Chapter 728 Breaking off the Engagement

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  Chapter 728: Breaking off the Engagement

  Jiang Qing’e’s departure time is set for two days.

  This means that she cannot even follow Luo Lan Mansion's team back to Nanfeng City, but everyone knows that this is impossible because Jiang Qing'e's time is too tight, and her burning bright heart is consuming her all the time. If she delays her vitality for a day longer, her problem with her bright mind will become more serious.

  So after confirming that Shengguang Ancient Academy could solve the problem of burning bright hearts, Li Luo decided to let Jiang Qing'e set off as soon as possible, although he was extremely reluctant to give up.

  On the spacious road, Luo Lan Mansion's long motorcade had no beginning or end.

  As we gradually move away from Daxia City, the world here has once again regained its former peace and tranquility. There is no pollution from evil thoughts between the world and the sky, and even the sunshine has become warm again.

  However, although the impact of the evil thoughts has been eliminated, the atmosphere in the huge motorcade of Luo Lan Mansion is still a bit dull, because everyone knows that Jiang Qing'e, who is the pillar of Luo Lan Mansion, will leave Daxia in two days. , heading to the immeasurably distant Inner Divine State.

  Jiang Qing'e's departure undoubtedly affected the morale of Luo Lan Mansion. After all, her personal charm in Luo Lan Mansion was too strong, which even Li Luo could not compare with.

  It was she who single-handedly stopped the chaos and division when the Luolan Mansion was in the most precarious state. At that time, she had just entered Shengxuanxing Academy for training. Her strength and charisma were evident here. In the past few years, it has penetrated into the hearts of everyone in Luolan Mansion.

  In her body, everyone saw the shadow of Tantai Lan.

  But they all understood that Jiang Qing'e had paid a heavy price in order to force Shen Jinxiao to retreat. If she did not leave, she would soon die. Compared to the latter, they would naturally rather Jiang Qing'e went there. Ancient academy.

  They believe that as long as Jiang Qing'e can solve this problem, her talent will shine brightly no matter where she is.

  Inside a large carriage of the motorcade.

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e sat opposite each other on both sides of the coffee table. The car windows were wide open, and the dense forests on both sides extended their shade under the sunlight.

  Jiang Qing'e's expression was a little lazy. This kind of relaxed look rarely appeared on her before, but perhaps because of her own condition, she seemed more and more relaxed these days.

  Li Luo's eyes have been fixed on the beautiful face of the goddess in front of him. Although he has seen it for more than ten years, he feels that he can never get tired of looking at it. He can't help it, it is really so beautiful, that exquisite Her facial features seemed to have been carved out by God with great painstaking efforts. Every frown and every smile exuded infinite charm.

  "Everyone's morale is very low. This still hasn't given out the news that you will leave." Jiang Qing'e fiddled with the teacup and said helplessly.

  It is conceivable that once the news is released that Li Luo will be gone for a long time, it will have a huge impact on the morale of Luo Lan Mansion.

  In fact, if you are not careful, you may be disbanded directly.

  After all, the two pillars of the family are gone, and the Luo Lan Mansion is really feeling a little distraught.

  However, Li Luo didn't answer. His eyes were still wandering on Jiang Qing'e's cheek, pausing on the red lips from time to time, as if he was thinking about something.

  Sensing Li Luo's increasingly unscrupulous gaze, Jiang Qing'e's lazy look faded, and her eyes immediately returned to their previous calmness and sharpness. She glanced at Li Luo lightly, her eyes full of warning.

  Li Luo then reluctantly looked back and said: "There is no way, it needs to be announced after all, and the impact will definitely be there, but fortunately, the situation in Daxia has changed dramatically. The Jiyan Mansion and Jinque Mansion have followed the regent. The king retreated to the north, and there would be no chance to target Luolan Mansion again in the future. Therefore, in the short term, Luolan Mansion does not have any foreign enemies. From the perspective of living environment, it is actually better than before." "With Sister Cai Wei and Sister Lingqing here

  , , Although Luo Lan Mansion cannot expand, it is enough to maintain it, and with the help of instructor Xi Chan, there will not be too big a problem." Li Luo said, sighing again, and said

  resentfully : "Why is only Dean Ling qualified to recommend people?"

