Chapter 916 Finally meeting Qingfeng Li

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  Chapter 916: Finally Encountering Qingfeng Li

  "Dragon Scale Vein's Heavenly Dragon Scale Armor Technique?"

  Li Luo steadied his figure, feeling the stinging pain in his palms stung by the terrifying power, and stared at Lu Qingmei's delicate body covered in dragon scale armor, Talk softly to yourself.

  This "Dragon Scale Armor Technique" is a unique sealing technique belonging to the dragon scale vein. If it is mastered, it can form a dragon scale armor. The armor covers the body, and the strength, phase force, speed and even defense will be greatly improved. promote.

  Previously, he was able to tangle with Lu Qingmei by relying on his dual power and Sha Gang, but after the latter performed this technique, the pressure suddenly increased.

  "Li Luo, if you don't display your feudal skills, I'm afraid this "dragon scale" will belong to me." Lu Qingmei stood proudly with a glass stick in her hand. She glanced at the top of the stone platform. There was a golden dragon scale about the size of a palm suspended there.

  Li Luo also smiled when he heard this, but Lu Qingmei was right. She had already used her trump card. If he didn't want to be beaten next, he would have to use his trump card.

  Li Luo formed seals on his fingertips, and the physical strength in his body was rapidly depleted.

  As the sword light passed by, a dark gap seemed to open in the void in front of him, and the sound of rushing water came out.

  The next moment, a cold Styx River roared out from the crack. In the Styx River, huge shadows flowed, and accompanied by a dragon roar, a black dragon broke out of the water.

  The art of enfeoffment, Black Dragon Mingshui Flag.


  Following Li Luo's whisper, the Styx surrounded the black dragon, and then wrapped in the cold air, it directly broke through the void and charged towards Lu Qingmei.

  The temperature all over the sky dropped suddenly at this time.

  With Li Luo now breaking through to the extreme evil realm, the power of the Black Dragon Mingshui Flag has become more powerful than before.

  Looking at the familiar black dragon reappearing, a look of eagerness appeared in Lu Qingmei's eyes. During the first confrontation before, she was amazed by the power of Li Luo's Marquis Conferment Technique. With the blessing of the third realm of power, its power is close to that of the Yanshen-level feudal art.

  Lu Qingmei held the glass stick tightly with both hands, and the bright Dzi beads behind her were frantically absorbing the energy of the world. The high-load operation caused the Dzi beads to make a low buzzing sound.

  But the phase force fluctuation that erupted from Lu Qingmei's body was extremely strong at this time.

  She took one step forward, and the dragon scale armor around her body erupted with bright light. Then she directly raised the glass stick and swung it hard at the dark water black dragon roaring in front of her.

  At this time, countless fine dragon scales appeared on the glass stick, covering it, and mysterious light flowed.

  This stick was so powerful that it pushed Lu Qingmei's strength to its peak.

  The black dragon collided with the brilliant stick shadow, a loud sound resounded, and the energy storm swept away in waves, attracting countless horrified looks.

  The confrontation between the two sides was extremely ferocious, and they did not hold back at all.

  The two powerful energies eroded and destroyed each other.

  And during this stalemate, Li Luo flicked his finger, and the black dragon suddenly opened its mouth, and the condensed and compressed deep evil energy spurted out like black dragon's breath.

  The sudden change made Lu Qing's eyebrows slightly raised, but he was not panicked. With a thought, he saw the mysterious light on the glazed stick covered with dragon scales condensed and transformed into a golden deer. The golden deer seemed to be wearing a The dragon scales jumped out, and the light figure was flowing with majestic energy.

  As soon as the antlers hit it, it directly broke through the deep evil.

  "A forty-foot-long demon can't hurt me." Lu Qingmei's words came.

  Li Luo seemed to smile when he heard this.

  As his smile spread, Lu Qing's eyebrows suddenly changed, because she felt that an extremely sharp aura appeared in the depths of the broken evil spirit at this moment.

  That's a wisp of sword intent!

  There is a star-like brilliance flowing within it.

  The sharpness immediately reminded Lu Qingmei of the vague aura when Luo Li ascended the dragon and chopped off the Nine Dragons Fusion Fire.

  It turns out that the evil dragon breath breathed out by the black dragon is not a killing move. The real killing move is the sword intention hidden deep in the evil spirit!
  The wisps of sword intent flowed and washed down. In one touch, the golden deer's light and shadow were wiped out, and then the sword intent penetrated down and came into contact with the glazed stick.

  Immediately, the dragon scales that appeared on the glass stick also shattered one after another at this time, turning into light spots and scattering.

