Chapter 77 The third stage of fortune telling

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  Chapter 77: The aftermath of the third-level exam for fortune tellers
  lasted for several days in Nanfeng City, and the popularity still lingers, which shows the influence of the exam.

  After the major exam, students at Nanfeng Academy will have a week's rest and vacation, and then they will go to the academy again to receive their respective admission quotas and complete their studies at Nanfeng Academy.

  Because of his first place in the college entrance examination, Li Luo's attention in Nanfeng City has increased exponentially recently, and he felt quite distressed by this, so he did not go out in the past few days, but stayed there honestly. In the old house, he practiced Xiangli and studied the art of physiognomy. In his spare time, he continued to practice the spiritual water and strange light.

  It is also leisurely and fulfilling.

  In a training room in the old house.

  Li Luo held two swords in his hands, using his full strength, and his attack was like a wave, attacking the figure on the opposite side with all his strength.

  The person he was fighting with was a guard in the old house. His strength was in the first stage of fortune telling and the seed stage. At this time, he suppressed his own strength and was training with him.

  After cultivating Xiangli, after the ten-seal realm, you will reach the realm of physiognomist.

  There are three stages in the fortune teller realm. The first stage is the Kaizhong Stage. It is said that the phase force in the Xiang Palace is condensed into a ball and is born like a seed, so it is called the Kaiseed Stage.

  The second section is the phase pattern section. At this stage, the phase force becomes stronger and lines will gradually form on the phase species. This pattern is called phase pattern, and the name of the phase pattern section comes from this.

  The third stage is the phase transformation stage. When the phase force reaches this level, one's own phase will gradually transform, preparing for the subsequent impact on the general stage.

  If the Ten Seal Realm is just a beginner in the practice of Xiangli, then the Xiangshi Realm can be regarded as the real threshold for starting to practice.

  The gap between the two is very huge.

  And this gap began to be clearly felt when Li Luo fought against the guard.

  Although the latter suppressed Xiangli and barely reached about ten seals, Li Luo found that any of his attacks would not pose any threat to the opponent unless he turned his two swords into bows and arrows and activated his strongest arrow.

  On Li Luo's double swords, blue water light flowed at high speed and struck the iron rod in the guard's hand. Then a huge force rebounded, which shocked Li Luo back a few steps.

  He stopped helplessly and waved his hand at the other party, indicating that it was over.

  "Young Palace Master is really powerful. Even though he only has eight seals, he is able to make me feel the pressure." The guard cupped his fists and saluted, then said.

  This was not entirely flattering, because he found that after suppressing Xiang Li, Li Luo's attack could indeed bring him a little danger.

  There were other guards from the old house around the training ground. They were also nodding secretly. There was something in their eyes that they didn't have before, which could be said to be a kind of awe and conviction.

  Li Luo won the first place in the Tianshu County exam, which made everyone no longer dare to regard him as the empty-headed person with no potential before.

  Even if Li Luo in the future cannot reach the level of Jiang Qing'e, no one will underestimate him anymore.

  The young master of Luo Lan Mansion is gradually radiating his light.

  Li Luo smiled at him and nodded, then walked to the edge of the training ground, where he saw Cai Wei waiting there.

  Today, Cai Wei is wearing a red dress. There are peonies outlined with silk threads on the red dress, which is extremely delicate. And her already exquisite and graceful figure is even more stretched out with quite hot curves under the red dress. As charming as a flower that has just bloomed.

  In this sweat-filled training ground, many men did not dare to look at her directly, but they cast their veiled glances at her secretly.

  That is a man's instinctive admiration for women.

  "Sister Cai Wei." Li Luo greeted with a smile.

  Cai Wei smiled and said: "Young master, you are really working hard. You even got the first place in the exam, and you still practice so hard every day."

  "It's just the first place in Tianshu County. It doesn't have much gold content. It is said that some other strong counties even had students at the Ten Seal realm in the exams this time." Li Luo shook his head and said.

