Chapter 778 Revealed

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  Chapter 778 reveals its majesty
  An astonishing energy storm raged in mid-air, and all the bannermen of the two groups were staring at the collision point.

  I saw that at the source, the black dragon controlling the underworld water and the huge dragon wolf were fighting together, and the two violent energies between them were constantly eroding each other.

  Both sides were injured quickly, and then were torn apart with hideous scars.

  However, there was no blood flowing from the scar, only countless energy points floating out.

  In the fight between the two sides, the Dark Water Black Dragon was obviously better. After all, it came from the Marquis Technique performed by Li Luo. Coupled with the blessing of the "Aiki" from the fifth group of the Qingming Banner, its power even reached the level of Strong men in the middle stage of the Great Heaven Realm also have to avoid the edge for a while.

  But now the "Blood Red Dragon Wolf" obviously can't retreat. The two sides are torn together, rolling up an energy storm, raging in the mountains and forests. Countless big trees have been uprooted, and the destructive power is extremely shocking.

  The fight between the two dragons lasted for about several minutes, and finally, when the claws of the Dark Water Black Dragon brought out extremely corrosive black light, and penetrated the head of the "Blood Red Dragon Wolf", the latter instantly exploded into dots of light all over the sky.

  Although the blood-red dragon and wolf were defeated, the "Dark Water Black Dragon" seemed to be at the end of its crossbow, but it still used its last remaining strength to rush towards the third part of the Dark Blood Flag.

  Li Tong looked a little ugly, obviously he didn't expect that even after using the secret method, the third unit of Dark Blood Banner still couldn't withstand Li Luo's attack.

  Fortunately, the "Dark Water Black Dragon" was also exhausted.

  He struck out with a palm, and saw the billowing energy transforming into a giant palm, directly hitting the illusory "Dark Water Black Dragon".

  Sonic booms rolled.

  However, at the moment when its giant palm of energy struck, the "Black Dragon of Dark Water" suddenly opened its dragon's mouth, and a bright sword light seemed to burst out from the dragon's mouth.

  It turned out to be a high-speed rotating knife wheel!
  The blade wheel released an astonishing cutting and tearing force, instantly shattering the giant energy palm with lightning speed, and then roared away towards the location of the third part of the Dark Blood Flag.

  The sudden change caused Li Tong's expression to change drastically. At this time, he didn't know that he was being tricked by Li Luo!
  This guy actually hid a powerful Dragon General Technique in this Marquis Technique!
  The cooperation between these physiognomies is quite perfect!

  The speed of the brilliant sword wheel was so fast that even Li Tong could not react. He could only rely on instinct and use the power of "Aiki" to form an energy barrier in front of the third group of the Dark Blood Flag.

  call out!
  The sword wheel whizzed over and struck directly on the energy barrier. The ripples bloomed and spread violently.

  After counting the breaths.

  The energy barrier shattered.

  Although the Brilliant Blade Wheel was somewhat consumed, its momentum remained unabated, and then, under Li Tong's furious gaze, it blasted into the third section of the Dark Blood Banner.


  Many flag-bearers vomited blood and flew backwards in an instant. Some unlucky ones were seriously injured and left the field on the spot, leaving the field in a mess.

  In just a short moment, the third part of the Dark Blood Banner lost hundreds of banner members.

  Thunderous cheers suddenly erupted from the fifth section of the Qingming Banner, and all the bannermen looked excited. They did not expect that they would be the first to achieve such results in the confrontation with the third section of the Dark Blood Banner. with advantages!
  "Li Luo!"

  Li Tong was furious, and the ferocity in his eyes rose as if in reality, causing his somewhat ferocious face to become distorted.

  He also didn't expect this result.

  Originally, the third part of their Dark Blood Banner had the mentality of teasing the fifth part of the Qingming Banner, but now they failed to play with it, and instead they were the first to suffer.

  If this result is spread back, the third part of their Dark Blood Banner will definitely become the laughing stock of the Dragon Bloodline. At that time, Li Lu, who is the leader of the Dark Blood Banner, will not be able to spare them!
  At this thought, Li Tong's eyes flashed fiercely, and he shouted: "Dark Blood Banner Part 3, if you don't want to be the laughing stock of Dragon Bloodline, then use all your strength!" His eyes were fierce, and he held a golden-ringed sword in his hand

  . He slashed it directly at the thumb, and as blood spattered, the finger came out.

  The many members of the Dark Blood Flag also gritted their teeth, took out their daggers, and cut their arms, and blood suddenly rose into the sky drop by drop.

  The blood started from Li Tong's severed finger and quickly gathered away. At the same time, the "Aiki" energy in this area was also poured in like a torrent.

  As a result, the severed finger began to squirm and swell as if it had vitality. In just ten breaths, it transformed into a flesh and blood body that was several hundred feet tall.

  The flesh and blood body had a dragon head, but it was a wolf body. The body was covered with dark red scales, and the billowing evil aura filled the air, as if a thick blood mist had formed.

  The terrifying coercion emitted like an overwhelming force, causing the void to twist.

  This dragon wolf is somewhat similar to the one used by Li Tong before, but this time the dragon wolf is not only more lifelike, like a living creature, but also has two dragon heads.

  The two dragon heads have sharp fangs, and bright red saliva drips down the sharp teeth, corroding the ground.

  "Be careful, flag leader, this is Dark Blood Flag's famous secret technique, "Two-Headed Blood Dragon Wolf"!" Zhao Yanzhi's nervous voice reached Li Luo's ears at this time.

  Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the behemoth that had formed. The ferocity and power exuded by this so-called "two-headed blood dragon and wolf" seemed to be faintly approaching the level of the late stage of the Great Heaven Realm.

  This dark blood flag is indeed somewhat capable.

  "Li Luo, if you can force out the killing technique of my Dark Blood Flag, you are considered capable." Li Tong's face was filled with a strange flush, but the strength of his body was gradually weakening, and there were many secrets. The flag members in the third part of Blood Flag also looked sluggish. Obviously, performing such a killing technique would also be a huge drain on the third part of Dark Blood Banner.

  But there was no way, they couldn't lose this battle. If they lost, not only would they not be able to explain themselves to Li Lu, the leader of the Dark Blood Banner, but it would also make the third part of the Dark Blood Banner the laughing stock of Dragon Bloodline.

  Li Luo looked at Li Tong's ferocious eyes, nodded slightly, and said, "You two-headed blood dragons and wolves do have some skills." "Still pretending to be calm? You really want to save face and suffer the consequences. I'm going to take you Qing Ming with me.

  " Flag Part 5, get out of here!" Li Tong was extremely unhappy with Li Luo's calm eyes and said solemnly.

  Hearing this, Li Luo smiled and shook his head, saying, "You really think you can defeat me?" "

  Otherwise? Li Luo, your talent is indeed extraordinary, but it's a pity that it's all Li Taixuan's fault for giving birth to you in Outer China!" Li Tong sneered.

  Li Luo said calmly: "You seem to have forgotten that those who have mastered the Nine-turn Dragon Breath Refining Technique can obtain a "Nine-turn Technique"." Li Tong's expression paused slightly, and then he said coldly

  : "Stop pretending to me. The power of the "Nine Transformations Technique" is indeed powerful, but you have only had it for a few days? How can you master it!" "I don't care what happens in the future, but today, you will be defeated by

  my dark blood flag. Cut off the third one!"

  After finishing his words, he raised his finger and pointed at Li Luo.

  The blood-red lantern-like eyes of the two-headed blood dragon wolf immediately locked onto Li Luo. The next moment, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and the dragon roar was mixed with the sound of wolf howls.

  The twin blood dragons and wolves burst out of the air, carrying a monstrous killing aura, and headed straight for the fifth part of the Qingming Banner like a destructive beast.

  Wherever it passed, the earth cracked and the void trembled.

  The faces of many of the fifth Qingming Banners were pale and their eyes were filled with fear.

  "All bannermen, calm down and meditate, leave the rest to me!" At this time, Li Luo's calm voice sounded, calming the fear in everyone's hearts.

  So they took a deep breath and circulated the power within their bodies. Energy rose up in their bodies and merged into the surrounding energy lakes.

  Li Luo closed his eyes slightly, folded his hands, and the seals on his fingertips changed like afterimages.

  The majestic energy all around began to quickly gather towards him.

  The two-headed blood dragon and wolf seemed to have turned into a torrent of red evil energy and rushed over. The violent evil that washed away like a storm made everyone in the fifth section of the Qingming Banner look pale. Even Zhao Yanzhi, Li Shi, Mu Bi, who was in the Yinsha body realm, had his breath stagnated and shock in his eyes.

  In a moment, the two-headed blood dragon wolf arrived in front of the fifth section of the Qingming Banner.

  Once it rushes into the formation, the fifth unit of Qingming Banner will pay a heavy price.

  Behind him, a look of ecstasy appeared in Li Tong's eyes. Although this time was a bit thrilling, fortunately, he still achieved the final victory.

  Next, the third part of their Dark Blood Banner will become famous in the Dragon Bloodline.

  And just when Li Tong's eyes were filled with ecstasy, he seemed to see Li Luo in the distance opening his eyes, and then he saw Li Luo's mouth moving slowly, vaguely, as if there was boundless energy in it. Thunder is flashing.

  In addition, behind Li Luo, the majestic energy gathered and quickly condensed into a huge dragon shadow. The dragon shadow exuded a mysterious and noble aura. Under the pressure of this momentum, Next, even the twin blood dragons and wolves seemed to be frozen for a moment.

  Then, the huge dragon shadow opened its mouth.

  At this moment, a cold air rose from the soles of Li Tong's feet and went straight to the Tianling Cap.

  Because he remembered a very familiar Nine Turns Technique.

  "The art of nine revolutions, Heavenly Dragon's Thunder Breath!"

  And at the same moment, he saw Li Luo and the huge dragon shadow behind him, with a bright and dazzling torrent roaring out of its bloody mouth.

  In that torrent, there seemed to be boundless thunder slurry, with thunder beating crazily in it, releasing boundless destructive power.

  Wherever the Thunder Dragon Breath passes, it seems that even the energy of heaven and earth has been dissolved and turned into nothingness.

  What also turned into nothingness at the same time was the two-headed blood dragon wolf that exuded overwhelming evil aura.

  The two-headed blood dragon wolf was washed away by the thunder dragon's breath, and it only lasted for less than a few breaths before disappearing into thin air.

  Then, like a torrent of thunder and dragon breath, it continued unabated, drowning them all in the horrified eyes of Li Tong and the third part of the Dark Blood Banner.

  After a few breaths, when the thunder dissipated, only the charred black color of the mountains and plains was left.

  As for the third part of Dark Blood Flag, there is no one left.

  (End of chapter)

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