Chapter 906 The stone dragon is three thousand feet long

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  Chapter 906 Stone Dragon A three-thousand-foot

  mountain-like stone dragon snaked and entrenched itself in the void, exuding a terrifying pressure that was overwhelming, causing the void to tremble slightly.

  Li Luo and others stood on the bluestone disk, looking up at the stone dragon, feeling as if they were as small as ants, and a sense of awe arose spontaneously.

  At this time, a majestic and majestic sound slowly came from the void, and the lingering sound lingered.

  "This is the first step in the battle for the dragon's head. Climb the dragon."

  "All participants need to climb up the dragon. This stone dragon is three thousand feet long. Every step on it needs to withstand the terrifying dragon's power. If you want to overcome the power of the dragon and climb higher step by step, it is not only a test of your strength, but also a tempering of your will." "

  Only those who are unafraid can reach the end of the stone dragon." "

  And the power of the stone dragon is very important to you. It is also a rare opportunity for you. With every step you take, there will be a trace of Tianlong breath integrated into your bodies, which will lay a solid foundation for you to forge the "Dragon Battle Body" in the future." "So, each of you

  , Take advantage of it."

  Listening to the majestic and resonant voice, Li Luo stared at the stone dragon entrenched in the void in front of him. In the past two days, he already knew all the information about the battle for the dragon head.

  This first step is particularly important.

  Because in the process of climbing the dragon, not only can one's own Heavenly Dragon aura be enhanced, but the Heavenly Dragon aura in the body will also be tempered by the pressure of the stone dragon again and again, and it will become more integrated and closely integrated with the physical body. Only after this process After that, the prototype of the Tianlong battle body will be formed.

  Otherwise, the Heavenly Dragon Aura in the body is scattered, and it is impossible to control it with their current strength. In the end, these so-called Heavenly Dragon Auras will not be able to improve their combat effectiveness.

  And without being able to improve combat effectiveness, this mysterious and mysterious "Dragon Breath" can only be said to be useless.

  "If you want to covet the so-called "Nine Scales Heavenly Dragon Battle Body" form, you need to reach the height of three thousand feet. Only in this way can the Heavenly Dragon breath in the body be perfectly integrated with the physical body under the pressure of the stone dragon, and finally possess the "Nine Scales Heavenly Dragon Battle Body" The prototype of the "scale" form."

  To put it simply, this "climbing the dragon" is like the "mold" step when casting weapons. Only by tempering one's own body into the shape of "nine scales" can the material be injected later. It is easier to transform into the real "Nine Scales Heavenly Dragon Battle Body".

  Li Luo's eyes flickered. He was naturally very interested in the most advanced form of the "Celestial Dragon Battle Body". After all, such a level of battle body was difficult to find in the outside world. If there was a chance to touch it now, it would naturally be a huge weapon. Opportunity, this will be of great benefit to the improvement of his own strength.

  So Li Luo planned to give it a try. Of course, if it was too difficult, there was no need to force it.

  When Li Luo was thinking this, he saw clouds and mist forming in the void, turning into a cloud bridge, connecting the bluestone disk they had here with the stone dragon in the void far away.


  As the majestic voice sounded, the twenty banner leaders present did not hesitate. As soon as their figures moved, the phase force exploded, turning into streaks of light and shadow, passing over the Cloud Bridge, heading straight towards the stone dragon. go.

  Ten breaths later, the mountain-like stone dragon continued to enlarge in front of the twenty people's eyes, and their figures landed at the tail of the stone dragon.

  The soles of his feet fell and stepped on the gray-white hard stone stairs.

  The stone stairs were mottled and seemed to have traces of many years. When Li Luo and the others landed on the first ladder, they felt their bodies suddenly sink, as if there were thousands of pounds of boulders pressing down on them.

  At the same time, there was a terrifying dragon roar, which suddenly exploded in their ears. The dragon roar was wrapped with an indescribable pressure. Under that pressure, the phase force flowing in their bodies suddenly became sluggish, and even Even his thoughts seemed to be affected, and at the same time, he was filled with fear and wanted to turn around and run away.

  I think this is the pressure of Shilong.

  However, the twenty banner leaders are all considered to be the leaders of the Tianlong Five Meridians generation. Although their expressions changed slightly when they were caught off guard, they did not lose their composure and quickly endured it.

  After all, it's just the beginning. If you can't bear it here, then there is no need to "climb the dragon".

  The stone staircase was wide, and the twenty banner leaders were very far apart from each other. No one spoke, and then they each took steps silently.

  Climb the dragon and start here.

  And when Li Luo and others started to climb up the long stone dragon's body step by step, in the void, the clouds and mist formed a high platform, and there were many figures sitting upright, looking down.

  The frontmost position is naturally the head of the five meridians.

  Below them are the heads of each courtyard.

  Li Tianji, the leader of the dragon bloodline, looked at some small black spots slowly climbing up the stone dragon's body and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, this "climbing the dragon" hasn't seen anyone who has walked three thousand feet for several years, right?"

