Chapter 671 The war ends

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  Chapter 671 The war ends.
  When Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e walked out of the underground palace, the headquarters of Luo Lan Mansion was still in a state of excitement. Under Cai Wei's instructions, many people were cleaning up the damaged houses in the headquarters, and when they saw Li Luo When the two of them came to Luo, they were both standing still.

  "I've met two palace masters!"

  Li Luo was slightly distracted after hearing that fresh title.

  "You defeated Pei Hao at the Mansion Festival. In name, you are now the real master of the Luolan Mansion." Jiang Qing'e said with a smile from the side.

  Li Luo also smiled. He didn't care whether the palace was the master or not. After all, strictly speaking, this was no different from the previous young master.

  He looked around. Although after the battle tonight, the entire headquarters seemed extremely chaotic, the emotions of the members of the Luolan Mansion were as high as ever. Their faces seemed to have confidence and pride emerging again.

  Li Luo knew that that kind of pride did not appear because of him.

  That was brought about by the appearance of Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan.

  The existence of two powerful feudal lords was the foundation for the Luolan Mansion to be once glorious and prominent.

  In the past, Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan had not been seen for several years, so the news of their death in the prince's battlefield spread. At the same time, many members of the Luo Lan Mansion began to believe that otherwise Pei Hao would not be able to attract so many people if he started to cause chaos. .

  But now that the two of them appeared as projection clones, this rumor was broken. Although this did not mean that they could finally come out of the prince's battlefield safely, it still left people with some thoughts.

  Especially since Tantai Lan had made a strong move to defeat the regent who was extremely powerful in Great Xia, this strength made people's hearts swell even more.

  Although Li Luo's performance in the Mansion Festival was extremely amazing, in terms of influence, he obviously could not compare to a powerful feudal lord.

  But even so, Li Luo felt quite comfortable. After all, Pei Hao had been eliminated no matter what, and with the appearance of his father and mother, the disaster in Luo Lan Mansion was truly resolved. Even in the future, The regent still covets the Luo Lan Mansion, so he has to restrain himself a little and not dare to be too blatant. At the very least, he will not really take action again before he is truly sure that his father and mother are dead.

  "I can finally practice with peace of mind in the future."

  Li Luo sighed. After the troubles in the Luo Lan Mansion are resolved, he can focus more on his practice. After all, he only has four years left to live. Really I don't dare to delay at all.

  At this time, a figure floated down and landed in front of Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e.

  That burly figure and face full of flesh was none other than Niu Biaobiao.

  "Uncle Biao, are you okay?" Li Luo looked over, quickly stepped forward, and asked with concern.

  Niu Biaobiao shook his head with a smile, glanced in the direction of the underground palace, and said, "Are they gone?"

  Jiang Qing'e nodded and said, "Uncle Biao should have gone in just now to meet the master and his wife."

  "Hey, they are just here . They don’t dare to see me because they know that I will definitely scold them like a piece of shit. These two guys went out to live freely and left me here to take care of the baby. Is this what humans do?” Niu Biaobiao Said dissatisfied.

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e smiled.

  However, I think Niu Biaobiao should be aware of the projection clones left by his father and mother. After all, the underground palace has always been under his care, so some of the methods left by his father and mother must not be hidden from the former.

  "If Uncle Biao had known about the method they left behind, he should have told me about it, which made me worried for so long." Li Luo complained.

  God knows how much effort and worry he has put in this year for today's mansion festival.

  "This is something they are not allowed to say. After all, this is an experience for the two of you, both in terms of practice and state of mind." Niu Biaobiao said with a smile.

  Li Luo opened his mouth, but he couldn't refute. Indeed, if Pei Hao hadn't been a factor that kept drawing hatred this year, maybe he and Jiang Qing'e wouldn't be so pressing. Moreover, Pei Hao's rebellion, although it was a threat to Luo Lan Mansion It has brought a lot of trouble and even led to civil strife. But from another perspective, this may not be a detoxification for Luolan Mansion. After these toxic hidden dangers are eliminated, Luolan Mansion will be more peaceful in the future. Thrive and unity.

  Sometimes, Li Luo even doubted whether his father and mother deliberately condoned Pei Hao's rebellion.

  If this is really the case, then Pei Hao is a bit pitiful.

  At this time, Cai Wei, Yan Lingqing, and Yuan Qing also came in a hurry.

  "Congratulations, Young Master, for being promoted to the position of Palace Master." Cai Wei first congratulated with a smile, and then asked seriously: "But now there is a problem, the two Palace Masters have to make a decision, those people who have taken refuge with Pei Hao, Now they are all captured, including Xu Tianling and Mo Chen, as well as two pavilion masters who have always been neutral. What should we do with these people?" These people

  account for almost half of the top management of Luo Lan Mansion. If these people are included If people deal with it, the overall strength of Luo Lan Mansion will be greatly weakened in a short period of time.

