Chapter 688: Kill you

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  Chapter 688: Cut You Off
  In the White Jade Square, everyone was still staring at the piece of purple incense burning in the hands of the eldest princess, but as time went by, the purple incense was about to burn out.

  This made the faces of the eldest princess family gradually change.

  Even the eldest princess herself clenched her fingers tightly, and some anxiety began to appear in her usually calm and narrow eyes.

  Because Dean Pang did not show up as promised.

  There were some whispers in the square, and many people looked at the eldest princess with some doubts in their eyes. They were doubting the authenticity of what the eldest princess said earlier.

  Did Dean Pang really give the old king his promise?

  The words of a king are more important than mountains. If he really made a promise, how could he not show up at such a critical moment with his status?

  Vice Dean Su Xin was also watching this scene. She frowned slightly and whispered: "That piece of purple incense was indeed made by the Dean. I can feel the Dean's energy mark on it. Luan Yu said It's not false, but the dean failed to show up. It seems that the situation deep in the cave is worse than we imagined." "After the

  enthronement ceremony is over, we may need to start a second purification mission."

  He looked rough. , Instructor Cao Sheng, smelling of alcohol, asked: "If it is the promise given by the dean, what position do we hold? Do we need help?"

  Vice dean Su Xin thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "Pang Yuan The promise was made to the old king in his personal capacity, not as the dean of Shengxuanxing Academy, because in the latter case, it would be a problem if he provoked criticism from the academy alliance. In this case, then our academy We still have to maintain a neutral stance."

  Although emotionally she prefers the eldest princess, the current fight is related to the future of Great Xia. If Shengxuanxing Academy makes a clear stance to side with the captain and princess at this time, it will be regarded as completely abandoning it. With a neutral stance, other forces in Daxia will also be wary of them in the future. Of course, the most important thing is that this is something that is not allowed by the Academy Alliance.

  As a king-level powerhouse, Dean Pang can sometimes be more willful, and the school alliance will give him some tolerance, but even so, allowing him to interfere with some things in his personal capacity is already the limit, and will never be allowed. He used the name of a school to influence the politics of a dynasty. Change.

  When the other instructors heard this, they nodded and continued to observe the changes.

  Purple smoke rose, and the last wisp of purple fragrance turned into ashes, slowly falling in the eyes of everyone.

  A scorching spark fell on the eldest princess's delicate palm, but she remained indifferent, staring at the ashes in her hand with some confusion.

  Has the last hope also disappeared?
  A sense of sadness arose in the eldest princess's heart. All these years of hard work were finally in vain.

  "Luan Yu, give up. Dean Pang didn't show up, which means he may also understand that I am the best choice. I will let Daxia reach its peak in my hands." The regent relaxed at this time. Speak slowly and speak sincerely.

  At the same time, there was a coldness in his eyes. It seemed that the person behind him was right. Pang Qianyuan could not escape from the depths of the dark cave. It was ridiculous that the eldest princess tried to use this as the last straw.

  However, without Pang Qianyuan's appearance, the entire situation would have been under his control.

  "Luan Yu, if you insist on continuing to fight today, there will only be one result, and that is that Daxia will be divided from now on, and the once stable peace will be torn apart. At that time, countless people will die, and you, He is the biggest sinner."

  "I think that result will not be what your father wants to see." "

  So, Luan Yu, take a step back. Daxia is incomplete without the National Defense Formation. "The regent persuaded with righteous words.

  There was silence all around, and many eyes were looking at the eldest princess, waiting for her choice.

  The eldest princess looked a little dazed, and there was a look of struggle in her eyes. How could she not understand that the regent was kidnapping her morally? However, what he said was indeed not a lie. If she was unwilling to compromise, then today would definitely be It will be a fight between the two sides, and the result will be a complete breakup of the factions loyal to both sides, and countless people will die in this conflict.

  That would be a heavy blow to Daxia.

  Thinking like this, the eldest princess couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness on her lips. Although she knew that this was her uncle Wang's plan to attack her, she had to admit that the other party's words touched her weakness.

