Chapter 971 Sun-Chasing Arrow

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  Chapter 971: Sun-Chasing Arrow

  The black dragon roared over, and the huge black dragon claws of more than ten feet struck fiercely. The void seemed to be broken at this time, and the black water surrounded the sharp dragon claws, faintly, as if Some special dark light patterns are formed.

  These dark light patterns exude an extremely cold aura. If they hit a human body, even the phase force in their body will be frozen and eroded.

  The power of the Black Dragon Mingshui Flag of the Dacheng Realm cannot be underestimated.

  So even Qin Yi had a solemn look in her beautiful eyes at this moment. When she fought with Li Luo in the dragon pond, the physiognomy technique performed by the latter seemed to have not reached the level of great achievement. It seems that in the past few months, Li Luo's improvement has been extremely amazing. No wonder he was able to defeat Qingfeng Li and win the title of Dragon Head.

  However, Li Luo is not the only one who has made progress in this world.

  As the most outstanding genius among Qin Tianwang's generation, Qin Yi's talent is not weak either.

  Qin Yi tapped her jade foot lightly, and the beautiful shadow floated away, opening some distance. At the same time, her jade hand formed a seal. The next moment, countless light blue water lines spurted out from her fingertips. Each of these water lines They are all condensed by the power of their own nine-grade water phase.

  "Sealing Marquis Technique, Thousands of Lines of Water Kill."

  Qin Yi flicked his jade finger, and saw that countless light blue water lines gathered together at this moment, and then rotated with a spinning force, as if they turned into a line of water. Dark blue water glow.

  The water glow looks gentle, but in fact it exudes an extremely amazing penetrating power, seemingly able to penetrate mountains.

  The water glow streaked across the ground below, and suddenly a bottomless black mark appeared, and the cut surface was unusually smooth.

  This art of ennobling a prince is something Qin Yi is extremely good at, and some time ago, she also practiced it to a great level.

  And when Qin Yi was performing the Marquis Technique, a faint shadow also emerged behind him. It was the unique sign of the ninth grade, the water spirit envoy.

  This kind of spiritual envoy can increase the power of physiognomy, and at the same time make it more sensitive to perceive and mobilize the energy of heaven and earth.

  As soon as the water spirit envoy appeared, the dark blue water glow seemed to become more agile at this time, and the water attribute energy between heaven and earth continued to pour in to bless it.

  Then as Qin Yiyu pointed out, the dark blue water light shot out, directly meeting the black dragon's giant claw that was struck hard.

  When the two collided, there was no earth-shattering sound, but the two terrifying energies were releasing their own power and eroding each other crazily.

  Waves of energy storms continued to rage, destroying all the stone lions and stone pavilions in front of this side hall.

  The two sealing techniques clashed with each other, and Qin Yi just glanced at them and then looked away, because at this moment, she felt a more powerful aura locking on them.

  She raised her beautiful eyes slightly and looked back in the air. At this time, Li Luo flapped his energy dragon wings and stood in the air. In his hand, a large bow exuding ancient aura and resembling a dragon shape was slowly opened.

  As the bow string was pulled apart, the energy of the world suddenly became restless, and then they all converged towards the bow string.

  A dangerous aura rose from Qin Yi's heart.

  "Three Purple Eyes Noble Phantasm?!"

  Qin Yi's eyes could see the three looming purple lights on the bow that looked like eye marks, and his heart suddenly shivered. The Three Purple Eyes Noble Phantasm was also a killing weapon like a bow. , Li Luo really used all his killer moves this time.

  While Qin Yi was frightened, Li Luo shouted violently, and the dragon-shaped mark between his eyebrows burst into bright light, and all nine dragon scales lit up.

  "Nine-scale Tianlong battle body, the power of nine dragons!"

  Li Luo's body shook violently, and the blood was roaring and boiling. At this moment, the meridians in his body seemed to have turned into large dragons, and the dragons were winding and vibrating. , erupting with extremely terrifying power.

  And because the power was too strong, it directly caused blood beads to seep out from the pores of Li Luo's arms,

  The bowstring of Tianlong's Sun-Chasing Bow was finally completely pulled apart by Li Luo's huge force. The violent energy of heaven and earth gathered together and turned into an arrow of light on the bowstring.

  Above the arrow, light overflowed, and the majestic energy flow seemed to turn into a light dragon hovering above the arrow.

  Li Luo's fingers moved the bow string, and at this moment, a series of gashes burst open, and blood immediately flowed down. That was because the force of the restraint was too great, which made it difficult for his physical body to bear it.

  Only then did Li Luo understand why Li Jingzhe had given him this bow because he had obtained the "Nine-scaled Heavenly Dragon Fighting Body". It turned out that without the blessing of the power of the Nine Dragons, he would not have been able to draw it completely. Open the bowstring.

  The severe pain coming from his fingers was completely ignored by Li Luo. He locked eyes on Qin Yi's beautiful figure with an expressionless face. The other party's alluring face would probably make many soft-hearted men unable to have the slightest sympathy for her. murderous intention, but unfortunately, Li Luo is not among them.

