Chapter 992 The Demonic Beast Body

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  Chapter 992: The demon body of beasts


  The black lightning talisman arrows vibrated crazily on the bowstring, like an unruly thunder dragon, and at this time, Li Luo was at full strength.

  The phase force in the body poured out without reservation, suppressing the raging thunder.

  "Nine-scaled heavenly dragon battle body, the power of nine dragons!"

  "Fourfold thunder sound!"

  As Li Luo roared in his heart, the dragon-shaped mark between his eyebrows burst out with bright light, and the thunder light surged in his heart, directly urging the thunder body The movement has reached the limit level that he can bear now.

  Four layers of thunder surged within the body, and each spread caused the flesh and blood to vibrate and intensify.

  This "Secret Thunder Talisman Arrow" is a fifth-grade prince brand. Its power is extremely astonishing. It is difficult for ordinary bows and arrows to activate it, but Li Luo's "Tianlong Sun-Chasing Bow" is not afraid of the erosion of its thunder light. The weak bowstring is like a dragon-binding lock, binding the power of the thunder talisman and arrow.

  Li Luo obviously did not intend to delay Zhao Shenjiang at all. This arrow was aimed at killing him.

  So the next moment, he released his fingers without hesitation, the bow string buzzed and vibrated, and the bound Destruction Thunder Dragon penetrated the sky at an indescribable speed.

  Even many powerful people in the four-star Dzi Bead realm were stunned by this speed. There was no way to dodge the speed of this thunder arrow!

  And even from a distance, they could still feel the terrifying power contained in the thunder arrows.

  How could General Zhao block this arrow? !

  Among the many horrified eyes, General Zhao's expression also became extremely solemn at this time. In his eyes, he could only see a flash of lightning streaking across the sky, and then a severe stinging pain erupted from his eyebrows. He had no doubt that , if that arrow really comes, he will definitely be killed based on his strength alone.

  However, he, Li Luo, has the Dark Thunder Talisman Arrow, and as the leader of Zhao Tianwang's generation, how can he not have the means to save his life?

  Zhao Shen passed the tip of the spear directly across the palm of his hand, and the flesh and blood of his palm was suddenly torn apart. A little fluorescence flew out from the flesh and blood, and the fluorescence rose in the wind and turned into a white jade medal.

  The jade tablet was engraved with complex ancient patterns. These runes seemed to have absorbed General Zhao's own blood and became scarlet and dazzling.

  The jade tablet rose, and countless light patterns shot out from it, like a shield, directly guarding General Zhao.

  The lightning arrow penetrated the void and directly collided with the jade tablet.

  Boom boom!

  The loud sound and violent energy shock wave that erupted at that moment attracted countless sideways glances. Even some strong men who had reached the five-star Dzi Pearl realm had their eyes fixed. It was hard to imagine that Li Luo and Zhao Shen would be in this extremely evil realm. A confrontation with a person in the two-star Dzi Bead realm could actually cause such a movement.

  Li Luo looked at the place where the energy was raging, but frowned slightly. He also saw the jade tablet that General Zhao had sacrificed earlier. The lines on the jade tablet were somewhat similar to the mark of a prince. Obviously, this should be the mark of Zhao Shen. A kind of life-saving trump card of the god general.

  "It's expected."

  Li Luo said to himself. Although he tried to directly kill Zhao Shenjiang with the help of the "Thunder Talisman Arrow" attack, but the other party could become the leader of Zhao Tianwang's generation. There are some Special life-saving measures are normal.

  This attack was not a failure. At the very least, it forced out General Zhao's life-saving trump card, and then he could pose a real threat to him.

  Li Luo made a move with his palm, and a bolt of lightning shot back and landed in his hand.

  After the "Thunder Talisman Arrow" was activated previously, the thunder patterns on it have also become much dimmer. This item is a fifth-grade prince brand and is a consumable item. According to Li Luo's estimation, I am afraid it will be used several times. , this "Thunder Talisman Arrow" will collapse.

  Li Luo put away the "Thunder Talisman Arrow" with his backhand. After it was used, it had to be warmed by the "power of thunder" for a period of time before it could continue to explode with power.

