Chapter 922 Dacheng Realm

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  Chapter 922 Dacheng Realm

  As Li Taixuan opened his fist seal, the energy of the world immediately boiled and vibrated. The two Dzi beads behind him rotated at high speed, absorbing energy, converting it into phase force, and pouring it into his body.

  Then, Li Taixuan Gujing Wubo punched out.

  There seemed to be a loud dragon roar, and a hundred-foot fist seal roared out. On top of the fist seal, countless dragon scales appeared, like a dragon fist.

  And on the dragon scales, there are mysterious runes emerging, which makes its power surge.

  The dragon fist penetrated the void, carrying the sound of roaring dragons, and a domineering and astonishing momentum rose into the sky, shaking the sky.

  Above the Dragon Fist, there is also a billowing dragon power. For those who are not strong-willed, I am afraid that this dragon power alone can make them timid and dare not confront them head-on.

  Just this punch caused the expressions of many big banner leaders outside the venue to change. Even Lu Qingmei had a solemn look on her face, because she believed that if she were to go up, she would have to avoid the edge for a while.

  Li Taixuan, who is ranked among the top three in the history of Twenty Banners, really has peerless style.

  Not to mention them, even the high-ranking officials from all walks of life who were watching the battle in the void had complicated expressions at this time, because this familiar punch reminded them of the pain they had experienced.

  This "Hundred Battles Dragon Fist" was the first feudal lord technique that Li Taixuan practiced. Although it was only at the psychic level, Li Taixuan later practiced it to the Great Perfection state. In terms of power, it is more powerful than many Yanshen-level lordships. The technique is still tyrannical.

  Among those many exclamations, Li Luo's expression was also extremely solemn. Although the Hundred Battles Dragon Fist performed by this young man Li Taixuan was far inferior to what he had seen in the past, for him who was only in the Extreme Evil Realm, it still brought extreme effects. Strong oppression.


  Li Luo took a deep breath, and the three phase palaces in his body vibrated at this moment, and all the powerful phase power flowed out.

  His seals changed, and then he slashed out with one strike.

  The void shattered, the sound of water flow sounded, and a black dragon roared out of the dark forest cold water, and then, under the gaze of many eyes, it fought hard with the domineering dragon fist.

  "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag!"

  An energy storm raged at the collision site, causing the void to tremble.

  But Li Luo's expression changed slightly at this moment, because he sensed that when the black dragon came into contact with the Dragon Fist, the attack contained in the Dragon Fist was so fierce and domineering that even his dual-phase power was blocked. Its erosion could not be eradicated.

  On the contrary, in the end, the black dragon was the first to be broken, and the remaining fist marks turned into flowing light, which fiercely blasted towards Li Luo's position.

  Thunder light circulated around Li Luo.

  Little sealing technique, thunder and lightning!

  An afterimage appeared on the spot, and he appeared directly a hundred feet away.

  The fist seal hit the afterimage, creating a huge crater in the ground, and the cracks continued to spread.

  In this head-on collision, Li Luo's "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag" failed to completely block Li Taixuan's "Hundred Battles Dragon Fist".

  "Dad's Hundred Battles Dragon Fist is obviously just a psychic level sealing technique, but its power is ridiculously powerful."

  Li Luo frowned, his eyes flickered, and said to himself: "Could it be that at this time, he has already mastered the "Hundred Battles Dragon Fist" technique?" "Dragon Fighting Fist" has been practiced to the level of Dacheng?"

  There are three levels of Fenghou Shu, namely Xiaocheng, Dacheng and Dzogchen. Even Li Luo has only cultivated "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag" to Xiaocheng. Relying on the combination of "double power" and the art of ennobling, the power of his art is always one point stronger than that of ordinary people.

  But now, in the confrontation with Li Taixuan, he fell into some disadvantages.

  Although the opponent is suppressed by the strength level, Li Luo may not be much weaker with the support of three phases, four levels of thunder, elephant power and other secret techniques.

  Therefore, it can only be the reason why Li Taixuan's "Hundred Battles Dragon Fist" is at a higher level.

  Moreover, Li Luo felt a slightly familiar charm in Li Taixuan's previous fist seal. That was. Li Luo thought about it for a few seconds and then remembered it.

  That is the Qi of Tianlong.

  Li Taixuan's dragon fist was blended with the energy of the heavenly dragon, which enabled his "Hundred Battles Dragon Fist" to reach the state of great success.

  Some enlightenment arose in Li Luo's heart. It turns out that the energy of the heavenly dragon has such an effect on the Dragon Prime Minister's Marquis Technique. However, this fusion is obviously not a rough blend, but a key point in some subtleties. effect.