  Of course, the most important thing is that without Pang Qianyuan showing up, she lost the means to end the matter without bloodshed.

  The eldest princess sighed quietly in her heart, and then planned to speak. "Wait a minute, I don't agree with this matter!"

  But just when the eldest princess was about to speak, suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded, breaking the silence of the audience, followed by a series of stunned eyes. He turned towards the place where the voice came from.

  That is the location of Luo Lan Mansion.

  Li Luo was seen standing up with a serious face at this time, holding a simple straight knife in his hand.

  In the square, there were many people with strange faces, and for a moment they even couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

  Don't you agree? Who are you? Although the situation in your Luo Lan Mansion is different now, Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan haven't come back yet!

  This fledgling boy is too confused about the occasion! How can you, a boy from the evil palace realm, have a place to talk here?
  "Li Luo."

  On Jinlong Baoxing's side, Lu Qing'er looked at Li Luo who suddenly stood up, with a hint of worry in her moist eyes.

  "Haha, this newly appointed head of the Luo Lan Palace is really a bit like a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers." Ning Yan, the vice president of Jinlong Baoxing on the side, said with a half-smile, but the words sounded nice. , but actually he was saying that Li Luo was reckless.

  However, Yu Hongxi glanced at Li Luo a little strangely and frowned slightly. For some reason, she vaguely sensed an inexplicable aura from the latter. That aura made even her feel oppressive. .

  "Did Li Luo suddenly take the courage of a leopard? Although he and Gong Yuan are not at odds with each other, the eldest princess is about to compromise at this time. If he stands up like this, doesn't he put the eldest princess on the back again?" Shengxuan On the Star Academy side, the instructors also spoke out, their words full of surprise.

  "This kid Li Luo is usually quite shrewd. How could he suddenly act stupid?" Instructor Cao Sheng also touched his chin and said.

  Vice President Su Xin looked at Li Luo with a look of surprise in his eyes.

  The other forces were all watching indifferently, with the mentality of watching the excitement. After all, everyone could see that the eldest princess had been a little shaken just now, but Li Luo, the stupid young man, rushed out. This was deliberately trying to prevent both parties from getting involved. Falling apart?
  "It seems that Palace Master Li Luo doesn't want peace in the Great Xia, but it's right to think about it. The Luo Lan Palace and the Regent have a deep grudge. If the regent and the eldest princess fight to the death, it will be a big blow to the Luo Lan Palace. Good news, because this can consume the power of the regent faction, but if you do this, you will waste the support that the eldest princess gave you before." At this time, Zhu Qinghuo of Jiyan Mansion said with a faint smile.

  His words were also vicious, and he actually intended to drive a wedge between the Luo Lan Mansion and the eldest princess, causing the latter to have a grudge.

  The regent stood in the sky, his face calm, he cast an indifferent gaze on Li Luo, and said calmly: "Oh? What does Master Li Luo have to say?" "I don't have anything to say, I just think you are too bullying,

  and If you want to seize the throne, but also want others to be unable to resist, are you really an honest person who is easy to bully?" Li Luo laughed.

  The regent glanced at him and put one hand behind his back.

  "Then what do you want?"

  Li Luo's mouth curled up with an inexplicable arc, and he said slowly: "I just want to chop you."

  The moment his voice fell, he had already raised the golden jade Xuanxiang knife in his hand. , and then simply slashed at the Regent through the air.

  Looking at Li Luo's slashing posture with his sword, the regent couldn't help but shake his head. A boy in the evil palace realm dared to swing his sword at a fifth-grade prince like him. How could this Li Luo suddenly become so stupid today? Already?
  And just when such doubtful thoughts passed through his mind, the Regent suddenly felt that something was wrong, and a warning sign suddenly rose in his heart.

  At the same time, Vice Dean Su Xin, Yu Hongxi, Qin Zhenjiang, Zhu Qinghuo and other powerful feudal lords all suddenly turned their attention to Li Luo, their pupils shrank suddenly and their colors suddenly changed.

  Because all of them saw it followed Li Luo's seemingly simple slash.

  The sky above the palace seemed to be split open at this moment.

  (End of chapter)

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