  Seeing that this guy was still struggling with this matter, Jiang Qing'e was a little amused and said, "Because Dean Ling used to be the tutor of Shengguang Ancient Academy, she is the only one who has the recommendation quota in the entire Daxia." But looking at Li

  Luo With that listless look, Jiang Qing'e felt a little helpless, so she stretched out her hand and said: "I will set off with Dean Ling in the next two days. I probably won't be able to reach Nanfeng City, so maybe what I promised you can be done now Done."

  "What happened?" Li Luo didn't come back to his senses for a while. Jiang Qing'e's problems had been bothering him all the time these days, and he had no intention of thinking about anything else.

  Jiang Qing'e cautiously raised her chin, which was as sharp as snow, and reminded: "Engagement." Li Luo sat up straight in an instant. He stared at Jiang Qing'e for a few seconds, and then solemnly took out the space ball. A delicate box, opened the box, and a piece of light yellow paper came into view of the two people.

  On the paper, there are delicate and slightly childish handwriting.

  Jiang Qing'e looked at the light yellow paper with a smile, a look of nostalgia emerged in her eyes, and a picture emerged in the depths of her memory. That little girl held a pen and seriously wrote a note to "sell" herself under the light. Got engaged.

  In fact, this marriage contract is not binding in any way, and no one would really take something written by a little girl like this seriously, but Jiang Qing'e took it seriously.

  "Dad is really annoying. I beat him for three days for this matter, and the entire Luo Lan Mansion heard the screams." Li Luo looked at the engagement paper and couldn't help but sigh.

  That time, Tantai Lan was actually really angry. Although her father was just talking casually after drinking, Jiang Qing'e's character was so accepting of death sometimes. Once she got serious, no one could pull her back.

  So Tantai Lan walked with anger in those days. Except for Jiang Qing'e who comforted her like an adult, no one in the entire Luo Lan mansion dared to appear around her, including Li Luo himself.

  With an unusually gentle smile on her lips, Jiang Qing'e said softly: "I like this home very much, so I don't resist it."

  "Sister Qing'e, it's one thing if you don't resist, but it's another thing if you really like her." Li Luo said seriously.

  Jiang Qing'e's eyes flashed, and she said with a half-smile, "Do you think I really like you now?"

  Li Luo thought for a while and said, "Anyway, I really like it."

  "When did you like it?" Jiang Qing'e's golden eyes were filled with emotion. She wears bright colors, and her words are also very bold, without much shyness.

  "Maybe it started when you hit me for the first time when I was a kid." Li Luo said with a smile.

  "It turns out he is a masochist." Jiang Qing'e said in surprise.

  Li Luo rolled his eyes and suddenly asked: "But speaking of which, it seems that I have never heard of my father and mother mentioning the issue of your life experience, Sister Qing'e."

  He remembered that when Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan went out to bring Jiang Qing'e back, they later The woman was about four or five years old, but it seemed that she had never been told about her life experience, where she came from, and where her parents were from.

  Jiang Qing'e was startled when she heard this, and was silent for a while, and said: "I don't have any memory of this."

  She frowned slightly and murmured: "My memory seems to be from the first time I met Master and Master. The memories before that are all dark."

  Li Luo also frowned, is it so strange? It seems that Sister Qing'e's life experience is also a bit strange, and he still remembers that when he saw Tantai Lan's photo before, she said that their mother and son owed Qing'e something? What does this mean?

  He was thinking about it, but he had no clue. In the end, he could only shake his head.

  Then he pulled his mind back, took out the engagement paper, and pushed it over.

  "Sister Qing'e, I will return this engagement to you." He looked very solemn, as if he had completed some kind of ceremony.

  Jiang Qing'e gently pressed the engagement contract with her slender jade fingers, glanced at it, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and said: "Li Luo, from now on, there will be no other relationship between us."

  She spoke a little carelessly: "Do you still remember that time when I returned to Nanfeng City a year ago? At that time, you proposed to me to break off the engagement for the first time. I said that if the engagement was canceled, I might not want anything in the future. ."

  The teasing look in her golden eyes became more intense, and then she stared at Li Luo, who was pretending to be calm.

  "Li Luo, are you panicking now?"

  (End of Chapter)

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