Chapter 59 Bai Lingxu

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  Chapter 59: After Bai Lingxu

  solved the obstruction of Dongyuan Academy headed by Lian Zhong, Li Luo and the other three continued to move forward. During this period, they encountered some strong enemies one after another, but in the end they all ended up with the opponent in tears. Contribute points to the result.

  Two hours later.

  The three of them, Li Luo, stood on a high ground, looking at the vast ruins that appeared in front of them. The ruins were originally an abandoned town, but they had been eroded by the years and had long since become dilapidated.

  There are many broken buildings, spreading to the end of the sight.

  There are also giant trees and vines growing out of the ruins, blocking the view.

  This is Bai Lingxu, and it is also the place where the decisive battle of the college entrance examination will take place.

  The three of them, Li Luo, looked around with vigilant eyes, and then slowly approached the Bailing Ruins. At the edge of the ruins, they discovered a standing crystal wall.

  Walking forward, words appeared on the crystal wall, which were the final rules of the knockout round.

  The rules are actually very simple. When there are only ten people left in Bailingxu, the college entrance examination will be directly announced to be over, and at this time, the rankings will be determined based on the number of points each has.

  At this time, Li Luo and the others suddenly saw the crystal plate on their chests flickering with light, and then the light was projected out, forming a faint light curtain directly in front of them.

  "It's the points ranking list." Yu Lang said in surprise.

  Obviously, when you arrive at Bailingxu, you can check the standings independently.

  Li Luo looked at the list and saw that the first place was Lu Qing'er's name. Her points reached 9,500 points.

  "Tsk, tsk, that's awesome. How many people have you harmed?" Li Luo said with a smile.

  They used all kinds of methods to fish, and during this period, Lian Zhong came to give out benefits. At the moment, his points were only over 4,000, and Lu Qing'er was twice as high as him. It can be seen that the gods are really blocking the gods and the Buddhas are blocking the killings. Buddha, push all the way.

  Behind Lu Qing'er, as expected, was Shi Kun from Dongyuan Academy, with a score of 8,300 points.

  Behind Shi Kun, there were people with scores of around 5,000 points one after another, and Li Luo also saw his ranking, which was seventeenth.

  As for Yu Lang and Zhao Kuo, they were around thirty.

  "Brother Luo, if you encounter a strong enemy and the situation goes wrong, you can run away by yourself first. The two of us are almost at our limit at this ranking, so when we have the opportunity, we will use our last light and heat to give you Create some value, I believe Yu Lang thinks so too, right?" Zhao Kuo stared at the standings for a moment and said.

  Hearing this, Yu Lang pondered for a few seconds and said, "Actually, I think I might be able to rescue you a little bit more?"

  Zhao Kuo was choked and glared at Yu Lang: "No need to rescue you, you are already cold."

  Yu Lang had no choice but to Nod, okay, I feel cold now.

  Although Yu Lang is always being mean, it can be seen that he also agrees with Zhao Kuo. The two of them have the strength of the Seven Seals, but they are not as perverted as Li Luo. If they meet a strong enemy of the Eight Seals, they will most likely be Loser, and as more and more fierce people come to Bai Lingxu, their strength will gradually change from helpers to burdens with Li Luo.

  Moreover, Bai Lingxu will eventually be eliminated until there are only ten people left. They cannot expect to follow Li Luo and keep themselves until then. This will put a lot of pressure on Li Luo.

  Even if Li Luo didn't care, they couldn't take it for granted.

  And the most important thing is that it doesn't make much sense for them to be in the top ten. As long as Lu Qing'er can win the first place by then, they can also enjoy the admission list distributed to Nanfeng Academy based on their ranking.

  Hearing this, Li Luo smiled and said, "We'll see what happens then."

  In fact, his goal was to enter the top ten and get an admission quota. As for the important task of competing for the first place, Nanfeng Academy already had Lu Qing'er shouldering it. There is no need to steal the limelight.

  "Let's go first and find a place to hide in Bailing Ruins." Li Luo waved his hand and led the two of them into Bailing Ruins with complex terrain.

  At the same time, in the other direction of Bailingxu.

  Shi Kun stood in front of a crystal wall, looking calmly at the scoreboard formed by the faint light screen in front of him. His eyes were fixed on the first place Lu Qing'er for a long time.

  "Boss, Lian Zhong's name is not on the list. Something happened to him?" Behind Shi Kun, a student from Dongyuan Academy suddenly asked in shock.

  When Shi Kun heard this, he was a little surprised. He looked behind him, and sure enough he didn't find Lian Zhong's name. Instead, he saw Li Luo, who was ranked seventeenth.

  His eyes narrowed. He had previously ordered Lian Zhong to "take care of" Li Luo. Why was it that Lian Zhong was eliminated and Li Luo was promoted?

  "He should have been eliminated by Li Luo." Shi Kong said calmly.

  "Ah? Isn't that Li Luo just as strong as Qi Yin? How could he possibly defeat Lian Zhong?" the person next to him said in disbelief.

  "There are always various ways, and do you really think that Li Luo is a waste?" Shi Huang smiled, but there was a cold look in his eyes.

  "This young master of the palace has been hiding his clumsiness."

  "Does it need to be targeted?"

  Shi Kun waved his hand and said: "The most important target now is Lu Qing'er. Although Li Luo is a bit unexpected, he is not qualified to let her go." Let's change our plan."

  "Ignore him for now. After Lu Qing'er is dealt with, he will be just a clown and nothing to be afraid of."

  Shi Kun said, and walked into Bai Ling Ruins.

  Not long after entering Bailing Ruins, Shi Kun saw a mark that was obviously just carved on a ruined wall. He immediately smiled and followed the mark through the dilapidated streets overgrown with weeds.

  After about ten minutes of this, he walked into a broken house.

  The room was dark, and when Shi Kong walked in, he saw four figures walking out of the shadows. It was Xiang Liang, Chi Su, and Zong Fu who had made an agreement with Shi Kong before, and the last person was Song Yunfeng. .

  "Shi Kun, you are indeed losing some points to Lu Qing'er." When Xiang Liang saw Shi Kun, he grinned.

  Shi Kun smiled lightly and said, "There is no need to worry about the temporary lead."

  "Tell me, when will we take action?" Chi Su asked.

  "The most important thing now is to determine Lu Qing'er's location first, and then take a complete strategy so that she has no chance to escape. Otherwise, once she escapes, I'm afraid she won't give us a second chance to encircle and suppress her. As long as she delays for some time, or reduces the number of people to only ten, she will forcefully end the exam," Zong Fu said slowly.

  Shi Kun nodded, then looked at Song Yunfeng, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid I'll have to trouble Yunfeng to determine the location." Xiang Liang and the other

  three also looked at Song Yunfeng, and under their gazes, the latter looked a little uncomfortable. Comfortable, because he could faintly feel a bit of disdain in the other person's eyes.

  After all, Xiang Liang and the others have different positions from Nanfeng Academy, so it is normal for them to deal with Lu Qing'er. However, Song Yunfeng is from Nanfeng Academy and is currently helping Shi Kong deal with Lu Qing'er. This is a bit of a double-crossing.

  Although from their point of view, they are certainly happy to have a traitor like Song Yunfeng to help, this does not prevent them from showing contempt for Song Yunfeng's character.

  "I'm ready." Song Yunfeng felt unhappy, but still said expressionlessly.

  "Then thank you so much Yunfeng. If this happens, you will be the biggest contributor." Shi Huang expressed his sincere thanks.

  (End of chapter)

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