Chapter 863 The first confrontation

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  Chapter 863 The First Confrontation
  Facing Zhao Jingyu’s undisguised hostility and murderous intent, Li Luo remained expressionless. He did not expect that the first real enemy he encountered after coming to Tianyuan Shenzhou would be because of A woman comes.

  However, as for Zhao Jingyu's behavior, whether there was a consideration behind Zhao Tianwang's line trying to form a good relationship with Qin Tianwang's lineage was something that Li Luo could not consider.

  Zhao Jingyu wanted one of his arms to propose marriage as a gift, so he actually wanted one of his arms. The arm with the space ball.

  Li Luoke still remembers those five dragon teeth.

  In the safe zone at the rear, there were many eyes watching the confrontation between the two groups with great interest. After all, this kind of confrontation between the geniuses of the two king-level forces was rare in ordinary times.

  Under the gaze of many eyes, Zhao Jingyu stepped forward slowly with a long red sword in his hand. The "Tiger Department" behind him did not move, but the breath and power gradually rose, forming a huge wave. The pressure is permeating.

  Zhao Jingyu had no intention of using "Aiki" now, but stared at Li Luo with a stern look and said: "I heard that you, a country bumpkin, have been wasting away in China for more than ten years, and you were not at the level of Dasha Palace before? "

  It is indeed a very sad thing, but unfortunately, I will not pity you for this, because this is a stupid choice of your parents."

  Zhao Jingyu slowly raised the long knife in his hand, feeling inside his body. At this time, the power burst out without reservation, and from the tip of the knife, there was an extremely sharp evil force spurting out.

  The evil force is over eighty feet long!
  Obviously, Zhao Jingyu's strength is at the peak of the extremely evil realm.

  Zhao Jingyu took a step forward and slashed down at Li Luo's position with a single slash from the air. The eighty-foot-long evil sword suddenly revealed its extremely powerful power. When the sword fell, it seemed as if it was even the void. It was torn with faint traces.

  On the ground below, there was a knife mark about a hundred feet long and half a meter deep.

  This sword made the eyelids of many explorers with extreme evil strength in the safe zone twitch. The eighty-foot evil was powerful, which revealed Zhao Jingyu's extraordinary background.

  "Boss, hurry up!" Li Shi shouted hurriedly. Zhao Jingyu's sword made him feel a fatal crisis even after he entered the Jinsha body. If this sword was aimed at him, he would definitely be on the spot. Death.

  However, Li Luo just waved his hand, with a look of eagerness rising in his eyes. With his previous breakthrough, he had greatly improved his strength and directly cultivated a semi-finished glass evil body. Now this Zhao Jingyu is actually a good whetstone.

  Li Luo clenched his palm, and the golden jade Xuanxiang Knife appeared in his hand. He took a deep breath, and the three phase palaces in his body vibrated, and the powerful phase force surged out like a torrent.

  Two of the forces entangled together like a giant python and merged rapidly.

  The power of bipolarity!

  A two-color halo appeared on Li Luo's blade, and then he slashed out with a calm expression, only to see a bright, high-speed rotating blade wheel formed out of thin air.

  Within the knife wheel, the powerful and pure phase force flows at high speed, and spiritual traces can be faintly seen flying inside, which is extremely mysterious.

  The sword wheel shot out of the air, and after a few breaths, it collided with the fierce and domineering Sha Gang sword light.

  Violent energy exploded in mid-air.

  The two forces eroded and destroyed each other crazily.

  After a moment, the speed of the brilliant sword wheel slowed down and then shattered, but the evil sword light was also greatly weakened. When the sword light finally fell, Li Luo simply let the sword light brush past his body.

  On the surface of Li Luo's body, there was a rich golden light emerging, and at the same time, there were glazed light patterns looming between the flesh and blood, showing a strong defensive power and resisting all the sword lights.

  Some shocked sounds came from the safe zone.

  Zhao Jingyu's sword would severely damage even the average extremely evil state, but was blocked by Li Luo, who had not even condensed the evil spirit?

  From the looks of it, Lo Lee is almost intact.

  Li Shi, Zhao Yanzhi, Mu Bi and others were also a little moved, because this time, Li Luo relied entirely on his own strength and did not rely on the power of He Qi.

  They all knew that a few months ago, there was a gap that could not be ignored between Li Luo and the top leaders of the Twenty Banners, but in just a short time, Li Luo seemed to have filled these gaps.

  Such talent is truly amazing.

  Different from their shock, Li Luo shook his head slightly, a little dissatisfied. After all, he was at a slight disadvantage in the head-on collision with Zhao Jingyu.

  That Sha Gang is indeed the iconic power of the Extreme Sha Realm, it is fierce and domineering to the extreme.

  But fortunately, he is now truly qualified to compete head-on with these top opponents in the extreme evil realm.

