Devil's Vine, and then went up to the laboratory on the third floor alone.

  Senior Byron is already waiting in the laboratory.

  When Sol came to the door, he saw that the door to the laboratory was open. The senior stood quietly inside, obviously still breathing, but like a corpse.

  Even closer to death than those dishonest corpses in the second warehouse.

  Being promoted to an official wizard seems to be more dangerous than Thor imagined.

  "Senior, are you okay?"

  Hearing Sol's voice, Byron slowly turned his head. The skin on his neck stretched and squeezed, forming several deep folds.

  More like clothes than skin.

  Byron didn't speak, but Sol had already guessed why he and Keli came here to find him.

  Thor closed the door with his backhand. Dark green vines grew rapidly from the corner, blocking the door and spreading to the walls of the entire room, turning the place into a green cage.

  Byron's neck followed the devil's vine in a circle, and then bounced back to the front, looking at Thor in confusion.

  He couldn't speak now, but his eyes expressed his meaning well.

  "Keli has established a relationship with the Devil's Vine." Thor rubbed his nose, "It's just that I have a better relationship with the Devil's Vine, and it is willing to help me occasionally."

  Byron stared at Sol for a few seconds, and then Nodding silently.

  Byron: OK.

  Byron once bought a method to absorb evil spirits from Thor, but even if Thor taught Byron this method, the latter would not be able to use it. So Thor promised to help Byron absorb the evil spirit in his body.

  Now that he saw Byron hurriedly followed Keli to find him instead of waiting in the wizard tower, he knew that the senior's state must have reached the limit and he must absorb the uncontrollable evil spirit as soon as possible.

  So after he confirmed that Keli could establish contact with the devil's ivy, he left Keli and hurriedly came to check Byron's status.

  Seeing that the other party didn't even dare to say anything now, Thor knew that he had to absorb the evil spirit now.

  This is the first time he has absorbed evil spirits for someone else, so he must be more cautious.

  Therefore, Thor asked the devil's ivy to seal the entire room to prevent outsiders from entering. On the one hand, it was to prevent Keli from suddenly entering and disturbing his progress, and on the other hand, it was to protect Keli from being affected.

  When the devil's vine obediently blocked the entire room, Thor stepped forward and carefully observed the evil spirit in Byron's body.

  "Senior, can you still let go of the evil spirit in your body a little now? I need to confirm where to start."

  Byron hesitated for a moment, but quickly nodded. He took off his outer robe and the linen gown underneath, revealing a slightly swollen body. body.

  Immediately, his body and torso suddenly expanded twice, vaguely resembling the original human balloon appearance in Chuishou Valley.

  But the difference this time was that Byron's bulging body did not expand evenly into a spherical shape, but more like a meteorite with craters on the surface.

  Thor noticed that a terrifying human face appeared on the other person's skin from time to time.

  The pupils and mouth are sunken, and the bridge of the nose and cheekbones are protruding.

  Every face has a ferocious expression.

  They were rushing outwards desperately, trying to break through Byron's restraint on them.

  The senior's expression also became distorted. It was obvious that it was very difficult for him to maintain this state.

  Thor narrowed his eyes and quickly scanned the senior's body.

  Suddenly, he flicked his hands, and the skin on his fingertips fused and deformed, gradually elongating, transforming from a pair of arms into two thick octopus-like tentacles.

  Byron, who had been paying attention to Thor's movements, was shocked by the changes before his eyes.

  His eyeballs were shaking and seemed ready to fall out of their sockets at any moment.

  "Senior, don't move." Thor ordered, then raised his hand and thrust forward, stabbing Byron's throat and heart with two tentacles.

  These two places are critical for normal people.

  Facing Thor's attack, Byron subconsciously wanted to dodge. But when he thought of what Sol had just said, he suppressed his body's instinctive reaction and stood motionless.

  The next second, two tentacles pierced Byron's skin directly.

  To Byron's surprise, however, he felt no pain.

  Or rather, not even feeling anything.

  Those two gray-white tentacles were like illusions, they just overlapped with his body.

  Before he could understand the principle, a terrifyingly powerful suction force directly penetrated Byron's entire soul.

  Byron is also a major in dark attribute witchcraft, so he is not unfamiliar with this kind of attack that directly affects the spirit body.

  But he had never seen a wizard apprentice perform such a terrifying soul attack.

  What was even more frightening was that he found that he seemed unable to resist the huge suction force.

  Due to the instinct of survival, Byron immediately activated his mental power, desperately suppressing the abnormal movements of his soul, and trying to make the soul and himself more firmly combined.

  It's like a cat stretching out all its claws and clawing at the sofa.

  Thor raised his head and glanced at Byron, but did not stop Byron from using his mental power.

  In fact, Thor was already satisfied that Senior Byron refrained from launching a magic attack.

  Because it was the first time to absorb evil spirits for others, many things were done tentatively.

  Thor found that Senior Byron's actions to stabilize his mental power were beneficial.

  It was like he was peeling off the plaster that Byron had stuck on his body all day. He asked Byron not to move so that he could use his strength more easily.

  Byron's subconscious actions to stabilize his soul were to increase the strength of his "skin".

  This was necessary, otherwise when Thor was tearing off the plaster, he might also tear off a layer of Byron's skin.

  Finally, with the continuous efforts of Thor and Byron, the evil spirit hiding in Byron's body was finally absorbed by Thor's tentacles.

  There seemed to be a "stab" in Sol's mind.

  You're done!

  Thor withdrew his tentacles, and there were no wounds on Byron's body.

  Looking at Byron, whose expression was gradually calming down, Sol smiled and asked, "Senior, how are you feeling now?"

  Byron closed his eyes and felt the changes in himself. After a while, a gap opened in his throat.

  "Very good."

  "It hasn't been this good for a long time."

  Thor also breathed a sigh of relief. He is worried that after absorbing the evil spirit, he will cause other burdens to Byron.

  However, when Thor's tentacles absorbed the evil spirit, they seemed to have discovered Senior Byron's secret.

  "Senior, your body...could it be that your locator..."

  Byron opened his eyes and nodded without hesitation.

  Thor said to Byron seriously: "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this."

  For apprentices who have not yet become official wizards, the locator is their Achilles' heel.

  It is a secret that must not be leaked.

  However, Thor had just helped Byron absorb the evil spirits in his body, and he inevitably noticed the existence of the other party's locator.

  This is probably why Byron chose to ask Thor for help, right?
  Byron was not surprised by Thor's promise and nodded calmly.


  (End of chapter)

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