Chapter 693: Sources of pollution in schools

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  Chapter 693: The source of pollution in the school boom
  The sudden loss of control of those Zihui mentors was obviously beyond everyone's expectations. This caused other Zihui mentors who had not been contaminated to react immediately and were hit by attacks from their companions.


  Several Zihui instructors spurted blood on the spot and fell down, creating deep pits in the square below. Judging from the blood flowing all over their bodies, it was obvious that they were seriously injured.

  This sudden change aroused countless horrors in the eyes of many students. They all stiffened up and looked at this scene with horrified eyes, not knowing how to react for a moment.

  After all, even if we look at the history of the school, there has never been such a change as today.

  Instructor Huoxu had not been targeted, but at this time, the rising anger in her eyes was replaced by fear. She looked at her colleagues. At this time, their faces were twisted and ferocious, their pupils turned pale, and their whole bodies were covered with blood. It was filled with a terrifying aura of evil thoughts.

  She was no stranger to this look.

  That's a sign of alien contamination.

  However, what kind of alien can actually pollute a powerful person at the level of a feudal lord? !

  This question finally came to her mind when she discovered the strange black fish swimming in the eyes of these contaminated Zihui instructors, and her whole body suddenly became cold.

  Is that the Fish King in the depths of the dark cave? !
  But wasn't this alien king blocked by the dean? When did it pollute these Zihui mentors?
  And how could it be possible that, after undergoing numerous screenings and tests, it could still plant seeds of contamination without even realizing it?
  This is completely unreasonable!
  Even if that person is a heterogeneous king, comparable to a king-level powerhouse, it is not that easy to do such a thing. It is impossible for the dean to not notice it.

  "It seems that your heart is full of doubts." The man with gold and silver eyes looked at Huo Xu, who looked frightened and angry, and said with a smile.

  "Well, actually how did you do it? It's all thanks to Shen Jinxiao. After all, none of you would have thought that in your school, there is actually a Zihui instructor who is willing to make a contract with the Fish King. With him as a mediator, With the erosion and pollution year by year, of course you will not notice that a polluted seed has quietly invaded the bodies of other teachers." "No matter how powerful

  Pang Qianyuan is, It's impossible to detect people's hearts."

  Listening to the words of the man with gold and silver eyes, Huo Xu almost trembled with anger. She sternly shouted at Shen Jinxiao: "Shen Jinxiao, you will die a good death!"

  She never expected this. Shen Jinxiao had actually colluded with the Fish King for a long time. This bastard was full of evil thoughts and was seduced and corrupted by the Fish King. He was even willing to become a medium for him to spread the seeds of his evil thoughts. It was simply hateful to the extreme.

  Seeing the destructive gaze of Teacher Huoxu, Shen Jinxiao showed a helpless smile and said: "Sir, why do you need to expose my background and come here to drain me of my salary? Do you think I can turn back?" Jin

  Yinzhong The pupil man smiled and said: "That's not true, I just want to help people solve their doubts." "

  And you don't have to worry about it. Shengxuanxing Academy will cease to exist from today on, and the hatred of these people will not exist." What's the point?"

  Then, he waved his hand, and the polluted Zihui mentors roared like wild beasts, and once again charged towards the other Zihui mentors, one after another towering like mountains. Carrying the power of terror, it fell down like a shock to the heaven and earth.

  "All instructors Zihui in the academy, put down all your training and quickly protect the academy to meet the enemy!"

  "Other instructors Jinhui and Yinhui, protect the students from retreating!"

  "Notify the deputy dean!"

  Looking at this chaotic scene, instructor Huoxu was all over the place. It was cold, and then sharp sounds resounded.

  She knew that Shengxuanxing Academy would probably face the most dangerous disaster since its establishment today.

  In the white jade square, the terrifying sword light surrounding the three-phase holy ring chopped down, the space was split with dark traces, and then it struck directly on the five-layered golden pagoda around the regent.

  An indescribable energy storm broke out at this time, and the thick clouds in the sky were torn to pieces brutally. The energy storm almost whizzed past the entire Daxia City, causing bursts of thunder. If it weren't for Li Luo and the regent both deliberately avoided the area inside the city. I am afraid that the aftermath of this confrontation alone would be able to completely destroy the central area of ​​Daxia City.

  All eyes were fixed on the collision point.

  Click! Only a faint sound was heard, and cracks appeared quickly on the five-layered golden pagoda. The sword light containing the power of the three phases seemed to be the most terrifying power in the world.

  Even though the regent sacrificed a purple-eyed treasure as a sacrifice, he still could not completely resist the sword.

  Finally, the sword light slashed down angrily, and the five-layer golden pagoda exploded into pieces.

  The regent's figure turned into afterimages that emerged in the void, and at the same time retreated quickly.

  The sword light fell, and the afterimages were directly crushed by the terrifying sword light. Finally, many afterimages returned to one place, and the figure of the Regent appeared in the mid-air hundreds of feet away.

  At this time, his face was extremely gloomy, and there was a blood mark on his chest. Although he had previously resisted most of the three-phase power with the help of the five-layer golden pagoda, there was still a residual part that could break through him. The phase force left injuries on his chest.

  "The power of the three phases is well-deserved."

  The regent said gloomily. The power of the three phases that Li Luo exerted with the help of Pang Qianyuan can only be said to be rough, but even so, it still caused an absolute feeling to the regent. Suppressed, his bi-phase power has almost no power to resist when faced with the three-phase power.

  These are two forces at different levels.

  Perhaps, when they, the feudal lords, faced the king-level powerful men, just like those of the Tiangang generals facing the feudal lord realm, they could only look up.

  "You are really lucky."

  Li Luo couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw that the regent had resisted this sword attack. Gong Yuan was indeed a person, and he was obviously only a fifth-grade marquis, but he only suffered a little from this sword that contained the power of the three phases. No matter how injured he is, this ability is indeed extraordinary.

  "But I lost a purple-eyed treasure with just one strike. What about two more strikes?"

  Li Luo smiled coldly. Although he was a little bit powerful at this time, it was still impressive to be able to force a powerful feudal lord into such an embarrassing situation. I felt extremely happy.

  Li Luo held the Xuanxiang Knife tightly in his hand and activated the three phases in his body again.

  There is also vast and terrifying energy in the Xuanxiang Knife, which is continuously transmitted.

  However, just when Li Luo was about to beat up the drowned dog, some commotion suddenly came from the stands behind him, and then Li Luo noticed a cold and evil energy, which broke out at this time.


  This wave of evil thoughts was no stranger to Li Luo. He was immediately shocked and quickly turned his head to look in the direction of the wave. Then he shrank his pupils and saw, in the stands, Xi Teacher Chan suddenly covered her cheek, and extremely strong evil thoughts continued to rise from her body like black mist.

  That wave of evil thoughts actually erupted from her body!

  Such a change caused everyone present to change their expressions.

  They all looked at the position of Master Xi Chan and cried out in horror: "Alien pollution?!"

  When the regent saw this scene, his eyes moved slightly and said sternly: "Li Luo, it turns out you are colluding with aliens! This Xi Chan is You, a member of the Luo Lan Mansion, are now contaminated by aliens, and as the master of the mansion, you cannot escape the blame!"


  In the stands, all the forces from all sides were moved, and then looked solemn.

  If Xi Chan is really contaminated by aliens, then she will definitely be eliminated today, and if the Luolan Mansion is involved with her, she will become the target of public criticism. After all, aliens are the enemy of the survival of the human race, and anyone with it will All humans who are contaminated are unpardonable sins!
  (End of chapter)

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