Chapter 639 Lanling Mansion

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  Chapter 639 Lanling Mansion

  "Lanling Mansion?!"

  The information Xin Fu said shocked Li Luo's heart violently, and his expression gradually became serious at this time. The five major mansions of Daxia, Lanling Mansion It is also one of them, and this mansion is different from the other four mansions. It is more mysterious because Lanling mansion has no other industries and it specializes in assassination.

  To put it simply, this Lanling Mansion is a professional killer organization.

  In fact, among the five major mansions, Lanling Mansion and Luo Lan Mansion have the least amount of grievances, but Li Luo has never really ignored them, and has always regarded them as a secret threat. There is no other reason than that. Because the purpose of Lanling Mansion is to collect money to do things.

  Although the Lanling Mansion had not taken action against the Luo Lan Mansion in the past, according to Li Luo's guess, it was just because the price was not high enough that the Lanling Mansion had never taken over such a task. But now with the coming of the Mansion Festival. At this time, those forces coveting Luo Lan Mansion began to get ready to take action. At this time, if Lanling Mansion could be dragged into this situation, it would undoubtedly be a heavy blow to Luo Lan Mansion.

  Any price is worth it at this time.

  However, although there had been this speculation for a long time, when Xin Fu brought this accurate information, Li Luo couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart.

  This shows that Luo Lan Mansion has another great enemy.

  With the way Lanling Mansion behaves, this is really a thorn in the side.

  Li Luo's mind surged, and then he looked at Xin Fu and said, "How do you know this information?"

  Xin Fu smiled helplessly: "Captain, you can guess it, right?"

  Li Luo nodded. Obviously, Xin Fu should His image from Lanling Mansion does fit there, but I don't know what his identity is in Lanling Mansion. However, if he can send him this extremely important information at this time, it won't matter. It's important.

  "Thank you, Xin Fu." Li Luo patted Xin Fu on the shoulder.

  Xin Fu sighed and said in a low voice: "The master of Lanling Mansion will also take action during the Luolan Mansion Festival."

  Li Luo was not too surprised this time. Since Lanling Mansion accepted the reward, it would definitely do its best, and the most feared master of Lanling Mansion would naturally take action.

  This is really troublesome.

  Thinking about a powerful feudal lord who was proficient in assassination made people feel numb.

  "It's really a big disaster." Li Luo said with a smile, but it doesn't matter. There are many debts. There are already many forces coveting the Luo Lan Mansion, so it is expected that there will be another Lanling Mansion.

  "Captain, if something goes wrong, remember to go back to school." Xin Fu said, then turned and left.

  Li Luo looked at Xin Fu's back, holding a water glass in his palm, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

  "Is there anything I can do for you?" As Li Luo was meditating, a soft voice came from the side. When he raised his eyes, he saw Lu Qing'er standing in front of the water platform. The girl had ice-cold muscles and jade bones. She stared at him with sheer water eyes.

  Li Luo could feel the worry hidden deep in her eyes.

  Li Luo thought for a moment, and did not pretend to be indifferent in front of Lu Qing'er. Instead, he mused: "I do have a request, Qing'er. I hope you can help me convey it to Aunt Yu. I don't need Jinlong Baoxing to do anything to me." Assistance, but if Aunt Yu can absolutely guard Jinlong Baoxing on the day of the Mansion Festival and make Jinlong Baoxing truly a neutral person, then I owe Aunt Yu a big favor." Now the Luolan Mansion

  's The enemy has another Lanling Mansion, which cannot allow Li Luo to make some more considerations.

  Vice President Su Xin had reminded him to pay attention to Jinlong Baoxing before, but judging from Yu Hongxi's attitude, it didn't seem like she would covet the Luo Lan Mansion. She was a proud person. Since she was in front of Lu Qing'er's If she said that to him in person, Li Luo still had some confidence in believing her.

