Chapter 832 Spirit Mirror Water Palace

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  Chapter 832: The coiled dragon pillars in the Lingjing Water Palace are looming in the deep clouds. At a glance, there are exactly six of them. Moreover, these six coiled dragon pillars are all different in color. The outermost three are bronze in color   . , the two inner ones are silver, and only the deepest one is blooming with mysterious golden light.

  Looking at these six coiled dragon pillars, everyone present had blazing eyes.

  Li Luo also had eager eyes. He scanned the field and found that there were only eight people entering the isolation zone for the time being.

  Li Qingfeng, Li Hongli, Lu Qingmei, Deng Fengxian, Li Kun, the leader of the Ligu Banner, and Li Senyan, the leader of the Leijiao Banner.

  Of course, there is also Qin Yi.

  Including himself, there were exactly eight people.

  However, the rear isolation zone is not completely isolated at this time, so maybe someone will enter later.

  There were eight people, divided into six coiled dragon pillars. Although the competition intensity did not sound too high, Li Luo understood that the seven people present were all top leaders. Compared with them, his superficial strength should be considered the lowest.

  But the good thing is that Li Luo's goal is only a bronze dragon pillar. I think Li Qingfeng, Qin Yi and others will probably fight for the golden dragon pillar.

  While Li Luo was thinking this, everyone present could no longer hold back, and their figures rushed out one after another, rushing directly towards the six coiled dragon pillars deep in the dragon pond.

  Li Luo stayed at the rear and did not compete for the limelight.

  However, just when everyone started to enter the area where the Panlong Pillar was located, something unexpected happened.

  The first thing that appeared was a blue water wave. The water wave spread rapidly in the space in front of the Panlong Pillar, with ripples spreading on it.

  An extremely astonishing energy pressure emanated from the water waves.

  The sudden change shocked Li Qingfeng and others in front and slowed down their speed.

  Qingfeng Li was the first to take action. With a wave of his sleeves, the majestic cyan phase force surged out and turned into a cyan dragon shadow. The dragon shadow made a deafening dragon roar, swallowed up the energy of the world, and directly interacted with the water ripples. The curtains collide.

  Boom boom!

  Extremely violent energy fluctuations erupted, and everyone moved to resist.

  Li Luo, who was at the back, narrowed his eyes slightly. Li Qingfeng's move was indeed extraordinary, and the power of that blow was completely comparable to that of a first-grade Hou.

  Li Luo glanced at the looming cyan dragon shadow behind Qingfeng Li.

  The ninth grade of virtuality, the phase of wind and dragon.

  However, even if Li Qingfeng took action, he could not break through the blue water curtain. Instead, the water curtain became more and more violent at this moment. The next moment, everyone was a little shocked to see a huge mountain as big as a mountain. The aqua blue hall is reflected in the water curtain.

  This aqua blue hall is extremely vast, directly covering all the six coiled dragon pillars behind it.

  Such a change made everyone look stunned, because this situation had never happened before in the battle for the Xuanhuang Dragon Qi Pool.

  Li Luo frowned slightly, and he sensed a wave of phase force from the huge aqua palace.

  This aqua blue palace did not come from the test of Longchi, but from a certain person.

  Li Luo glanced around and found that Qin Yi, who was among the crowd earlier, had disappeared.

  Li Qingfeng's expression changed at this moment. He seemed to have noticed something, and then whispered: "Miss Qin Yi, what are you going to do?" Li Hongli and others on the side were all shocked.

  This building exuded astonishing power. The water palace was actually done by Qin Yi?
  When they were surprised, they saw water waves condensed above the huge water palace, and then turned into Qin Yi's beautiful silhouette.

  Qin Yi looked at everyone and said a little apologetically: "Sorry, I'm going to be a bad guest this time."

  "This Spiritual Mirror Water Palace is a strange formation transformed from my own ninth grade water phase. If you want to get the Coiling Dragon Pillar at the back, you have to break this palace." "So Qin Yi is here

  . , dare to invite many geniuses from the lineage of King Li to enter the palace and have a try."

  As Qin Yi's words came out, everyone present changed their colors. They did not expect that Qin Yi actually set up a strange formation to try to stop them all. .

  "Miss Qin Yi, do you want to challenge all of us on your own?" The person who spoke was Li Qingfeng, who stared at Qin Yi with a solemn expression. "It's not really a challenge, I just want you to break my strange formation." Qin Yi said with a smile.

  "Miss Qin Yi is too arrogant!" A deep voice sounded. It was Li Kun, the leader of the Glass Bone Banner. He stared at Qin Yi angrily.

