Chapter 531 Strong Suppression

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  Chapter 531 Strong Suppression
  The light swept from the horizon. Wherever it passed, the green and black evil energy that filled the town suddenly began to roll violently, and then began to quickly fade away.

  That boundless light contains extremely pure power of purification.

  Those ordinary human-faced wolves erupted in shrill screams, and their bodies began to melt directly at this moment.

  Even the two-faced human wolf began to drip black smelly liquid from its body, as if it was about to melt.

  It made an ear-piercing scream, and its eyes filled with violence and murder were cast towards the horizon behind, where the source of light came from.

  call out!
  But at this moment, two dazzling streams of light came from the sky. The two streams of light seemed to be burning with sacred flames. They were extremely fast. When they rubbed against the air, even the air was burned. Like two shooting stars.

  Two streams of light fell from the sky and headed straight for the two-faced wolf.

  Huang Lou narrowed his eyes and could see that in the two streams of light, there seemed to be two light nails burning with flames. The power condensed on the light nails was so powerful that even his scalp felt numb.

  But more than anything, it was a surprise.

  This is the power of light!

  Obviously, the person who came to help was a great master with a bright vision!
  They are saved!
  And the two-faced human wolf also sensed the crisis from the two flaming light nails. Immediately, the mouth on the human face opened, and only the smelly black smoke came out of it, and turned into two black smoke. The big hand, wrapped in a thick air of pollution, slapped directly at the two light nails.

  However, when the two came into contact, the bright flames on the two light nails became so strong that they melted and evaporated the two smelly black smoke hands in an instant, and then continued to fall, carrying an extremely ferocious force. Like thunder, it struck hard at the head and tail of the two-faced wolf.

  The two-faced wolf was directly nailed to the ground while wailing, and the bright flames rising from the nails were burning its body, trying to melt it.

  But the two-faced wolf is still struggling crazily, showing its extremely tenacious vitality.

  call out!
  But at this moment, a ray of green light fell from the sky, shrouding the two-faced wolf in it. Within the blue light, an elegant blue luan bird could be vaguely seen waving its wings and cutting it down. Then the two-faced wolf burst out with a shrill cry. With the sound, the entire body was instantly transformed into many pieces.

  The bright nails filled the air with flames, quickly burning the minced meat into black gas.

  Many guards in Huanglou and the city wall stared at this scene in stunned silence.

  The two-faced wolf that was enough to destroy their town was wiped out so easily.

  Huang Lou swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The light phase power before was extremely pure and powerful, but the green light behind was obviously another shooter. From the perspective of strong phase power, the latter was better than the former.

  He raised his head, looked into the distance, clasped his fists and said, "I'm in Xiahuanglou. I don't know where my friend came to help me. On behalf of everyone in the town, I would like to express my gratitude for saving my life." Soon after his voice fell, the horizon in the

  distance A stream of light came over, and after ten breaths, it landed in front of the small town.

  Huang Lou and many guards looked at it curiously, and then a look of surprise could not help but appear in their eyes.

  Because those who showed up turned out to be two young girls.

  The girl on the left has a very beautiful face, especially her golden eyes, exuding a unique charm. Her temperament is slightly calm and cold, but the light power emanating from her whole body makes people feel a kind of An inexplicable sense of trust.

  The girl on the right is also very beautiful, with a gentle color on her oval cheeks. She seems to be more accessible than her companions, but from her body, Huang Lou feels a strong sense of oppression. This made his heart tremble. Is this a master of Tiangang general rank? !

  After looking at the two women, Huang Lou's eyes moved, and then he realized that behind them, there was a young man with silver hair. The young man looked extremely good-looking, but the fluctuations in his phase power were much weaker. From a visual inspection, he should be a fortune teller. The strength of the environment.

  Two women and one man.

  Among them are masters of the Tiangang general level, a light phase owner who is suspected to be in the extremely evil level of the Earthly Evil General level, and a physiognomist level.

  What a strange combination.

  A trace of doubt flashed through Huang Lou's heart, but a smile appeared on his cold face, and he thanked him again: "Thank you three for saving me."

  He was extremely polite, not only because of the other party's help, but also because of the other party's help. The current Black Wind Empire has no order. If the other party has malicious intentions, no one will seek justice for them even if they massacre their town, so they naturally need to be careful.

  In the past, he was the leader of a city, with the entire Black Wind Empire as his background. Even if he met a powerful Tiangang general, he would not be so cautious, but now, everything is different.

  "You're welcome, Your Excellency."

  Facing Huang Lou's respect, the eldest princess smiled slightly and said in a gentle voice: "This is also our mission." "


  Huang Lou was startled. Now that the Black Wind Empire has collapsed, The original order and power are gone, so who can issue such a rescue mission?

