Chapter 914 The prototype of the nine-scaled dragon battle body

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  Chapter 914 The Prototype of the Nine-Scale Heavenly Dragon Battle Body
  The mysterious and rich mist, like a cocoon, enveloped all the twenty people on the stone dragon stairs.

  Outside the Stone Dragon Space, the bannermen of the Twenty Flags all looked envious. They knew that this was an opportunity for the leader of the banner. Once they undergo such transformation, they will possess the "Tianlong Battle Body" prototype.

  Although the so-called "Celestial Dragon Battle Body" is only the basic form in the system of the Five Meridians of Heavenly Dragon, for those of them who are in the Earth Fiend General level, this is already considered a top match.

  With the blessing of the "Dragon Battle Body", physical strength, speed, and power will all be significantly improved. When fighting with others, you will naturally have every advantage.

  As for ordinary bannermen like them, it is possible to obtain enough Tianlong Qi in the future to transform into the "Dragon Battle Body", but that requires them to make a very high contribution, which is not easy. After all, not to mention their Twenty Banners, Even among the five Tianlong guards, there are only some elites who can meet this requirement.

  Moreover, even if these elites can cultivate into the "Tianlong Battle Body", they will be at a level of around five scales at most in the end. It is impossible to go higher.

  Because of the lack of the level of ascending the dragon, this determines the upper limit of the "Dragon Combat Body".

  But the good news is that if their level increases in the future, they may directly skip the "Dragon Battle Body" and try to practice a higher form of battle body.

  Under the gaze of many envious eyes, the thick smoky cocoons on the stone stairs lasted for about half an hour, and then, the cocoons at the bottom began to dissipate one after another.

  One after another figures appeared.

  The appearance of the big flags revealed at this time has not changed much from before, but as they move their bodies curiously, and when they wave their fists and feet, there is a faint sound of sharp wind, which is an improvement in physical strength. signs.

  The most conspicuous thing is that a dragon-shaped mark appeared between their eyebrows as the phase force was activated.

  The mark is circular, shaped like a long dragon holding its tail, and the center is perfectly filled with dragon scale shapes.

  However, the number of dragon scales is different.

  Some people have only four dim dragon scales in their dragon-shaped mark, while others have five or six. Moreover, these dragon scales all have a dark color, as if they have never been activated.

  This is because what everyone has obtained now is only the prototype of the "Dragon Battle Body", and the number of dragon scales in the dragon-shaped mark represents the upper limit of their respective Tianlong Battle Body.

  If the dragon-shaped mark shows four dragon scales, it means that its upper limit is only the four-scale Tianlong combat body. In the second round of "capturing scales", he can only capture four dragon scales at most. The "Dragon Combat Body" will reach its limit and cannot be improved anymore.

  And so on.

  And as the smoke cocoons dissipated, more and more banner leaders successfully transformed. Among them, Li Fengyi obtained the six-scale dragon seal, Li Hongli, and Deng Fengxian were all seven-scale dragon seals. Li Qingfeng, who was in the upper hand, Li Jingtao and Lu Qingmei have eight-scale dragon seals.

  At this time, a low dragon roar came from the end of the stone staircase, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. Looking over, they saw the thickest smoke cocoon there slowly dissipating.

  After a few breaths, Li Luo's figure emerged.

  Between his eyebrows, the dragon-shaped mark containing nine dragon scales attracted everyone's attention.

  Nine scale dragon seal! Nine-scaled Heavenly Dragon battle body!
  As long as Li Luo obtains nine dragon scales in the "Scale Capture", he can directly activate this combat body to its strongest level.

  There are many complicated sights, and the nine-scaled dragon fighting body has not appeared for a long time.

  Amid those envious and jealous eyes, Li Luo also opened his eyes, his fingers slowly clenched, and his eyes suddenly showed a look of shock.

  Because he felt that his physical strength had increased a lot at this time. This increase was no less than that of the triple thunder body, and this was a direct physical improvement, unlike the thunder body which needed to activate the thunder sound. Strengthen and increase.

  To put it simply, one is passive and the other is active.

  Moreover, in addition to strengthening the physical body, the Tianlong Battle Body also has three effects.

  Dragon wings, dragon power, dragon power.

  With a thought in Li Luo's mind, the phase force in his body flowed into the dragon-shaped mark between his eyebrows. The next moment, a special energy surged out of it.

  All he could see was an energy dragon wing about ten feet long stretching out from Li Luo's back, slowly fanning, creating a hurricane.

  This energy dragon wing has the effect of flying into the sky, which is extremely practical.

  The so-called dragon power is a special kind of coercion. If it is suddenly released when fighting against people, it can have unexpected effects. Moreover, if this dragon power is combined with one's own dragon, it will also have an effect on many spirit beasts. Extremely strong suppression.

  As for the dragon power, it can only be unleashed after the "Dragon Battle Body" is truly activated.

  This dragon power is somewhat similar to the "Elephant Power" blessing given by Li Luo's Golden Jade Xuanxiang Knife, which can instantly give an extremely violent increase in power.

  It is said that one scale is one dragon, and if the "Nine-scaled Heavenly Dragon Battle Body" is activated, the power of nine dragons can be unleashed, and its power may be stronger than some feudal lord arts.

  However, the Nine Dragons here are not the power of real dragons. Strictly speaking, they can only be said to be dragon beasts, but even so, they are extremely powerful killing moves.

