Chapter 892 The terrible reunion meeting

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  Chapter 892 The Terrifying Guiyi Meeting When

  Li Jingzhe uttered the words "Guiyi Hui", the faces of everyone present became a little ugly. Li Rouyun, Li Feng and the others knew more information because they were in Inner China. , so I understand how terrifying this so-called "Guiyihui" is, and Li Luo is simply because of the destruction of Daxia Kingdom and the Black Wind Empire. After all, the changes in these two countries were all caused by the "Guiyihui". Promoted by "for a while".

  As for Shen Jinxiao, he is just a minion of "Guiyihui".

  "Is this "Gui Yi Hui" also famous in Inner China?" Li Luo was silent for a while and asked.

  "It's not just famous, it's simply infamous." Li Rouyun said solemnly.

  Li Feng also smiled bitterly and said: "This "Gui Yi Hui" is probably the most mysterious and strange force in the world. It is extremely ancient. In terms of its existence time, let alone our lineage of King Li Tian, ​​even the oldest "King Qin" "No one can compare with "One Lineage"."

  "And the tentacles of this force are extremely terrifying. They can be found in almost all the major inner divine states. They are the most vigilant and guarded existence for the king-level forces in all parties." "Because

  in In history, there used to be "king-level" forces that were subverted and destroyed by them."

  Hearing this, Li Luo couldn't help but have a look of horror on his face, and said: "Have they ever subverted the king-level forces?"

  A Heavenly King-level force means that there is a Heavenly-King-level powerhouse within it, which is comparable to the existence of their ancestor Li Tianwang. Such a strong man who is almost at the top of the world cannot be defeated by "Gui Yihui"?
  "The destruction of the Heavenly King-level forces was mainly due to the fall of their Heavenly King-level strongman, and during this period, there should be the handiwork of "Gui Yihui". What is terrifying about them is not their apparent strength. , but they are hiding in the world, and there is no way to find them all." "

  The Heavenly King-level force was destroyed that year. According to the clues deduced later, it is very likely that one of the Heavenly King-level powerhouses was one of them. He joined the "Guiyihui" whom he trusted extremely, and then lurked for many years before finding an opportunity to detonate the fall of that king-level powerhouse." Li Jingzhe also spoke slowly at this time.

  His old face became more and more serious at this time, and Li Luo also saw a strong sense of fear in his eyes. Obviously, the appearance of this "reunion meeting" also made Li Jingzhe take this matter seriously. got up.

  Li Luo also felt chills in his heart. At this time, he had some simple understanding of the horror of the "Guiyihui". It seemed that the subversion of the so-called "Black Wind Empire" and "Great Xia Kingdom" had a profound impact on the "Guiyihui". "For a while," it's just child's play. After all, they dare to attack even the king-level forces, so what do these forces from outer China mean in their eyes.

  "The Guiyihui is extremely mysterious, and what they do is also extremely crazy. They are probably the only force in the human race that is very close to the aliens, and even actively cooperates with the top aliens." "

  These In the past few years, "extraordinary disasters" have broken out in many places in Inner China, and most of them were caused by the "Gui Yi Hui"." "They have always believed in the so-called "unification of good and evil", and the purpose of

  Gui Yi Hui has been It is to promote the integration of the real world and the "dark world"." "

  They are simply a group of lunatics." Li Rouyun's eyes were cold, and she obviously hated this "Guiyihui". Of course, perhaps the vast majority of strong human beings are like this general view.

  Aliens are weird and terrifying. For ordinary humans, they are simply more terrifying than any natural disaster. Once the aliens cause a disaster, even a country will be exterminated. That kind of tragic situation is simply unimaginable.

  Li Luo also looked a little ugly and said: "With such lunatic forces, haven't the many king-level forces in Inner China joined forces to eliminate them?"

  Li Jingzhe said lightly: "Of course I have tried, but they have failed. It is completely effective. The "Guiyihui" is no less ancient than the "Study Alliance", and it can even be traced back to the great changes in ancient times. For so many years, the "Study Alliance" has been looking for the "Guiyihui". They even united with some king-level forces to launch unimaginable siege and suppression, but still achieved little results. After this "Guiyihui" has been silent for a period of time, it will make trouble everywhere again." Li Luo was a little numb, there was such a thing in this

  world Is it really impossible to check and balance these terrifying and crazy forces?

  "Furthermore, the horror of Guiyihui is not in its light, but in its darkness. The most terrifying thing is that you don't know who in the world has become one of them. Their ability to confuse people's hearts is even worse than that of aliens. It's scary." Li Jingzhe's voice turned cold at this moment.

  "No one can guarantee that some king-level forces, or even the school alliance, will not have their tentacles at all."

  Li Luo's scalp was numb, and he felt that the air was getting colder at this moment.

  "It sounds like they are invincible." Li Luo murmured.

  Li Jingzhe shook his head and said: "If you are really invincible, why hide in the darkness? The Guiyi Hui cannot be underestimated, but their ideas are contrary to the human race. Once they appear in the world, they will be enemies of the whole world." Li Luo

  then He breathed a sigh of relief, this kind of terrifying power was not within his reach now.

  "You just said that the "Spirit Eclipsing True Demon" in cousin Lingjing's body was created by Guiyi Hui? What is their purpose in creating this thing?" Li Luo's topic turned back to "Spirit Eclipsing True Demon" "above.