  He raised his head and looked at General Zhao. At this time, the latter was also standing in the sky with a gloomy expression. In front of him, the jade tablet became extremely dim, and at the same time, there were tiny cracks on it.

  "Damn it!"

  Looking at those cracks, the murderous intent surged in Zhao Shenjiang's eyes. This jade medal was given by the elders of the clan. It is nourished day and night with its essence and blood. When faced with a crisis, it will have the ability to protect the body. But Now being shot by Li Luo with such an arrow has obviously damaged the foundation of the jade token. The jade token will be invalid for a long time in the future.

  "Li Luo, I want you to die!"

  Zhao Shenjiang roared angrily. The Zhongyue gun in his hand shook, and the gun shadow whizzed, turning into the shadow of nine giant mountains and volleying directly at Li Luo to suppress it.

  Li Luo had a calm face, holding the "Tianlong Zhusun Bow" in his hand. He pulled out the bowstring, and nine arrows of light condensed out at the same time, like nine rays of light penetrating the rainbow.

  call out! call out!
  Nine arrows of light shot through the air, directly destroying the phantoms of the nine mountains.

  With the Three Purple Eyes Noble Phantasm in hand, Li Luo's offensive power is quite powerful. The power of each light arrow is enough to pose a threat to the average two-star Dzi Bead realm.

  After shooting through the phantoms of the nine mountains, Li Luo took up his bow and shot again. The arrows penetrated the void like meteors and hit the vital parts of General Zhao Shen's body fiercely.

  General Zhao Shen held the Zhongyue Spear, and the shadow of the spear roared, shattering the light arrows.

  However, every time the light arrow was shattered, it would also cause a slight stinging pain from General Zhao Shen's tiger's mouth, which made him frown secretly. Li Luo's dragon bow was of a higher grade than his Zhongyue Spear, and its power was truly extraordinary.

  "This bow is pretty good. If I kill you, it will be mine!" Zhao Shenjiang had greed and murderous intent in his eyes. However, after the previous confrontation, he already understood that the Li Luo in front of him was more troublesome than he imagined. , although it is only the strength of the Extreme Evil Realm, but because of the three phases, Li Luo is not weaker than those geniuses of the One-Star Dzi Pearl Realm.

  "No wonder you can defeat Qingfeng Li and become the leader of King Li's generation. However, both you and Qingfeng Li are destined to be stepped on by me."

  "My lineage, King Zhao, will always overwhelm King Li's lineage at any time!"

  Zhao Shenjiang took a step forward, released the Zhongyue Spear in his hand, closed his hands, and suddenly formed a seal.

  Along with the changes in his seals, the energy of heaven and earth suddenly shook violently at this moment, and a torrent of energy visible to the naked eye began to pour into Zhao Shen's body.

  And with the infusion of energy from heaven and earth, Zhao Shenjiang's already burly body suddenly expanded at this time, and the flesh and blood of his right arm seemed to be squirming. In the next moment, the entire right arm turned into a dark blue dragon. His arms, and his left arm, turned into a white tiger arm. His chest, back, and every part of his body seemed to mutate at this time, forming many animal shapes.

  At this time, General Zhao was exuding a fierce and ferocious aura, like a hundred beasts merging into one.

  Not far away, Jiang Wanyu looked at General Zhao who suddenly turned into a beast, her pretty face became serious, and intelligence information about General Zhao flashed in her mind.

  "This is the God-level Ennobling Technique of King Zhao's lineage, the Demonic Body of Hundred Beasts!" "

  This Divine General Zhao actually perfected this technique. It is rumored that this technique requires the fusion of the blood souls of hundreds of beasts. That overwhelming The evil spirit condenses in the heart, and if you are not careful, your mind will be destroyed by this evil spirit. In the past of Zhao Tianwang, there are many young prodigies who coveted the power of this technique, and eventually the evil spirit filled their brains and became dementia and paralysis. , This Divine General Zhao is really a bit vicious." Jiang Wanyu said solemnly.

  The students from the Tianyuan Ancient Academy on the side also showed fear when they heard this. Even from such a long distance, they could sense how ferocious the General Zhao was at this moment.

  If it is an ordinary casual cultivator, even if its own strength has reached the four-star Dzi Pearl realm, I am afraid that it will not dare to confront Zhao Shenjiang in this state. This is the strength of the genius among the heavenly king-level forces. The ability to leapfrog.

