Chapter 594 The Purple Emblem of the Sacred Tree

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  Chapter 594: The Purple Emblem of the Divine Tree and
  the Golden Emblem of the Divine Tree!

  When Li Luo looked at the mysterious leaves floating in the golden light that came to his eyes, his eyes couldn't help but become much hotter.

  He has been coveting this thing for a long time.

  The golden emblem of the sacred tree can exude a mysterious power. This power can refine its own nature over time, so that the nature can evolve. In a sense, this is simply a steady stream of spiritual water and strange light. .

  Of course, in terms of one-time effect, the Divine Tree Golden Emblem may not be as obvious as directly refining a bottle of spiritual water, but the advantage of this thing is that it accumulates over time. As time goes by, the improvement is accumulated, and Quite an astonishing amount.

  Furthermore, this object can be used in conjunction with the magical light of spiritual water, which will speed up the evolutionary efficiency of the phase.

  This is the real treasure of cultivation.

  Such a treasure is rare even in the Golden Dragon Treasure Industry, and its value is immeasurable. Even the Golden Eye Noble Phantasm is far from comparable to it.

  "In addition to the divine effect of "quenching", this golden emblem of the sacred tree also has a "Holy Curse of Rejuvenation" engraved in it by the School Alliance. It has powerful recovery power. If it is seriously injured, it can be activated at any time. , it can restore injuries and combat strength in a very short period of time."

  On the high platform, Elder Lingyu said with a smile the second function of the golden emblem of the sacred tree.

  This has attracted many eyes full of envy. This so-called "Holy Spell of Rejuvenation" is undoubtedly a life-saving magical skill. If it is a battle between life and death, both sides will suffer losses. Suddenly, such a great recovery comes. Technique, how desperate must the other party be?
  Three golden emblems of the sacred tree were suspended in front of Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e, and the eldest princess amid countless coveted eyes.

  And one of the golden emblems of the sacred tree fell directly towards the eldest princess.

  "In addition, since Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo from Shengxuanxing Academy won the title of the strongest in the college-level competition, they will each receive two divine tree gold emblems. According to the rules, you can choose to use the two divine tree gold emblems. The emblem can be exchanged for a higher-level divine tree purple emblem." Elder Lingyu said with a smile.

  "Haha, the divine tree purple emblem is even rarer than the gold emblem, and its many functions are also more mysterious. Badges of this level, not to mention those in the school competitions in the Eastern China, even those in the inner China In the academy, there are very few winners."

  Countless students exclaimed: "The Purple Emblem of the Sacred Tree. I remember that it has not appeared in the Holy Grail War for many years, but I didn't expect that two of them appeared this time. "

  Yes, it is necessary to obtain two golden emblems of the sacred tree to exchange for one purple emblem. This condition is too harsh." Everyone understands how difficult it is

  to obtain the golden emblem of the sacred tree. Only those who have won the title of the strongest Only students can get one, and if they want to get the second, they must get the first place in the mixed-level competition. They need to be far ahead in both competitions, so it is not easy to achieve this condition.

  Looking at the Holy Grail Wars held in Eastern China in the past few decades, it seems that the Purple Emblem of the Sacred Tree has never appeared.

  "Do you two choose to get two gold badges, or exchange them directly for one purple badge?" Elder Lingyu looked at Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e gently.

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e looked at each other and naturally chose to exchange without hesitation.

  Then Elder Lingyu waved his sleeves, and the golden emblem of the sacred tree floating in front of Li Luo disappeared out of thin air. Then two rays of purple light fell from the sky, and fell in front of them in the countless blazing gazes. .

  Li Luo looked intently, and in the purple light, a leaf-like badge was floating quietly. It looked similar to the previous golden badge of the sacred tree, but the former was much more delicate, with wisps of mysterious purple light on it. The flow, faintly, seemed to form a purple vertical eye in the center.

  Purple Eyes Noble Phantasm!

  Li Luo's heart was moved. This sacred tree purple emblem has actually reached the category of purple-eyed treasure phantom. Moreover, it is a purple-eyed treasure phantom that assists cultivation. Such a treasure, if it is auctioned by Jinlong Treasure House, it will be really valuable. I don’t know what incredible price it will fetch.

  After all, the Purple-Eyed Noble Phantasm is rare, and even the powerful feudal lords will be attracted by it. What's more, the Purple Emblem of the Sacred Tree is an even rarer auxiliary cultivation item among the Purple-Eyed Noble Phantasms.

  Li Luo's heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate. He had never owned a purple-eyed treasure phantom of this level.

  "You two have integrated your own essence and blood into it. From now on, this thing will be yours exclusively. If it is taken away by someone, this thing will immediately self-destruct." Elder Lingyu reminded.

