Chapter 848 Huge Harvest

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  Chapter 848: Rich Harvest

  When Li Qingfeng saw the five black and yellow dragon energy originally swimming towards him suddenly turning and heading straight towards Li Luo, the expression on his face almost froze.

  He was stunned for several breaths, and then he couldn't help but stand up from the Silver Dragon Pillar. At that moment, he almost had the urge to rush out of the light barrier.

  But in the end, he forcibly restrained himself.

  Because the storm outside was extremely violent at this time, if he rushed out, he might not be able to last long and would be seriously injured.

  Therefore, he could only watch helplessly as the five black and yellow dragon energy flew directly into Li Luo's energy palm like birds returning to their nests.

  Qingfeng Li's handsome face instantly became distorted.

  "How is it possible?!"

  Li Qingfeng was furious, how could things become like this? It was obviously him who lit the "ambergris" here. According to common sense, the black and yellow dragon energy should fly to him at this time, but why did it all go to Li Luo? !

  Qingfeng Li was furious and felt like he was being cut off.

  In his opinion, the five black and yellow dragon energy appeared because of his "ambergris", so these should be his things!

  "Is it because of that thing?"

  Li Qingfeng stared at the black token suspended in Li Luo's energy palm, and when he saw the word "李" on the token, his heart was shocked.

  "That's the Heavenly King's Order?!"

  Li Qingfeng's heart was filled with turmoil. As a direct descendant of the dragon bloodline, of course he knew the existence of the "Heavenly King's Order". It was something that could only be passed down from his ancestors.

  And only the most amazing and talented genius in the clan can win the favor of the ancestor.

  Throughout the creation of King Li's lineage to this day, there are only a handful of people who have been able to obtain the "Heavenly King's Order" given by their ancestors.

  And this "Heavenly King's Order" obviously does not belong to Li Luo, but to Li Luo's father, Li Taixuan.

  After all, the fact that Li Taixuan obtained the "Heavenly King's Order" was not a secret among the Five Meridians.

  Obviously, Li Luo used this object to attract the "black and yellow dragon energy" this time.

  Qingfeng Li looked ugly. He really didn't guess that Li Luo had this skill. If he had known it earlier, he would never have taken out the ambergris, because not only could he not be able to grab the black and yellow dragon energy that was elicited in this way, Instead, she made Li Luo a wedding dress for nothing.

  His heart was full of remorse. "Ambergris" was extremely rare and the price was extremely high. Originally, this was the method his father had prepared for him after he had won the Golden Dragon Pillar. The purpose was to obtain more mysterious treasures. Huanglong Qi.

  But now he lit the "ambergris", which indeed attracted more black and yellow dragon energy, but in the end, Li Luo took advantage of it.

  Those are five mysterious and yellow dragon energies!

  If Li Luo gets it, plus the one he had before, then Li Luo will get the Six Paths of Mysterious Yellow Dragon Qi!

  This kind of harvest, looking at all previous Longchi openings, is definitely among the top three.

  As for Li Luo's ability to achieve this achievement, in addition to the "Heavenly King's Order", I am afraid that the ambergris in Li Qingfeng's hand also contributed a lot.

  In other words, Qingfeng Li's little plan actually came true for Luo Li.

  This is truly a waste of money.

  While Qingfeng Li's heart was bleeding, Li Luo successfully caught the five black and yellow dragon qi, and then he suppressed his rapidly accelerating heartbeat and hurriedly took it back.

  After putting the five black and yellow dragon energy into the jade bottle, Li Luo was relieved. The bright smile on his face could no longer hold back and bloomed like a flower.

  Five mysterious and yellow dragon energies!
  This achieved his goal almost instantly.

  Now that he has six paths of black and yellow dragon energy in hand, even if he gives one to the three-tailed celestial wolf, the remaining five paths are enough for him to fill the big holes in the three palaces. When the time comes, his long-cherished ambition to impact the Evil Body Realm with thirty-five thousand Earth Evil Mysterious Lights will be realized.

  Li Luo turned his head with a smile on his face and looked at the position of Qingfeng Li in the distance behind him. At this time, the latter was staring at him, and his expression was no longer as calm as usual.

