Chapter 769 Flag situation

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  Chapter 769: Flag Force
  Part 5 When charging at the thousands of evil demons in the forest, they were all in a small team of three people, like hundreds of sharp knives, piercing directly into the vast group of evil demons, terrifying The impact instantly tore a hole in the formations of many demons.

  Waves of powerful force soared into the sky, like wolf smoke of different colors.

  As for the charging troops, the thousands of evil demons did not show any emotion, but faced them instinctively. Then the two torrents collided together, and the roar of the collision continued. The sound was so loud that the ground was shaking.

  Li Luo and Zhao Yanzhi rushed to the front. He was holding a golden and jade black elephant knife, and there seemed to be lightning flashing under his feet, and then his figure appeared in front of an evil demon.

  The simple straight knife in his hand made a buzzing sound, and the dual-phase power formed a bi-phasic halo on the blade. Then the sword's light directly collided with the fist of the evil demon in front, which was packed with violent energy.

  The moment the two came into contact, the demon's fist was instantly chopped into pieces. Before it could recover, the sharp sword light directly crushed its body into pieces.

  At the same time as the demon was shattered, a stream of earth demon energy flew out, seemingly flying into the air.

  In this first confrontation, Li Luo had already judged the strength of this demon. It was at the level of the Xiaosha Palace. It was similar to ordinary bannermen, but because it had no wisdom, it was just a bit arrogant. Just energy.

  Of course, there's also the advantage of numbers.

  The number of demons on the 28th floor is almost ten times theirs. Under such circumstances, it is a tiring job to sweep them away as soon as possible.

  "Flag leader, these are just small evil demons. Big evil demons will inevitably appear later. The strength of those large evil demons is comparable to the Silver Evil body realm. They must be contained as soon as possible, otherwise they will cause great harm to other banner members. The threat will also cause attrition." While Li Luo was feeling the power of the demon, Mu Bi's loud voice came from not far away.

  "Big Evil Demon? Silver Evil Body?"

  Li Luo heard this and his eyes flashed. Is the strength improvement between the two so huge?

  The fierce battle continued, and the forces of each other continued to erupt.

  Although the demons have a numerical advantage, with the skilled cooperation of the fifth bannermen, their number is also decreasing at an alarming rate. In contrast, the losses on the fifth bannermen's side are only some. Dozens of people.

  But this situation did not last long.

  In the fierce battlefield, dozens of extremely astonishing energy bursts suddenly occurred. The shock wave formed by the energy sent dozens of nearby bannermen flying away.

  Li Luo cast his gaze and saw a group of larger evil demons appearing. The bodies of these evil demons were light silver, with powerful energy flowing throughout their bodies.

  Obviously, these are the great demons that Mu Bi reminded before.

  "The bannermen from the Great Evil Palace will form a group of ten to surround and kill the Great Evil! The others continue to clean up the smaller Evil!" Zhao Yanzhijiao shouted. After all, Li Luo is new here and is not familiar with anything yet, so here he is. At that time, it was still the old people like them who issued orders, and this was done with Li Luo's permission before.

  As Zhao Yanzhi's order came down, many powerful figures suddenly appeared among the bannermen of the Fifth Division. These people were all elites of the Fifth Division, and their strength had reached the level of Dasha Palace.

  They formed a group of ten and surrounded and killed these great evil spirits.

  However, there are still risks involved. After all, the Great Evil Demon has the strength of the Silver Evil Body. Although they can compete with the help of numbers to carry out siege, if they are not careful, they will be seriously injured and eliminated in an instant.

  Therefore, with the appearance of these big evil demons, in just a few minutes, the attrition speed of the fifth part has accelerated.

  Moreover, Li Luo also discovered that there were burly figures of the Great Sha Demon coming rapidly from the distance.

  Obviously, the movement here has aroused the demons on the entire twenty-eighth floor.

  Zhao Yanzhi, Li Shi, and Mu Bi took action alone, and all of them entangled a big demon. Among the three, Li Shi was obviously the stronger, and he unleashed an extremely fierce and tyrannical attack with a golden spear. Every attack will penetrate the body of the great evil demon and continuously weaken its power.

  Mu Bi, on the other hand, preferred to be defensive. No matter how fiercely the evil demon attacked, he was unable to repel it.

  The situation suddenly became a bit more tense.

  This also made Li Luo feel a little less relaxed. The advancement of the Evil Demon Cave seemed to be more difficult than imagined.

  And this is only the first day of progress. If today is so difficult, the next two days will probably be even more difficult.

  As for the method of "Aiki", it obviously cannot be used here. It is used to deal with the evil demon leader later. After all, although "Aiki" is strong, it cannot be too long-lasting, and there will be a situation where you are exhausted after using it.