  The Purple Emblem of the Sacred Tree is too rare and easily attracts covetation. Jiang Qing'e is better and stronger, and can be regarded as a little self-protective. But for Li Luo, a fortune teller like Li Luo, this thing is undoubtedly a real child holding gold. , if you are not careful, you will be robbed by someone, so when refining it, the Academy Alliance also prepared some countermeasures to prevent someone from coveting the purple emblem of the sacred tree and murdering the person who possesses it.

  Upon hearing this, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e immediately took out a drop of blood essence from their fingertips, and then blended it into the purple emblem of the sacred tree in front of them in full view of everyone.

  The Divine Tree Purple Emblem suddenly bloomed with circles of halo, and the essence and blood blended into the depths. At this moment, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e immediately noticed that they had a strange sense of connection with the Divine Tree Purple Emblem. Moreover, it was also at this moment that , they sensed the many functions of the purple emblem of the sacred tree. "Quenching the phase."

  "Infusing the spirit."

  "Sacred wood rejuvenation armor."

  Quenching the phase is the basic ability that Jin Hui possesses. Li Luo's focus is on the "Infusing the spirit" function. This function is quite special. It also acts on one's own phase, but unlike the "Quenching Phase" that slowly accumulates over time, "Infusing Spirit" is more like an overdraft, because once it is activated, it will consume most of the energy of the Divine Tree Purple Emblem. , and at the same time, it will emit an extremely huge quenching power, allowing its own phase to be tempered almost like an initiation.

  Under "Infusing Spirits", the improvement of phase properties is far stronger than that of "Quenching Phases".

  However, this "spiritual filling" requires the accumulation of energy, so I am afraid that after using it once, you will have to wait for a long time. At the same time, due to excessive energy consumption, this will also weaken the effect of "quenching phase".

  But Li Luo was full of surprises about this, because for him, this "spiritual filling" seemed to be more effective than "quenching the phase".

  For example, after he breaks through to the level of Disha General and fills the third phase into the phase palace, then he can directly use the "spiritual filling" overdraft energy to directly upgrade the level of the third phase in the shortest time. He estimated that it shouldn't be too difficult to advance to the sixth level.

  This will undoubtedly save him a lot of time and energy.

  After being pleasantly surprised for a while, Li Luo looked at the so-called "Sacred Wood Rejuvenation Armor" again.

  Originally, the golden emblem of the sacred tree contained the "Holy Curse of Rejuvenation", which could repair injuries in a very short time, but the "sacred tree rejuvenation armor" in the purple emblem of the sacred tree was more powerful than the former. Once this technique When activated, it will turn into a divine wood armor with powerful defensive power on the surface of the body.

  In addition to its commendable defense, this armor will also release powerful healing and recovery power to repair injuries like the "Holy Spell of Rejuvenation".

  It can be said that this "Sacred Wood Rejuvenation Armor" is an enhanced version of the "Rejuvenation Holy Spell". It has both defense and treatment, and a sense of security.

  Li Luo's heart was boiling when he saw it. It was truly a Purple Eyed Noble Phantasm. These three special abilities were indeed far from comparable to the Golden Eyed Noble Phantasm. Although the Divine Tree Purple Emblem was not offensive, its three special abilities The auxiliary ability is enough to make up for everything.

  He stretched out his palm, and the purple emblem of the sacred tree fell into his palm. At the moment of contact, it directly turned into a wisp of purple light and blended into the flesh and blood.

  Then Li Luo saw a purple leaf-like emblem appearing in his palm. There was a faint purple light flowing on the emblem, which was very mysterious.

  "As expected of the School Alliance, it's a big deal."

  Li Luo smiled with satisfaction. The School Alliance is indeed rich and powerful. If a purple-eyed treasure of this level was placed in Daxia, no force would be able to easily take it out. As a reward.

  He turned his head and glanced at Jiang Qing'e. Facing such a treasure, even the big white goose who was usually very calm and calm could not help but smile in his beautiful eyes.

  On the high platform, after the awards were given, Elder Lingyu spoke again: "This mixed-level competition is quite special, so all students participating in the mixed-level competition will be given additional rewards by the school alliance based on their points ranking." This is true

  . This made many students who participated in the mixed-level competition burst into laughter. After all, this mixed-level competition had arranged such a dangerous task for them, and they had to be compensated.

  For a time, the atmosphere in the square became lively and exciting.

  Elder Lingyu smiled and said the final words: "Well, fellow students, this Holy Grail War has come to a successful conclusion. I am here to wish you all the best to be brave and diligent in the future, and to be brave enough to build the Fenghou Platform." ."

  In the square, countless students bowed and saluted Elder Lingyu.

  Li Luo also saluted with the crowd, and then when he raised his body, he turned to look at Jiang Qing'e. They both looked at each other and smiled, feeling somewhat relieved.

  This Holy Grail War has finally come to an end.

  But for them, the dangers of the future may have just begun.

  (End of chapter)

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