Chapter 235 Administrator’s Surrender

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  Chapter 235 Administrator's Surrender
  Thor stood there, and he began to be wary, "What's the matter?"

  The skin on the young administrator's face was twitching constantly, and his eyes turned red little by little when he looked at Thor.

  When Thor saw this, he became vigilant and put the book in his arms with a slight smile on his lips.

  "Are you here to ambush me?"

  At this time, the surrounding white fog suddenly thickened. Except for the area where the two of them were, the fog in other places suddenly became thick, as if a wall had condensed.

  Thor lowered his shoulders and raised his hands, and several light gray transparent worms began to float between his arms.

  Last time, the other party and the elderly administrator recommended him to buy a book, but the tower owner showed up halfway and took one of the books away.

  Just because the tower master didn't say anything, Sol didn't pursue it at all. Unexpectedly, these guys still refused to give up. It seems that they are planning to attack him personally?

  Thor was on guard, but the next second, the young administrator with a ferocious face suddenly bowed to him.

  "Please accept me!"

  Saul was stunned for a second. "What do you mean? Don't speak unclearly."

  The administrator opposite raised his head, but his back was still lowered.

  "I hope you will allow me to follow you."

  Come to your door as a servant?

  The other party is a librarian and a servant of the tower master, and he actually wants to follow him?

  The surrounding fog was so thick that the outside world was not visible at all. This environment did not look like a scene of allegiance.

  Thor did not let go and looked down at the administrator who was in an extremely awkward posture, "Reason?"

  "I have been trapped in the library of this wizard tower for hundreds of years. Before the wizard tower was brought to this place by Lord Goltha, I just stayed here and never left. The only things that accompanied me were these books that could not be turned over and the white mist that would never go away. Later, I was really bored, so I transformed myself into three people based on my life experiences."

  Sure enough, the young, middle-aged, and elderly administrators are actually the same person.

  However, because the three of them never appeared at the same time, Thor originally thought that they could just change forms, but he didn't expect that they actually split into three.

  Slice it yourself?

  "So you want me to take you away?"

  "Yes, sir. After leaving the library, I am willing to sign a contract with you and serve you for a hundred years. After that, please let me go free." "You are the

  owner of the tower... ...Human, how could I have this right? Could it be that you want me to be the master of the tower?" "

  Sir, you don't have to have this right. You can take me away secretly. We have discovered that you have a special spirit. ."

  Sol's heart moved, and he stretched his right hand forward, "My spirit ester? Can you also recognize that this is the spirit ester?"

  Unexpectedly, the young man looked at Sol's raised hands and gave a bitter smile.

  "What you look like now is completely different from before, but I know that you once had a spirit ester before, and it was a very special spirit ester." "Do

  they want the plastic bones from before?" Sol thought to himself. , "Although the soul fragment experiment has not yet been obtained, the spirit-devouring ester is definitely a higher-quality spirit ester than plastic bones. He can't see it. It should be because the characteristics of flesh and blood witchcraft cover up the characteristics of the spirit ester in the simulated skin. Next."

  "I do have spirit ester, but it is only a very low-level spirit ester, and the storage time is only a few days. Are you mistaken." "

  No sir! The old man and I tested it ourselves... and passed."

  He said In the end, the young man's voice became lower and lower.

  Saul frowned, "Testing?"

  He suddenly remembered that before the administrator sold the book to him, he did have an unusual behavior. At that time, the elderly administrator deliberately took the book away from him and returned it to him.

  It turned out that I was actually trying to get in touch with him and test him.

  "But my hand had turned into white bones at that time, and the spirit ester was still kept in my pocket." Sol thought doubtfully, suddenly feeling that they might not be talking about his plastic bones.

  The young man lowered his head and his voice became dull, "Yes... when we come into contact with you, part of our spiritual body will be taken away by you."

  Taken away?

  Thor is completely unaware of this matter, and he has not yet discovered that there were fragments of the administrator's soul in his body.

  But he clearly didn't have spirit ester in his body at that time, how could he absorb other people's souls?
  Suddenly, while the young man still lowered his head, Saul took a quick glance at the diary.

  Isn't it a good thing that the diary did secretly?

  The diary can absorb the excess evil thoughts in Thor's body, but can it also directly absorb the wraith administrator in front of him?

  "Get up, I can't hear you clearly when you talk like this."

  The young man straightened up as he was told, and saw that Thor had walked up to him.

  He was secretly happy, would he be recognized by Sol this way?
  Unexpectedly, Sol suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the young man's arm.

  But the young man's spiritual body was not missing.

  He was shocked, and his expression was even more panicked than Thor's, "What? Why did your spirit ester disappear?"

  Yes, when Thor's hand grabbed the young man's arm, it did not touch the other person, but passed directly through the other person's body. , just like normal people cannot touch the resentful spirits.

  But Thor instead looked thoughtful.

  Then he retracted his hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his mental power began to flow through his hands.

  In an instant, Thor's hand became extremely transparent, and the bones in it could be seen clearly at a glance, while other tissues seemed to suddenly disappear.

  Next, Thor grabbed the young administrator's arm again.

  But this time, all the places where the administrator was touched by Thor disappeared.

  Thor retracted his arm and looked at it for a while, "I understand, it seems that I do have the ability to take you away."

  But then Thor's arm returned to its original light gray color.

  He crossed his arms and looked around at the dense fog, "But it seems that I don't need to anger the tower master for you. You can disperse the fog. I have been here for a long time and it's time to leave." The young administrator's

  face The surprise on the scene was instantly replaced by anxiety, and he did not dispel the fog immediately.

  Thor's expression changed and he said sternly: "Why, you really want to use this mist to trap me and threaten me?" "

  No!" The young man quickly defended, "This mist can temporarily block the outside world's perception of the inside. Only then can I communicate with you in secret."

  "Is it true that you hid it from the superiors? Then how dare I take you away?"

  The young man gritted his teeth, "You won't be discovered."

  Saul looked at him without speaking. .

  A wraith that had been in the wizard's tower for an unknown length of time was definitely dangerous, but a library administrator moved his heart.

  This guy must know a lot of things, maybe even what the tower owner has done in the past and present...

  This risk is worth taking, but Thor must also reduce the risk as much as possible. At the very least, the administrator opposite must show his sincerity in wanting to change the owner.

  The young man looked around carefully.

  There was only mist billowing around, and nothing could be heard or seen.

  He then continued: "Because I divided myself into three parts, everyone can rest for a long time. When I leave with you, the two of them will cover me. At least for three or four years, they will not be discovered by others. . If the tower owner comes looking for me specifically, they will pretend that I have been swallowed by the white mist in the library." "

  Is it that simple? Won't the two people left resent that they were left behind?"

  The young man smiled bitterly and said: "You can also see the character of the middle-aged man. He is afraid of everything and does not dare to take risks at all. As for the old man...last time he wanted to hide in the ethereal book and leave secretly with you. But he was caught by the tower master. , was thrown to pieces, and has not been able to gather his body again."

  Thor crossed his hands and said secretly: "There was indeed something fishy in the book last time, but I didn't expect that there was a resentful spirit hidden there. But look at the tower The Lord does not want the resentful spirit to be taken away by me. If I agree to the young man this time, will I be discovered and anger the tower master?"

  Thor raised his head and rubbed his eyebrows, using the cover of his palm to look at the diary again. .

  "Even if I have the ability to take you away now, and you have the ability to hide the truth about your escape, there is still a very critical issue." The

  young man looked at Thor nervously.

  Thor put down his hand with a bewitching smile on his face: "Why should I take risks for you?"

   Thor: Make a price

  (End of Chapter)

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