Chapter 799 New official takes office

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  Chapter 799
  On the second day after the new official took office, when Li Luo came to Qingming Campus, everything seemed to be different.

  Not only Zhao Yanzhi, Mu Bi, and Li Shi came to greet him as usual, but also the banner leaders of the second, third, and fourth divisions came, and they led many bannermen to look at Li Luo's figure.

  "Welcome to the flag-bearer!"

  The crowd shouted like thunder, echoing in the huge school grounds.

  Li Luo was startled by this battle, then smiled and held his hands, saying: "Thanks to your love, I am honored to serve as the leader of the Qingming Banner."

  He looked at the many eyes with curiosity and awe, and smiled slightly After a few breaths of silence, he continued: "You all know my father Li Taixuan. He once led the Qingming Banner to the most dazzling height. Among the twenty banners of the Five Meridians of Tianlong, our Qingming Banner was the leader at that time. , that was the glory of our Qingming Banner." "

  However, due to various reasons in recent years, Qingming Banner has declined greatly, and its former glory has been dimmed. In fact, other banners even said that our Qingming Banner was a bastard. Flag."

  There was some commotion in the field, and many of the flag-bearers looked angry and unwilling, but helpless.

  "But I know that the bannermen of our Qingming Banner are not much worse than the other nineteen banners. The decline in the past was just because there was a lack of a qualified leader. Although it is a bit bragging to say this, I still have to say, you guys, wait That qualified leader should be me." Li Luo smiled.

  As soon as this statement came out, it also triggered some low laughter. Li Luo's boast made people laugh, but it also made people feel some affinity with his straightforward words.

  "I came to Qingming Banner with ambitions, because my father once brought Qingming Banner to an extraordinary height. Therefore, I also want to try what my father can do. As a son, I Can it be done?"

  Li Luo looked around, with a bright smile on his handsome face: "If you are still a little enthusiastic, why not try it with me and see if we can make it happen again? Qingming Banner, return to its former glory?"

  Many bannermen were silent for a moment, and finally someone said loudly: "I am willing to listen to the command of the banner leader!" "

  Please lead the banner leader to lead me to rise the Qingming Banner!"

  The voices began to sound one after another, although there was someone named Li Luo. It was because of the support of the newly appointed banner leader, but it could be seen that there was some light of hope rising in the eyes of many banner members.

  Because everything Li Luo said is not false, the skills he has shown in the past two months are obvious to everyone, especially in yesterday's battle for the leader of the banner. With the strength of the Dasha Palace realm, he defeated the newly entered Jisha Zhongling, this is already considered a miracle in the eyes of everyone.

  Perhaps, there is a slight chance that the Qingming Banner will rise again in his hands.

  Zhao Yanzhi looked at the aroused emotions of the many bannermen, and a hint of admiration flashed across his beautiful eyes. It had to be said that Li Luo's personality charm was indeed much stronger than that of Zhong Ling. In the past, Zhong Ling was at the time. , but it can’t be done to this extent.

  Of course, she also understood that for Li Luo to be able to achieve this level, his identity and yesterday's performance were the most important factors.

  "Everyone, since I have become the leader of the Qingming Banner, the top priority is to form the Qingming Banner's Blade Division. Only in this way can we catch up with the progress of other banners in the Demon Cave." Li Luo's voice changed

  . , directly talked about the most important thing: "I suggest that the Sharp Knife Department use the fifth department as its original body and select elite flag members from other flags, so I hope you can give your support, and the treatment of the Sharp Knife Department will also be in the future. Improve accordingly." As

  soon as these words came out, everyone whispered, in terms of overall strength of the five Qingming Banners, the first one is still stronger, but Li Luo now uses the fifth one as his original body. Obviously It's because of Zhongling.

  "Don't worry, Flag Leader. The Sharp Knife Division is related to the overall progress of our Qingming Banner, and we will definitely support it." However, the Flag Leaders of the Second, Third, and Fourth Divisions were quite cooperative and agreed directly.

  Li Luo clasped his fists at the three people to express his gratitude, and then talked for a while again before dismissing everyone.

  "Congratulations to the flag leader."

  After everyone dispersed, Zhao Yanzhi and others congratulated Li Luo again.

  Their expressions were all filled with unconcealable joy. Even Mu Bi, who was quite calm, looked beaming with joy. Although Li Luo had only been in Longya Vein for two months, no matter what, they just He is considered to be the first group of people to follow Li Luo.

  Now that Li Luo has been promoted, their future life in Qingming Banner will be even easier.

