Chapter 974 Li Lingjing’s situation

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  Chapter 974 Li Lingjing’s Situation

  The terrifying roar of energy continued to echo in the vast golden hall, causing the ground to seem to be shaking slightly.

  Li Luo frowned and looked at the direction of the energy wave, and then he glanced at Qin Yi. If one of the two energy wave belonged to Li Lingjing, then who could compete with her in the other one?
  Is that Qin Ying or Zhu Zhu?

  Li Luo thought in his mind, and then turned his eyes to the field. At this time, the strange group of casual cultivators and the "guardian spirits" were fighting together. Both sides lacked intelligence, so no one retreated.

  The number of people on both sides was decreasing rapidly. The tragic scene made the three people in Li Luo's eyes twitch slightly.

  However, as both sides reduced their numbers, their threat to Li Luo and the others began to decrease.

  "Get ready to take action. There is quite a lot of movement here. If you delay for a long time, I'm afraid it will attract other people." Li Luo said.

  His eyes glanced at the center of the battle circle, where there was a stone lamp lying quietly, and the golden light flowing inside it made the three people present keep looking sideways.

  The "Spiritual Golden Dew" inside is their goal.

  Hearing this, the other two people had no objections, so the next three people directly took action with all their strength. First, they attacked many "guardian spirits" with those weird casual cultivators. After all the guardian spirits were eliminated, they then transferred their firepower and killed those weird "guardian spirits". The casual cultivators were also cleaned up.

  After about ten minutes of this, silence returned to the outside of the side hall, which was filled with the smell of blood.

  Li Luo glanced at the strange dead cultivators. The blood flowing from their wounds had a hint of darkness, giving people a cold and ominous feeling.

  The situation of these casual cultivators is somewhat similar to being contaminated by aliens, but the details seem to be a little different.

  But at this time, he didn't have time to think about the reason for the changes in these casual cultivators, because as the trouble was solved, the eyes of the three people present turned to the square stone lamp.


  Li Luo coughed lightly, looked at Qin Yi, and asked: "How does Fairy Qin think these "Spiritual Golden Dews" should be distributed?"

  Qin Yi smiled slightly and said: "You and I arrived here first, so it stands to reason. It should be divided equally between you and me, but as for Brother Zhu, not only has he not made any contribution, but he has also attracted a group of strange casual cultivators. There is no reason to get involved in the spiritual gold dew either emotionally or rationally?" Zhu Dayu heard this

  , Suddenly his fat face collapsed, and he wanted to get angry, but he understood how powerful Qin Yi was, so he could only cry at Li Luo and said with a mournful face: "Brother Li Luo, I just tried to hold back the group of casual cultivators, and there were blood holes all over my body. Credit also comes with hard work."

  Li Luo thought for a while and said: "Fairy Qin, although Zhu Dayu attracted strange rogue cultivators, if it weren't for these rogue cultivators, we would have had to deal with the "guardian spirits" with some effort, so I think How about you and I each get 40% of the "Spiritual Golden Dew" here, and allocate 20% to him?" Upon

  hearing this, Zhu Dayu immediately said happily: "Brother Li Luo is righteous!"

  Although he only got 20%, he still got 20%. It's better than nothing. The two people in front of him are more troublesome than the other. Zhu Dayu is satisfied to be able to get a little profit from them.

  Moreover, although he looks fat and fat, he actually has a clear mind. Now that Li Luo and Qin Yi are at odds with each other, they are actually wary of each other. Li Luo helps him more because he wants to use his strength. To put pressure on Qin Yi, or to break some of the balance between the two.

  Qin Yi's eyes fluctuated for a moment, and he said calmly: "Li Luo Longshou wants me to be the villain."

  She is smart and astute, but she has noticed some of Li Luo's hidden intentions. Perhaps he is eager to oppose this proposal. In that case, Li Luo would have a reason to instigate Zhu Dayu to join forces with him, and then deal with her together. When the time comes, he might even be able to rob her of her share.

  After all, Zhu Dayu is not weak in strength. If he joins forces with Li Luo, Qin Yi feels that she may really have to tolerate it for the time being.

