Chapter 960 Li Luo’s prestige has increased

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  Chapter 960: Li Luo gained prestige.
  Some distance away from the valley, Li Luo and others stopped. They looked far away at the other side of the valley. Extremely amazing energy fluctuations erupted. The ground shook and the mountains shook. There were cracks spreading like giant pythons, razing the forests to the ground.

  Obviously, Zhao Yan and others also used all their firepower to rescue Zhao Fengxu, Zhao Shenjiang and others.

  "Should we take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack?" The speaker was Lu Ze, the leader of the previous Golden Light Banner. He felt the fluctuations in the valley, and there was a sinister luster in his eyes.

  Li Luo shook his head when he heard this and said: "We will pay the price if we really force Zhao Yan and the others to jump over the wall. The main reason why we can make Zhao Yan take a step back this time is because of the timing. If the spiritual cave is about to end at this time, I think he may not come to the rescue. On the contrary, eating the dragon's bloodline is a great achievement."

  Li Fuling and others also nodded. They were lucky this time. If they try to force Zhao Yan again, I'm afraid he will really do it. If you fight them desperately, the gains outweigh the losses.

  "Thanks to the third brother this time, otherwise, our Tianlong and Five Lineages will all be at a disadvantage. When faced with the "Guardian Spirit", Zhao Tianwang's lineage, and the Yanmo Palace's flanking attack, even if we can escape in the end, we will still be at a disadvantage. There will be a lot of casualties." Li Jingtao sighed.

  No one could deny this. Even Li Fuling, the nominal leader of the Dragon Yamai team, put aside his usual reserve and said to Li Luo in a friendly manner: "Cousin Li Luo not only saved our dragon this time, The team of Yamai and the other four veins must also inherit this sentiment."

  Li Luo doesn't care much whether the other four veins inherit this sentiment. After all, he is only doing it for self-protection.

  "How much "spiritual golden dew" have we collected this time?" Li Luo asked what he was most concerned about.

  Li Fengyi immediately said: "We received a total of fifty-two drops of "Spiritual Golden Dew". There could have been more, but some fell into the valley, and we didn't dare to go in to collect them."

  Others couldn't help but look happy when they heard this. Obviously, this harvest far exceeded their expectations. Originally, they thought that twenty drops of "Spiritual Golden Dew" would be the best result.

  Li Luo also nodded slightly. Fifty-two drops is indeed not a small amount, but it is far from enough for them. After all, there are more than ten people in their Longya Vein trip, even if only half of them will finally have the opportunity to go to the "Golden Terrace" ", that also requires more than two hundred drops of "Spiritual Golden Dew".

  But there is no need to rush, after all, the genius of Lingxiang Cave has just begun, and there is still enough time to collect in the future.

  "Send a signal to notify the other four branches to meet us. The team of King Zhao Tian is still here. If they are scattered, they will easily be defeated one by one." Li Luo looked at Li Fuling again and said.

  After the previous incident, Li Luo's voice in the team has undoubtedly increased sharply. Even Li Fuling has begun to pay attention to his suggestions, so after hearing this, he immediately took out the signal, activated it with essence and blood, and activated it. send out.

  A dragon shadow appeared in the sky, winding and swimming, and could be clearly seen for hundreds of miles.

  And about ten minutes after the signal was sent, there was a sound of breaking wind from a distance, and dozens of figures with energy dragon wings came through the air and landed in front of Li Luo and others.

  Li Luo glanced around and saw Lu Qingmei among them. It was obvious that the one who came first was the Dragon Scale Vein.

  "Fu Ling, what happened to you here?" Li Guan, the leader of the Dragon Scale Vein, spoke quickly as soon as he landed on the ground. It was obvious that he had been itching for a long time.

  Others in the Dragon Scale Vein were also filled with surprise.

  "Is it because of this girl Lingjing?" Li Guan looked at Li Lingjing and looked at Longya Vein. The most elusive thing was the latter. If it was because of her, it seemed to make sense. .

  Hearing this, Li Lingjing smiled slightly and said: "Although I also want to take more credit, this matter really has nothing to do with me. The biggest credit is of course our handsome little cousin Li Luo."

  As soon as these words came out, Li Guan and others immediately looked at Li Luo in disbelief. Was the defeat between Zhao Tianwang's lineage and the Flame Demon Palace this time actually because of Li Luo? How is this possible!

  Li Fuling opened her mouth and briefly explained the matter.

  Then everyone on the Dragon Scale Vein side fell silent, their eyes full of shock.

  "Don't be surprised. It's just good luck. The first wave of troops from Zhao Tianwang's lineage happened to be besieged by the "Guardian Spirit". Then Zhao Yan came to rescue, but found that the "Guardian Spirit" was too strong, and he was worried We are causing trouble, so we can only compromise and retreat." Li Luo said with a smile.

  He said it in an understatement, but everyone in the Dragon Scales didn't believe it at all. Why was he just besieged by the "Guardian Spirit", and the "Guardian Spirit" was too strong? Behind every accident, there must be something not simple.

  Lu Qing's bright eyes looked towards the valley in the distance. The energy fluctuations there were gradually calming down. The next moment, they all saw figures rising into the sky.

  The leader was none other than Zhao Yan, but what shocked Li Guan, Lu Qingmei and others was that some people from the Zhao Tianwang lineage behind Zhao Yan had extremely eye-catching injuries, and some even had their hands broken off. The feet looked extremely miserable.