  The offensive collapsed completely.

  The black dragon took advantage of the situation and roared, howling out. The cold water froze Lu Qingmei's strength. Finally, it carried the wisps of galactic sword intent and collided with her delicate body covered with dragon scale armor. boom!
  Lu Qingmei's figure flew out upside down, and the soles of her feet left hundreds of feet of deep marks on the ground. The glass stick in her hand was driven hard into the ground, and she barely managed to stabilize her figure.

  But even so, the gradually broken dragon scale armor on her delicate body caused a look of astonishment to appear on her cheeks.

  However, this emotion only lasted for a few breaths, and then she turned her bright eyes to Li Luo and said cheerfully: "You win."

  The look she looked at Li Luo was quite strange, because the fighting power shown by him was true. To her surprise, the strength of the Extreme Evil Realm was able to defeat her as a one-star Dzi Bead Realm. Such abilities were truly extraordinary.

  Outside the court, there were other leaders looking at this side, and when they saw Lu Qingmei's defeat, they all couldn't hide their shock.

  Although Li Luo did perform amazingly in Climbing the Dragon, it was not a real battle after all. And now, Li Luo defeated the second-ranked Lu Qingmei head-on in Seizing Scales. What does this mean?
  This shows that his own combat effectiveness is no less than those of the top leaders in the Five Heavenly Dragon Meridians.

  At this moment, everyone understood that in this Dragon Head Competition, Li Luo might really be able to compete with Qingfeng Li at the top.

  Li Luo raised his eyebrows at Lu Qing and cupped his hands. The latter didn't say anything more, but decisively turned around and jumped off the high platform, preparing to recover for a while before facing the next battle.

  The golden dragon scale in mid-air slowly fell down at this time and was pocketed by Li Luo.

  So far, Li Luo has won five games in a row and has obtained five dragon scales.

  Looking at the field, there is also Qingfeng Li who has won five consecutive games.

  Thinking of this, he looked at a stone platform where the battle had just ended, and the two of them were familiar with each other.

  Qingfeng Li and Fengxian Deng.

  Obviously this time, Deng Fengxian got a bad draw, and there was no suspense about the result. Qingfeng Li's one-star Dzi Pearl realm was one point better than Lu Qingmei's. Deng Fengxian didn't last long in his hands. She was wearing golden armor. He was brutally broken, so he had no choice but to admit defeat.

  Sensing Li Luo's gaze, Li Qingfeng also turned his head to look. His expression was calm, but his eyes were sharp.

  The meaning in that look was full of provocation.

  After all, by now, I'm afraid everyone knows that the leader of this term will most likely be decided between Qingfeng Li and Luo Li.

  As for Li Jingtao,
  Li Luo looked at another battle platform with a smile.

  There was Li Jingtao, and opposite him was the furious Li Hongli.

  At this time, Li Jingtao stood still in the field, and the powerful force surged out from his body, as if it had turned into a shield made of intertwined dragon teeth. The shield circulated around him, absorbing Li Hongli's all-out attacks. blocked.

  But the Dragon Fang Shield remained unscathed.

  Li Jingtao smiled and hid behind the dragon tooth shield, with his hands in his sleeves and a kind look on his slightly chubby face.

  Li Hongli exerted her offensive to the extreme, consuming a lot of strength, but it only made her exhausted, her pretty face turned pale, and she was out of breath.

  She looked at the smiling Li Jingtao, her head was smoking with anger, but she could only withdraw her strength in despair, because she found that even if she tried her best, she could not break Li Jingtao's turtle shell.

  And Li Jingtao had no desire to attack at all. He hid in the turtle shell. When the time was up, the golden dragon scales above the stone platform split into two, each turning into a stream of light and falling towards Two people in the field.

  In a draw, each dragon scale gets half.

  So far, Li Jingtao has drawn five games.

  Although Li Jingtao may not be considered outstanding in terms of the number of dragon scales, his draw along the way, not to mention others, even the senior officials of various sects who were watching the battle from high above were speechless.

  The battles that followed were lackluster and not very eye-catching.

  In the end, as Li Luo and Li Qingfeng continued their winning streak, each other had no opponent, and it was finally the other's turn to draw lots.

  Game 8.

  Li Luo vs. Qingfeng Li.

  When the two people appeared on a battle platform, at this moment, the other banners stopped. No matter inside or outside the Shilong Space, countless lines of sight converged on this battle platform.

  Because this game will truly determine the leader of this session of Twenty Flags.

  (End of chapter)

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