Chapter 605 The Eldest Princess’s Investment

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  Chapter 605: The Investment of the Eldest Princess
  "A powerful man who has established a title?!"

  Li Luo's eyes suddenly widened, and he breathed heavily as he looked at the beauty next to him, who was beautiful and had a noble temperament. For a moment, he almost felt tears filling his eyes. He felt that he had approached Vice Dean Su Xin and Instructor Xi Chan before. Didn't he just want to ask for the support of a powerful man?
  As a result, the academy failed to find that the eldest princess was willing to give him such important assistance!

  This really made Li Luo overjoyed.

  "Why is Your Highness so willing to make such a big bet this time?" But soon Li Luo gradually calmed down. The eldest princess is a very sophisticated person. Although she had been expressing goodwill to him and Jiang Qing'e before, that was not the case. It was in a situation where enough was enough. To put it simply, the eldest princess did not pay the real price.

  Even though she had said that she might help the Luo Lan Mansion before, it was only in a vague tone, but this time it was different. She made it clear that she would support a powerful man who was granted a title.

  This shows that she is really planning to bet heavily on Luo Lan Mansion.

  The eldest princess smiled lightly and said: "Because I see more and more value in you. In the past, Luolan Mansion only had Jiang Qing'e, but now I am more and more convinced that your potential is not inferior to hers. It is unimaginable. When you two grow up, how far will you reach." "

  At that time, my investment will be returned ten times and a hundred times."

  As she said this, she winked at Li Luo and said "You don't think I'm very realistic, do you?"

  Li Luo shook his head seriously and said, "I just think that your highness, your vision is really accurate!" The

  eldest princess smiled, and then her pretty face turned solemn. Many said: "Li Luo, no one knows what will happen in the future, so if your Luo Lan Mansion is really difficult to save in the end, I hope you can stay rational. As long as you and Jiang Qing'e are still there, then Luo Lan Mansion will still be there, You must never do anything reckless when you don't have enough strength. Only with appropriate forbearance can you become the final winner."

  The eldest princess's warning was similar to that of Vice Principal Su Xin, but Li Luo really took it to heart, because he understood that both Vice Principal Su Xin and the eldest princess knew that he had potential, but they both knew that he had potential. No matter how great the potential is, there is always time to release it.

  After all, potential is not strength. Without enough time to brew, potential actually has no deterrent effect at all.

  "I will keep your highness's warning in mind, but if your highness is really worried that this investment will be in vain, I suggest you increase your investment. If you can send three powerful feudal princes to protect Luo Lan Mansion, then I think this crisis in Luo Lan Mansion will be solved easily!" Li Luo said with a smile.

  The eldest princess couldn't help but give him a charming eye roll, and said: "Do you really think that the powerful people who have been granted the title of lord are just cabbages? There are only a handful of powerful people in my royal court, and I can command them. Even less, and the king's safety is the most important, how can I give you three powerful men?!"

  Li Luo chuckled, of course he just opened his mouth casually, he also understood his The request is too much. After all, the power within the royal court is now in a state of differentiation. Most of the power is probably not in the hands of the eldest princess, but in the hands of the regent.

  "In addition."

  The eldest princess stared at the continuous palaces and pavilions in front of her, and her pretty face became a little more serious: "Your Luolan Mansion has a crisis in your Luolan Mansion, and I also have my own troubles, and said It's only a few days before we get up."

  When Li Luo heard this, his heart moved, as if he remembered something, he glanced around, and then asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, are you talking about the enthronement ceremony?"

  Since then, the old king After his death, the young king, who was still a child at the time, temporarily ascended the throne. However, although he had the title of emperor, the real royal power of Daxia was held by the regent. This is reasonable. After all, the little king was just a child at that time, and the eldest princess was still young and could not handle the big responsibilities.

  But as time went by, the little king gradually grew up, and the eldest princess also gained a lot of prestige in the royal court and Daxia, which led to their increasing power, which undoubtedly created conflicts with the regent. Some conflicts and contradictions.

  This is what inevitably happens when power changes.

  The enthronement ceremony of the young king is the turning point in the transition of power. Once the ceremony is completed, the young king will have the name to truly take charge of the royal power, and at the same time, he will take over the power controlled by the regent. At that time, he was the real emperor of Daxia.

  However, whether the regent is willing to hand over his authority is probably something that countless people and forces in Daxia are speculating about now.

  It would be fine if the enthronement ceremony on that day goes smoothly, but if something happens, it will definitely be a shocking change that will tear apart the structure of Daxia.

  To be honest, in terms of influence, it is indeed far superior to the Luo Lan Mansion's Mansion Festival.

  After all, this is a change of a family and a change of a country, and the two are not the same.

  Therefore, Li Luo also fully understood the concerns of the eldest princess. After all, he had met the regent, who was an extremely powerful person in power. He was almost the most prestigious person in Daxia in recent years. It seemed that he was under his influence. , Wang Ting's momentum has become more and more powerful in recent years.

  From a certain perspective, the regent may indeed be a qualified person in power.

  But the little king is the most justifiable person after all.

  The eldest princess's pretty face was as calm as water, and her narrow eyes became much darker at this time.

  "Your Highness, don't worry too much. The regent made a promise back then. This is something everyone in Daxia knows. Moreover, the little king is justified and there are many supporters in the royal court." Li Luo was silent for a moment, and then spoke to comfort him. .

  The eldest princess took a deep breath and said, "I hope so too."

  "Uncle Wang has contributed to the Gong family. I really don't want things to be so ugly in the end."

  Li Luo nodded, but he suddenly remembered what the eldest princess had said earlier. The support mentioned, in this way, the Luo Lan Mansion will really be marked by the eldest princess family. Regardless of whether they admit it or not, others will think so, and if the regent finds out about this, what will happen again? how?

  This made Li Luo sigh secretly. Sure enough, the benefits of the eldest princess were not easy to get.

  But now he has no choice. The eldest princess will help at least. As for the regent, who knows what he is thinking?
  If the Luo Lan Mansion can't survive this time, then why should he care about the regent? He can sneak into the school and wait until the title of prince comes out. By then, none of these enemies will be able to escape.

  "I'll take you out of the palace first."

  The eldest princess did not continue talking to Li Luoshen. After all, this was considered a secret of the Wang family. If she had not made up her mind to bet on Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e this time, she would not have talked with him. Li Luo expressed these thoughts.

  Li Luo nodded, and then, with the eldest princess seeing him off, he left the palace and headed straight back to Luo Lan Mansion.

  And when Li Luo just returned to Luo Lan Mansion, he received good news.

  That was Niu Biaobiao, who refined the tonic ointment for him and finally came out of seclusion.

  (End of chapter)

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