  However, Yu Hongxi doesn't, but it doesn't necessarily mean that other factions in Jinlong Baoxing don't have any ideas.

  After all, Jinlong Baoxing is too big, the water inside it is very deep, and their strength is also very strong. If someone really comes out and interferes secretly, it will be even worse for Luo Lan Mansion.

  Hearing this, Lu Qing'er pursed her red lips tightly and said, "Do you think someone inside Jinlong Baoxing is also coveting the Luo Lan Mansion?"

  Li Luo said slowly: "It's always right to be careful. Jinlong Baoxing has a lot of background. If you are too strong, just letting anyone out will cause me a lot of trouble." Lu Qing'er was silent for a moment, then nodded lightly and said, "I will convey it to you." "Thank you." Li Luo said

  sincerely gratitude.

  Lu Qing'er's bright eyes showed a cunning look and said: "But my mother is not easy to get along with. She never suffers losses when doing business with others. You dare to say that you owe her a favor, be careful of her opening her mouth in the future." Li

  Luo He smiled and said, "Aunt Yu is very talkative. She has helped me a lot and I will remember it. If she needs my help in the future, and I have this ability, I will never refuse even if I go through fire and water." "

  Lv Qing'er chuckled, and then the two of them turned back to the main hall to gather with everyone.

  When it was getting late, there was a knock on the door. Bai Mengmeng opened the door and found Jiang Qing'e standing outside.

  Jiang Qing'e glanced at everyone in the room, then looked at Li Luo and said, "I'll pick you up and go back to Luo Lan Mansion together." Li Luo nodded with a smile,

  waved to everyone, and said, "Then I'll go first I'm back, and I won't be returning to school in the next few days. Don't worry, wait for my good news." No

  one in the room said anything, even Yu Lang, who always had a playful smile, suppressed his smile.

  "Li Luo, it would be great if we were already a four-star hospital now." Yu Lang said with a bitter smile.

  If they were the Four-Star Academy now, then they should have grown up. At that time, they would have the power to really help Li Luo.

  But now the difference is too far.

  Each of them is a small fortune teller, and in a battle of that level, they are not even cannon fodder.

  "Don't say these useless things, and don't look sad all the time. What troubles have I not seen this year? This is not the case." Li Luo said angrily, and then decisively closed the door with his backhand. .

  Standing outside the door, he took a deep breath, smiled at Jiang Qing'e and said, "Let's go, Sister Qing'e."

  Jiang Qing'e's golden eyes exuding mysterious luster stared at him quietly, and then suddenly extended her hand to him. Seeing the slender and delicate jade hand, Li Luo was slightly startled. He quickly stretched out his palm and grasped Jiang Qing'e's jade hand, and slowly clasped their fingers with each other.

  "Li Luo, no matter what the storm, we will brave it together." Jiang Qing'e stared at Li Luo and said softly.

  The delicate touch like mutton-fat jade spread in the palm of his hand, and Li Luo smiled slightly.

  The two walked out of the small building and paused because they saw Teacher Xi Chan leaning against the wall and looking at them with his arms folded.

  "If you don't mind me disturbing your world, I will give you a ride." Instructor Xi Chan said.

  Li Luo's heart moved slightly, remembering the information that Xin Fu gave him before, so he did not refuse, and said with a smile: "Thank you very much, instructor." After hearing this, instructor

  Xi Chan didn't say much, and turned around and walked forward. Go, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e followed a few steps behind her.

  At this time, night has enveloped the school, and the faint moonlight poured down, covering the school with a layer of gauze.

  He was speechless all the way, but when he walked through the familiar paths, Li Luo suddenly noticed that Instructor Xi Chan in front of him had stopped. There seemed to be water vapor rising from her body, and at the same time, there was a strong pressure. Then spread out.

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e raised their eyes, jumped over the figure of Instructor Xi Chan, and saw a figure sitting leaning on a bench under a big tree on the path ahead.

  That was
  Shen Jinxiao.

  (End of chapter)

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