Chapter 642 Seducing the Three Tails

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  Chapter 642 Seducing the Three-Tails
  In the dim space, the three-tailed Sirius's blood-red beast eyes were staring at Li Luo in front of him. The two conditions that the latter had spit out before made him calm down for a while even as irritable as him.

  Because this condition is really too generous.

  After a year of recognizing its master, will this human boy in front of him not only return it to freedom, but also help it break through to the realm of feudal lord? !
  Is there such a good thing in the world?

  For a long-lived spirit beast, one year is just a snap of the fingers. From the perspective of the three-tailed wolf, this deal is a bargain enough to make the beast cry.

  Not to mention how precious freedom is, just the condition that helps it break through to the feudal realm makes its heart beat.

  Regardless of the fact that the three-tailed wolf is now at the peak of the Tiangang general level, it is comparable to the top level of the human race, and strictly speaking, the three-tailed wolf is already qualified to sprint to the feudal realm, so it is better than the ordinary top level. The phase realm is a few points stronger.

  But this so-called pinnacle of Tiangang general rank has troubled the three-tailed Sirius for many years.

  It stops here, and it is always difficult to break through that shackles.

  But now, the human boy in front of him actually said that he could help it break through this shackles?
  What a shameless statement!

  There was a suppressed growl coming from between the sharp fangs of the three-tailed wolf, but surprisingly, facing such unbelievable words, the three-tailed wolf did not immediately feel the emotion of being humiliated. He stared at Li Luo with some doubt in his eyes.

  Obviously, although Li Luo was not as powerful as the three-tailed Sirius, the three-tailed appearance he had revealed earlier finally made the three-tailed Sirius restrain some of his contempt.

  Facing the suspicious gaze of the three-tailed wolf, Li Luo looked quite calm and said, "You think I can't do it?" The

  three-tailed wolf spurted out a fishy smell from between its fangs, completely denying that it was interested in Li Luo. Luo questioned.

  "It seems that I need to open the eyes of a coyote like you who has never seen much of the world." Li Luo said with a faint smile.

  Hearing the contempt in Li Luo's words, the three-tailed wolf suddenly became a little angry. How could a small evil palace realm human boy dare to look down on the great spirit beast at the top of the Tiangang general rank like this? ! If it weren't for these seals, if it pawed down now, this kid would instantly turn into a pile of meat.

  Li Luo didn't care about the anger of the three-tailed wolf, but continued: "You little spirit beast has no idea about the background behind me, but that's no wonder, after all, you have been trapped in that dark cave all year round. I I can only tell you that the background behind me is that even the King Realm powerhouse you have met before is extremely fearful and fearful. This is why he asked for help from me before." When he spoke, his face did not turn red

  . The heart does not beat, and he vividly demonstrates his thick skin and big heart.

  The three-tailed Sirius was also a little shocked in his heart. The king-level strongman who he didn't even dare to hate would actually be afraid of the background behind this kid?

  What level of background is that?

  "Now I am far away from my homeland. Due to some reasons, I have been greatly restricted in all aspects. That's why I will discuss with you and say something unpleasant. When I return to my homeland one day, a spirit like you who has never been made a prince will Beast, I'm afraid you are not even qualified to follow me." Li Luo said slowly with indifferent eyes.

  The three-tailed wolf opened its fangs and opened its mouth, and stared at Li Luo with its blood-red eyes. Is this kid full of lies or does he really have such a terrible background?

  From a rational point of view, the three-tailed Sirius felt that this boy was bragging, but the existence of the three phases and the previous act of the king-level strongman sealing it and giving it to the other party made it somewhat uneasy about it.

  "You don't have to be angry because of this, because sometimes the truth is so cruel."

  Li Luo said lightly, and then he suddenly stretched out his palm, and saw a drop of blood rising slowly in the palm of his hand, and then this drop of essence The blood floated directly to the three-tailed Sirius.