  Others The four pulse leaders also nodded slightly. Climbing the dragon three thousand feet is extremely difficult. In recent years, the best result has been two thousand nine hundred feet, which is still a little far away from three thousand feet. The silver-haired woman on the side, a dragon-scaled woman named Li Qingying, looked at Li Jingzhe and asked with a smile: "That child named Li Luo, his performance in the Dragon Pool battle was quite outstanding before. I wonder if he can do the same this time. He is like his father, and he shines in this step of ascending the dragon?"

  Li Tianji also smiled slightly and said: "I think there should be some opportunities, otherwise Jingzhe Pulse Shou would not easily agree to use the position of dragon head to allocate which plant The "Nine-marked Sacred Heart Lotus" brought back by the ancestors."

  As Li Tianji said "Nine-marked Sacred Heart Lotus," the expressions of all the principals below changed, because this magical medicine was also very attractive to them. They also expressed their interest in this thing to their respective leaders and tried to exchange for their contribution.

  Li Jingzhe said lightly: "Just give it a try."

  Then he said again: "However, I am sure to win the "Nine-marked Sacred Heart Lotus", so no matter what the final result is, the four pulse leaders please give in."

  Li Tianji chuckled and said, "It's all easy to say, but I know that Jingzhe Pulse Leader is also the most particular about principles. I think if the other four veins get this thing, if you want to exchange it, we shouldn't suffer a loss." Longjiao Pulse

  . The Li Jinjiao Pulse Head also smiled and nodded, the golden horn on his forehead was shining with light, and said: "I have coveted the "Tianbao Lotus Seat" at the Jingzhe Pulse Head for a long time. If possible, I would like to borrow it."

  Li Jingzhe's face was expressionless, but he cursed the old man secretly in his heart. This made it clear that he wanted to take the opportunity to chop him severely.

  You still want his "Tianbao Lotus Seat", and if you get too anxious, I'll break off your "Golden Horns of the Universe"!
  He didn't say anything more, but turned his gaze to the mountain-like stone dragon, and said to himself: "Li Luo, did you successfully obtain the "Nine Patterns Sacred Heart Lotus" this time, or did they kill you with a knife and cause bleeding? You have to look over there."

  Li Luo tiptoed, jumped up, and easily climbed over the stone stairs. As the soles of his feet landed on the mottled stone, he suddenly felt a mysterious aura flowing down the stairs. The soles of the feet poured into the body, and this breath was impossible to comprehend. It seemed to disappear as soon as it entered the body, making it difficult to sense at all.

  But Li Luo knew that this was the so-called Tianlong breath.

  As they continued to climb upward, the terrifying dragon's power was gradually increasing. Accompanied by the faint roar of the dragon, it seemed that the flesh and blood all over the body was trembling with fear.

  "There seems to be some subtle changes deep in the body."

  Li Luo said to himself. As he continued to climb along the stone dragon's body, he could feel that there seemed to be some fiery energy emerging deep in the body.

  The dragon's power was like a heavy hammer, hammering down one after another, forging the body into a stronger body.

  Moreover, Li Luo felt that under the weight of this dragon's power, there were faint movements in his three phase palaces. The phase power was constantly flowing, and something seemed to be gestating within them.

  That was the beginning of the birth of Sha Gang.

  Previously, Li Luo was burned by the fire in Li Jingzhe's fire shield. At that time, he was already refining the evil spirit, but later he was slightly delayed because of practicing the "Personal Phase Dragon Tooth Sword Formation" Some, and now with the increase in Long Wei's power, that feeling of exercise has appeared again.

  This made Li Luo feel a little excited. Perhaps, this step forward was also an opportunity for him to refine his evil spirit.

  At this moment, Li Luofang separated his mind and glanced around.

  At this time, it was already half an hour since the climb to the dragon started. The twenty bannermen were all trying their best to climb. However, the first half of the journey was not too difficult for everyone, so they all reached the position of 500 feet one after another. .

  But as they arrived at this position, the twenty banner leaders also began to separate into echelons.

  The first echelon at the front is Li Qingfeng and Lu Qingmei. They have the strongest strength, and Long Wei has the least influence on them, so they climb the fastest.

  Behind the two people are Deng Fengxian, Li Hongli, Li Senyan and others, and Li Luo himself is also in this echelon.

  Further back, there are some leaders with weaker backgrounds, including Li Fengyi and Li Jingtao, especially Li Jingtao, who is only at the bottom of this echelon.

  But although Li Jingtao's climb was slow, it was extremely regular, step by step, neither hasty nor slow, and steadily climbed up, like a chirping old scalper, with a word of stability.

  Li Luo withdrew his gaze and glanced at the two leading figures at the front. The position at this time did not represent the final result.

  The stone dragon is 3,000 feet long. There won’t be much of a ripple before 1,500 feet. The real gap appears at 1,500 feet later.


  Li Luo took a deep breath, and then calmed down. Now is not the time to compete for position. He plans to use the power of this stone dragon to temper his physical body and refine his physical strength.

  His own inner strength has reached its limit in the evil body realm, and he believes that his evil power will soon appear.

  The most evil realm is waiting for me.

  (End of chapter)

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