  The effect of this leapfrog breakthrough is extremely obvious.

  When Li Luo sighed in his heart, Zhao Jingyu's expression turned gloomy, because this result was also not what he wanted.

  According to his expectation, this sword attack should have made Li Luo embarrassed, and then he could use his energy to resist it.

  But now, Li Luo took over with his own strength.

  "It turns out that he has advanced to the Golden Evil Body Realm."

  Zhao Jingyu said gloomily. The bright golden light in Li Luo's flesh and blood is obviously the sign of the Golden Evil Body, so the current Li Luo is not the Great Evil as previously reported. Palace realm, but leapfrogged to the Jinsha body realm. This should be the opportunity Li Luo got in the Xuanhuang Dragon Qi Pool.

  Therefore, Zhao Jingyu knew that Li Luo's previous disadvantages had been gradually made up for.

  However, he doesn't intend to stop there.

  There was a fierce light flowing in Zhao Jingyu's eyes, he raised his palm, and suddenly the roar of a tiger resounded from the "Tiger Department" behind him, and the majestic and powerful energy pressure poured out like a torrent.

  The real war begins now.

  When Li Luo saw this, his expression was calm, and he was ready to activate Aiki.

  However, just when the two sides were at war and about to start a big battle, suddenly countless inexplicable whispers resounded in the sky and the earth, and a strong aura of evil thoughts rolled in from the edge of the sky like dark clouds.

  Everyone in this area felt a little irritable in their hearts at this time.

  "The "abnormal tide" broke out!"

  In the safe zone, a rapid siren sounded sharply.

  Li Luo and Zhao Jingyu also stopped because of such an incident. They looked at the black mist of evil thoughts billowing in the distance. They could sense that there seemed to be countless strange and strange creatures surging in the black mist.

  However, they did not panic. This so-called "abnormal trend" was not uncommon in the Dark Realm, and most of them were low-level aliens.

  "Qingming Banner listens to the order and prepares to resist!" Li Luo's deep voice rang in the ears of the Qingming Banners.

  The eight thousand banners immediately mobilized their strength, and the auras of the eight thousand people merged into one with a majestic momentum, which completely isolated the erosion and pollution from the evil thoughts.

  Under this cohesive and majestic momentum, they are like powerful feudal lords, and naturally they are not afraid of the influence of this so-called strange tide.

  Li Luo also took a few steps back and integrated himself into the aura of the eight thousand bannermen, because with his own strength, it was impossible to resist the countless aliens.

  Even if these aliens were just level-corruptions, they would be enough to overwhelm him.


  When Li Luo was ready, the strange tide was already rushing in, and then he saw countless twisted things appearing in the thick and cold black mist.

  It seemed to be a huge red eyeball, the inside of the eyeball was covered with ferocious bloodshot eyes, and at the same time, a different number of pale white hands came out of the eyeball, like hands and feet, driving it forward.

  Inside the red eyeball, there is a thick black light looming.

  This kind of alien eyeballs is okay individually, but when they appear in such numbers, the densely packed mountainous scene makes people feel a little numb.

  Li Luo activated "Aiki", and majestic energy suddenly roared out, seeming to form an energy wall, standing in front of him.

  boom! boom!
  Countless alien eyeballs collided directly, and when they first came into contact with the energy wall, they were blasted away by the tyrannical energy flowing on it.

  Pools of blurred flesh and black liquid kept appearing.

  However, the alien eyeball still rushed forward without fear of death. At the same time, its single eye shot out countless rays of dark and fishy light, which fell on the energy wall and caused ripples.

  Li Luo looked at this scene with an expressionless face. Although these strange eyeballs made people feel uncomfortable, they were not threatening in the "Aiki" state.

  When thinking like this, Li Luo suddenly frowned slightly, because at this moment, he seemed to sense an extremely obscure sense of prying eyes.

  This sense of spying.
  Li Luo stretched out his palm, and a beam of energy shot out from the energy wall in front of him. It directly penetrated dozens of eyeball aliens, then wrapped around one of them and retracted it fiercely at the same time.

  When this alien eyeball was about to come into contact with the energy light wall, a hole opened, and it was pulled in front of Li Luo.

  The scarlet eyeballs of the alien eyeballs were staring at Li Luo, and the blood in them seemed to be crawling like earthworms, making people shudder.

  Li Luo frowned and looked at this guy with strange eyes. The feeling of spying before seemed to come from this guy, but when he caught him now, he no longer felt that way.

  Li Luo's face was reflected in the eyeballs as big as a human head.

  Li Luo squeezed it casually, crushing the alien eyeball under the squeeze of energy, and then summoned a wave of energy to purify its residue.

  A look of contemplation appeared on his face, and he looked up at the dark tide around him.

  Was that sense of spying just now an illusion?

  (End of chapter)

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