  What he said is true. Tianshu County is only in the middle of the hundred counties in Daxia. This shows that there must be more powerful students in other strong counties.

  "Sister Cai Wei is looking for me?" Li Luo asked.

  "Lingqing is here, there must be something going on." Cai Wei said.

  Li Luo nodded: "Let's go then."

  After saying that, he and Cai Wei left the training ground, walked through the corridor, and came to a living room. Then they saw someone wearing cyan clothes and silver glasses, who looked particularly special. The intellectually cold Yan Lingqing.

  After sitting down, Yan Lingqing said: "First of all, let me report to you. The performance of Xiyang House has increased sharply recently. This is all due to the secret source water you provided. If the current sales volume continues, I am afraid that Xiyang House in Tianshu County will not be able to sell well this year." The house branch can reach one million pieces of sky-high gold. After excluding various costs, the profit will be about three hundred thousand." Hearing this,

  Li Luo immediately sighed in admiration. You must know that Luo Lan Mansion was in Tianshu County before. The total annual profit is only 300,000 pieces of heavenly gold, and this year, Xi Yangwu alone can reach this level, which shows the huge improvement.

  Of course, he also understands that this is mainly because of the secret source water he provided. As his physical strength reached the eight seals, the amount of source water he provided was also larger than before, so now these secret source waters began to be used in After receiving the strange light of the second-grade spiritual water, Xiyang House's income skyrocketed.

  Then he calculated that if he bought 300,000 heavenly amounts of gold to buy sixth-grade spiritual water and strange light, he seemed to be able to buy about ten pieces. It was a bit small

  Li Luo smiled bitterly in his heart. At this time, he understood even more how deep the trap of acquired appearance was.

  After Yan Lingqing reported these things, he changed his tone and said, "Did you meet Song Qiuyu in Qingfeng Tower a few days ago? There was also a guy named Mo Ling?" Li Luo was startled, then nodded. : "That guy wanted to cause trouble, and there was a little conflict."

  "Mo Ling comes from the Mo family in Beiqiu County. The Mo family is a large family in Daxia that specializes in spiritual water and strange light. Their family's "Ink House" ranks among the top ten in Daxia. It has very strong foundation and strength. ."

  "According to the information we have obtained, the Song family may choose to cooperate with the "Ink House" and introduce them to Tianshu County to compete with Xiyang House." Cai Wei said softly.

  Li Luo frowned. The Song family was looking for foreign help.

  "Song Qiuyu will appear in Qingfeng Tower that day. It was probably her elaborate design. It was just to bring some conflict between Mo Ling and you, so as to promote the cooperation between the two families." "This woman has a very deep mind. In order to achieve her goal

  , Whatever it takes." Yan Lingqing frowned slightly, obviously not interested in Song Qiuyu.

  Li Luo smiled helplessly. This feeling unintentionally helped Song Qiuyu. This was something he had never thought of before. He really underestimated that woman.

  "Song Qiuyu's return at this time should be for the Spiritual Water and Strange Light Festival next month. She will most likely compete for the title of Tianshu County's No. 1 Primer Tempering Master, and then build momentum for Songziwu." Yan Lingqing said.

  "Sister Lingqing is the signature of our Xiyang House. Can you beat her?" Li Luo asked.

  "She and I are old rivals. We have competed many times when we were at Shengxuanxing Academy. Both sides have won and lost. I don't know what the outcome will be this time, but I will not underestimate the enemy and will prepare with all my strength during this period." Yan Lingqing As she spoke, the eyes in the silver eye sockets were actually burning with the flames of war. Apparently, the arrival of Song Qiuyu aroused her fighting spirit.

  "It seems that this is Sister Lingqing's old enemy." Li Luo joked.

  "When you get to Shengxuanxing Academy in the future, you will know how wrong she and I are."

