Chapter 655: Outrage

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  Chapter 655:
  The moment Pei Hao's body fell to the ground, all the sounds in the Luo Lan Mansion headquarters seemed to freeze at this time, and all eyes looked at this scene with some confusion.

  Except for Jiang Qing'e, probably no one present had expected this result.

  Pei Hao, whose strength reached the Heavenly Pearl Realm, actually lost to Li Luo, who had just broken through to the Evil Palace Realm!

  And you must know that a year ago, Li Luo was still deeply troubled by the void phase and had never entered the phase force practice!

  In just one year, the chasm-like gap between the two was directly caught up and surpassed by Li Luo?
  What kind of evil talent is this? !

  At this moment, both those who supported Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e, and those who supported Pei Hao fell into silence and shock.

  "Young Master wins!"

  However, the silence was only short-lived. The next moment, the silence was suddenly broken. The supporters of Li Luo's faction all roared with excitement at this time, and then thunderous cheers came from Luo Luo. sounded inside the Lan Mansion headquarters.

  Yuan Qing, Cai Wei, Yan Lingqing and others all had happy smiles on their faces.

  On the other hand, there was dead silence on the side of Pei Hao's faction.

  The cheers here also woke up Xu Tianling, Mo Chen and others from their shock, and then their expressions became extremely gloomy.

  Pei Hao actually failed!
  Xu Tianling and Mo Chen looked at each other, and both saw the fierce light flashing in the other's eyes.

  Pei Hao's failure symbolizes their failure in the fight for the position of palace master. So next, will they see Li Luo directly take the position?
  How can it be!

  What happened today was a huge plan. Although Pei Hao was an extremely important part, his failure did not mean that everything was over. On the contrary, in a sense, this was just the beginning!
  Xu Tianling stared at Li Luo in the field with cold eyes. At this time, after the latter performed the sealing surgery, his body's physical strength fluctuated to the extreme, his face was pale, and he was obviously exhausted.

  Since Pei Hao failed, as long as Li Luo, the victor, is also killed, Luo Lan Mansion will still be in chaos!
  At this time, Li Luo must die!
  Moreover, the talent and potential shown by Li Luo also made Xu Tianling's heart full of chills. This is simply another Li Taixuan. If he is given enough time, Li Luo will definitely be able to step into the feudal realm. When the time comes, people like them , will also be liquidated by it!

  As soon as they thought of this, Xu Tianling and Mo Chen exchanged glances, and then a look of ruthlessness flashed across their eyes.

  At this moment, two majestic and powerful mutual forces suddenly burst out from their bodies. At the same time, their figures rushed out. The two of them punched out, and the violent mutual force offensive directly shattered the void and transformed. Wei Guanghong blasted away at Li Luo's position.

  The sudden outburst of Xu Tianling and Mo Chen was beyond everyone's expectation. No one expected that these two people would be so crazy.

  This is completely breaking the rules!
  "Xu Tianling, Mo Chen, how dare you!" Yuan Qing roared like an angry lion. The next moment, his figure shot out, trying to stop him.

  But Xu Tianling and Mo Chen were not weaker than him. Now that they had the upper hand, they actually took a step ahead of him and approached Li Luo.

  "Young Master, you killed Pei Hao, then you should go down and accompany him!" Xu Tianling said in a cold voice with a ferocious face.

  Li Luo stood motionless, looking at the two people who suddenly attacked him with cold eyes. These two people were also shrewd and knew how to sneak attack while he was weak at this moment.

  However, although Li Luo didn't even have the strength to move at this time, he did not show any panic.

  Two extremely fierce force fist seals shot through the air, but just as they were about to approach Li Luo's range, a bright light suddenly fell from the sky, like a mirror of light, appearing in front of Li Luo.

  Two fist seals hit the bright light mirror, causing cracks to appear on the light mirror, and finally turned into countless light spots and shattered.

  But the two fist seals were also resisted.

  Looking at the dazzling and sacred light force, Xu Tianling and Mo Chen's pupils shrank. Naturally, they understood who was taking action, but what made them a little surprised was how could Jiang Qing'e block their attack? !
  Isn’t she only at the Xu Zhu realm? !

