Chapter 997 The Difficulty of Nine Stars

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  Chapter 997 The Difficulty of Nine Stars
  The moment Li Luo activated the "Small Phaseless Divine Forging Technique", something unexpected happened immediately.

  On the golden terrace that stood on the top of the mountain, mysterious golden light suddenly rippled out at this moment, and the sudden movement caused many people present to look in astonishment.

  Immediately they saw streaks of golden light rising into the sky, forming a huge array of golden light over the mountain.

  The golden light array exudes an ancient and vast atmosphere, and the center of the array is like a golden eye full of majesty.

  In his eyes, golden light was projected, as if he was scanning the people on the golden terrace.

  The keen ones discovered that the golden light was filled with the magical golden smoke that could enhance their compatibility. The intensity was far more intense than before.

  "Is this an extra gift from Golden Terrace?!" Someone said in surprise, with a strong sense of greed in his voice.

  Some people can't help but salivate, because only those who have enjoyed the magical golden smoke will know the temptation. If that kind of golden smoke is taken out, I don't know how many people will fight for it.

  But it is obviously not easy to condense the golden smoke. Even on this golden terrace, everyone can only get a limited portion. But now, the sudden appearance of such thick golden smoke in the golden light, how can it not attract people's covetous attention.

  Someone tried to plunder by force, but the attack they unleashed disappeared into thin air as soon as it came into contact with the golden light. So they could only reluctantly give up the idea of ​​forcing it, and began to watch helplessly as the golden light beam continued to sweep back and forth. , looking forward to this huge pie falling on his head.

  The golden light continued to sweep among countless greedy eyes, and finally, the golden light gathered on a golden rosette.

  On the lotus throne, there is a figure sitting cross-legged.

  Countless eyes were cast away angrily. That lucky person was not me? !

  "Li Luo?!"

  Zhao Shenjiang looked at the figure with closed eyes on the golden rosette, and his expression suddenly became gloomy, because that was where Li Luo was.

  "How could this happen! How can that boy be so virtuous?!" Zhao Jingyu also shouted angrily from the side, the jealousy in his eyes almost turning into substance and pouring out.

  In the distance, where the students from Tianyuan Ancient Academy gathered, Jiang Wanyu looked at Li Luo's figure shrouded in golden light with some surprise.

  "This guy is very lucky. How could he have such an opportunity?" Jiang Wanyu muttered.

  "But with so many people here, he alone has this opportunity, and I'm afraid it will attract a lot of covetousness and destruction." There are many

  people with malicious intentions in this world, especially on this occasion, everyone is interested in Jin Yan was greedy, but now that Li Luo has become the lucky one, others must be dissatisfied.

  "Sister Jiang, what should we do? I wonder if the golden smoke will leak out if the golden light is broken?" Just as Jiang Wanyu was thinking this, a student quietly asked with evil intentions.

  Jiang Wanyu glanced at the speaker lightly. This thought may be what many people present with malicious intentions were thinking at this time.

  "Li Luo has some connection with our Tianyuan Ancient Academy. You have also seen the "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag" he used before. Although this does not cause our academy to help him, there is no need to add insult to injury." Jiang Wan Yu said calmly.

  "Li Luo has three qualities and extraordinary talents. There is no need to antagonize him. After all, if the golden light is shattered, the golden smoke may not escape." When

  Jiang Wanyu said this, the person who spoke before could only feel resentful. nod.

  And when they were talking here, many people from King Li Tian's lineage who had completed the baptism also noticed the malicious looks directed at Li Luo.

  So Li Fuling, Li Fengyi, Li Jingtao and others hurriedly rushed out and appeared around Li Luo's golden rosette. They burst out with powerful force and guarded Li Luo's surroundings, facing those people with cold eyes. Coveting eyes.

  "Everyone, opportunities are determined by fate. Don't make mistakes. I, King Li Tianwang, are not vegetarians." Li Fuling said coldly, giving a warning.

  There were some commotions around. The power of King Li Tian's lineage was still extremely strong. After all, they were genuine king-level forces, and there were not many forces that dared to provoke them in this Tianyuan Divine State.

  Seeing this, General Zhao Shen sneered secretly, while Zhao Jingyu on the side said fiercely: "Brother, do we want to encourage others to destroy Li Luo's opportunity?" General Zhao said: "No hurry, wait first

  . Brother Zhao Yan has finished the baptism. He has been preparing for this breakthrough for a long time. If it goes well, he can break through to the Nine-Star Dzi Bead Realm. If not, he will follow the trend and hit the Celestial Phase Realm. Then we will see if he can Destroy Li Luo's opportunity."

  As he said that, he cast his eyes on the golden rosette not far away. At this time, Zhao Yan was sitting cross-legged on it, and a huge and powerful wave of phase force burst out from his body.

  Behind him, eight dzi beads were as bright as stars, wildly devouring the energy of heaven and earth.

  And behind the eight Dzi beads, a point of light is compressing and condensing.

  Although this spot of light was dim, the fluctuations it emitted were several times more powerful than any of the previous eight Dzi Beads.