  Therefore, when the light dragon arrow was completely formed, Li Luo released the bowstring without hesitation.


  At that moment, there seemed to be an extremely harsh sonic boom resounding across the sky and the earth, and a stream of light that seemed to be burning with flames shot out from the arrow.

  Above the arrow, there is a dragon shadow surrounding it, and the dragon's roar echoes.

  This arrow was dazzling and bright, and seemed to have the power to chase the sun. As soon as the arrow was released, even the air in the area seemed to be completely sucked out by it.

  This is, Chasing the Sun Arrow. The power of this arrow was more domineering and sharp than Li Luo's previous Black Dragon Mingshui Flag of the Dacheng Realm.

  The dragon-shaped arrows, burning with flames, magnified rapidly in Qin Yi's beautiful eyes. At this speed, no movement technique could evade them.

  Qin Yi's beautiful face was unusually solemn, and at the same time, there was a subtle look of admiration in her beautiful eyes. This Li Luo was able to use such a powerful arrow with the strength of the extremely evil realm. From some kind of In a sense, he can indeed be regarded as an amazingly talented person.

  This arrow would probably be difficult for some casual cultivators to resist, even if they possess the strength of the Three-Star Dzi Bead Realm.

  But she is not a casual cultivator.

  She is the most outstanding genius of this generation of King Qin Tianwang.

  Qin Yi opened her red sandalwood mouth slightly, and gently spit out a blue light bead. Inside the light bead, it seemed that there was an ocean with turbulent waves.

  As soon as the bead came out, the world suddenly became humid, and the water-attribute energy between the heaven and the earth was jumping and moving, surging towards the bead.

  This is the "vast heavy water drop", a double purple eye Noble Phantasm.

  A pool of "vast heavy water" is refined within it. It looks like a light bead, but it has amazing power to suppress mountains.

  Qin Yi flicked his finger, and the "vast heavy water droplet" turned into a blue light and flew out. Wherever it passed, the space seemed to be unable to withstand the terrifying gravity and became somewhat distorted.

  The blue light wrapped in the beads flew out, and in the next moment, it directly collided heavily with the flaming dragon shadow arrows that tore through the sky.

  Boom boom!

  The terrifying energy shock wave was like a huge wave, sweeping across the air. Wherever it passed, even the void was constantly breaking.

  Li Luo and Qin Yi were the first to bear the brunt. Even though they were prepared, they were still shaken back by the shock wave.

  The blood is boiling.

  After the bombardment in mid-air lasted for several breaths, the layers of blue halo outside the "vast heavy water droplets" began to be peeled off.

  Then the flaming arrow penetrated and hit the bead with a ding sound.

  Suddenly, the ocean inside the pearl of light began to roll, but most of the dragon shadow on the flaming arrow was also shattered.

  call out!
  The "vast heavy water droplet" rolled and flew out, and was finally held by a slender jade hand. Qin Yi looked at the slight crack marks on the surface of the bead, and a touch of distress flashed across his beautiful eyes.

  Then she looked at the arrow, which still maintained the momentum of shooting, but the flame was much dimmer. Her slender jade hand reached out, and the green light flowed on it, like a piece of sapphire.

  The art of enfeoffing marquis, the hand of picking stars and green jade.

  The slender fingertips flicked, colliding with the arrow, and the void exploded. Qin Yi's delicate body trembled, and a little blood seeped out from the fingertips. The blood flowed with green light, like jasper.

  But the energy of that "Sun-Chasing Arrow" was completely consumed, and then it exploded into dots of light all over the sky.

  The remaining energy fluctuations still filled the square in front of the side hall.

  The ground was in mess.

  However, both Li Luo and Qin Yi fell into a silent confrontation at this time.

  In the previous confrontations, both sides had shown little mercy, but it was precisely because of this that they were able to feel how difficult the other side was.

  "Li Luo Longshou is really extraordinary. His strength in the extremely evil realm can compete with me to this extent." After a moment of silence, Qin Yi finally spoke slowly.

  "Fairy Qin is not simple either. I can't do anything to you even with all my sword and bow." Li Luo said with a faint smile.

  Qin Yi said calmly: "But after all, you are only in the Extreme Evil Realm. You have three phases. Although the power of your phase is not inferior to that of the ordinary Dzi Pearl Realm, if you fight for a long time, your phase power may be a little difficult to control." Continue."

  Li Luo's expression remained unchanged. Qin Yi's words naturally made sense, but his three phases were not just simple three phases. This also caused his phase power to be stronger than the normal three phases. Be strong.

  "However, the three phases of Li Luo's dragon head seem to be only revealed on the surface." While Li Luo was thinking about this, Qin Yi suddenly said.

  Qin Yi looked directly at Li Luo, his eyes looking sharp and a little surprised at the same time.

  "There are more than three aspects in your phase."

  "Could it be that your phase is also divided into primary and auxiliary?"

  (End of this chapter)

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