Chapter 759 Thunder Dragon Breath

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  Chapter 759 Thunder Dragon Breath
  When Li Luo's body was sucked into the dragon monument, there seemed to be a bright golden light coming in front of his eyes. After a few breaths, the golden light quickly dissipated. He immediately scanned the surroundings and found that he seemed to be standing at this moment. In a golden desert.

  The golden quicksand flows continuously, and there is no end in sight.

  But before Li Luo could adapt, he suddenly felt a fiery energy emerging from the sky. When he raised his head, he saw a golden scorching sun floating high in the sky.

  The scorching sun seemed to be approaching rapidly.

  After a few breaths, Li Luo came to his senses. Where was the scorching sun? It was clearly a huge golden dragon's breath. The dragon's breath was so hot and domineering that it seemed to melt the desert.

  This dragon monument test is also straightforward, without any sloppiness, and a ball of dragon breath will hit you when you meet.

  But this ball of golden dragon's breath didn't give Li Luo much of a threat. It was probably only the lowest level three-turn dragon's breath.

  Within Li Luo's body, the phase force in the three phase palaces surged out like a river. His five fingers clenched into a fist, and then he punched out. The rolling phase force turned into rainbow light and directly collided with the golden dragon's breath.

  The loud sound resounded, making people's ears roar. The golden dragon's breath was just as Li Luo expected. It was only at the third level. It did not cause him much trouble and was easily resolved.

  When the golden dragon's breath disappeared, there was a aftermath, and he immediately felt a violent thunder force falling on the surface of his body.

  Li Luo's hair suddenly stood on end, and a tingling sensation came from the surface of his body.

  "This dragon's breath actually contains the power of thunder?" Li Luo bared his teeth. Seeing the fiery and violent dragon's breath, he thought it contained the power of fire, but unexpectedly it turned out to be thunder.

  Thunder Dragon Breath is obviously more domineering and fierce in power.

  However, this third turn of dragon breath was tolerated like this.

  And when the third-turn dragon breath dissipated, an additional piece of information appeared in Li Luo's mind out of thin air. It was the cultivation method of the third-turn dragon breath refining technique, but he just scanned it briefly and ignored it. , because his goal is not this.

  He looked around with a calm expression, waiting for the more advanced dragon breath test.

  That is the sixth-turn dragon breath.

  And Li Luo didn't wait long.

  As a short period of time passed, the golden desert suddenly shook. Countless golden sand dust seemed to form a waterfall, flying upwards towards the sky in front of it.

  In just a few breaths, the golden sand dust turned into a sea of ​​golden clouds.

  Thunder roared in the sea of ​​clouds, and the next moment, the golden sea of ​​clouds began to shrink violently. In just a few breaths, the sea of ​​clouds shrank into a ball of golden light about several hundred feet tall.

  The surface of the light ball is extremely smooth, like a sphere made of metal.

  At this time, cracks spread under the golden ball of light. With a loud roar, the whole world seemed to become bright and dazzling. A huge golden thunder, like a giant dragon with fangs and claws, enveloped a group of people. An extremely terrifying power struck directly at Li Luo's position.

  The threat emanating from the golden thunder was many times more powerful than the golden dragon breath before.

  Li Luo's expression also became extremely solemn at this time. He held his hand, and the Golden Jade Xuanxiang Knife appeared in his hand, holding the handle tightly with his five fingers.

  "Elephant power, the second level!"

  As Li Luo's deep voice sounded, the golden and jade black elephant sword buzzed and vibrated, and astonishing power rushed into his arms like an ancient savage elephant, and his arms instantly became stronger. After several rounds, veins protruded from his arms and squirmed like small snakes.


  The skin was finally unable to restrain the arrogant force, and was torn immediately, with blood flowing down the wound.

  Li Luo was not surprised by this. Instead, he instantly used low-level restoration techniques such as "Spiritual Water Technique" to quickly recover his physical injuries.

  Feeling the astonishing power surging in his arms, Li Luo took a deep breath, and the water phase power and dragon phase power in his body instantly merged, forming a powerful dual phase power.

