Chapter 542 Qin Yue, Zhao Beili

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  Chapter 542: Qin Yue, Zhao Beili.
  Under the gazes of Li Luo and the others, the two teams quickly rushed towards their position, and finally fell in front of them.

  "I didn't expect to meet the team with the highest points here. It's such an honor."

  As the two teams approached, there was a burst of laughter. It was a young man with a tall body. He was holding a long gun and had a few weapons. With a heroic spirit, he is now looking at Li Luo and the others. Of course, the focus is still on the eldest princess and Jiang Qing'e.

  Li Luo glanced at the school badge on the man's chest.

  Beihai Holy Academy.

  This made his heart skip a beat, and he turned his eyes. Sure enough, he saw a handsome and elegant figure wearing white clothes next to the young man. It was Ao Bai who had won the title of the strongest two-star academy in the previous academy-level competition. .

  As if aware of Li Luo's gaze, Ao Bai smiled at him and nodded.

  "It turns out to be Brother Qin Yue from Beihai Saint Academy." The eldest princess looked at the heroic young man who spoke before, with a smile on her beautiful face and said.

  The speaker's name is Qin Yue, and he is the most outstanding person in the four-star academy of Beihai Saint Academy. The eldest princess also fought against him in the academy-level competition before. This person's strength is around the five-star Dzi Bead realm, although he has competed with him in the academy-level competition. She has some gaps, but she can be considered a top person.

  "This should be Zhao Beili from Tianhuo Saint Academy, Brother Zhao, right?" The

  eldest princess turned her eyes and looked at the team Lu Ming was in. She pointed at the one in the middle of the three. The thin young man asked gently.

  The young man named Zhao Beili has a handsome appearance. He has a Qingfeng sword on his waist and his hair is disheveled. He is the strongest person in the Four-Star Academy of Tianhuo Saint Academy, and his strength is about the same as Qin Yue next to him.

  Facing the gaze of the eldest princess, he clasped his fists and smiled, and said: "I have seen him in the palace, at the courtyard level competition, and seen His Highness's demeanor. Fortunately, I have never met him, otherwise he would definitely be disgraced."

  Both Qin Yue and Zhao Beili remained somewhat polite when facing the eldest princess. This was not because of her status. After all, the eldest princess was only the eldest princess of Daxia. This status was very important to people from other schools. , but it has no deterrent effect.

  Their politeness was mainly due to the eldest princess's strength.

  Looking at the many students of the Four-Star Academy who participated in this Holy Grail War, the eldest princess's strength may not reach the level of the first person, but she is definitely qualified to be among the best. There are only a handful of people who can beat her.

  "Brother Zhao is so humble."

  The eldest princess smiled with an elegant temperament.

  "It seems that your team has also received a temporary mission in the spiritual mirror?" She asked the two of them.

  Qin Yue and Zhao Beili both nodded and said: "We originally came here for the Thunder Mountain, but when we got here, we received this temporary mission. It seems that a small team was trapped in the mountain for some reason. Inside."

  "Haha, since you are here for this mission from the palace, why don't we all get together to take care of each other?" The two of them sent out invitations at the same time.

  When the eldest princess heard this, she did not agree directly. Instead, her eyes turned to Jiang Qing'e, who in turn looked at Li Luo.

  Li Luo was stunned. Sister, you must be funny. Do you need to ask for my opinions on making soy sauce?
  However, since Big Goose was so generous, Li Luo of course smiled and nodded, saying: "This task is not said to be completed alone. Of course it would be better if someone helps." When the eldest princess saw this, she faced Qin Yue and Zhao

  Bei Li smiled: "Then I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future."

  Qin Yue and Zhao Beili both smiled and nodded, but their eyes looked at Li Luo without leaving any trace. Of course they knew about the latter. This time the Holy Grail battle is against Li Luoma, the strongest person in the One-Star Academy. But now, it is not an academy-level competition, but a mixed-level competition. In this special situation, almost all the students of the One-Star Academy are just a plus. , even if Li Luo is the strongest person in the One Star Academy, that is not an exception.

  It is not surprising that the eldest princess would consult Jiang Qing'e. As the strongest person in the Sanxing Academy, even those of them who are in the Tianzhu realm will not underestimate her, because the latter's strength is It can indeed be of great help.

  But Li Luomo was far behind.

  So under this situation, they were particularly surprised that the eldest princess and Jiang Qing'e would decide whether to join forces based on Li Luo's opinion.