  Boom boom!

  And just as Li Luo's thoughts were turning, the roar of Xiangli came from not far away again, and he saw two burly big evil spirits charging towards them, and the violent earth evil energy seemed to form a storm around them. , all the bannermen who were knocked away vomited blood and retreated.

  At this time, Zhao Yanzhi and the other elite bannermen were unintentionally distracted, so the two evil demons ran rampant for a while, and no one could stop them.

  When Li Luo saw this, he held the golden jade Xuanxiang knife tightly in his palm and faced him head-on.

  "Flag leader, don't be rash!" When Li Shi saw this scene, he hurriedly reminded him.

  Zhao Yanzhi and Mu Bi were also shocked. Even they could only fight one big evil demon at the same time, but now Li Luo had to fight one against two?
  Although Li Luo had shown the ability to injure the Silver Fiend at the training ground before, he had only used the Marquis Technique to strike with all his strength. But now, facing two big evil demons, when Li Luo becomes exhausted, he will inevitably attract a fatal attack from another great evil demon.

  But at this time, they were too late to help, because when the lightning flashed under Li Luo's feet, his figure had already appeared in front of the fastest Great Sha Demon.

  The big demon with a vague face and a body like an iron tower roared like a wild beast. The sound waves seemed to crush the air and rushed straight towards Li Luo.

  In Li Luo's eyes, the figure of the Great Evil quickly enlarged, but his face did not show the slightest fear. Instead, he clenched the handle of the knife tightly with his five fingers.


  The Great Evil roared and waved its giant fist. There was powerful Earth Evil energy flowing on the giant fist, as if it had formed an iron armor, covering the giant fist.

  With that punch, the ground was torn open with a crack.

  It even brought a sonic boom.

  Li Luo had no expression on his face. He held the handle of the knife tightly and swung the knife directly to meet him. On the blade, a dual-phase halo formed by the power of dual-phase appeared.

  But the expressions of Zhao Yanzhi and others changed at this time.

  Because they discovered that Li Luo did not use his art of enfeoffment!

  But without the Marquis Technique, how could he, who was in the realm of a small evil palace, dare to challenge a big evil head-on? !
  But at this time, they could do nothing but watch helplessly as Li Luo's blade, flowing with the power of dual phases, collided with the giant fist of the Great Sha Demon.

  At the moment of the collision, two astonishing energies collided together, and the ground in that area suddenly cracked like a spider web.

  The figures of Li Luo and the great evil demon almost passed each other.

  But what made Zhao Yanzhi and others' eyes suddenly dilate was that they discovered that Li Luo was not defeated by the big evil demon with one punch. On the contrary, as the light of the sword passed by, one of the big evil demon's thick arms was directly lifted away from him. body and fly.


  All three of them had astonishment on their faces.

  How could Li Luo, who was at the level of the Little Evil Palace, cut off one of the Big Evil's arms during such a hard attack? !

  Zhao Yanzhi's eyes flashed, and she stared at Li Luo closely. At this moment, she discovered that with the flow of the sword light in Li Luo's hand, there was an inexplicable power flowing in this area. , blessing the blade.

  She sensed it slightly and discovered that this inexplicable power actually came from them?

  No, it's the fifteen hundred bannermen from the fifth part.

  "This is..."

  Zhao Yanzhi, Li Shi, and Mu Bi looked at each other and could see the shock in each other's eyes.

  "Flag momentum!"

  The so-called flag momentum, simply put, is the momentum field belonging to a flag or a department, and being in it is the blessing that can mobilize the flag momentum.

  This can also be regarded as a kind of "combined energy" power, but when it is truly "combined energy", the power that bursts out will be more terrifying, but it will also be shorter.

  However, the power of "flag power" does not have such an amazing explosion, but it is a long-lasting blessing. As long as you are within the range of the flag people, you can mobilize this power for your own use.

  Li Luo's previous sword attack was to strengthen the "flag force".

  In other words, that sword actually contained the momentum of the fifth part, so its power was only improved.

  But what shocked Zhao Yanzhi and the other two people was that, looking at the entire Twenty Banners, there were one hundred of them, that is, one hundred flag leaders. However, among these hundred people, not even five of them could control the "flag power". one.

  How long has it been since Li Luocai became the leader? It had only been a few days, but he had accomplished something that other banner leaders could not do in a year.

  So the three of them felt extremely incredible about this.

  But no matter how unbelievable it was, the facts were before their eyes, so in the end they looked at each other and could only show complicated expressions.

  What else can be said?
  It can only be said that people seem to be really different.

  (End of chapter)

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