Chapter 625 Records are meant to be broken

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  Chapter 625: Records are meant to be broken.

  When Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e returned to school again, Li Luo could clearly feel that countless eyes were staring at them along the way. To be precise, they were staring at Jiang Qing'e.

  Those eyes were full of shock and anticipation.

  Apparently, the news that Jiang Qing'e will challenge the Seven Star Pillars of the school today has spread.

  This is not surprising, because after Jiang Qing'e ended the Holy Grail War, she applied to the school, and the school was naturally happy to see such a record-breaking thing, so when the day of the challenge was approaching, she put this shocking The news was announced.

  This undoubtedly caused a huge stir in the school.

  Countless students were shocked. After all, the Seven-Star Pillar is the highest honor for students of Shengxuanxing Academy. In a sense, the impact of this position is even greater than Jiang Qing'e's winning the title of the strongest in the Three-Star Academy in the Holy Grail War. People are shocked.

  After all, in the Holy Grail War, Jiang Qing'e faced only opponents at the same school level, but Seven Star Pillar was the top student in the school!
  Within the Seven-Star Pillar, there are not only the top students in the Four-Star Academy, there are even top veteran students from a higher level.

  Although among the seven-star pillars of this year, the peak veteran students were suppressed by Gong Shenjun and Gong Luanyu, two four-star academy students with dazzling talents, their strength should not be underestimated.

  Therefore, in the eyes of many ordinary students, the weight of Jiang Qing'e challenging the Seven Star Pillar as a student of the Sanxing Academy is definitely more impactful than her winning the title of the strongest in the Sanxing Academy.

  If this matter can be successful, it will break the record of Shengxuanxing Academy since its establishment, because so far, no student has ever achieved the position of Seven Star Pillar while in Sanxing Academy.

  It was precisely because this matter was so sensational that the students in the academy looked at Jiang Qing'e in shock when they saw her.

  "A legend is about to rise." Facing those eyes, Li Luo said jokingly to Jiang Qing'e.

  Jiang Qing'e's expression remained calm, and she said, "Actually, I have no interest in the identity of the Seven Star Pillar. This challenge is more about nourishing Qi." "Nursing Qi?

  " Li Luo's expression changed.

  "Conquer powerful enemies and cultivate an invincible spirit." Jiang Qing'e said calmly, with a hint of domineering in her calm voice.

  Li Luo seemed to understand, and said, "What's the use of this tone?"

  Jiang Qing'e glanced at him and said, "You will know then." "You

  are still pretending to be a ghost." Li Luo muttered dissatisfiedly, but in his heart There is speculation that Jiang Qing'e is making some preparations for the Fu Festival next month. Perhaps, her preparations have been brewing for several years.

  "I'll go back to the dormitory building first, and then come over to help you."

  Li Luo said hello to Jiang Qing'e. He still needs to find instructor Xi Chan and asks her to take him to the school's physiognomy building today to look for him. I have been itching for a long time to use the art of making a prince.

  Jiang Qing'e nodded, and then the two parted at the end of the path.

  After saying goodbye to Jiang Qing'e, Li Luo went straight to the dormitory building.

  And when he pushed open the door of the small building and entered, he happened to see Bai Mengmeng and Xin Fu walking up the basement stairs with tired faces. Behind them was the leisurely instructor Xi Chan. Obviously , she was supervising and guiding the two people's cultivation in the basement just now.

  "Captain!" Bai Mengmeng saw Li Luo entering the room at a glance, and her tired little face suddenly glowed with brilliance.

  "It's really hard work." Li Luo smiled.

  Xin Fu looked at the leisurely Li Luo, and then thought of the high-pressure training he had suffered under the supervision of instructor Xi Chan in the past month. You have won the title of the strongest student of the Holy Grail War One Star Academy, but I don’t think you can be arrogant and relax because of this. You haven’t even come to the academy once in the past month. How is this unbecoming?”

  "Do you know that Zhu Xuan from the Two-Star Academy has already reached the virtual general realm in this month, and all the Zihui students in our One-star Academy are improving rapidly. If you continue to relax like this, say He may be surpassed."

  "Teacher Xi Chan, you can't let the captain act like this. A good young man like him must need your supervision and whipping!" Xin Fu said seriously to Teacher Xi Chan again.

  As long as Instructor Xi Chan starts to supervise Li Luo, he will naturally relax a little, and then he will be able to breathe a sigh of relief!
  Captain, captain, don’t blame your brother for being unkind, I’m doing this all to make you stronger! Under Xin Fu's harmless face, complex thoughts flowed.

