Chapter 964 Cooperation

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  Chapter 964 The cooperation
  ended with the lights and shadows, and everyone fell into silence for a while. Judging from the way they were thinking, they might have guessed the identities of these lights and shadows like Li Luo.

  After all, these people present are all young elites from various forces, so they all know the origin of the "Spiritual Aspect Cave".

  "Have these "people" appeared when the Spiritual Aspect Cave was opened in the past?" Li Luo asked curiously.

  Qin Yi pondered slightly, then shook his head and said: "The Spiritual Appearance Cave has only been around for more than ten years. It has been opened several times so far, but it seems that the appearance of disciples of the "Shadowless Sect" has not been heard of before. "

  Moreover, they may not be real people. I feel that they should be a kind of existence similar to energy projection. It's just that this "Spiritual Appearance Cave" is too wonderful or the methods of the Wuxiang Holy Sect are so amazing that they can actually appear after thousands of years." After a while, these projections still have tyrannical power."

  At this time, Chen Ping suddenly said: "Actually, the time when the spirit phase cave appeared is a bit strange for Li Luo Longshou." "Wonderful?"

  Li Luo He raised his eyebrows.

  Chen Ping said with a smile: "After your parents entered the ruins of the legendary "Shadowless Sect", the Spiritual Aspect Cave appeared in the second year." As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became a little subtle

  . Everyone's eyes drifted away from Li Luo and Qin Yi. After all, after that incident, Li Taixuan, Tantai Lan and Qin Lian formed an undying feud.

  The corner of Li Luo's mouth twitched slightly. These brats really wished that he and Qin Yi would start a fight on the spot, fanning the flames. The geniuses among the major forces in Inner China were full of bad ideas. They thought back in Daxia and Duze Mansion That iron-headed kid with a sharp head is really much cuter than them.

  Qin Yi's eyes also fluctuated, but he did not show any emotion. Instead, he changed the subject and said: "Li Luo Longshou, what you saw before was just the ordinary guards of the "Golden Hall", but the real troublesome ones are It’s still on a deeper level.”

  "There are eight disciples who are suspected to be elites. Their strength is around the Seven Star Dzi Bead Realm, but perhaps there is some kind of strange formation increase. Their combat effectiveness is comparable to the Eight Star Dzi Bead Realm. This is why so far, all of them have The reason why no force really broke into the Golden Hall."

  "Oh? Eight elite disciples whose strength is comparable to the Eight-Star Dzi Pearl Realm?" Li Luo was also shocked when he heard this. If it were him, he would not be able to achieve this kind of strength. Possible break-in.

  However, looking at it this way, Qin Yi might come to him not because of him, but because of Li Lingjing.

  Just as Li Luo was thinking this, Qin Yi's beautiful eyes turned to Li Lingjing, who had never spoken, and said: "This should be Miss Li Lingjing, right? The noble daughter of the Li family in Xiling, it is said that you had the title of Dragon King. It's a pity that something happened later and there is no news anymore, but looking at it now, this strength is not weaker than that of Li Wuyuan."

  Li Luo was a little surprised, this Qin Yi is really capable, and he can actually know the details of Li Lingjing, after all Even Li Wuyuan didn't recognize her at that time.

  Li Lingjing was also a little surprised, and immediately smiled at Li Luo and said: "It seems that many young talents in our Longya vein cannot resist the charm of Fairy Qin." If the other party can understand her information, then it must be

  from Obtained from within Longya Vein, but this is not surprising. With the charm of the other party, he hooked his fingers, fearing that some young people in Longya Vein would enthusiastically reveal some information.

  Li Luo curled his lips helplessly.

  Qin Yi did not deny this, but just smiled and said: "Miss Li Lingjing's strength is comparable to the Eight Star Dzi Bead Realm. Together with me, Qin Ying, the elder brother, we can stop some elite disciples, plus the assistance from all the forces present. , may not be able to entangle or break the blockade of the eight elite disciples."