  Li Luo naturally understood this, so he looked at Jiang Qing'e with a thoughtful look on his face. "You decide." Jiang Qing'e shook her head and let him make the decision.

  Li Luo was silent for a few breaths, and finally said slowly: "Xu Tianling and Mo Chen have unpardonable crimes. We cannot show mercy to them just because of their strength. They will be directly charged with rebellion and dealt with in accordance with the rules of the government. Those who took refuge in Pei Hao's pavilion Lord, remove the position of Pavilion Master and keep him on probation for one year. If he has made great achievements, he can be reinstated. Those who were neutral in the past will be given admonitions for the time being and demoted from the position of Pavilion Master to Deputy Pavilion Master. After that, they will be given outstanding performance. Recover."

  Jiang Qing'e nodded slightly and said: "It's feasible."

  Cai Wei solemnly agreed. Li Luo's words were regarded as a death sentence for two powerful people in the Celestial Realm. If this spreads in Luo Lan Mansion, it will inevitably attract people. A little shocked, but this is an excellent way to improve Li Luo's majesty.

  "We have to worry about Sister Cai Wei for recruiting people in the future." Li Luo said that after this purge, the overall strength of Luo Lan Mansion will decline, but in terms of reputation, it will be greatly improved, so If we seize this opportunity, we should be able to attract more fresh blood.

  "With the power and support of the two old palace masters, this shouldn't be difficult." Cai Wei said with a charming smile.

  Li Luo nodded. Luo Lan Mansion had survived this disaster. He believed that after the news spread completely, the name of Luo Lan Mansion would spread to every corner of Daxia again, and any force would attack Luo Lan Mansion is undergoing a re-examination. In the future, Luo Lan Mansion will usher in new life and new glory.

  When the situation in Luo Lan Mansion calmed down, it was in the deep southwest mountains some distance away from Daxia City.

  In the mountains and forests, there was a majestic and terrifying phase force that struck like a storm, tearing apart huge ravines in the continuous forest sea.

  In the shadows, there are many killers from Lanling Mansion hiding, but they dare not take action at this time. Their fearful and frightened eyes are looking at the depths of the mountains, where two figures are carrying out a terrifying attack. Confrontation.

  That was the master of their Lanling Mansion, and the person confronting him turned out to be a Zihui instructor from Shengxuanxing Academy.

  Judging from the information, it seems that her name is Xi Chan.

  This Zihui instructor from Shengxuanxing Academy suddenly found the headquarters of their Lanling Mansion before. Without saying a word, he just smashed the door and the mountain, and then knocked them unconscious as they were preparing to carry out a big operation. If not If the master of the palace takes action in time, even the mountain gate will be smashed to pieces by this seemingly elegant and beautiful female instructor.

  The battle between the two men has been going on for a long time in the mountains.

  Until a certain moment.

  The master of Lanling Mansion stopped.

  He was dressed in a black robe, and his whole body seemed to be shrouded in shadow. At this time, he received the news from Daxia City. The news was so shocking that he couldn't help but feel shaken in his heart.

  "Teacher Xi Chan, there is no need for you to take action anymore. The results of the Luo Lan Mansion's ceremony have already come out." From the shadow of the black robe, the hoarse voice of the master of Lanling Mansion came out.

  When Instructor Xi Chan heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, but his heart couldn't help but sink.

  Have the results over there come out? Li Luo, was it a success or a failure?

  Behind Instructor Xi Chan, the blue sea that turned into phase power stopped surging, and the giant blue tiger standing on the sea gradually merged into the sea water. As the master of Lanling Mansion said, no matter whether it is successful or not, If it fails, there is no point for her to continue taking action.

  "Teacher Xichan, you are my tutor. I really don't understand how you could break the rules of the academy today." The master of Lanling Mansion said slowly.

  "I am no longer the tutor of the academy." Xi Chan said calmly.

  "That makes me even more incredible. You and Li Luo just have a normal teacher-student relationship. Why would you help him to this extent?" said the master of Lanling Mansion.

  "I just think that such a talented student, as a tutor, I don't want to see him die midway." Xi Chan said calmly.

  "You are too emotional." The master of Lanling Mansion shook his head. As an indifferent leader of the killer organization, he was obviously very surprised by Xi Chan's emotions.

  Instructor Xi Chan was not interested in arguing with him, but turned around and planned to leave.

  Looking at her slender back, the master of Lanling Mansion still said: "Teacher Xichan, if Li Luo wins, Luo Lan Mansion will not have any trouble in the future, because Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan have lowered their projection clones, and they are still Not dead."

  Instructor Xi Chan paused, and it could be seen that her tight body relaxed at this moment. The news from the master of Lanling Mansion made her let go of her worries.

  "Thank you very much."

  Instructor Xi Chan tilted his head and said, and then his figure turned into a stream of light and fled away.

  (End of chapter)

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