  However, they can also see that the eldest princess is acting like this entirely because she cares about Jiang Qing'e. And the relationship between Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e is said to be somewhat special. Is it true?
  These thoughts were swirling in their hearts, but they did not show it on their faces. Instead, they came up with warm expressions and made some introductions to the players on both sides, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely harmonious. Li Luo watched silently. During the brief conversation between the two parties, he could feel that Qin Yue from Beihai Saint Academy was a little attentive to the eldest princess. This was not surprising. After all, where was the eldest princess's appearance and temperament? , and she is not a flower vase, her strength is the top among the four-star courtyard, coupled with her impressive status, all this is enough to make people like Qin Yue admire her.

  While the three captains were talking, Li Luo took a few steps forward and looked at Lu Ming, who had never spoken, but only looked at him with his eyes from time to time. He smiled and said, "We meet again. I didn't expect us to meet each other again." There is still a chance for cooperation, which is really surprising."

  Lu Ming crossed her arms and her slender body was infinitely beautiful. She curled her lips and said: "It's really you who actually defeated Jing Taixu. I I thought you would be beaten to a pulp by him."

  "It's because I didn't spend too much effort on you." Li Luo said seriously.

  When Lu Ming heard this, his eyebrows suddenly raised slightly and he gave Li Luo a fierce look. Did this guy say that she was useless? Did he pass her test easily?
  "Hmph, if you hadn't used poisonous gas to plot against me, my phantom thunder formation would have been much easier for you!" Lu Ming snorted coldly and said.

  Li Luo smiled, stopped teasing her, and said, "If we meet a strong enemy this time, we can see it from the perspective of our partners."

  Lu Ming rolled his eyes at him and said: "With this kind of team combination, what effect can we from the One-Star Academy have? It's just a slap in the face. Do you still expect any exciting performance?" "That's not necessarily the case."


  Luo He smiled noncommittally.

  Lu Ming was talking to him, but he couldn't help but cast his eyes towards Jiang Qing'e, with curiosity flashing in his eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Hey, Li Luo, is Senior Jiang really your fiancée? "

  You are also such a gossip." Li Luo said helplessly. Lu Ming gave people a cold feeling when he came into contact with him. He didn't expect to ask such a question.

  Lu Ming was a little embarrassed, and said with a slight blush on his fair cheeks: "Everyone would be interested in this kind of thing. After all, Senior Sister Jiang is the most dazzling female student in this Holy Grail War. We are all proud of her, but we didn't expect that she would be with What kind of relationship do you have?"

  She looked at Li Luo and said, "How come you have such a blessing?"

  "There is no way, a man is talented and a woman is a match made in heaven." Li Luo said boldly.

  Faced with his shamelessness, even Lu Ming was blocked for a moment and could only curl his lips in annoyance.

  "What are we talking about?"

  At this time, a burst of laughter broke in. Li Luo saw that it was Zhao Beili, the captain of Tianhuo Saint Academy. He walked between the two of them, looked at Lu Ming, and smiled gently: "Before, I was worried that Senior Sister Lu Ming would be unhappy with what happened in the House-Level Competition and would not want to cooperate with Junior Li Luo, but now it seems that I was overly worried. Senior Sister Lu Ming still takes the overall situation into consideration." Lu Ming

  heard He said in a low voice: "Senior Zhao is overthinking. Winning and losing in competitions are normal. I'm not that small-minded."

  Zhao Beili nodded with a smile: "That's natural, Senior Lu Ming, this time in the Thunder Mountain Okay, maybe it won't be that simple, and you have to be careful, but don't worry, if something happens, I will always protect you." Seeing this, Li Luo finally understood and dared to express his gratitude to Senior Zhao Beili

  to Lu Ming It's interesting. No wonder when you see them chatting enthusiastically, you have to intervene abruptly.

  But judging from Lu Ming's lukewarm expression, it seemed that he didn't have that kind of interest in this senior.

  "Haha, Junior Li Luo, our three captains have already discussed our next actions. You should quickly return to the team and get ready to leave." Zhao Beili turned to Li Luo and said with a smile.

  He looked at Li Luo with a hint of defensiveness in his eyes. This boy looked like this and was so popular with girls. He had to keep an eye on him to avoid being stolen from his home for no apparent reason.

  Although Zhao Beili's gaze was a bit obscure, Li Luo was still keenly aware of it, and immediately twitched the corner of his mouth. This Zhao Beili is also a brainless thing. Why are you guarding me now? He didn't see Jiang Qing'e behind him. Staring? Do I still dare to do something?

  Moreover, am I, Luo Li, such a messy person?
  So, angrily, he could only wave his hand at Lu Ming, then turned around and returned to the team.

  At the same time, the three teams quickly completed preliminary communication and began to set off. Maintaining their formation, they rushed into the vast mountains covered by thunderclouds.

  (End of chapter)

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