Chapter 730 Return to the South Wind

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  Chapter 730 Return to the South
  Wind After Jiang Qing'e left, Li Luo lay alone on a truck filled with various utensils in Luo Lan Mansion, quietly looking at the sky for most of the day.

  In the next two days, he did not appear in the Luo Lan Mansion motorcade. Cai Wei personally delivered his daily meals to the carriage where he was. However, everyone understood this. After all, Jiang Qing'e's departure was even more difficult for them. Everyone felt down and frustrated, not to mention Li Luo?
  In such a dull atmosphere, Luo Lan Mansion's huge motorcade finally arrived at Nanfeng City.

  When the outline of Nanfeng City appeared within sight, the spirits of everyone in the Luolan Mansion fleet were lifted up. The depressed atmosphere that had lasted for several days was finally diluted at this time. Many people's expressions also relaxed a lot.

  And Li Luo finally walked out of the carriage at this time.

  He was also looking at the city in the distance, slightly in a daze. He still remembered the scene when he left Nanfeng City for Daxia City a year ago.

  At that time, he was just a young fortune teller who had just solved the problem of empty phase. In the eyes of everyone, they all had doubts about him, the young master of Luo Lan Mansion, and these doubts even Filled in Luo Lan Mansion.

  And these doubts were finally overcome by the miracles in the following time.

  When Li Luo entered Daxia City, he not only turned the tide and expanded the Xiyang House, winning enough funds and time for the stability of Luo Lan Mansion, but he also became famous in the academy, and even won the title of the strongest one in the Holy Grail War One Star Academy. The title of student is the highest in Eastern China.

  Now he has reached the rank of Disha General.

  His name is unknown to everyone in the entire Great Xia.

  Less than a year after leaving Nanfeng City, Li Luo, who had undergone such changes, came back here again.

  But this time, it brought about a sudden change.

  Shengxuanxing Academy was destroyed, Daxia City, which was the center of Daxia, was abandoned. Countless people began to migrate. A storm carrying the breath of death has swept across the territory of Daxia.

  It is conceivable that in the next few years, the entire Great Xia will be in a turbulent situation.


  With thoughts flowing in his mind, Li Luo breathed out gently, then waved his hand and ordered: "Speed ​​up and prepare to enter the city."

  Everyone in Luo Lan Mansion agreed, and then the large army began to accelerate, and the convoy led up The smoke and dust went straight to Nanfeng City.

  Ten minutes later, the convoy approached the gate of the city. The place was filled with people, and countless eyes were looking at the huge formation of Luo Lan Mansion. During this period, there was news of drastic changes in Daxia City. , has spread throughout the Daxia territory like the wind.

  After all, countless people moved to Daxia City, which was enough to shock the whole of Daxia.

  The bad news that the secret cave was destroyed and the evil spirit began to spread was also known to the people of Daxia at the same time. The panic caused by this was almost unprecedented.

  Ordinary people don't know much about aliens, but this does not prevent them from knowing that this is an extremely terrible disaster. If aliens come in contact with them, any life will be swallowed up, and it is impossible to survive in them. matter.

  Don't you see that even Daxia City, which is the center of Daxia, can only be reluctantly given up?

  If the evil thoughts continue to spread in the future, there may not be a pure land in the entire Great Xia.

  Li Luo looked in the direction of the city gate and suddenly waved the convoy to stop, because he saw a separated area there, with guards separating the flow of people. In it, he saw a familiar figure.

  That was the dean of Nanfeng Academy, Wei Sha.

  Next to Dean Wei, there is another figure. Judging from his robe, he should be the current governor of Shu County, and his predecessor was the division governor.

  Li Luo waved the convoy to stop, then jumped out of the car and led the senior officials of Luo Lan Mansion to Dean Wei.