  "Now that I have been promoted to the banner leader, the position of the fifth banner leader will also be vacant. Who do you three think is more suitable?" Li Luo looked at the three of them and asked with a smile.

  The three of them heard the words and looked at each other. Finally, Zhao Yanzhi pursed his lips and smiled sweetly: "Let Li Shi do it. He completed the breakthrough yesterday and has now condensed the golden evil body. We can no longer compete with him." "Oh.

  " ?" Li Luo looked at Li Shi with some surprise. This collateral genius of the Li family had good talent, and he had actually entered the Golden Evil Body Realm.

  "It's all because Qi Shou has led us to achieve a lot of benefits in the Evil Demon Cave in the past two months, otherwise my breakthrough would have been delayed." Li Shi said with a hint of gratitude.

  Li Luo smiled and said, "Yes, in that case, you will be the leader of the fifth department from now on."

  "Thank you, boss!" Li Shi was a little excited.

  "Rouge, I have become the leader of the Qingming Banner, and the affairs in the future will be much more complicated, so I hope you will be my assistant. At the same time, I also need your help in the establishment of the Sharp Knife Department." Li Luo looked at Zhao Rouge again, said.

  The establishment of the Sharp Knife Division is not easy. It involves the selection and elimination of the Fifth Division itself, as well as the selection of other flag members. After all, Li Luo has only been in Qingming Banner for two months. He even recognizes everyone. It is not complete, so these things must be left to trustworthy people.

  Zhao Yanzhi is thoughtful and well-connected within the Qingming Banner. With her help, he can devote more time and energy to cultivating "He Qi".

  Zhao Yanzhi was a little happy. Li Luo's statement obviously raised her status a bit. As the assistant of Li Luo, the flag leader, in a sense, her status was higher than that of other flag leaders. high.

  At the very least, I am closer to Luo Li.

  "Mu Bi, you will also temporarily help form the sharp knife department." On Mu Bi's side, Li Luo also arranged errands for him.

  Mu Bi nodded and smiled naively: "Don't worry, boss."

  "Zhong Ling didn't come today, saying he was recuperating, and there wasn't much movement in the first part. I feel like they might not want to cooperate." Zhao Yanzhi glanced at around, then whispered.

  Li Luo looked indifferent and said: "Zhong Ling has been running the first part for so long, so he naturally has some influence." "

  If Zhong Ling doesn't cooperate, our establishment of the sharp knife department will also be hindered. After all, the first part is Some of the elite bannermen are indeed quite strong." Zhao Yanzhi hesitated.

  Li Shi said at this time: "I heard from the grapevine in the first film that Zhong Ling plans to use the excuse of recuperating from injuries to stay behind closed doors. If you want him to come out, then you need. You need the boss to take him out personally. Please come out."

  "As long as Zhong Ling doesn't come out for a day, the first unit will keep resting."

  Zhao Yanzhi's eyes were a little cold and said: "This must be Zhong Ling's instruction. He wants to use the first unit as a weapon. Threatening you to relent, otherwise when the internal discord in Qingming Banner spreads, it will also have some impact on you, the newly appointed leader." "But

  if the boss really relents now, I'm afraid they will make further progress in the future!" Mu Bi He said in a muffled voice.

  Zhao Yanzhi looked at Li Luo with a slight frown. Zhong Ling's move was indeed a trouble. Seeing that he had lost his position as the leader of the banner, the other party tried to use this method to earn back some face.

  At this time, it still depends on Li Luo whether to take a tough approach to Zhong Ling or temporarily soften his stance.

  Li Luo's expression had always been relatively calm, and he had obviously expected Zhong Ling's lack of cooperation. He said calmly: "I don't believe that the thousands of bannermen in this first film can be completely on the same page as Zhong Ling." "

  He You want to coerce the First Banners to blackmail

  you, right?" "Okay, then pass the order. From now on, if Zhong Ling doesn't show up for a day, the First Banners will not be allowed to participate in the Evil Cave, and the First Banners will In the past, the treatment will be reduced by one point every other day. Remember, Zhongling's salary will not be reduced, only the ordinary bannermen will be reduced."

  "Three days later, Zhong Ling still hasn't shown up. He will be removed from his position as the leader of the first department. The new leader will be re-elected from the first department." Hearing

  Li Luo's words, Zhao Yanzhi and the other two people were all worried. It was a shock. Obviously, facing Zhong Ling's pressure, Li Luo's response was more tough and vicious than they imagined.

  Li Luo looked at the three of them and smiled slightly, but that smile made the three people's hearts tighten.

  "He wants to manipulate people's hearts in the first part, so let's see if his charisma in the first part is really that impeccable?"

  (End of Chapter)

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