  Li Luo thought thoughtfully. This "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag" can be regarded as the feudal art that he has been immersed in for the longest time. Therefore, he has already understood many of the key points in it. He just wants to take that step. But that ray of inspiration never appeared.

  Li Luo retreated and formed another seal at the same time. After a few breaths, the void in front of him shattered.

  Another black dragon roared out of the cold water, but this time it did not activate directly, but hovered around Li Luo.

  Li Luo pondered slightly. The Heavenly Dragon Qi in his body was extremely strange. It was contained in his blood. Even he could not activate it. However, his father was able to do it, perhaps because of the "Celestial Dragon Aspect". So Li Luo planned to adopt a simpler approach.

  He directly wiped the blade with his palm, and blood immediately flew out and fell onto the body of the black dragon that controlled the underworld water.

  His blood contains the Qi of the Heavenly Dragon. Since there is no way to activate the Qi of the Heavenly Dragon alone, he can just bleed directly. When he becomes more proficient in the future, he may be able to save the bloodletting step.

  The blood fell on the black dragon's body and blended in immediately. Li Luo concentrated on integrating the blood into the black dragon's body into the key points of the black dragon.

  After practicing the "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag" for so long, Li Luo has reached a level of familiarity with it.

  And with Li Luo's urging, the black dragon finally changed. First of all, its body began to gradually expand. The dragon's teeth and claws gradually began to glow, and it seemed to become more ferocious. .

  Moreover, a little bit of blood appeared in its dragon eyes, and a fierce aura rose up.

  The black dragon burst out with a low roar, and the majestic Styx River under its feet became even colder. The permeating momentum was obviously a level higher than before.

  After noticing the changes in the black dragon, Li Luo was also overjoyed. Although this time he only used the heavenly dragon energy contained in the blood to forcibly raise the "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag" to the realm of Dacheng, but after this start, he will be more confident in the future. The understanding of the Dacheng state will also deepen, thus truly stepping into this state.

  Therefore, this promotion is very important to him.

  And when Li Luo was rejoicing, the sound of piercing the air in front of him exploded again, and a hundred-foot-long domineering dragon fist seal roared, directly suppressing his position.

  This time, Li Luo no longer evaded, and with a long roar, the black dragon roared, with a majestic look, holding the Ming Shui, and collided with the domineering dragon fist again.

  Boom boom!

  There seemed to be an energy storm generated in the field, and the air seemed to be squeezed and exploded, continuously emitting harsh sonic booms.

  But this time, the black dragon never showed any signs of decline. Instead, it struggled with the domineering dragon fist until the end. As two wails sounded, the two were shattered and annihilated.

  Li Taixuan's domineering dragon fist, which once brought many shadows to his peers, was finally blocked.

  And when this scene fell in the eyes of the senior officials of each meridian, they were all shocked.

  Some of the senior officials of the same generation as Li Taixuan looked at Li Luo with a somewhat complicated look, because even they had never received Li Taixuan's punch back then, which also contributed to Li Taixuan's invincible power.

  But now, Li Luo has done it.

  What this means is self-evident.

  This son is like his father!

  Even though the level is slightly behind, the combat power it displays is really amazing.

  "Ha ha!"

  In the field, Li Luo laughed heartily. This time, he not only blocked his father's iron fist, but also took advantage of the situation to realize the great achievement of the "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag". Although he just used the heavenly dragon's energy contained in the blood to forcibly It was stimulated, but he had confidence that if he immersed himself in it for a period of time, he would be able to truly enter the realm of Dacheng.

  At that time, the power of the Black Dragon Mingshui Flag will also increase.

  "Dad, it seems you are of some use!"

  Li Luo laughed. After the previous battle, he already understood that ordinary methods were useless if he wanted to win. In this case, let's use the ultimate move.

  Li Luo suddenly closed his hands, and his fingers changed, forming complex sword seals.

  At this moment, the sound of sword chants suddenly sounded between heaven and earth, and an indescribable sharp sword energy emerged from heaven and earth at this time.

  A wisp of water slowly rose from Li Luotian's spiritual cap, and finally turned into a light blue dragon tooth sword in the eyes of many shocked eyes.

  As soon as this sword came out, even the high-level people in the void suddenly condensed their eyes.

  Li Luo was also looking at the light blue dragon tooth sword rising above his head, with a strong look of anticipation emerging in his eyes.

  The "Unparalleled Young Technique" he had been preparing for for a long time was finally revealed to the world on this day.

  "Dad, in order to express my gratitude, I will use your energy image to "sacrifice the sword" to my son today!" Li

  Luo looked at Li Taixuan's figure and grinned.

  The main characteristic of Luolan Mansion is a "father is kind and son is filial".

  (End of chapter)

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