Chapter 934 The Sixty-Third Floor

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  Chapter 934 The Sixty-Third Floor

  of the Evil Demon Cave, the sixty-third floor.

  This is an endless grassland. However, at this time, this grassland seems to be disturbed by a storm. The terrifying energy shock waves continue to rage, tearing this grassland into holes.

  The loud sound of energy collision exploded like thunder.

  The sight was closer, and only thousands of figures were standing neatly in the grassland. At this time, powerful phase forces roared out from their bodies. After these phase forces were merged, they were poured into a young man in mid-air. figure.

  Waves of terrifying energy pressure roared out of Li Luo's body.

  Li Luo's eyes were fixed on the front, and he could only see the overwhelming evil aura sweeping over there. In the evil aura, countless demons were roaring, and then they were rushing straight towards this side.

  "Are we here again?"

  Li Luo said to himself. They had already gone through no less than ten waves of this kind of offensive just now. The advancement of the 63rd floor was extremely difficult. Every time they took a step forward, they had to go through a hard battle.

  "The third part, the fourth part is resting."

  "The other three parts, use the Dragon Breath Refining Technique with all your strength, maintain the "harmony", and resist the impact."

  Li Luo's voice reached the ears of the people in Qingming Banner below, and immediately The third and fourth bannermen just sat cross-legged and closed their eyes, and began to quickly recover from their previous consumption.

  The rest is to maintain the supply of Aiki.

  However, without the support of the two forces, the power of "Aiki" on Li Luo's side will also be weakened. Fortunately, these demons are only in shocking numbers and will not pose much of a threat.

  Their only function is to consume the power of the Qingming Banners, thereby delaying their approach to the evil demon leader.

  Li Luo looked calm and formed a seal with one hand, roaring with energy. Suddenly, thunderclouds gathered in the sky, and a majestic torrential rain poured down, turning into a continuous rain curtain, blurring the vision between heaven and earth.

  And in every drop of rain, there was lightning and thunder, which looked particularly strange.

  Small ennoblement technique, thunderstorm technique.

  Li Luo did not use the overly powerful Marquis Technique and the Nine Transformations Technique, because those techniques consume a lot of phase power, and now, with the blessing of "Aiki", Li Luo has the power of a Marquis in every move he makes. Therefore, when these small ennoblement skills are displayed at this time, their power is still extremely amazing.

  The thunderstorm roared, and the surging torrent of evil demons suddenly became chaotic. Although the thunderstorm was not too lethal, once it was hit, the evil demon's figure suddenly became sluggish. The evil demon's wisdom is simple and he does not know. How to deal with it? It was a mess for a while, one after another.

  Seeing this, Li Luo pointed his finger, and a ray of energy fell. The ground suddenly shook. A towering tree rose from the ground, and its lush branches and leaves spread overwhelmingly.

  The branches quickly entangled, and in the next moment, they turned into a huge green tree dragon about a thousand feet tall.

  Li Luo looked at the ferocious Thousand-foot Tree Dragon with a hint of envy in his eyes. This was obviously just a small sealing technique, but with the blessing of "Aiki", its power simply surpassed that of when he used the Water Dragon Fang Sword. Know how many times.

  This is the increase brought about by pure power.

  A casual attack from a strong man who made a prince was more terrifying than the art of making a prince that Bai Jiangjing exerted with all his strength.

  "I wonder when will I be able to possess this kind of power?"

  Such expectation flashed through Li Luo's heart, and then he watched the thousand-foot-long tree dragon sweep out and collide with the evil torrent. Deep fissures spread across the grassland.

  Countless demons were instantly wiped out, but then they continued to pour out, colliding with the tree dragon, and the two forces continued to merge.

  Seeing this, Li Luo waved his sleeves and saw a thunderstorm roaring towards the tree dragon. Suddenly the tree dragon's speed became slower, but its color turned into dark green.

  The heavy rain gives it weight, while the thunder flows on the surface of the tree dragon with the help of the water coat.

