Chapter 830 Shadow Dragon

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  Chapter 830 Shadow Dragon
  The moment Li Luo fell into the black and yellow dragon energy pool, the noise around him suddenly disappeared, white mist filled the air, and the space was slightly distorted.

  Li Luo stood still and looked at the white mist surrounding him. The Dragon Pond was extremely vast and seemed to be unfathomable. He didn't know what was at the end of the thick white mist.

  But the position he is in now is only at the top of the Dragon Pond. If he wants to see the Coiling Dragon Pillar, he has to go deep into it.

  From the information Li Luo had obtained before, he already knew that reaching the depth of the Panlong Pillar was not as easy as he thought, because entering the dragon pool would not only face competition from other banner leaders, but also the final The important thing is that the dragon pond itself also poses a very strong threat.

  For example, Shadow Dragon.

  Li Luo slowly turned his head and looked at the clouds on the right. He saw that the clouds there were stirring violently. The next moment, a shadow of about tens of feet slowly emerged.

  That shadow is a shadow dragon, but this shadow dragon seems a bit illusory, but this does not hinder the amazing energy emanating from it. The strength of the wave is completely comparable to that of the Xuhou Realm.

  This kind of shadow dragon is derived from the power of the dragon pond. It will prevent all living creatures from entering the depths of the dragon pond.

  The shadow dragon was lifelike, with mysterious light patterns appearing on its body. As soon as it appeared, it erupted into a low dragon roar, and then the dragon's mouth opened, and a torrent of energy directly bombarded Li Luo.

  That torrent of energy penetrated the void, and all the clouds and mists it passed receded, and the roaring sound shook the world.

  If Li Luo had relied on his own ability to withstand this attack, he might have been instantly killed on the spot.

  But that possibility obviously doesn't hold true, because now he is a "powerful man".

  Li Luo's face was calm, and he raised his palms, and majestic energy swept in, forming a huge hexagonal water shield directly in front of him. There seemed to be waves flowing on the surface of the water shield.

  The energy torrent hit the hexagonal water shield, but the latter remained motionless and easily resolved it.

  Then a simple straight knife appeared in Li Luo's hand, and he slashed it down. Suddenly there was a buzzing sound in the sky and the earth, and a bright knife wheel about a hundred feet long appeared out of thin air.

  The sword wheel flashed past, and the diffuse mist was split by the sharp sword light. The next moment, the sword wheel passed over the shadow dragon's body, directly smashing it into countless light spots.

  Shadow Dragon, whose strength was comparable to that of the Xuhou Realm, was easily defeated by Li Luo.

  However, such a record did not make Li Luo look happy, because he understood that as he went deeper into the dragon pool, the strength and number of the shadow dragons would begin to increase.

  Of course, the most important thing is that there will also be competition from other big banner leaders.

  Li Luo looked thoughtful. The top priority now is to go deep into the Dragon Pond as soon as possible. It is said that as time goes by, the Dragon Pond will form an isolation zone near the Panlong Pillar. These isolation zones are formed by the condensation of mist. It contains extremely terrifying energy and cannot be penetrated by force.

  Therefore, once the isolation zone is formed, the possibility of approaching the Panlong Pillar is basically eliminated.

  This is considered the first level of elimination from the Xuanhuang Dragon Qi Pool.

  If everyone wants to obtain the Coiling Dragon Pillar, they must pass through this barrier before the isolation zone is formed.

  Li Luo estimated the time, not daring to delay, and swung out a palm, and a torrent of energy surged, directly tearing open a long channel in the thick clouds and mist below, and then his figure galloped down the channel.

  He currently hopes not to meet Qin Yi in front of the isolation zone. If Qin Yi drags him with the idea of ​​not wanting to coil the dragon pillar, I'm afraid he really won't be able to get rid of him. In that case, he will miss this trip. of opportunity.

  While Li Luo was traveling rapidly, he encountered several attacks from shadow dragons, but with precautions, these shadow dragons did not pose much threat to him.

  But as it gradually went deeper into the dragon pool, the shadow dragon's strength also began to strengthen. The shadow dragon that appeared last time before was already close to the next level of strength, which made Li Luo spend a little effort.

  When going deep into the dragon pond, Li Luo also sensed some other energy collisions nearby. It seemed that other banner leaders were fighting the shadow dragon, but Li Luo did not step forward, but just headed towards the depths of the dragon pond.

  This rapid movement lasted for more than ten minutes, when Li Luo suddenly paused and his eyes narrowed slightly.

  Because at this moment, he felt a subtle wave passing through his body.

  The wave was as gentle as water and silent, just like ripples spreading and blooming quietly on the lake surface.

  Li Luo frowned, this fluctuation must be that Qin Yi!

  She was sensing the surroundings with a special method, and Li Luo guessed that the person she was looking for might be Li Luo.

  Li Luo's eyes flickered slightly. He was not surprised by this. One of the purposes of Qin Lian's arrangement for Qin Yi to enter the Black and Yellow Dragon Qi Pool was probably to deal with him.

  But Li Luo doesn't want to confront Qin Yi now.