  "Such a serious injury? How many "guardian spirits" have they encountered?" The brows of the people in the Dragon Scale Vein were trembling. At this moment, they seemed to understand what Li Luo meant when the "guardian spirits" were too strong. mean.

  Zhao Yan's cold and murderous gaze was also cast from a distance. Of course, almost all of his gaze fell on Li Luo. It was obvious that he hated Li Luo to the extreme.

  "Are the people from the Dragon Scale Pulse here?"

  However, Zhao Yan saw the people from the Dragon Scale Pulse again soon, and his expression became gloomier. Originally, he wanted to see if there was a chance to settle the score with Li Luo first, but the Dragon Scale Pulse's When he arrived, he completely gave up this idea. After all, the people of Zhao Tianwang's lineage had already withdrawn from the forest at this time. "Let's go!"

  Zhao Yan said one word between his teeth, then turned around with a ferocious face, activated his strength and flew away through the sky outside the mountain forest.

  Zhao Jingyu's eyes were red, and he stared at Li Luo like a vicious wolf, looking like he wanted to fight him to death. After all, he was really suffering. Not only did he give Li Luo five dragon teeth last time, but this time he would give him more. It's too much. The "Thunder Talisman Arrow" I just bought went directly into Li Luo's pocket before even a day passed.

  He has never been so generous in honoring his own father!

  "Let's go, the things are there. If you have a chance later, I will help you get the things back from his body." Zhao Shenjiang did not look at Li Luo, but just said to Zhao Jingyu, and then followed. Got Zhao Yan.

  However, Zhao Jingyu, who was familiar with General Zhao Shen, knew that the former also hated Li Luo very much this time.

  So he took a deep breath, calmed down, and quickly retreated with the team of King Zhao Tian.

  And not long after all the people of Zhao Tianwang's lineage withdrew, the teams of Dragon Bloodline, Dragon Bone Line, and Dragon Horn Lineage also rushed from all over the mountains and forests, and finally met where Li Luo and the others were.

  "Where are Zhao Yan and the others?" Li Wuyuan asked murderously.

  Li Luo pointed in a direction and said: "Let's go first. If you chase now, you can still catch up."

  Li Wuyuan twitched the corner of his mouth, then looked at Li Lingjing. Just as he was about to speak, the latter already sighed and said : "Don't ask anymore, it has nothing to do with me. The biggest credit for our escape this time is Li Luo."

  Li Fengyi took the words with a slight satisfaction, repeated the matter again, and then she deliberately looked at Li Hongli, Said: "If it weren't for Li Luo, your dragon bloodline must have suffered casualties this time. It's impossible to say that you would be dead."

  Li Hongli's face turned pale and he wanted to refute, but found that this situation was indeed possible. After all, in Among the Dragon Bloodline team, her strength is only mid-range, so if a huge change occurs, she may not be able to protect herself.

  So in the end she could only swallow the words in her mouth and stand there silently.

  The others also fell into silence. No one could deny Li Luo's contribution this time. If the latter had not turned the tide, even if they were able to retreat in the end, they would definitely have to pay a heavy price.

  In the end, everyone in the Dragon Bone Vein and Dragon Horn Veins bowed their hands to Li Luo and thanked him. On the Dragon Bloodline side, Li Wuyuan also took a deep breath and said: "Li Luo's dragon head is really extraordinary. Such a bad situation can be rectified." , our Dragon Bloodline has also thanked you this time."

  Li Fuling snorted coldly: "We, the Dragon Ya Bloodline, will not take advantage of or design our companions." There

  was some anger in her words, obviously referring to the previous Dragon Bloodline Using a strange formation to move the "guardian spirits" to other areas, and secretly using the power of other veins to share the pressure for them.

  Facing Li Fuling's words, Li Wuyuan looked uncertain and could only bite the bullet and said: "We don't know about this either. It must be because of the strange formation. No one told us this when we came. ."

  Li Wuyuan did not dare to admit this in front of the other veins. After all, the situation in the other veins was not as obvious as that in the Longya vein.

  The people from the Dragon Scales, Dragon Bones, and Dragon Horns also glanced at Li Wuyuan and said nothing. In fact, they were vaguely aware of the transfer of "Guardian Spirits", but since the number of transfers on their side was not too large, so I don't want to attack Dragon Bloodline because of this.

  However, even so, the other three meridians are still unavoidable, and this will also affect Li Wuyuan's prestige invisibly. After that, it may not be as easy for Li Wuyuan to mobilize the power of the other three meridians.

  But there was nothing Li Wuyuan could do. If everything went well this time, even if other branches knew about these tricks, they would have to endure it. After all, they would be taking advantage of them, but no one expected that it would end up like this. Therefore, Li
  Wuyuan He could only bite the bullet and ignore the gazes of the other three meridians.

  Li Luo smiled faintly, but did not say much more on this, but said: "Since everyone has gathered, let's leave together, lest the Zhao Tianwang lineage and the Yanmo Palace team gather together and want to Make things difficult for us."

  Hearing this, the other lineages also agreed. Now that Zhao Tianwang's lineage is eyeing them, they still can't be too separated for the time being.

  "Let's go."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Li Luo took the lead in fanning his energy dragon wings and headed out of the mountain forest.

  Behind him, the teams of various bloodlines immediately followed. Only the Dragon Bloodline people were a little uncomfortable with this. After all, all bloodlines followed them in the past.

  Li Wuyuan's expression changed, and in the end he could only let out a sigh of relief and lead the crowd to follow.

  (End of chapter)

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