  Qin Yi thought for a few breaths, then nodded slightly and said quietly: "Then let's allocate according to what Li Luo Longshou said." It is

  unwise to be an enemy of Zhu Dayu for the extra 10% share.













  朱大玉一滞,道:“粗鄙,如此美人,爱惜都来不及,怎么能有这么险恶的心思!”      李洛道:“她手里,起码都有七八十滴灵相金露。”




  The two people moved quickly in the complex environment of the Golden Hall. At this time, these areas had begun to become chaotic. Not only were people from all parties fighting for the golden dew of the spirit, but there were also "guardian spirits" everywhere. Killing, of course, those weird casual cultivators who seemed to be contaminated by aliens were also constantly emerging.

  There were fightings everywhere and it was a mess.

  There were even blind people who were eyeing Li Luo and Zhu Dayu, but as the two showed their destructive methods, they frightened some people with ill intentions.

  Some powerful people in the Heavenly Bead Realm, whose strength reached four or even five stars, stayed rational and did not take action easily because they were wary of their identities.

  There is "Spiritual Golden Dew" everywhere at the moment, so there is no need to eat these two thorns that are obviously difficult to deal with. After all, as the genius of the Heavenly King, no one is sure whether they will have something terrible in their hands. A life saver.

  So under this situation, Li Luo and Zhu Dayu shuttled smoothly through the golden hall.

  And just as Li Luo gradually approached the location where the energy wave burst out, his expression suddenly changed and he stopped abruptly, because at this moment, in front of him, an extremely terrifying energy storm suddenly erupted again.

  The energy was so strong that it was more terrifying than the previous wave. Li Luo and Zhu Dayu were shocked and retreated in embarrassment. Qi and blood surged violently in their bodies, and cracks continued to appear in the surrounding buildings.

  "What is this collision?!" Zhu Dayu said in shock.

  Li Luo looked up at the area not far away, and saw only the courtyard there. Houses were constantly collapsing, and terrible energy shock waves were raging. One of those two energies belonged to Li Lingjing.

  Now she was fighting an extremely formidable enemy.

  A look of worry appeared in Li Luo's eyes.

  He used all his strength to resist the impact of the energy storm. After waiting for a while, the storm gradually weakened.

  Then Li Luo saw what seemed to be a disturbing and ominous black mist rising into the sky from that direction. After a few breaths, it disappeared out of thin air.

  Li Luo frowned, then gritted his teeth and rushed out faster.

  "Brother Li Luo, it's too dangerous over there, so don't get close!" Seeing this, Zhu Dayu quickly advised.

  But Li Luo ignored it and instead accelerated his speed.

  Zhu Dayu hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and followed up using his speed.

  With the two of them running at full speed, after a few minutes, they finally arrived at the place where the energy exploded. Then they saw the mess on the ground, the buildings everywhere were completely destroyed, and the remaining energy fluctuations were even more fascinating. shock.

  Li Luo looked at a dilapidated corridor ahead, which was dark.

  But in the dark shadow, Li Luo saw a familiar figure standing there motionless.

  It was Li Lingjing.

  Li Luo walked slowly.

  "Brother Li Luo, don't go there! There's something wrong with her. The aura on her body is a bit like the casual cultivator I met before!" Zhu Dayu said anxiously with sweat dripping from his fat face.

  Li Luo waved his hand and said, "Brother Zhu, wait for me here."

  He had to confirm Li Lingjing's condition, and he couldn't really leave her here without caring about her.

  He walked step by step into the cold darkness, then stopped and whispered: "Cousin Lingjing? Are you okay?"

  The beautiful figure did not answer, and her fair cheeks were also hidden in the darkness.

  There seems to be something wrong with Li Lingjing's situation.

  Li Luo took a deep breath, then walked up decisively, stretched his hand into the darkness, and grabbed Li Lingjing's wrist. A cold breath from where he started made Li Luo's heart tremble.

  Then he saw Li Lingjing in the darkness and opened his eyes fiercely.

  The beautiful almond-shaped eyes that were always filled with a full smile were now filled with countless negative emotions such as violence, darkness, chaos, and killing, pouring out like a tide, which made people shudder.

  (End of chapter)

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