  Because Li Luo knew very well what a formidable and powerful opponent the opponent was, and Qin Yi was probably even more powerful than Li Qingfeng. If she were to block him here, the opportunity of the Xuanhuang Dragon Qi Pool would really be missed.

  Just as Li Luo was thinking about how to deal with it, he suddenly noticed an extremely fierce energy collision erupting not far away on the right.

  One of the phase forces fluctuates, giving it a slightly familiar feeling.

  As soon as Li Luo's mind moved, he accelerated directly and galloped in that direction.

  As the layers of clouds and mist broke through, Li Luo took in the scenery ahead.

  It was a shadow dragon that was about a hundred feet long. Its body was huge and already somewhat solid. When the dragon's claws were waved, the space was split. The fluctuations had reached the next level.

  The person fighting against the Shadow Dragon was a strong and graceful figure holding a long glazed staff. That dashing and heroic figure was none other than the leader of the Holy Scale Banner, Lu Qingmei.

  When Li Luo came here, Lu Qingmei was showing off his majesty, fighting with the shadow dragon for a long time. The cracked glass stick in his hand was packed with domineering energy, and he directly penetrated the shadow dragon's dragon claw offensive, and defeated the shadow dragon. One of its sticks penetrated.

  After the shadow dragon was destroyed, Lu Qingmei raised her smooth oval cheeks and looked towards Li Luo.

  "Bang bang."

  Li Luo clapped his hands and came closer with a smile: "I wonder who it is. It turns out that the leader of the banner, Lu Qingmei, is invincible here. It's so powerful that even the next-level shadow dragon can't stop you in the slightest."

  Lu Qingmei was holding a glazed stick in her hand, and her long legs were particularly conspicuous against her tight-fitting trousers. She stroked her black hair beside her ears and said to Li Luo, "It turns out he is the leader of the banner of Li Luo." Generally speaking, in this Xuanhuang Dragon Qi

  , In the pool, unless they were trusted leaders of the same lineage, everyone was a competitor and had to be on guard. However, Lu Qingmei glanced at Li Luo's unusually handsome face and did not say anything to tell Li Luo to keep his distance. .

  Although Lu Qingmei never cared much about appearance, she had to admit that good-looking people would eventually make people less wary.

  "Lu Qingmei is the leader. I came here specially to see you for something urgent." Li Luo said cautiously.

  "What's the matter?" Lu Qingmei asked.

  Li Luo said slowly: "When I came here earlier, I sensed Qin Yi's perception fluctuations. I suspected that she was trying to hunt down the leader of our Li Tianwang lineage, so that our Black and Yellow Dragon Qi Pool could not succeed this time. , In this way, many guests will feel that the young talents of this generation of Qin Tianwang are better than the countless young geniuses of our Li Tianwang lineage."

  Lu Qingmei glanced at Li Luo suspiciously and said: "I see that Qin Yi, it seems She is not such a domineering character."

  Li Luo said solemnly: "She is not, but her mother is."

  Lu Qingmei did not deny this. The master of Qin Lian Palace was indeed a domineering and powerful person. In order to suppress With the face of King Li Tian, ​​she could do such a thing, but Qin Yi was her daughter, so she didn't dare to disobey her mother's orders.

  But wouldn't Qin Yi's unscrupulous words arouse everyone's hostility?
  Just when Lu Qingmei was thinking like this, the clouds and mist behind him suddenly fluctuated. The next moment, a ray of water penetrated the void directly at an unimaginable speed, carrying a majestic murderous intention, and blasted directly towards Li. Luo.

  This attack was so sudden that Li Luo seemed to be unable to react, but just when the ray of water was about to hit Li Luo, a stick shadow flowing with majestic force swept across. Colliding with that ray of water.

  The extremely violent energy storm blasted away, blowing away the clouds and mist within several thousand feet.

  Lu Qing frowned slightly and looked towards the place where the water light came from. As the clouds and mist receded, a beautiful silhouette emerged.

  With that kind of appearance and temperament, it is naturally Qin Yi.

  She looked at Lu Qingmei who suddenly helped Li Luo block the attack, with a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes. When did the relationship between Lu Qingmei and Li Luo become so deep?
  Qin Yi smiled slightly and said: "Captain Lu, this is the grudge between me and Commander Li Luo. Please don't interfere."

  Lu Qingmei glanced at Li Luo and remembered what he just said. This Qin Yi, is it really the leader of their Li Tianwang lineage who is hunting in advance everywhere?

  If this is the case, Qin Yi cannot be allowed to deal with Li Luo, otherwise their leader will be hunted too much by Qin Yi, which is really not good-looking. After all, today is a special day.

  So she slowly grasped the cracked glass stick with her slender jade hands, her short ear-length hair fluttered gently in the wind, and she took a step with her long legs. At the same time, her plain voice spread through the clouds and mist.

  "Miss Qin Yi, now that the Coiling Dragon Pillar has not appeared, it is not the time to fight. If you really want to find someone to practice with, I would be happy to play with you." When Li Luo heard this, he was immediately moved and felt sorry for

  Lu Qing in his heart. Mei raised his thumb.

  "Xiao Lu, be righteous! This road is getting wider!"

  (End of this chapter)

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