  Li Luo was extremely satisfied. It was not in vain that he had suffered so much to attack Sanqianzhang. The final reward was indeed extremely rich.

  This prototype of the "Nine-Scale Heavenly Dragon Battle Body" has an upper limit that far exceeds that of others.

  This made him couldn't help but sigh again. He was truly worthy of being a king-level force. Such a foundation was indeed rare in the Outer Divine State. After all, the "Thunder Body" he had obtained was already a body refinement that only the royal family of the Black Wind Empire was qualified to practice. Secret technique, but compared to the Tianlong battle body, it is far behind.

  Moreover, the upper limit of the thunder body is only the fifth level of thunder, but the Tianlong battle body has a complete advanced system, so the two are simply incomparable.

  But the good thing is that at least the "Thunder Body" is still quite useful to Li Luo now. When everyone was immersed in the mystery brought by the "Dragon Battle Body", a majestic sound came from the void at this time.

  "This is the end of the dragon climb. Get ready for the final step in the battle for the dragon's head, to seize the scales."

  Upon hearing this, everyone present looked stern, and then their eyes showed fighting intent.

  If the step of ascending the dragon is relatively gentle, then the step of "capturing the scales" must be full of combat, because each dragon scale requires defeating the opponent before it can be obtained.

  The dragon head will also be born at this step.

  To put it simply, whoever wins the most dragon scales in the end will be the dragon head.

  Qingfeng Li let out a breath and glanced at Li Luo's position. With the step of ascending the dragon, his glory was completely overshadowed by Li Luo, but it didn't matter. Climbing the dragon could not determine the ownership of the dragon's head.

  Although Li Luo obtained the prototype of the "Nine Scales Heavenly Dragon Combat Body" in Denglong, this was only the first step. As long as Li Luo was prevented from obtaining nine dragon scales in the "Capture of Scales", then his so-called The "Nine Scales Heavenly Dragon Battle Body" has become nothing more than a superficial shell.

  He has lost his position as the leader of the dragon, but he will never give up his position as the leader of the dragon again.

  When Li Qingfeng was thinking this, everyone present noticed that a thick fog suddenly emerged between the sky and the earth, and then enveloped them all.

  Clouds and fog obscured the view, and there were faint spatial fluctuations.

  This covering lasted for ten breaths, and then the clouds and mist gradually dissipated.

  Li Luo and the others discovered that the stone dragon under their feet had disappeared. At this time, they seemed to be standing on a huge round platform of clouds and mist.

  Above the round platform, there are stone platforms suspended in the air, about a hundred feet in diameter.

  Looking far behind the round platform, he happened to see a stone dragon mountain occupying the void, with the dragon's mouth facing the round platform.

  Obviously, the Stone Dragon Mountain was the place where they climbed the dragon just now.

  "The scales will be taken in turns by drawing lots. Each person will fight eight times. The winner will get a dragon scale until the end." A loud voice sounded again.

  However, the twenty flag-bearers present looked calm, apparently already aware of this.

  Li Luo's eyes moved slightly, and he drew lots to take turns to fight. He was not worried about this. After taking advantage of the opportunity to break through to the extreme evil realm, now his real level is not weaker than some ordinary banner leaders. , so looking at the other leaders, the only ones who can pose some threat to him are Li Qingfeng, Lu Qingmei, and oh, there is also the iron turtle who will give everyone a headache, Li Jingtao.

  However, in order to prevent the flag heads of the same vein from interfering with each other, generally the flag heads of the same vein will not meet.

  And if you win all eight battles, you can get eight dragon scales and activate your Tianlong combat body to the eight-scale level.

  However, this is still not perfect.

  Because there is still a ninth scale.

  The battle for the ninth scale is said to be the most difficult battle for the dragon head, and its difficulty is even higher than the "Nine Dragons Fusion Fire" when ascending the dragon.

  But the competition for the ninth level is quite special. Only after winning eight games can you be eligible to start it, so there is no rush at this time.

  Li Luo touched the dragon seal between his eyebrows. He had finally obtained this "Nine Scale Dragon Seal". Naturally, he wanted to take this opportunity to activate it to the perfect level, otherwise he would like to obtain this "dragon scale" again later. , and it takes a lot of energy and time.

  Therefore, if possible, he would naturally not want to give up.

  While he was thinking about this, suddenly a stream of light fell in mid-air, and then dispersed into many rays of light, falling towards the leaders of the banners.

  Li Luo stretched out his hand and grabbed a ray of light. The light condensed and turned into a jade medal.

  When Li Luo just grabbed the jade token, the jade token burst out with light, shrouded his figure, soared into the sky, and landed on a suspended stone platform.

  When Li Luo fell, there was also a light and shadow falling in front of him. It was the leader of the dragon bone vein.

  When the other party met Li Luo in the first scene, he couldn't help but show a look of despair.

  Li Luo smiled, clenched his palm, and the golden jade Xuanxiang knife flashed out.

  When a bell rang out, Li Luo's strength exploded and he rushed out like lightning.

  And the battle ended sooner than expected.

  Li Luo then fought four games in a row, winning all four games easily, so he obtained four dragon scales. However, at this time, the dragon scales could not be imbued with dragon seals, and he could only wait for the battle for the dragon head to truly end.

  Until the fifth scene, a tall and graceful figure appeared in front.

  Li Luo finally cheered up.

  Because he met Lu Qingmei.

  (End of chapter)

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