Chapter 885 Return

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  Chapter 885
  On the second day of the return journey, as Li Fengyi and the others rushed to Xiling City with the Four Banners, Li Luo completed the rendezvous with them, and then set off directly back to the Dragon Tooth Mountains without staying too long.

  But this time there were two more people on the way home.

  It was Li Lingjing and Li Feng who protected him all the way.

  Li Fengyi and others were also extremely surprised by Li Lingjing's sudden return to sanity, especially after learning that the former seemed to have regained his former talent.

  After all, Li Lingjing was regarded as the genius of their previous generation of Twenty Flags. At that time, Li Lingjing had a good reputation among the younger generation of Long Yamai. Everyone said that a top genius would emerge from the Li family in Xiling that time.

  But no one expected that just when the selection of the Twenty Flags was about to come, Li Lingjing was attacked by a real demon in the dark realm. Even though he escaped by chance, his talent was ruined, which made countless people sigh.

  After all, many people believe that if Li Lingjing really enters the Twenty Flags, she will definitely be qualified to compete for the title of leader of that generation.

  But unfortunately, as the geniuses of that generation gradually emerged among the Twenty Flags and became influential figures in King Li Tianwang's lineage, Li Lingjing disappeared and was no longer remembered.

  The top of the ship is the Dragon Head Tower.

  Li Luo sat cross-legged in front of the coffee table, sipping tea, watching the building ship break through the clouds and overlooking the earth, which was quite leisurely.

  This trip to the dark area of ​​Xiling City took nearly a month, but for him, it was very fruitful. Not only did he successfully obtain the "Yan Ying Sacred Fruit", but he also cultivated the Glazed Evil Body to the "Three Light Glazed" realm.

  Although he can still only be regarded as the evil body realm, but with the body-protecting mysterious light of his "Three Lights Glaze", he may be able to make the extreme evil realm opponents with evil power less than 30 feet scratch their heads.

  "Finally caught up."

  Li Luo said to himself. When he first entered the Twenty Banners half a year ago, he was only in the Evil Palace realm. At that time, he had quite a lot of differences with top banner leaders like Li Qingfeng and Lu Qingmei. The difference is something that even he himself cannot deny.

  This has nothing to do with talent, it is purely due to the cultivation resources of the Outer China and the Inner China.

  There is indeed a gap between the evil palace realm and the extreme evil realm by several small realms. Although Li Luo has many means to defeat the enemy, top geniuses like Li Qingfeng are not local chickens and tile dogs, so how can they not have a trump card in their hands? , so at that time, Li Luo also tried his best to avoid confrontation with them.

  Fortunately, the existence of "Aiki" has slightly made up for this gap. Although the gap still exists, with many means, Li Luo is not a weak player among the Twenty Flags.

  But now, with the accumulation of hard work over the past six months, Li Luo has finally entered the Liulisha body realm and cultivated the "Three Lights Liuli". At this time, he has the confidence to compete with these top heroes among the Twenty Banners with his true strength. Flag-head confrontation.

  Li Luo became more confident about the upcoming battle for the leader of the Twenty Flags.

  Of course, Li Luo also understands that these top banner capitals are not fuel-efficient lamps, so he will not underestimate him. After all, when he is making progress, others are not standing still.

  So Li Luo thought for a while and took out five mottled dragon teeth that exuded strong pressure from the space ball.

  "I wonder if these five dragon teeth can extract a drop of "Dragon Teeth Spiritual Essence"?" Li Luo stared at these five dragon teeth, his heart full of hope and desire, wishing he could refine it directly at this time, and see See if there are any surprising gains.

  Only by obtaining the "Dragon Tooth Spiritual Essence" could he truly practice the "Public Phase Dragon Tooth Sword Formation". Li Luo had coveted this "Unparalleled Young Technique" created by the ancestor of King Li Tian for a long time.

  "If you want to obtain the "Dragon Tooth Spiritual Essence", I suggest you not to do it yourself." Just when Li Luo hesitated, a chuckle suddenly came.

  Li Luo looked up and saw Li Lingjing coming up from the stairs. She was wearing a light yellow dress with blue silk tied up. Her pretty and fair face seemed to have a white luster flowing, and her beautiful eyes were looking at her, making people look at her.

