Chapter 713 The Battle to the South

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  Chapter 713: Battle Going South
  When the sword light exuding a fierce and ferocious aura passed by, countless people in the Luolan Mansion convoy were shocked to see that the road in front of them was directly divided into two at this moment, and the sword mark remained It extends to the end of sight, with no end in sight.

  Shen Jinxiao's body also split into two along the avenue at this time, but when his broken body fell, it turned into wisps of black smoke and dissipated.

  From the chariot behind, Niu Biaobiao walked out. He held a bright butcher's knife and stared at the place where Shen Jinxiao's body disappeared with extremely fierce eyes. Then he said to Li Luo and the others: "Be careful, this person is extremely weird. It's hard to deal with."

  When he took action earlier, he sensed a powerful and obscure wave from Shen Jinxiao's body. The Zihui instructor from Shengxuanxing Academy in front of him was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

  "Haha, you are the hidden powerful man in Luo Lan Mansion, right? You can still maintain your strength after leaving the headquarters?" At

  this time, Shen Jinxiao's laughter rang out from the sky and the earth, and then the void shook, His figure appeared out of thin air, his eyes locked on Niu Biaobiao, and he asked with some confusion.

  Niu Biaobiao just stared at him with a fierce look in his eyes, but was not interested in talking to him.

  When Shen Jinxiao saw this, he looked at Niu Biaobiao and guessed to himself: "From the previous intelligence, you should have been seriously injured, causing your own feudal platform to be broken. Now that Niu Biaobiao is exposed, You have gained the strength of the fourth-grade marquis, but this should not come from yourself." "Could it be

  with the help of Luo Lan's "divine substance"?" "

  But, forget it, it doesn't matter."

  Shen Jinxiao turned his eyes . , turned to Li Luo, and said with a smile: "Li Luo, I know you are stalling for time and waiting for reinforcements to arrive, but do you think I didn't make any preparations when I came today? The confrontation at the Luo Lan Mansion Festival was just me I just used Pei Hao as a puppet to participate. This time, when the real body comes, I will not allow any mistakes."

  He raised his palm, and the next moment, he saw a gray-white substance suddenly falling down from the sky like white snow. , completely covering this area.

  And when these gray-white substances like ashes fell, Li Luo suddenly felt that this area seemed to be isolated from the world.

  at the same time.

  On a road a hundred miles away from Luolan Mansion's motorcade.

  The team composed of countless students was gradually moving forward in a dull atmosphere. All the students' faces had lost their former glory, and their blank eyes represented their inner depression at this time, because they all understood that from this moment on, Saint Xuanxing Academy is gone.

  The Xiangli tree standing in the school is actually the belief in the hearts of all students. Now that the belief has been destroyed, all the energy and spirit have naturally been lost.

  Coupled with this gray world, it is even more depressing.

  Vice President Su Xin stood in mid-air, overlooking the four directions. She could naturally feel the decadent atmosphere in the team, but she was helpless. Although these students were considered the elite of the younger generation in Daxia, they were still young after all. She has not experienced many setbacks. Even she can't bear the changes in Shengxuanxing Academy, let alone these young people who are proud of the academy?
  All comforts are of no use at the moment, and we can only rely on time to smooth out these scars.

  After the school is rebuilt again, they will surely gradually regain their fighting spirit.


  At this moment, Vice-President Su Xin's eyes suddenly focused, and her gaze turned to the southwest. At the previous moment, she felt that the signal jade talisman given to Li Luo was activated.

  "Shen Jinxiao!"

  Vice-President Su Xin's eyes burst out with coldness and murderous intent. The voice she gritted her teeth revealed her hatred for this name. Although the school had its fate today, Guiyihui was the culprit. , but without Shen Jinxiao causing hidden dangers to the school from within, even if the man with gold and silver eyes was a seventh-grade marquis, it would be difficult to penetrate the school's defense and destroy the Xiangli tree!

  As for failing to detect Shen Jinxiao's ulterior motives in advance, Vice President Su Xin felt that she herself had a great responsibility, so she hated the former even more.

  "You actually dare to show up!"

  Vice Dean Su Xin's eyes were filled with murderous intent. Immediately, her figure moved and she was about to head in the direction of Luo Lan Mansion's motorcade.


  But at this moment, a strange whine suddenly came from the sky and the earth. When this sound sounded, something seemed to start to flow out of the gray sky and the air of evil thoughts continuously. Swept out like a tide.

  These things rushed directly towards the academy team like a torrent.

