Chapter 938 Targeting

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  Chapter 938:
  The boiling and noisy sound spread in the square in front of the Dragon Bloodline Evil Cave. All the four flags of the Dragon Bloodline looked at the tall and tall young man with passion and admiration.

  Li Wuyuan, the leader of the last Twenty Flags!

  At this time when the morale of the four banners of Dragon Bloodline was at its lowest, the appearance of Li Wuyuan undoubtedly boosted the morale of all the banners present.

  "Long time no see, cousin Hongli is getting more and more beautiful. When you enter the Dragon Blood Guard, I'm afraid you will attract many admirers." Li Wuyuan smiled at Li Hongli.

  Li Hongli smiled sweetly.

  Li Wuyuan looked at Li Qingfeng who had not spoken yet and said, "Cousin Qingfeng, the prestige of the Golden Blood Banner has been completely lost this time with you." His words were plain but sharp


  Qingfeng Li remained silent, not knowing what to say.

  "The news of the failure in the Dragon Head Battle has spread to the Dragon Blood Guard. Many colleagues there are quite critical of this. After all, the Dragon Bloodline is the master of the five veins. We must always maintain control over the other four veins from all levels. Only by suppressing it can our dragon bloodline maintain the authority of the Zhangshan lineage." Li Wuyuan continued.

  What he said was quite serious, because the elites in the Dragon Blood Guard will almost be regarded as the new generation of Dragon Bloodline executives in the future. Qingfeng Li's loss of performance points there will also have some impact on his future.

  Li Qingfeng showed a bitter look and said: "I am useless and have lost the prestige accumulated by Dragon Bloodline over the years." It is

  useless to argue at this moment. After all, the defeat of the Dragon Head Battle is not far away, especially at this time. The changes at the top of the hole list let Li Qingfeng know that Li Luo was already on the rise.

  He was completely unable to suppress Luo Li anymore.

  Li Hongli quickly defended Li Qingfeng and said: "Cousin Wu Yuan, it's not Brother Qingfeng's fault. It's all Li Luo. The reason why he lost the battle for the dragon's head is just because Brother Qingfeng chose the wrong "Dragon Blood Balance Technique", otherwise who will win in the end?" Hard to say."

  Li Wuyuan said: "Cousin Hongli, no matter what the reason is, there is no way to change the fact that Li Luo is the leader of this session of Twenty Flags."

  Li Hongli bit his red lips lightly, and immediately a look of dejection appeared. She also understood that those previous words were just sophistry. Although Li Luo did not really fight with Qingfeng Li at full strength, he later defeated Li Taixuan's energy image. This was enough to prove that his true strength was not inferior to Qingfeng Li at all. .

  Therefore, even if Li Qingfeng did not use the "Dragon Blood Scale Technique", he might not be able to defeat Li Luo in the end.

  And it was this fact that made Li Hongli quite unwilling, or unwilling to admit it. She didn't want to admit that the "country bumpkin" who came back from China could actually create something in less than a year. Such an amazing miracle happened.

  Because Li Luo's dazzling will highlight their incompetence.

  From her parents, she knew many of Li Taixuan's many deeds that dominated the entire generation and overwhelmed the geniuses of his generation. Could it be that what happened back then would happen again with Li Luo?

  And this time the victims will be their contemporaries.

  Li Wuyuan said lightly: "But there is no need to be so depressed. The power of dragon bloodline is built from generation to generation. Even if it was stronger than Li Taixuan, it only changed the situation for a while. In the end, with his departure, everything Everything will return to its original state."

  "And if Li Taixuan is like this, what can Li Luo do?" "

  Cousin Qingfeng, it's just a temporary defeat. Don't lose your spirit. Li Luo is certainly talented, but my dragon bloodline is even more powerful. Strong, the lineage of Zhangshan is more than just talk." "

  Their Dragon Tooth Lineage, whether they were in the Twenty Banners or the Five Heavenly Dragon Guards, were suppressed by my dragon bloodline in the past."