  The eldest princess explained: "We are from the School Alliance. Now the School Alliance is uniting with some forces around the Black Wind Empire to purify and restrict the aliens in this area." She did not hide it, after all, they would return later

  . You need to enter the town to purify the spirit beads and arrange the nodes, so you also need some cooperation from Huang Lou. "Academy Alliance?"

  A look of surprise appeared in Huang Lou's eyes. He used to work in the Black Wind Empire, and he was obviously aware of the existence of the behemoth Academy Alliance. He immediately said ecstatically: "Will the Academy Alliance take action to solve the disaster in the Black Wind Empire? "

  "The disaster in the Black Wind Empire is extremely serious. The Academy Alliance can only unite with some surrounding countries and other forces to blockade the Black Wind Empire to prevent the spread of the disaster, and at the same time do some simple cleanups. As for completely solving the disaster, I'm afraid it's not Simple things." Li Luo spoke out at this time, he didn't want to give the other party some unrealistic hopes.

  Huang Lou's eyes darkened, and then he smiled bitterly and said: "It's just my imagination, but it's a great thing that the school alliance can help. At least, it can save some." Li Luo nodded and said: "

  We Next, a purification device will be installed in the town. With this device, the town will be much safer in the future and avoid being polluted by evil thoughts, so I hope you can cooperate." "This is a good thing!


  Huang The building looked happy. He had seen this kind of purification object before, but it was quite complicated to refine. Their town no longer had this ability. If the three people in front of them could help them arrange it, it would undoubtedly be a gift from heaven. happiness.

  "Three benefactors, please come in!"

  Huang Lou waved to the city wall, and someone immediately opened the closed city gate, and then he invited the three of them.

  At Huang Lou's invitation, Li and Luo looked at each other and followed them into the town.

  The town was full of bluestone streets, which looked quite deserted. However, along the way, many people from the town still came out and looked at the three strangers, Li Luo.

  Huang Lou shouted and told everyone the purpose of the three people. When the townspeople heard that Li Luo and the three people were going to install a purification device for the town, they suddenly burst into cheers and looked at the three people. I have become much more respected.

  Li Luo glanced at the figures and found that many of them had a light blue-black complexion.

  This made his eyes freeze slightly, which was a sign of erosion.

  The room on the left side of the street in front suddenly shattered at this moment, and a figure rushed out, crawling on the ground and roaring.

  The surrounding townspeople suddenly screamed and fled away.

  In that house, women and children rushed out crying, grabbed the chains on the figure, and pulled him desperately into the house.

  Li Luo's expression changed slightly. The figure who rushed out had iron chains tied around his body, and his face was extremely distorted. There was green and black color flowing in his eyes, which was a sign of the deepening pollution.

  "Hurry and take him back!"

  Huang Lou shouted angrily at this time. People around him swarmed up, suppressed the contaminated man, and sent him back to the house to tie him up.

  Li Luo and three others stopped.

  After Huang Lou dealt with the incident here, he came over and said in a heavy voice: "Although our town is in a remote area, with the raging of aliens over the years, the evil spirit has also eroded, and some people with unsound minds have been eroded. Those who are determined are easily eroded and polluted, and gradually show signs of losing their minds."

  "Don't you choose to eliminate it?" Li Luo hesitated and asked.

  Huang Lou sighed and said: "They are all neighbors. The one just now has a wife and children at home, so you can't kill someone in front of them. After all, it's not completely out of control." Li Luo's

  heart It's also a bit heavy. When I met aliens in the dark cave before, I actually didn't have a clear sense of their dangers. After all, those who were able to enter the dark cave were some outstanding students, but now I came to this dark place where aliens were raging. In the Wind Empire, he realized how much influence aliens had on ordinary people.

  This was only in a remote area. It was really unimaginable what a miserable situation it was in the depths of the Black Wind Empire.

  I'm afraid it's really a miserable place with ten rooms and nine empty rooms.

  "After the purification device is installed, this situation will be reduced a lot." The eldest princess remained silent for a while and said soothingly.

  "I hope so." Huang Lou nodded bitterly.

  "We will leave after setting up the purification device here and go to Zhenjiang City. Your Excellency is from the Black Wind Empire. Do you have any information about this?" Jiang Qing'e suddenly asked. That Zhenjiang City is where the university forced The main mission they arranged was also the important base point of the strange formation.

  "Zhenjiang City?"

  When Huang Lou heard the name, he was in a daze for a moment, and then there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

  "You want to go to Zhenjiang City? You must not go there."

  "There are natural disaster-level aliens there!"

  (End of Chapter)

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