  Two strands of black hair hung down, covering her shoulders, and fell on her tall and plump breasts, outlining the graceful curves.

  The slender waist is tied with a silk belt, which makes it look full and graceful. There is wind in the sky, and as Li Lingjing moves around, the dress is slightly close to the body, which makes the whole body slim and graceful, with uneven curves.

  At this time, there were many male Qingming Banners on the balcony behind them. When Li Lingjing appeared, their eyes couldn't help but secretly cast their gazes, and faint whispers could be heard in the wind.

  Li Luo also took a serious look at it, without making any secrets. Then when Li Lingjing came over, he commented with a smile: "Cousin Lingjing is so charming. It's a pity that the previous generation of Twenty Flags Banners couldn't When I met you, I lost a beautiful figure in my life." Li Lingjing has a good appearance and temperament, and with the recovery of her talent now, it seems that her former self-confidence has returned to her, making her bloom with amazing charm.

  Li Lingjing knelt down on the cushion on the side of the coffee table, her red lips slightly raised, and said: "Cousin Li Luo is also very good at talking, and everyone who listens will be delighted." "I don't have any good qualities, just honesty." Li Luo said sincerely

  . said.

  Li Lingjing said with a smile: "What an excellent quality. Coupled with your face, I feel that your love affair will be unstoppable." "My

  appearance was given by my parents, but I still like others to pay attention to my inner connotation. ." Li Luo said seriously.

  Li Lingjing covered her mouth and chuckled, her laughter as sweet as a silver bell: "Cousin Li Luo, if you continue to be so funny, maybe cousin I want to be your maid again." Li Luo suddenly looked bitter and said: "

  Cousin Don't play tricks on me. I don't dare to let you be my maid. You are so good. I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it to my fiancée in the future." Li Lingjing asked curiously: "Do you really have

  a fiancée?"

  Li Luo nodded. : "Is there still a lie?"

  But thinking about it carefully, it seems that when Jiang Qing'e left, she returned the engagement to him. So strictly speaking, it seems that Jiang Qing'e is not his fiancée?
  When he thought of this, Li Luo felt that the tea in his hand no longer smelled good.

  Although the relationship between the two parties will not change because of this paper engagement, the lack of a sense of justice is still very uncomfortable.

  Li Luo lamented in his heart. He originally wanted to write a new one with Jiang Qing'e after breaking off the engagement, but later because of the problem of Bright Heart, he naturally had no time to solve these small things.

  "Weren't you from Outer China before? Your fiancée is also from Outer China?" Li Lingjing continued to ask curiously.

  Li Luo nodded again.

  Li Lingjing chuckled lightly and said: "Cousin Li Luo really impressed me again. Even after coming to Inner China, he can still remember the old person. After all, with your current status, as long as you open your mouth, this Dragon Tooth Vein There are many famous ladies, I'm afraid they will all be chosen by you."

  Li Luo smiled and said: "I don't have this idea." Li

  Lingjing nodded and said with interest: "But even if you don't have this idea, with your talent and identity , you will definitely become the top genius in Tianyuan China in the future, and there will definitely be no shortage of girls with peerless charm who will fall in love with you by then. And by then, you may still miss your old person, but the old person will face these opponents who will make you feel ashamed. , how should we deal with ourselves?"

  Li Luo was stunned when he heard this, and then looked complicated.

  Ashamed of oneself? How to deal with yourself?
  Is this a question that the big white goose will consider?

  Regarding Li Luo's complicated expression, Li Lingjing regarded him as speechless and did not continue to ask such pointed questions. Instead, he took the teapot and poured himself a drink.

  After a moment, Li Luo regained his concentration. He looked at the young woman in front of him with an inexplicable smile on her lips, and felt that Li Lingjing's temperament seemed to have become a little evil.

  It seems that this is because the true demon of eclipsing the soul is entangled with it.

  But in this way, Li Lingjing gained some special charm.

  Li Luo shook his head and didn't think much. Instead, he turned the topic back and tapped the five mottled dragon teeth in front of him with his fingers.

  "Why didn't cousin Lingjing let me refine this "Dragon Tooth Spirit Marrow" earlier?"

  (End of Chapter)

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