  Many people looked at this scene in amazement. This was the condensation of the nine-star dzi beads!
  There were many powerful people in the Dzi Bead Realm present, so they knew more clearly how much knowledge and foundation was needed to condense the ninth Dzi Bead. This step was almost unimaginable for many casual cultivators.

  Not to mention casual cultivators, even among those heavenly king-level forces, not all the geniuses of every generation can reach this step. The ninth dzi bead is a display of heritage and potential.

  It is said that the prodigy who can achieve the nine-star Dzi Bead realm will have a higher probability of becoming a feudal lord in the future than the eight-star Dzi Bead realm.

  Therefore, the nine-star Dzi beads are generally known as the "seeds of feudal lords".

  The feudal lord realm is the realm with the greatest degree of transformation in Xiangli cultivation. Once you cross this realm, you are the real strong person in the world. Even if you go to the heavenly king-level forces, you are the mainstay, and no one dares to despise them.

  So when everyone saw Zhao Yan starting to condense the ninth dzi bead, they were all envious and sighed.

  However, just as everyone was sighing, Zhao Yan's phase force fluctuations, which had been rising steadily, suddenly showed signs of stagnation, as if they had reached a bottleneck at this moment.

  Zhao Yan's complexion also changed drastically at this time. He hurriedly took out some pills from the space ball, then stuffed them into his mouth and quickly refined them.

  With the support of the elixir, his phase force fluctuations stabilized, but the ninth Dzi Bead was still difficult to condense into substance.

  Seeing this scene, anyone with discerning eyes can't help but secretly sigh. This Zhao Yan can be regarded as a rare genius. He also has the background of a king-level force, but even so, he is still one step away from condensing the Nine-Star Dzi Bead. .

  What a pity.

  From a distance, Jiang Wanyu was also watching. She shook her head slightly and said: "Nine-star Dzi Beads are indeed difficult. This ultimate is far more difficult than the ultimate in the extremely evil realm. Neither Senior Zong Sha nor Zhao Yan can achieve it. ."

  When she said this, she was also looking at Zong Sha's position. Zong Sha also had the same idea as Zhao Yan and wanted to use this opportunity to attack the Nine-Star Dzi Bead Realm, but unfortunately, he also lacked it. A little heat.

  The ambitions of these two people for the Nine-Star Dzi Bead were restrained by reality.

  "Brother Zhao Yan Clan failed to condense the Nine Star Dzi Bead." General Zhao Shen also said in a deep voice at this time.

  Zhao Jingyu was a little disappointed and said: "It seems that among the two generations of geniuses in our Zhao Tianwang lineage, only you, eldest brother, have the best hope of achieving nine stars." General Zhao Shen did not deny this

  . In terms of talent, in terms of foundation and potential, he is indeed several points better than Zhao Yan.

  "It doesn't matter that Brother Zhao Yan failed to condense. He prepared the "Transformation Pill" and took advantage of the remaining power to directly attack the Heavenly Phase Realm. Although this Spiritual Phase Cave is suppressed by rules, it can still greatly improve its strength, far surpassing others. Tianzhu Realm."

  "I can't tell when the time comes, but I can still take advantage of this to kill some people from King Li's lineage." At the end of the sentence, a ruthless look appeared in his eyes.

  At this time, Zhao Yan also opened his eyes with a very gloomy expression. He felt the fluctuations of phase force in his body that were difficult to climb, and knew that he had reached his limit.

  The Nine-Star Dzi Bead Realm was still not achieved after all.

  This level is really difficult.

  Zhao Yan's eyes flickered, and he immediately raised his hand, and a jade bottle appeared in his hand. He tilted the mouth of the bottle and poured out a round elixir with a light silver color.

  The elixir is quite magical, with elixir mist appearing faintly and creating strange phenomena.

  This is the "Huaxiang Pill", which is very valuable. Zhao Yan also paid a huge price for this pill before he could exchange it from the clan, and he did it today.

  Although he failed to attack the Nine-Star Dzi Bead Realm, with this elixir, he could use it to attack the Heavenly Phase Realm.

  At that time, using the power of the surge to eradicate some of the people of King Li Tian's lineage, it will be considered a meritorious service, and he will be rewarded when he returns to the clan.

  And just when Zhao Yan was thinking like this, suddenly an extremely shocking and majestic phase force fluctuation suddenly erupted in the distance, causing strange phenomena in the world.

  Zhao Yan was startled and looked in that direction hurriedly, and then his expression suddenly changed.

  Over there, on a golden lotus seat, Li Lingjing sat quietly cross-legged. The energy of heaven and earth condensed in the sky, and then fell down like the Milky Way pouring down.

  Behind Li Lingjing, eight Dzi beads were slowly rotating. At this time, behind the eighth Dzi bead, there was another Dzi bead that was becoming solid little by little in a slow and firm manner. .

  On the golden terrace, a huge uproar broke out.

  The glances directed at Li Lingjing were full of shock.

  After Zhao Yan and Zong Sha failed, this Li Lingjing actually succeeded in condensing the ninth Dzi Bead!

  (End of chapter)

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