  There is a bright and dazzling dual-phase halo condensed on the body of Xuanxiang Dao, which exudes a strange charm.

  Li Luo's face was cold, and the power in his body exploded without reservation, and the simple straight knife slashed down at the golden thunder that came down.

  When the sword was slashed, a powerful phase force roared out in front of the tip of the sword, directly condensing into a sword wheel of about ten feet. The knife wheel rotates at high speed, releasing extremely terrifying cutting and tearing power.

  With the blessing of the second divine power of the elephant and the power of the dual phase, he used his improved "Thousand-Flow Water Knife Wheel". This is Li Luo's most powerful method now except for the "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag".

  With this attack, Li Luo was confident that he could defeat any opponent in the Great Sha Palace realm.

  The radiant sword wheel shot out directly with the slash of the sword light. The void in front of it was torn apart at this moment, and the sharp sound of breaking wind resounded endlessly.

  A trace was cut into the air at this moment, and it could not be healed for a moment.

  In just a few breaths, the sword wheel collided with the falling golden thunder.

  The extremely sharp sword light and thunder bombarded each other, and the power of the two was quickly consumed.

  This stalemate lasted for about ten breaths. In the next moment, the golden thunder suddenly broke apart, as if it was divided into two, and was chopped open from the middle by the sword wheel.

  However, the broken golden thunder did not dissipate. Instead, one of them, like a spiritual golden python, cut through the void with a roar, and landed directly on the head of Li Luo below with lightning speed. .

  Li Luo's hair rose like a hedgehog, and black smoke curled up.

  But at this time, he couldn't care less about his embarrassed appearance, because when the golden thunder fell, an extremely violent thunder power began to wreak havoc directly in his body.

  The power of thunder passed through, and pieces of flesh and blood were scorched black.

  Severe pain spreads out of the body.

  And Li Luo's reaction was also extremely fast. The dual-phase power in his body quickly started to move around, capturing and neutralizing these raging violent thunder powers.

  Fortunately, Li Luo's previous sword wheel had already chopped this golden thunder into pieces, so although the power of thunder that invaded the body was violent, it was not so strong that it was uncontrollable.

  After a moment of chasing, most of the thunder power was melted and resolved by the dual phase power.

  At this time, the benefits of dual-phase power are revealed. As a higher-level phase power, it will undoubtedly be much more crisp and agile in dealing with these intruding forces. Otherwise, if it were someone else, even if they were pregnant, Those with eight qualities will be embarrassed by this power.

  However, I have to admit that this sixth-turn dragon breath has already made Li Luo feel some threats. The next nine-turn dragon breath is the most terrifying.

  Li Luo's heart became solemn unconsciously.

  He mentally scanned his body, checking for the remaining thunder power.

  Before the Nine-turn Dragon Breath comes, he needs to expel all the hidden dangers in his body. Otherwise, the remaining thunder power in the body will be activated by the Nine-turn Dragon Breath, which will undoubtedly bring him huge trouble.


  However, just as Li Luo was looking for the remaining thunder power, he suddenly made a sound of surprise.

  Because he discovered that all the remaining thunder power flowed into somewhere within his body.

  Li Luo focused his mind on that place, and then he sensed the movement of a thunder furnace.

  Seeing this thunder furnace, Li Luo was stunned.

  Is this the thunder furnace of the thunder body? !
  Looking at this thunder furnace, Li Luo felt a sense of surprise in his heart, because he found that all the remaining thunder power seemed to be absorbed by this thing.

  After absorbing the power of the previous thunder, this thunder furnace became obviously more violent, and the thunder coming from it seemed to be more domineering and powerful.

  The power of thunder contained in this sixth-turn dragon breath can actually strengthen and expand the thunder furnace? !

  This discovery suddenly made Li Luo feel a sense of surprise in his heart.

  (The public account is posting Jiang Qing’e’s red envelope cover. If you like it, come and get it.)
  (End of this chapter)

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