  "The Guiyihui has been doing crazy experiments on the fusion of human races and aliens. Over the years, they have also created some terrible things. Compared with those, this "spirit-eating true demon" is quite "mild" "But judging from the intelligence, this thing can swallow up the sanity and talent of the proud people of the human race. This is extremely special. It seems that it has not appeared before." "And" Li Jingzhe's eyes darkened a little: "


  "reunion for a while" will This thing is hidden in the dark area of ​​​​Xiling. I don’t know what the plan is. It is close to our Dragon Tooth Vein. Is it possible that this "Guiyiji" is also targeting the Dragon Tooth Vein?" Li Luo was shocked and said. : "This must be guarded against."

  He had seen the tragic situation of the Black Wind Empire and the Great Xia Kingdom after they were overthrown by the "Gui Yi Hui", and now that Longya Vein is his second home besides Luo Lan Mansion, he naturally I don't want to see this place ruined by "Gui Yi Hui" again.

  "I will give instructions later to have all parts of the Dragon Tooth Territory strictly check the nearby "dark areas", or some regular clean-up plans should be advanced, which can be regarded as eliminating hidden dangers." Li Jingzhe said slowly.

  Li Luo nodded, and then asked: "Can grandpa have a way to eliminate the "spirit-eating true demon" in cousin Lingjing's body?"

  As soon as these words came out, Li Rouyun, Li Lingjing, and Li Feng all looked nervous, because Li Jingzhe's answer will most likely determine Li Lingjing's fate.

  Li Jingzhe pondered for a while, then glanced at Li Luo and said, "This "Spirit Eclipsing True Demon" was created by Gui Yihui. It's quite weird, but I can give it a try." Then he stretched out his palm and

  saw A red light flashed between the palms, and a red fire shield about the size of a palm appeared in the gaze of several people.

  On the surface of the red fire shield, there were nine fire dragons circling quietly. When this object appeared, the energy in the world was restless and boiling.

  Li Luo and others felt an unknown fire rising from their hearts, almost burning their bodies.

  An extremely terrifying sense of pressure emanated from the fire shield. That pressure was simply more terrifying than some powerful feudal lords.

  "Nine Dragon Fire Sword Cover!" Li Rouyun exclaimed in low voice.

  Seeing the doubtful look on Li Luo's face, she whispered: "This is the king-level treasure that Pulse Leader is famous for. It has infinite power and has the power to burn mountains and boil seas. Once this thing is released, it will cover the land thousands of miles away." , everything inside was burned by dragon fire, and all vitality was extinguished."

  "King-level Noble Phantasm."

  Li Luo secretly smacked his lips. He had never heard of such a level of Noble Phantasm. The aura emanating from it, even if it was just a trace, But it still gave him a sense of destruction.

  "My "Nine Dragon Fire Sword Cover" is endowed with "Dragon Fire Sword Qi". If you want to try to purify the "Spirit Eclipse True Demon" in your body, you can enter it yourself and be burned by the "Dragon Fire Sword Qi". Burn."

  Li Jingzhe stared at Li Lingjing and said calmly: "The dragon fire sword energy is extremely domineering. It not only contains the ultimate dragon fire, but also contains endless sword intent. With this sword energy, it may be possible to cleanse the marrow and cut the bones. "Remove the real demon."

  "However, this method is also full of dangers. The dragon fire sword energy cleansing the marrow and cutting the bones will bring unimaginable pain. If a person is not strong-willed and is not careful, even the bones may be damaged." live."

  "What? Do you dare to try it?"

  As Li Jingzhe finished speaking, both Li Rouyun and Li Feng turned pale. Even if they fell into Li Jingzhe's "Nine Dragon Fire Sword Cover", they probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long. It will be burned to ashes. Although Li Lingjing enters it, Li Jingzhe will definitely suppress the power, but it is still full of risks.

  Li Lingjing's beautiful cheeks also turned pale. She stared at the "Nine Dragon Fire Sword Shield" with unconcealed fear. There was some struggle in her eyes, but soon, the struggle turned into Decisive.

  "Lord Pianshou, I am willing to give it a try!" She took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

  Because she knew that Li Jingzhe was giving her a choice for Li Luo's sake. If she was afraid and unwilling, given Li Jingzhe's fear of the "Guiyiji", she might not have many retreat options.

  Li Luo on the side also sighed secretly, and at the same time admired Li Lingjing's tenacity. After all, not everyone has the courage to endure this kind of "dragon fire body forging".

  When Li Jingzhe heard this, his gaze resting on Li Lingjing's cheek flickered slightly, then nodded and said, "She is a determined little girl." "Well, it depends on your luck." As soon as he finished speaking, he sleeved his


  . With a wave, Li Lingjing's delicate body seemed to be caught by an invisible force, and then his figure turned into a stream of light and got into the "Nine Dragon Fire Sword Cover".

  Li Jingzhe held the fire shield in his hand and pointed a finger. The nine dragons on it made a vague dragon roar, and then one of the fire dragons swam up and sprayed a red flame into the fire shield. Within the flame, There seemed to be countless sword lights flowing, hot and sharp.

  The red fire roared down, and then enveloped a slender figure sitting cross-legged in it.

  (End of chapter)

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