  He looked at Li Qingfeng, He said in a leisurely tone: "If you seize the opportunity of the spiritual cave, you may not be able to surpass him. Moreover, even if you can't do it, the dragon bloodline still has us." Hearing his words, Li Hongli was a little surprised and said: "Cousin Wu Yuan, What are your plans?"

  Li Wuyuan said slowly: "After leaving the Dragon Blood Guard this time, all the senior brothers and sisters asked me to tell my cousin Li Luo in advance if I have a chance, so that he knows who is respected in the five lines of Tianlong."

  His eyes were indifferent, but his brows were filled with a sharp and domineering air.

  The rise of Li Taixuan at that time led to the growing momentum of the Dragon Tooth Vein generation. Later, Li Taixuan entered the Dragon Tooth Guard and became even more powerful. Even the higher-ranking Dragon Capitals in the Dragon Blood Guard were alarmed. Since then, there have been many competitions with them. At the beginning, Li Taixuan could still be suppressed, but as time went by, the oldest dragons in the Dragon Blood Guard began to feel a little weak. Facing the rising Li Taixuan, they could only retreat.

  As a result, the Dragon Tooth Guards of that generation had unrivaled power.

  Later, the Dragon Blood Guards reflected on this and believed that if they could have paid attention to the threat posed by Li Taixuan earlier and suppressed his vigor earlier, so that he could not prepare that invincible sweep, Li Taixuan might not be able to do that in the end. Style.

  Li Taixuan's unparalleled magic weapon was sharpened by using them as the whetstone.

  Based on the lessons learned from the past, the Dragon Blood Guards decided that if there was a chance, they would still have to suppress Li Luo. As long as he suppressed him for some time, he had wasted so many years in the outer China, waiting for the time for his rapid improvement to pass. , it may not be able to unleash such amazing potential in the future.

  In this way, potential threats are resolved.

  "If you, Cousin Wu Yuan, take action, the people from Longya Guard will probably stop you, right?" Li Hongli said.

  Li Wuyuan curled his lips disdainfully and said: "I defeated the leader of the Four Banners of Long Yamai countless times in the last term. Who among them can stop me? And I won't go too far. I just let Li Luo Just calm down a little."

  "It's normal for young people to be fierce and fierce. Can Li Luo still go to the head of the Longya Pulse to cry? In that case, wouldn't he become the laughing stock of the Five Meridians." He waved his hand

  . , said: "Forget it, let's not talk about him first."

  He took two steps forward, put his arms around Qingfeng Li's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Don't be depressed, it's just a temporary defeat. In front of the absolute foundation of my dragon bloodline, that Li Luo is just a mantis trying to act as a chariot." "Let's go, it's rare to go back to the mountain this time

  . Let's go to the "Big Dragon Tower" for a feast first. Life is hard all day long for the Dragon Blood Guard. The tasks are heavy and dangerous. It's rare to have such a relaxing time." Li Qingfeng smiled bitterly and could only let him pull him

  . He moved, called his friends, led a large army, and descended to the Evil Peak.

  As for the suppressive intention from the Dragon Blood Guard, Li Luo didn't know about it, and even if he did know, he would just laugh it off. It's normal for young people to fight for strength. If they really can't beat him, then... Just take out the three-tailed Sirius.

  At this time, Li Luo, after having a banquet with Li Fuling, Li Fengyi and others, returned to the small building where he lived.

  After returning to the room and sitting on the bed, he did not rest, but stretched out his palm.

  The space ball at the wrist flashed with strange light, a stream of light swept out, and then a dark blue round elixir flashed out.

  The elixir exudes a wonderful fragrance. Just one sip of it makes your mind seem to become ethereal.

  This elixir is Li Luo's biggest gain from breaking through the sixty-third level of the evil cave.

  Enlightenment Pill.

  (End of chapter)

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