  The two couldn't help but cast their eyes on Jiang Qing'e's position.

  Then their pupils suddenly contracted.

  Jiang Qing'e, who was originally sitting on the first seat of the square, could be seen standing up. She was holding a golden epee, and the bright and majestic light power swept out of her body like a tide. At the same time, behind her, , a dzi bead that was originally somewhat illusory is quickly becoming solid. The energy between heaven and earth was swallowed up by that solid dzi bead like a torrent, and then poured into Jiang Qing'e's body continuously.

  The Xu Bead finally turned into a brilliant Dzi Bead!
  At this moment, Jiang Qing'e finally took that step and entered the Dzi Bead Realm!

  And if it is just an ordinary Dzi Bead Realm, then not to mention Xu Tianling, a strong man in the Great Heaven Realm, even Mo Chen, a small Heaven Realm realm, would not actually have any fear, but, so that What made the two people's expressions change was the light power that erupted from Jiang Qing'e's body at this time, which far surpassed the so-called Dzi Bead Realm.

  Jiang Qing'e's beautiful face was blooming with a jade-like luster at this moment, which made her skin crystal clear. A rune emitting divine light seemed to appear on her smooth brows at this moment. , the runes are gradually fading.

  Moreover, the most shocking thing is that behind Jiang Qing'e, there seem to be more dazzling dzi beads gradually taking shape.

  "How come her phase power is so strong?" Mo Chen said with an ugly expression.

  "She has been deliberately suppressing these years. I guess she must have practiced some extremely special secret method. She has been waiting for today." Xu Tianling said gloomily.

  "Hmph, I don't believe it. What secret method can allow a person who has just stepped into the Heavenly Pearl Realm to reach the sky in one step!" Mo Chen gritted his teeth and said.

  During the brief conversation between the two, Jiang Qing'e's extremely cold eyes were also locked on them. Obviously, regarding their sudden attack on Li Luo, she was filled with murderous intent at this time.

  "Li Luo's performance has ended. If you want to fight, I will accompany you."

  When Jiang Qing'e's cold and biting voice fell, she took a step forward, and the sacred bright flame on the golden epee in her hand suddenly burned, Then she raised her sword and swung it, and in an instant, a sword light of a hundred feet swept out.

  Above the sword light, the sacred flames rise, and everything in its path is purified.

  As the sword light swept across, the world seemed to become inexplicably purer.

  Looking at the sacred sword light that broke through the sky, Xu Tianling and Mo Chen's expressions changed, because from it, they sensed an extremely strong dangerous aura. The power of Jiang Qing'e's sword was far beyond the limit. to her current level.

  Xu Tianling did not dare to neglect and took the lead to take action. He saw the icy phase force sweeping out of his body like a white waterfall. He formed seals with his hands and roared: "High-level Dragon General Technique, Cold Turtle Black Shield!

  " Xiangli turned into a turtle shield in front of him. The turtle shield was crystal clear, with countless mysterious light patterns emerging on it.

  Mo Chen also activated the phase force and formed a powerful phase force light shield.

  The sword light burning with sacred flames arrived in an instant, passing through the Cold Turtle Black Shield and the Phase Force Light Mask.

  And at the moment of contact, the expressions of Xu Tianling and Mo Chen changed drastically, because the domineering and majestic power of the light force exceeded their imagination.

  Xu Tianling's Cold Turtle Black Shield only lasted a few breaths before it was dissolved and purified by the sacred fire.

  But he was still quite sharp, and within the few breaths that the Cold Turtle Black Shield maintained, his figure suddenly retreated.

  But Mo Chen didn't have such good luck. He was weaker than Xu Tianling. The phase force mask was melted almost instantly. When he wanted to retreat, the sword light had already passed through him. The shoulder was cut vertically.

  A shrill scream burst out from Mo Chen's mouth.

  One of his arms was cut off at this moment, and blood was spilled.

  The whole place was horrified.

  No one expected that Jiang Qing'e's attack would be so decisive and cruel. With one move, two great worshipers were retreated and injured by her sword!
  The husband and wife team in Luo Lan Mansion were full of momentum at this time.

  (End of chapter)

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