Chapter 701 Seal

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  Chapter 701 Seal
  As a torrent of evil thoughts poured out from under the Xiangli Tree, the ground there suddenly collapsed a lot, revealing a huge black hole. The space inside the black hole showed signs of distortion and fragmentation.

  And the energy of evil thoughts surged out from this space.

  That space is where the dark cave is!
  The dark cave is not under the ground suppressed by the Xiangli tree, but a spatial anchor point. It is the intersection of the real world and the dark world. However, a world rift appeared at the intersection here, which led to The emergence of dark caves.

  The sudden appearance of the dark cave space attracted the attention of everyone present. Their eyes hurriedly cast away, and then they saw that deep in the dark cave, there was a terrifying energy tide sweeping out in waves. The energy tide The fluctuations emitted were so strong that all the powerful feudal lords became pale; just one blast of energy of that intensity was enough to obliterate them.

  At the source of the energy tide, they vaguely saw two lights and shadows fighting.

  "It's Dean Pang!" A powerful man with a title exclaimed.

  One of the two lights and shadows was clearly Pang Qianyuan.

  Opposite Pang Qianyuan, the light and shadow exuded an extremely terrifying aura of evil thoughts, and the power that erupted in every gesture caused the entire space to tremble.

  "Is Dean Pang fighting against the Fish King?!" Instructor Zihui from Youxue said.

  "No, it's not the Fish King!"

  Instructor Zihui, who had a keen sense, suddenly changed his face and said in shock: "It's another alien king!" As

  soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked, even Vice President Su Xin Both Chang and Yu Hongxi's pupils shrank. Deep in the dark cave, another alien king appeared? !
  All eyes were hurriedly cast away, and then they saw that the alien king who was fighting Pang Qianyuan was a skeletal figure holding a gray and broken soul-calling flag. This appearance and the aura of evil thoughts emanating were similar to those of fish and fish. Wang is completely different.

  Everyone's hearts suddenly trembled, and they couldn't help but feel deep despair. No wonder Dean Pang couldn't show up for a long time. It turned out that he was entangled by two alien kings deep in the dark cave!

  "Hey, Pang Qianyuan, the Xiangli Tree has been destroyed, and the dark cave has lost its suppression. Your efforts over the years have been in vain." At this moment, a hollow and sharp laughter came from the depths of the dark cave.

  Hearing this voice, the pupils of Zihui instructors from many schools present, including Xi Chan, shrank, and a deep chill filled their hearts.

  Because this voice was no stranger to them, they had also gone to the depths of the cave during the previous mission to purify the cave, and at the same time they had seen the terrifying existence that had been confronting Dean Pang for many years.

  Fish King!
  Under the gazes of those horrified eyes, the sound of flowing river seemed to be coming from the depths of the dark cave. This sound was extremely weird, and it seemed to be mixed with countless shrill screams.

  The next moment, the black river water appeared in the field of vision, and the black water was roaring from the depths of the dark cave, like a giant black snake, swallowing everything in its path.

  "The Black River of Evil Thoughts?!"

  Everyone was horrified again. The black river water is a gathering of countless evil thoughts. It is said that aliens were born from it. The Fish King actually planned to use this Black River of Evil Thoughts to escape from the dark cave. Introducing the real world? !

  Once this black river of evil thoughts comes out, the pollution it will cause is unimaginable!
  It can be said unceremoniously that wherever the Black River goes, the entire world and environment will change, and eventually become a home for aliens.

  At that time, Daxia will be completely destroyed, and there will be no life left within ten thousand miles.

  In mid-air, the regent was also watching this scene. His eyes were a little uncertain, and then he couldn't help but turn his eyes to the man with gold and silver eyes, because the other party had not told him about the current change.

  The other party only told him that he would find a way to prevent Pang Qianyuan from leaving the dark cave, but he did not say that he would introduce evil thoughts into Daxia.

  If so, wouldn't Daxia be ruined as well?

  However, although he was shocked in his heart, the regent still suppressed his emotions. At this point, there was no way to reverse the matter. He had already boarded the "Guiyihui" ship. I am afraid he would not be able to control the development of the matter. After all, once he was exposed, If they are in the same group as the man with gold and silver eyes, then Shengxuanxing Academy, Jinlong Baoxing and many forces will definitely pour their anger on him, and even some of the forces he controls may backfire.

  After all, what the Guiyi Association is going to do is really a bit anti-human.

  At that time, he will lose everything.