  Yan Lingqing said, and then said with a serious face: "But what I am more worried about is the strange light of the spiritual water in the ink house. They pushed it out with force."

  "How high is the quality of the magical light from the Ink House?" Li Luo thought for a while and asked.

  "If the Ink House is going to enter Tianshu County, it should focus on third-grade spiritual water and strange light below. As far as I know, the first-grade product of the Ink House is called Black Star Spiritual Water, and its tempering power can reach 62%. "

  "The second-grade product is called Black Moon Spiritual Water, and its tempering power is also 60%." "The

  third-grade product is called Obsidian Qiguang, and its tempering power is 60%."

  When Li Luo heard this, he raised his eyebrows. He was worthy of being a veteran spiritual water. The spiritual water produced by Guangwu directly surpasses all the products of Xiyangwu. It can be seen that in terms of formula, Xiyangwu is far inferior to Ink House. If it were not for his high-purity secret method, Yuanshui is simply no match for the other party.

  However, he was not anxious about this. Although he could not compare with the opponent in terms of formula quality, when it came to the secret source water, Li Luo believed that the opponent did not have this advantage.

  Nowadays, the purity of the source water used in the first version of Xiyangwu's enhanced Qingbi Spiritual Water is still at the point where it was refined when he was in the fifth-grade water-light phase. Therefore, if Li Luo is willing, he can provide The purity of the secret source water can continue to be greatly improved.

  But because this purity was enough for use, he didn't say it out loud. But if the ink house wanted to be aggressive, then you can't blame him for using the purity of the source water to pressure others.

  Next, Yan Lingqing discussed with Li Luo again for a long time, and then left in a hurry, apparently to prepare for the Spiritual Water and Strange Light Festival next month.

  After Yan Lingqing left, Cai Wei took out three glass bottles from her arms and gently placed them in front of Li Luo.

  "This is."

  Li Luo stared at the three glass bottles that were obviously expensive to make. There were some faint light patterns carved on the bottles. Such a design was obviously much more advanced than the strange lights of spiritual water he had seen before. .

  And Li Luo immediately sensed the powerful tempering properties contained in the liquid in the glass bottle.

  "Sixth grade spiritual water and strange light?" Surprise appeared on Li Luo's face.

  He was still using the remaining fifth-grade spiritual water and strange light during this period, but he found that as the water-light phase evolved to sixth-grade, the effect of the fifth-grade spiritual water and strange light was greatly reduced on him, so he has been very depressed. He wanted Cai Wei to help him purchase the sixth-grade spiritual water and strange light, but he also understood the price of the sixth-grade spiritual water, so he endured it for the time being and planned to wait until he went to Daxia City before starting to purchase the sixth-grade spiritual water and strange light.

  But now Cai Wei obviously gave him a small surprise.

  "Young Master, although I don't know why you continue to use a large amount of spiritual water and strange light, I am not curious about it. Your recent performance has confirmed that these spiritual water and strange light have achieved their due value."

  "So, although it is quite difficult to transfer funds, sister, I still live frugally and help you squeeze out three bottles of sixth-grade spiritual water Qiguang. Although it is a little less, it can still be used." Cai Wei smiled. The road, the smooth and white goose egg cheeks, shines brightly under the light.

  Li Luo happily grabbed three sixth-grade spiritual water strange lights in his hand, then looked at Cai Wei and said movedly: "If I weren't afraid of being beaten by Sister Cai Wei, I would have given you a hug." Cai Weijiao laughed out loud

  . , gently swaying the flower cattail fan, and winking charmingly at Li Luo.

  "In this case, the Young Palace Master should save it for the little girls in your school. For me, sister, these sweet words are not as attractive as your little face." After saying that, he said swayingly

  . Turn around and leave.

  Li Luo looked at her sexy and charming figure, touched his cheek, and sighed.

  He's so damn handsome that even Sister Cai Wei can't avoid it.

  (End of chapter)

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