  "Zhao Shen will pull out such a means to suppress the bottom of the box, so I'm afraid Li Luo can't stop him, right?" asked a female student.

  Jiang Wanyu shook his head slightly and said, "Not necessarily."

  Her eyes were fixed on Li Luo's figure, because at this moment, she faintly felt a wave from the latter's body that was so sharp that even her heart palpitated.

  That strange fluctuation seemed to be more threatening than General Zhao's "Demon Body of Hundred Beasts".

  Li Luo flapped his energy dragon wings and stood in the sky. He looked at General Zhao who was exuding a fierce and ferocious aura. A strange color flashed across his eyes. Although this person was arrogant, with this ability, I have to say that he would probably win. One step ahead of Qingfeng Li.

  "If it weren't for me, the generation of Li Tianwang would really be suppressed by Zhao Tianwang. It's a pity"

  Li Luo muttered to himself, and then the phase force in his body suddenly circulated at this time, and the ancient simplicity in his hand The knife slashed into the void in front of him, and cracks appeared. The next moment, the sound of water resounded, and a lifelike black dragon drove out of the cold water again, charging towards Zhao Shenjiang with great momentum.

  "Black Dragon Mingshui Banner again?" Jiang Wanyu frowned slightly when he saw Li Luo performing this feudal technique again. At this time, such a psychic-level feudal technique was unable to deal with General Zhao Shen. It was a threat. Could the dangerous fluctuation he felt from Li Luo's body just now be an illusion?
  "Haha, Li Luo, you are really just a country bumpkin who came back from a remote place like Outer China, but you regard a psychic-level ennoblement technique as something you can rely on." Zhao Shenjiang laughed ferociously, using his cyan dragon fist. He clenched his fist suddenly, and then punched out like this.

  However, this seemingly simple punch seemed to blow up the void in front of him. The space seemed to be collapsing at this moment, and a terrifying force directly hit the man who controlled the underworld. On the body of the black dragon of water.

  The huge body of the black dragon shattered instantly and turned into spots of light all over the sky.

  As Jiang Wanyu expected, the psychic-level Black Dragon Mingshui Flag poses no threat to the current General Zhao.

  However, Li Luo's expression was quite dull. At this time, the corners of his mouth slightly curved in a strange arc, and at the same time, he formed a seal with one hand.

  At the moment when its seal was formed, the black dragon with most of its body broken suddenly opened its mouth, and a black dragon's breath was sprayed towards General Zhao.

  Zhao Shenjiang sneered, just too lazy to pay attention to this offensive, but at this moment, his body burst out with severe stinging pain, which was an early warning that was almost like facing death.

  Zhao Shenjiang's vest was instantly filled with cold sweat. His eyes reflected the black dragon's breath. At this moment, he finally sensed that the seemingly ordinary black dragon's breath in front of him seemed to contain something deep. An extremely terrifying wave.

  That wave of fluctuation was unbearable even for his "Beast Demonic Body".

  Li Luo, this bitch, actually paralyzed him with a psychic level sealing technique, and then hid the real killing move inside it!

  Zhao Shenjiang burst into a shocking roar, and the animal shapes on his body seemed to be activated at this moment, roaring one after another, and suddenly a series of substantial sound waves spread from his body.

  The terrifying sound wave directly shattered the black dragon's breath, and then General Zhao saw what was hidden in it.

  It was a slightly curved arc, like a light blue sword shadow like a dragon's tooth.

  The sword shadow passed through the void silently. Wherever it passed, even the space was cut with dark traces. The feeling was like a hot blade cutting through grease.

  Everything was penetrated by that sword light, and nothing could stop it.

  When Zhao Shenjiang forced out the blue dragon tooth sword shadow, Jiang Wanyu and others not far away also noticed it. She looked at the sword shadow with shock in her eyes. On her cold and pretty face, the first The color of shock appeared again.

  Because the sword light gave people an indescribable feeling of purity and coolness.

  At this moment, she knew in her heart that this blue dragon tooth sword should be Li Luo's long-hidden killing move. Perhaps, this was also the reason why Li Luo was able to defeat Qingfeng Li and win the dragon head.

  (End of chapter)

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