  The regent is a hero, and a hero knows how to choose, so after a short struggle, he made a choice very rationally.

  Now that the matter has come to this, "Guiyihui" is a good backer. Relying on them, the regent will be able to gain more. In the future, he may be able to use this to attack the king's realm. If he can reach this step, what will he have to pay? It's all worth it.

  "Pang Qianyuan, leave, leave Daxia. This place is originally a quagmire that restrains the raptors. Now I will help you break the quagmire, and you can take advantage of this to leave." The black river was overflowing, and the Fish King's voice was full of bewitching. , also kept ringing.

  Pang Qianyuan's face was indifferent. The huge "Three-Phase Holy Ring" behind him continued to erupt with mysterious light, slashing at the Corpse King in front. Facing his extremely domineering Three-Phase Sword Light, the Corpse King's offensive also Being constantly forced back.

  But that's about it. He was unable to defeat the Corpse King, and the Fish King took the opportunity to continuously advance the Black River of Evil Thoughts.

  Now that the Xiangli Tree has also been ignited, without the suppression of the Xiangli Tree, the evil thoughts of Heihe will rush into the real world without any hindrance.

  The whole situation can be said to be extremely bad.

  Pang Qianyuan's eyes were cold and he said: "King Yuchi, I can step into the king's realm. Do you think these confusing words of yours will be useful to me?" "Hey,

  this is not confusion, but a fact. Pang Qianyuan, do you think you Can anything else be changed? You lost this game from the beginning." Fish King said.

  "You must have a plan for this, and the School Alliance will not sit idly by!" Pang Qianyuan said coldly.

  "The school alliance cannot control such a far-off place."

  "Although I don't know what your purpose is, you seem to want to push the evil thoughts out of the black river, so I won't let you do it today." Pang Qianyuan's eyes flashed, Finally, he slowly lowered his eyes and said.

  "Oh? Can you do it?" Fish King said with a hint of sarcasm in his words.

  Pang Qianyuan took a deep breath, raised his palm, and the Dragon Bone Holy Grail appeared in his hand. The mottled surface of the Holy Grail was full of traces of time.

  "Dragon Bone Holy Grail?"

  came the laughter of the Fish King: "This "Unparalleled Noble Phantasm" inherited from the Academy Alliance is indeed very powerful, but I'm afraid it is not enough to change the current situation."

  Pang Qianyuan ignored it and formed seals with his hands. , the vast phase force in the body poured into the Dragon Bone Holy Grail continuously at this time, and as he urged it with all his strength, the Dragon Bone Holy Grail bloomed with bright light, and there was a vague sound of ancient dragon roars.

  The next moment, there was a dragon shadow slowly falling from the sky.

  Above the light shield, the dragon shadow was entrenched, and the scope of its coverage clearly included the Corpse King, the Fish King, and the black river of evil thoughts rushing out.

  "Dragon Bone Holy Grail, dragon bone seals the world." Pang Qianyuan's indifferent voice also sounded at this time.

  Both the Corpse King and the Fish King raised their heads at this moment. They stared at the dragon shadow shield hanging down. At this moment, a huge force enveloped them. Under this power, their His body seemed to have lost control at this moment.

  Even the rushing black river of evil thoughts has stopped moving forward.

  There is a white smoke that spreads out between the sky and the earth. This smoke seems to be some kind of special curse. As it drifts, everything within the scope of the light shield is bone-forming.

  Including the initiator Pang Qianyuan, as well as the Corpse King, the Fish King and the Black River of Evil Thoughts.

  A faint grayish-white color slowly emerged from Pang Qianyuan's body, with signs of turning him into a bone sculpture.

  This seems to be a sealing technique.

  It's just an undifferentiated seal.

  "Pang Qianyuan, you are really brave. You have to sacrifice yourself to seal us together? Is it worth it?" The voice of the Fish King finally became a little cold.

  "Innocent, even the "Unparalleled Noble Phantasm" cannot seal the Black River of Evil Thoughts." The hollow and indifferent voice of the Corpse King also sounded.

  Pang Qianyuan lowered his head and glanced at the body that was beginning to form bones. There was no emotion on his face, and he said calmly: "Indeed, this alone is not enough." Then, he turned his head, and his eyes seemed to

  penetrate the space of the dark cave and project onto the school. On a certain figure outside.

  At the same moment, Li Luo, who was fighting outside the academy, heard a voice in his ears.

  "Li Luo, help me."

  (End of chapter)

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