  The young man in black standing behind Qin Yi also locked eyes on Li Lingjing with his sharp eyes at this time, and said slowly: "This girl Li Lingjing can make me feel If I sense a hint of danger, I think my means are pretty good." The

  expressions of the prodigies from various forces nearby changed slightly, and they looked at Li Lingjing with a bit more fear. After all, they were all in a two-person team at this time, but the guardians beside them , but his strength is not as good as Li Lingjing.

  After all, those who can reach the Eight-Star Dzi Bead Realm at this age are basically considered the top people of this generation.

  When Li Lingjing saw this, he smiled lightly at the young geniuses and said, "If you provoke Li Luo again, be careful I find an opportunity to kill you." The others twitched their mouths, silently stepped back, and paired up with them at the same time. Others in the high-star Dzi Pearl Realm of the same power stared at Li Lingjing warily, because they didn't know if it was an illusion, but they faintly felt a subtle murderous aura in Li Lingjing's voice.

  However, such a beautiful woman must be joking, right?
  Only Li Luo knew that Li Lingjing was not joking, because since entering the Lingxiang Cave, the latter's delicate hands may have killed several people.

  This cousin looks like she has a sweet smile, but in fact, she has quite a murderous intention.

  Li Luo couldn't do anything about it, because Li Lingjing had gone through too many changes in the past few years. The originally good lady of Xiling had been confused for many years, and the glory she once had had turned into a burden and burden. Such earth-shaking changes were easy to do. It makes his character distorted, and half of Li Lingjing's sanity has been swallowed up by the "Spirit-eating Demon". Within a few years, his will has been constantly eroded by it. Even Li Luo feels chilled when he thinks about that kind of torture.

  But the good thing is that maybe Li Luo was the one who woke her up from the darkest desperate situation, so she was really good to Li Luo.

  "When will we take action?" Li Luo suppressed his thoughts and asked directly to Qin Yi. After all, according to the intensity of defense mentioned by the latter, he and Li Lingjing alone might not be able to break in.

  "It shouldn't be too late. More and more casual cultivators are coming now. If things are too late, things will change." Qin Yi also said decisively.

  Li Luo naturally had no objection.

  Then a group of people gathered together, and their momentum was not weak, attracting many nearby eyes. When they saw Qin Yi and Li Luo, the most conspicuous among them, they recognized their identities, and immediately There were a lot of surprises. After all, in the eyes of many people, Qin Yi and Li Luo were mortal enemies. They didn't expect that they could still cooperate now.

  Neither Li Luo nor Qin Yi paid attention to those glances. Although they seemed to be cooperating, they were actually more than ten steps away from each other, and both Li Luo and Qin Yi were closer to Li Lingjing and Qin Yi. eagle.

  Obviously, neither of them really trusts each other.

  Under the gaze of many people, a group of people rushed straight into the forest and then disappeared into the clouds.

  Countless casual cultivators were also inspired and followed some distance behind, trying to see if they could take advantage of the chaos to sneak into the golden hall and find the treasure.

  Among the crowd, a man with an expressionless face walked slowly, his eyes were dark and strange, slowly moving, and his eyes were locked on the direction in which Li Lingjing left.

  "Hey, are you just waiting here to die? If you don't leave, get out of here!" At this time, an angry voice came from the side, and it was a casual cultivator with a sullen face.

  The strange man remained motionless and paid no attention.

  The casual cultivator suddenly became furious and punched him directly. The violent force surged and caused a sonic boom in the air.

  His fist hit the strange man's back directly. The latter seemed not to notice and continued to move forward slowly.

  The San Xiu's body stiffened at this moment. He looked at his fist with fear, only to see a black insect burrowing into his skin. The claws of the insect were extremely weird, as if they were extremely miniature human hands. He quickly merged into the fist of the casual cultivator and disappeared.

  Sanxiu's eyes quickly turned dark, and deep in his eyes, a strange insect slowly squirmed.

  Then, the casual cultivator followed the strange man with stiff steps and slowly disappeared into the clouds.

  (End of chapter)

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