  Facing Xin Fu's "kindness", Li Luo smiled and said, "Although I haven't come to school this month, my cultivation has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and the gap between classmate Xin Fu and me has become even bigger. It's huge, but that's not possible. In our team, Mengmeng is a support and is not good at fighting, so you and I have to shoulder the heavy responsibility. If you are left too far, wouldn't you be inferior to even Mengmeng?"

  Xin Hearing this, Fu said in disbelief: "Now I am already a Hua Xiang Duan, at the same level as you."

  Li Luo waved his hand and said calmly: "I am no longer a Hua Xiang Duan."

  Xin Fu was stunned, wasn't he Hua Xiang Duan? That was when his pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared at Li Luo in horror, saying, "You, are you in the virtual general realm?!"

  "Victorious general?" Li Luo shook his head.

  Xin Fu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did not step into the virtual general. Otherwise, the speed of cultivation would be a bit too fast. After all, Zhu Xuan of the Erxing Academy also spent a lot of points in exchange for resources this time. Only then did he finally take this step.

  But at this moment, the instructor Xi Chan from behind suddenly stopped her eyes for a moment on Li Luo, then her eyes suddenly condensed, she stepped forward quickly, and said with some surprise: "You, you have stepped into the level of the Earthly Evil General? !"

  Li Luo grinned, showing his white teeth, and said: "In order to live up to my mentor's teachings, I practiced hard this month, and finally succeeded in breaking through the wall in a month of dark and windy days. Barrage, advanced to the evil palace realm."

  As he spoke, the phase force flowed through his body, and a powerful phase force coercion slowly emitted from his body.

  Feeling the tyrannical pressure of Xiangli, Xin Fu looked dull. Bai Mengmeng next to him also covered his mouth and looked at Li Luo in shock.

  Li Luo actually advanced to the evil palace realm? !
  Isn't this too perverted? You must know that Zhu Xuan is only in the virtual general realm now!
  Doesn't this mean that Li Luo has even surpassed the strongest person in the Two-Star Academy in terms of level? !

  Although everyone in this school knows that Erxingyuan is the most attractive, but after all, he is the senior who is one level higher than them. Although Li Luo's combat power displayed in the Holy Grail War is stronger than Zhu Xuan, no matter what, Zhu Xuan still admires him. The power level is still somewhat advanced, but in the blink of an eye, after a month, Li Luo has crossed the level of the Virtual General Realm and directly stepped into the Evil Palace Realm!

  In this way, he and Zhu Xuan have surpassed each other in strength level!
  What kind of evil talent is this? !

  "Captain, Senior Jiang's record hasn't appeared yet, but you have already set a new record here." Bai Mengmeng's beautiful eyes flashed brightly, and she looked at Li Luo with some admiration.

  Instructor Xi Chan looked at the tyrannical force surging around Li Luo and was slightly distracted. She really didn't expect that Li Luo would successfully break through to the evil palace realm in just one month. According to her prediction, even if Li Luo has the assistance of the "Holy Tree Spirit Crystal". It is extremely difficult for him to break through to the evil palace realm in a short period of time. At most, he will be in the virtual general realm.

  But the Li Luo in front of her once again surprised and shocked her.

  "I stepped into the evil palace realm when I was in the One Star Academy."

  Instructor Xi Chan felt a little confused, and then stared at Li Luo, with unconcealed admiration in his eyes: "Li Luo, you have indeed created another record, this one This record has not even been reached by Jiang Qing'e back then."

  It can be seen that Teacher Xi Chan is in a very good mood at this time, because she is very clear about the gap between the evil palace realm and the physiognomist realm. The fact that Li Luo can reach this point in the One Star Academy is enough to illustrate his talent and potential. , students of this level, not to mention the history of Shengxuanxing Academy, even if you look at the history of all the Holy Academy in the Eastern China, they are definitely considered to be a handful.

  With such outstanding students, she, as a tutor, naturally feels proud.

  Li Luo smiled slightly and said calmly: "Everyone, calm down. Records are meant to be broken, so just treat it with a normal mind.


  The gauze on Teacher Xi Chan's face trembled slightly, and a smile appeared on her face. Then she looked at Xin Fu and Bai Mengmeng, and said: "You go and change your clothes first. There is another school event today, which is rare. , we naturally don't want to be absent."

  Xin Fu and Bai Mengmeng both nodded. If Jiang Qing'e succeeds in today's challenge, and Li Luo breaks through to the evil palace realm, I am afraid that the entire school will be defeated by these two people. Overturned.

  So today, the two people from Luo Lan Mansion will definitely become the most beautiful boys in the school.

  (End of chapter)

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