  "Dean Wei, I haven't seen you for a year, but you are becoming more and more energetic." As he got closer, Li Luo also smiled. He had always held a few feelings in his heart for Wei Sha, the old dean of Nanfeng Academy. Much respect. "Haha, of course I have to welcome the Qilinzi who came out of Nanfeng Academy in person." Old Wei Cha also had a smile on his face, and his eyes were filled with relief when he looked at Li Luo. During this year, he has been very happy because of Li Luo. Luo's achievements in Shengxuanxing Academy were well received and praised.

  Nowadays, Nanfeng Academy has not only established itself as the number one academy in Tianshu County, but even other universities in other counties are far behind them.

  After all, throughout the history of many universities in Daxia, there have never been two students who have won the title of the strongest in Eastern China.

  "Now you and Qing'e are the signatures of our Nanfeng Academy. Your images stand at the highest point of the academy. Countless juniors and girls regard you as objects of worship." Wei Sha said with a smile.

  Li Luo was a little happy when he heard this. He finally got the same treatment as Sister Qing'e. He remembered that when he was at Nanfeng Academy, he could only look at Jiang Qing'e's dazzling image eagerly and became one of many admiring eyes. .

  "Li Luo, this is the new governor of Tianshu County, Governor Zhao." Wei Cha introduced the middle-aged man next to him again.

  Li Luo looked over and saw that the dignified middle-aged man quickly raised his hands and smiled: "Finally, I meet Lord Li Luo." Governor

  Zhao's attitude was quite low, because he knew very well that today's Li Luo Luo is not the empty-faced boy from Nanfeng Academy a year ago. Now the latter has completely controlled the Luo Lan Mansion and has a deep relationship with the eldest princess. Of course, the most important thing is that the Luo Lan Mansion is not the precarious one. Luo Lan Mansion.

  At the previous Mansion Festival, the clones of Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan appeared, which had shocked countless Xiaoxiao.

  Governor Zhao glanced behind Li Luo again. Niu Biaobiao, Xi Chan, and Li Rouyun were all silent. Their expressions were quite cold and they had no intention of talking to them. However, there was something vague about the three of them. Judging from the coercion emanating from them, these three are obviously powerful men who have been granted the title of lord.

  This made Governor Zhao frightened. When did the Luolan Mansion have so many powerful feudal princes?

  Li Luo was also quite polite to Governor Zhao's geniality. After all, Luolan Mansion would use the old residence in Nanfeng City as its headquarters in the future, so dealing with the Governor was inevitable.

  "Li Luo, what is the situation in Daxia City now?" After chatting for a while, Wei Sha finally asked with worry in his eyes.

  Governor Zhao also looked at it intently, obviously very concerned.

  "You guys should have received some news about the changes in Daxia City. Shengxuanxing Academy was destroyed, Daxia City had to be abandoned due to the spread of evil thoughts, and the eldest princess and the regent had differences. From then on, a South and north."

  "Vice President Su Xin may come to Nanfeng City soon. I recommended Nanfeng Academy to her. If it is suitable, Nanfeng Academy may be used as the basis in the future to transform into a new Shengxuan. Star Academy." Li Luo said.

  When Wei Cha heard this, he suddenly showed excitement. If Nanfeng Academy is transformed into the new Shengxuanxing Academy, it will be really upgraded. Although his position as dean may be gone by then, this honor will It is enough to make the schools in other counties and cities drop their eyes with envy.

  Moreover, once Nanfeng Academy is transformed, Shengxuanxing Academy will definitely not treat the students of Nanfeng Academy badly, and may even open up some additional admission quotas for them. This is a great reward.

  "I would like to thank you, senior, on behalf of all the students at Nanfeng Academy." Wei Sha smiled from ear to ear.

  Li Luo shook his head humbly and chatted with the two of them for a while again. At the same time, Luo Lan Mansion's huge motorcade slowly drove into the city under the gaze of countless eyes at the city gate.

  Li Luo stood at the gate of Nanfeng City, looking at the tall city walls that were mottled by the erosion of time, and sighed with some regret.

  A year passed, and in circles, I finally came back here.

  However, he cannot stay here for long.

  Once Luo Lan Mansion has settled down, it will be time for him to leave.

  (End of chapter)

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