  Qin Yi's move seemed to disregard their big banners. Although he knew that Qin Yi had a ninth-level water element, in terms of strength, Li Qingfeng might not be able to defeat her, but no matter what, she was just One person, and they have seven banner leaders here!
  Moreover, if she could really use this "Lingjing Water Palace" to block them from the Coiling Dragon Pillar, then this matter would definitely cause a great sensation in Tianyuan Shenzhou. A generation of young talents will face a lot of doubts and ridicule.

  At the very least, today's feast will become a bit embarrassing.

  Is this the purpose of Qin Tianwang's lineage coming to celebrate his birthday this time? He really has ulterior motives.

  After thinking about this, the other leaders present also became a little unhappy, with a hint of anger in their eyes.

  Li Luo was also shocked by Qin Yi's sudden display of methods and ambitions. He also did not expect that Qin Yi would actually plan to stop them all. In his original guess, she would at most compete with Qingfeng Li. The competition for the Golden Dragon Pillar is coming.

  However, the "Lingjing Water Palace" built by Qin Yi did seem to be a bit unusual, because Li Luo felt some dangerous fluctuations from it.

  Could this thing really stop them from joining forces?
  "Leader Qingfeng Li, since she is so domineering, we don't have to save any face anymore. Let's just join forces and destroy this water palace." Li Senyan, the leader of Leijiao Banner, looked at Qingfeng Li and said. .

  Li Qingfeng pondered slightly, and finally said to Qin Yi: "Miss Qin Yi, for the sake of the reputation of our Li Tianwang lineage, I'm afraid I can't give in today." Then he turned his eyes to the other banner

  leaders present and said: "We Let's work together to see if we can destroy this water palace."

  He did not take the method of entering the palace to break the situation as Qin Yi said. After all, no one knew the details of this strange formation in the water palace. It was impossible to tell if he broke in randomly. Instead, it puts itself in danger.

  Although he is somewhat attentive to Qin Yi, if he still thinks about pleasing the beauty at this moment, his prestige among the younger generation of Tianlong Wumai may be ruined.

  The other banner leaders all nodded when they heard this. Entering the water palace rashly before knowing the situation was indeed not a rational choice.

  So everyone present took action at the same time, and suddenly a majestic and terrifying energy wave erupted between the heaven and the earth. The seven people present all had the strength of a first-grade Hou at this time, so when they took action together, the movement was really big.

  The entire world seemed to be shaking violently at this moment, and the white mist that filled it was constantly melting under the sweep of this energy fluctuation.

  boom! boom!
  Several huge energy torrents hundreds of feet high penetrated the sky, and terrifying energy pressure swept out from them.

  After a few breaths, all these energy torrents bombarded the water palace.

  However, a scene that shocked everyone appeared. Facing the joint attacks of everyone, the water palace only showed ripples, and then it withstood all these attacks.

  "How could it be."

  Everyone's pupils shrank sharply at this moment, with a touch of horror rising in their eyes. How could the "Water Palace" used by Qin Yi withstand the attacks of several "powerful feudal princes" without Moving like a mountain?
  Li Luo's expression also became solemn at this time. It seemed that Qin Yi had something to rely on if he dared to stop so many powerful leaders of Tianlong Five Meridians with one person.

  This water palace seems to be mysterious beyond imagination.

  "Everyone, I have said before that if you want to break the formation, you can only enter the palace and break it. If you want to break it from the outside, although it cannot be said to be impossible, it will take a very long time, and as far as I know You know, the time for the Xuanhuang Dragon Qi Pool to be open is also limited. If you really want to delay it until then, maybe when the water palace is breached, this opportunity will be over." Qin Yi's gentle voice came from above the water palace. came slowly.

  Everyone fell silent.

  Finally, Qingfeng Li took a deep breath and said, "In that case, let's do as Miss Qin Yi wishes."

  Qin Yi smiled brightly, and her beautiful shadow disappeared above the water palace. At the same time, the gate of the water palace opened. At this time, it slowly opened with the sound of water waves surging.

  "Everyone, no matter how mysterious this water palace is, she is only one person after all. After we enter the palace, we will work together to destroy the palace before talking about anything else." Li Qingfeng looked at the other banner leaders and said.

  This time, even Li Luo nodded slightly. No matter how the six Panlong Pillars will compete in the future, the most important thing right now is to get rid of Qin Yi. Otherwise, with countless guests outside watching, it would be a bit embarrassing for Tianlong Wu. Pulse face.

  Li Luo could even imagine how ugly the faces of the senior officials of Wumai were at this moment.

  With the decision made, everyone no longer hesitated. As soon as their figures moved, they turned into streams of light and shot out of the sky. The next moment, they all rushed into the aqua blue palace as huge as a mountain.

  (End of chapter)

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