  Li Luo also discovered the green incense lit in the latter's hand. He understood that the five black and yellow dragon energies that appeared this time were probably due to this thing.

  There are also good people in the dragon bloodline.

  Li Luo sighed, and then solemnly raised his hands to Qingfeng Li's position to express his gratitude.

  However, Qingfeng Li's forehead had veins beating due to his gratitude to Li Luo. Immediately, Qingfeng Li took a deep breath to calm down his emotions, and ignored Li Luo with a gloomy expression.

  Li Luo didn't care about this and looked back leisurely. Now that the goal was achieved, he no longer had any pressure. He could just wait for the end of Longchi.

  This time the battle in Longchi was complete.

  In the remaining time, Li Luo did not use the "Heavenly King's Order" again, because the effect was no longer great, and the amount of dragon energy deep in the pool was limited. This time he took a handful of it, and then again It will take a few years to recover.

  After that, the process was lackluster, but several other people also began to make gains one after another.

  The Silver Dragon Pillar where Lu Qingmei was located was the first to receive a black and yellow dragon energy.

  At the rear of the bronze dragon pillar, Li Hongli and Deng Fengxian were the most active, each grabbing a piece of black and yellow dragon energy. Li Jingtao had not yet participated in the fight, so he had not made much money yet, but looking at his carefree appearance, he looked better than those outside. Onlookers should look relaxed.

  Another half hour passed like this.

  Li Luo, who originally had no desires and desires, unexpectedly obtained a mysterious and yellow dragon energy. At this point, he had acquired seven mysterious and yellow dragon energy, and his harvest was astonishing.

  When the time was about to end, Li Jingtao finally ushered in a black and yellow dragon energy. He slowly put it away with a look of satisfaction on his face.

  Because of the convenience of the Silver Dragon Pillar, Lu Qingmei and Li Qingfeng were once again lucky enough to receive one each.

  At this time, the sound of a bell sounded melodiously from outside Longchi.

  The battle in Longchi was declared over.

  Among the six people in the field, Li Luo finally obtained seven mysterious and yellow dragon energy, Li Qingfeng, Lu Qingmei had two, Li Hongli, Deng Fengxian, and Li Jingtao all had one.

  Li Luo alone is as good as the other five people combined.

  Such a harvest has attracted countless envious glances.

  Six beams of light descended from the sky and fell into the Coiling Dragon Pillar. Under the protection of the beams of light, the figures of Li Luo and the others slowly rose up, passed through the raging storm, and landed on the stone platform at the edge of the Dragon Pond.

  When Li Luo's figure fell, thunderous cheers suddenly erupted from the Qingming Banner, and all the banners looked excited. Because of this battle in the dragon pond, their Qingming Banner became the most dazzling one. .

  With such a record, their Qingming Banner will definitely rise among the Twenty Banners, sweeping away the decline in the past.

  Many eyes in Qingming Banner looked at Li Luo's figure with respect. At this moment, Li Luo's prestige in Qingming Banner reached an unprecedented level.

  The other flags also had complicated expressions. In this battle of Longchi, Li Luo, the dark horse, had an amazing record.

  Not only did he take the lead to break out of Qin Yi's interception and take the opportunity to occupy the Golden Dragon Pillar, but he also finally obtained the seven mysterious and yellow dragon energy for the first time. Such an amazing result, not even Li Taixuan had achieved it at that time. Of the latter, there is no Heavenly King
  to make everyone understand that after this battle, among the twenty banners of the Five Meridians of Tianlong, the once unknown Qingming Banner will surely rise.

  The ranking of Twenty Flags may also undergo great changes.

  Everyone looked at the figure with gray hair reflecting the luster in the sunlight. A few months ago, the third young master of the Longya vein who had just returned from the Outer China was still facing many doubts, but in the future, these doubts may not be exists.

  But in fact, it was not just them, even the senior officials of the Five Heavenly Dragon Meridians were staring at Li Luo's figure. At this moment, from the latter's body, they seemed to see the shadow of Li Taixuan back then.

  (End of chapter)

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