  The momentum of the jade-like tree dragon surged, and it launched an even more terrifying offensive, constantly sweeping away the evil torrent. Zhao Yanzhi and others in the Qingming Banner couldn't help but sigh at the speed of the clearing. The combined use of Li Luo's small sealing technique was not very pleasant when used to mow grass, and the most important thing was What's more, it also saves more energy.

  If this efficiency continues, this wave of evil spirits should not last long.

  And they have survived no less than ten waves of attacks. Counting the time, they should soon meet the leader of the evil demon on the 63rd floor, right?

  At this time, the Black Jade Tree Dragon was already clearing away the last torrent of demons. But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a seemingly ordinary demon opened its fangs and spat out.

  call out!
  A ray of light penetrated the void at an unimaginable speed. In just one breath, it appeared in front of Li Luo, and then stabbed directly at the center of his eyebrows.

  Within the dim light, there seemed to be a sharp black thorn, and an ear-piercing scream came from within, making one's mind dizzy.

  "Tiansha Soul Thorn?! Boss, be careful, that's the leader of the evil demon!" Such a turn of events caused Li Shi and others in the Qingming Banner to change their expressions and shout hurriedly.

  But before their roar could end, the dark light and black thorn had already pierced Li Luo's eyebrows.

  And at this moment, a dragon-shaped mark appeared between Li Luo's eyebrows. Within the mark, nine dragon scales bloomed with bright light, as if dragon roars erupted.

  As the dragon-shaped mark erupted, Li Luo's body suddenly swelled. Dragon scales grew on the surface of his skin. Even the palms and fingertips turned into sharp dragon claws, with ghosts flowing on them. Cold sharp light.

  At this time, Li Luo seemed to have transformed into a half-dragon wearing dragon scales!

  A crisp voice came from the center of Li Luo's eyebrows. The black thorns surrounded by ghostly light collided with the dragon-shaped mark. It failed to penetrate, but was blocked instead. Then the black thorns shattered and turned into ghostly light and dissipated. .

  But Li Luo's head was also buzzing from the shock, and he retreated dozens of steps before he stabilized his figure in shock.

  Then he stared into the distance with a somewhat cold expression. After the ordinary demon sent out this attack, its shape swelled in the wind and directly transformed into a size of several hundred feet.

  It was born with multiple heads and arms, a ferocious face, black air spitting out from between its fangs, and a terrifying aura rising like a storm between heaven and earth.

  Astonishingly, he is the leader of the evil demon on the 63rd floor.

  This beast is actually so cunning, hiding in the body of an ordinary evil spirit, and then wants to take advantage of Li Luo's defenselessness to defeat it with one shot.

  If the previous "Tiansha Soul Thorn" was really stabbed into the brain, Li Luo would have been seriously injured at this moment, and this advance would be considered a complete failure.

  But fortunately, Li Luoxiu became the "Nine-Scale Heavenly Dragon Battle Body". At the critical moment, his physical body sensed the crisis and uncontrollably activated his battle body to protect himself, thus blocking the soul thorn from his physical body.


  Many shouts came from the Qingming Banners below.

  "No problem."

  Li Luo waved his hand and said solemnly: "Every department has finished their rest and used all their strength to activate the "Aiki"." "

  The leader of the evil demon has appeared. Everyone, can our Qingming Banner climb to the top of the evil demon?" The first place in the cave depends on this time."


  The Eight Thousand Banners roared in unison, with high morale and fiery eyes. They reached the top of the Evil Cave and came first. This is an achievement that Qingming Banner has not achieved in many years. ? Calculating the time, it seems to be exactly after Li Taixuan.
  Under the leadership of Li Taixuan, Qingming Banner reached a top level. Decades later, Li Luo will lead Qingming Banner to restore its former glory.

  Feeling the majestic energy coming from below, Li Luo locked his eyes on the powerful demon leader and murmured to himself.

  "Whether I can successfully cultivate my "Wooden Dragon Tooth Sword" depends on you."

  (End of Chapter)

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