  The three-tailed Sirius stared at the drop of blood floating in front of him. He felt keenly that this drop of inconspicuous blood seemed to contain some aura that made him feel extremely frightened. The degree of this fear was, Even more so than when facing that King Realm expert!
  This made the three-tailed Sirius' heart tremble, and at the same time, an endless desire for this drop of blood arose in its heart. Its scarlet tongue licked the corner of its mouth, and looked at Li Luo again. When it saw the other person, it did not stop it. After doing this, it rolled its tongue and swallowed the drop of blood.

  As that drop of essence and blood entered its belly, the huge body of the three-tailed wolf suddenly began to tremble violently. At this moment, it felt a terrifying coercion emanating from its body. In its mind, a dragon's roar resounded, and a A mysterious and vast pressure came down as if it penetrated time and space.

  That pressure is actually not too strong. If it were a human race, I'm afraid it wouldn't be too obvious. But the three-tailed wolf is extremely sensitive to this. To it, that pressure seems to be... A kind of natural blood crushing, a kind of absolute suppression by the superior over the inferior!

  As a result, the three-tailed Sirius knelt down on the spot. Its blood-red beast eyes were filled with human horror as it stared blankly at Li Luo in front of it.

  At this moment, it believed what Li Luo just said.

  To be able to possess such a terrifying and powerful bloodline, this humble human boy in front of him must have an extremely terrifying background.

  This kind of background would make a king-level expert fearful, but it was not impossible.

  If this kid really has such a terrifying background, depending on him in the future, it is impossible to say that he will really be able to break through those shackles and step into the feudal realm.

  The ferocious aura exuding from the body of the three-tailed wolf unconsciously weakened a lot at this time. Its mind was spinning, and then it sent a thought to Li Luo.

  "How can I trust you?"

  This human kid looks extremely treacherous. If after a year, this kid doesn't let it go free and doesn't fulfill its promise, then won't it have to work in vain?
  A bright smile appeared on Li Luo's face. He knew that the extremely ferocious three-tailed wolf was moved at this moment.

  But it was normal. After regaining his freedom and breaking through the feudal realm, Li Luo believed that no one or beast could resist this temptation.

  "I can swear an oath with my blood. Although I don't know if this is useful, I think you may not have many choices." Li Luo raised his palm and said with a warm expression.

  The three-tailed Sirius stared at Li Luo for a long time, and finally fell silent. As Li Luo said, it didn't have many choices. If it didn't agree with what Li Luo said, then maybe it would be here. Stay in the dark seal forever.

  The seal placed by a king-level warrior cannot be broken by a spirit beast that has not yet entered the feudal lordship.

  Since we are in a desperate situation, we might as well take a chance.

  If the human boy in front of him really has that kind of background, it might not be a bad idea to take refuge temporarily.

  Thinking like this, it continued to lie down. This action undoubtedly chose to acquiesce to the conditions given by Li Luo.

  Seeing this scene, Li Luo's heart surged with joy. It was easier for the three-tailed wolf to surrender than he thought. It seemed that the three phases and his so-called background still brought great influence to it. impact.

  This three-tailed wolf is the top combat power under the feudal lord, and even has the qualifications and potential to attack the feudal lord. Although with the help of the Heavenly Sacrifice Curse, he can borrow the power of the three-tailed wolf, but any method is worse than Less than the voluntary supply of the three-tailed Sirius.

  If he wasn't worried that the three-tailed wolf was too much stronger than him and he couldn't control it yet, he would have even wanted to release it directly, thus creating a top-notch combat partner out of thin air.

  "Xiaosan, we will be comrades in arms from now on."

  Li Luo walked up enthusiastically, patted the thick and sharp claws of the three-tailed Sirius, and said with a smile: "Would you like to call the boss first to listen? Follow me, in the future You are the most popular and spicy drinker? As long as you are loyal to me, what does it mean to be a prince? In the future, you may be the legendary Sirius King!" However, the three-tailed Sirius was too lazy to pay attention to Li Luo's boast

  . The blood pupils glanced at him indifferently, and then slowly closed them.

  If you want it to truly recognize its master, wait until you are stronger than me.

  Now, I'm just making concessions to you for the sake of freedom and future benefits.

  Stupid boy.

  (End of chapter)

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