  Vice Dean Su Xin looked at it, and her face suddenly changed, because those things were clearly countless aliens!

  "Meet the enemy!"

  She shouted loudly.

  The many Zihui and Jinhui instructors who were protecting the students immediately formed a line of defense, and countless rays of phase force rose into the sky. Vice President Su Xin glanced at it, then withdrew her gaze, and then looked with cold eyes towards a lake not far away. However, there was gray air permeating the lake at this time. When the gray air rippled, a A man with gold and silver eyes stood on the water, looking at her with a smile.

  "You evil thief!"

  Vice Dean Su Xin's eyes were cold and she said, "You were severely injured by the Dean, yet you still dare to show up?"

  The man named Xuan Chen smiled slightly and said, "My appearance , isn’t it what you expected?”

  “And you, aren’t you just waiting for me?”

  “Yes, I’m waiting for you!”

  Vice Dean Su Xin’s murderous intention was rising as if it were real. This time Shen Jinxiao takes action, and Xuan Chen is in the same group with him. Xuan Chen is unlikely to sit idly by, so there is a high possibility that the other party will also participate, and the target will be the support from their school.

  So Vice President Su Xin was waiting for Xuan Chen to show up.

  Because she knew that Xuan Chen was severely injured by the dean at this time, and it was also the best opportunity to kill him for revenge.

  And at the moment when Vice-President Su Xin's voice fell, I saw lines of light and shadow rising into the sky among the ranks of the academy. The void suddenly shook, and the conferring pedestals were revealed, like stars hanging in the sky, exuding endless oppression. feel.

  Vice President Su Xin locked eyes on Xuan Chen's figure with cold eyes.

  "The evil thief destroyed my school, and I will kill you here today!"

  Vice President Su Xin stepped forward, the void behind her shook, and four conferring platforms emerged, like a huge vortex swallowing the energy of the world, and then she The jade-hand seals were taken, and golden runes rose up on the four feudal pedestals, shining for hundreds of miles.

  "Marquis Divine Talisman, Golden Deer Xuanming Talisman!"

  The four golden lights converged and turned into a huge golden sacred deer. The sacred deer walked in the air, with ice condensing under its hooves, freezing the void.

  Then the golden sacred deer stepping on the ice directly smashed into the space and rushed towards Xuan Chen.

  "He even used the Marquis Talisman. It seems he really hates me."

  Upon seeing this, Xuan Chen couldn't help but smile. The so-called "Marquis Marquis Talisman" is the only way to become a fourth-grade Marquis. It is a special power that only a powerful feudal lord can condense, just like the "confession realm" of a high-ranking lord.

  Vice-President Su Xin is a fourth-grade marquis. Now, when she takes action, she activates her own "Marquis Talisman", which shows that she has a strong murderous intention.

  He shook his head, but faced with the siege of many powerful lords from the academy, even Xuan Chen did not dare to neglect. He put his hands together and directly activated the "Fenghou Realm". Suddenly, the world was directly surrounded by the mysterious field. covered.

  It was also the same moment.

  Jinlong Baoxing's even larger and longer team of chariots.

  Yu Hongxi's figure soared into the sky. She stared in the north direction with her eyes slightly focused, and shouted softly: "You guys guard the convoy, I'll go take a look." Upon seeing this, some of the senior

  officials of Jinlong Baoxing who were accompanying them looked at each other. At a glance, I guessed what Yu Hongxi wanted to do. Logically speaking, from the standpoint of Jinlong Baoxing, the latter should not get involved in these things, but Yu Hongxi is the president after all and controls Daxia Jinlong Baoxing. Over the years, the majesty has become deeply rooted in people's hearts.

  Vice President Ning Qian did not follow him this time, so naturally no one dared to dissent from Yu Hongxi, so they all nodded in agreement.

  But Yu Hongxi's figure turned into a stream of light and jumped ten miles away in an instant.

  But at this moment, the sky suddenly burned out of thin air, and fire lotuses suddenly formed, blocking the path of Yuhong River. The temperature between heaven and earth suddenly increased, and the vision became a little distorted.

  Yu Hongxi's figure stopped, and a chill appeared on her beautiful face.

  She stared into the void somewhere, and a faint voice sounded.

  "Zhu Qinghuo, Shen Jinxiao is already a public enemy of Daxia. Now you are trying to intercept me. Do I have reason to suspect that your Jiyan Mansion is also involved in Guiyi?" (End of Chapter


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