Chapter 525 Choice

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  Chapter 525: Selection
  There was silence in the hall.

  Many students showed fear on their faces. The natural disaster-level aliens obviously frightened them.

  At this time, they just understood why each school could only send two teams to this mixed-level competition, because in such a dangerous place, ordinary teams and students went there, and the survival rate was quite worrying.

  Although the school may provide some protection, the aliens are too weird. If they are accidentally contaminated and the seeds of pollution are planted, it will be worse than death.

  In fact, it wasn't just them, even Li Luo had a serious look on his face at this time. The Great Natural Disaster Level Alien reminded him of the "Smiling Face Demon" he met in the dark cave, which was a Great Natural Disaster Level Alien, and that one The destruction caused by the aliens almost wiped out the school's stronghold. At that time, someone as powerful as Jiang Qing'e used the ninth-grade light phase with extremely powerful purifying power to make a fatal blow, just because the latter was unprepared. It only caused him a little injury, and Jiang Qing'e also paid the price of serious injury.

  In the end, if he hadn't attracted the stronger three-tailed wolf, I'm afraid all the students in that stronghold would have died in the hands of the smiling demon.

  Although the Smiling Face Demon was finally eliminated, for a long time after that, Li Luo couldn't help but tensed up every time he saw someone smiling. Obviously, this left some psychological shadow.

  This shows how terrifying natural disaster-level aliens are.

  And the content of this Holy Grail War mixed-level competition is to ask students like them to clear out the aliens in a county. Is it because the universities are short of manpower?

  Li Luo sighed lightly, but fortunately there will be two thighs in the team. In this level of elimination, they will obviously be the absolute main force, and he, a small fortune teller, may be a The role of running errands.

  Of course, he is not completely without countermeasures.

  Li Luo couldn't help but touch the scarlet bracelet on his wrist. In it, the three-tailed wolf that defeated the Smiling Face Demon was sealed.

  According to Dean Pang, this three-tailed wolf is not ordinary. It is already considered to be the pinnacle of the Heavenly General level. If it is counted as the Xiangli cultivation level, it should be the Heavenly Phase state of the Tiangang General level. That day in the dark cave, although it is long. The princess finally arrived in time, but if Li Luo hadn't held the seal given by the dean, he felt that even the eldest princess would have fallen into the hands of this three-tailed wolf.

  In the silence of everyone, Vice President Su Xin said calmly: "Although this mixed-level competition is a bit dangerous, as a member of the Holy Academy, it is our responsibility to eliminate the aliens. You don't need to think too much, just treat it as This time is a mission to go to the dark cave."

  "As for the two teams of our Shengxuanxing Academy, the captains are Gong Shenjun and Gong Luanyu."

  After hearing the name of Vice President Su Xin, Gong Shenjun and the eldest princess They all came forward, their expressions were quite calm. After all, as the two strongest students in the school, although they were afraid of the natural disaster-level aliens, they would not be afraid of them.

  After all, in the past four years in Shengxuanxing Academy, they had fought against natural disaster-level aliens many times in the dark cave.

  "The next two teams each need two more members. According to the rules, the two members cannot belong to the same hospital level." Vice President Su Xin looked at Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo with a smile. This rule is not applicable to the two of them. The words are simply tailor-made.

  "Jiang Qing'e, Li Luo, you two will definitely not be separated, right?" she asked with a hint of teasing.

  There was some laughter from the crowd, but this laughter contained unconcealable envy and jealousy, and this emotion was obviously directed more toward Li Luo.

  Although Li Luo has shown extraordinary performance now and has become the strongest one-star academy student in Eastern China, in their opinion, if he wants to be worthy of the engagement with Senior Jiang, he still has little hope.

  Sadly, their opinions are useless.

  At this time, Gong Shenjun also turned his attention to Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo. A gentle smile appeared on his handsome face, and he extended the invitation again: "Jiang Jianmei, Li Luo, if you can come to my team, I would like to The three of us should have a great chance to win the championship.”

  No one is surprised by Gong Shenjun's invitation, and they all know that in fact, this kind of invitation is more directed at Jiang Qing'e. After all, looking at this Holy Grail War, Jiang Qing'e is second only to the four-star The strongest person in the courtyard.

  From the perspective of the team's configuration, Jiang Qing'e is the most advantageous part.

  As for Li Luo, it's a little less interesting. Although he won the title of the strongest in the One-Star Academy, judging from the team's configuration, there are still some choices that the Two-Star Academy can make.

  For example, Zhu Xuan. Although his performance in the two-star courtyard competition was average, in any case, he himself was a genuine fourth transformation of the transformation phase, while Li Luo was still at the third transformation level. Of course, everyone They all also understand that he has the means to upgrade himself to the fourth transformation in a short period of time, so in terms of combat effectiveness, he is not necessarily weaker than Zhu Xuan.

  But no matter what, Li Luo is not unique like Jiang Qing'e.

  who doesn't know that Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e are bound together? If they want to join a team, they must be together.

  Vice President Su Xin also looked at Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo. From a strength perspective, if the two form the strongest team with Gong Shenjun, it will indeed increase the success rate of winning the championship. After all, in this mixed-level competition, they Not only do you need to compete with teams from other universities, but you also have to be careful about the erosion of aliens.

  However, she did not interfere verbally, because it was the players' right to choose the team, and even if she was the deputy dean, she could not make strong arrangements.

  There were no waves on the eldest princess's bright and elegant oval cheeks, but her pair of phoenix eyes showed a hint of nervousness, because she was not sure whether what Li Luo said earlier on the stairs was reliable.

  After all, from the perspective of how to form the strongest team, Gong Shenjun is indeed the best choice.

  Under the gaze of many eyes, Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo looked at each other, and then Li Luo smiled, showed a regretful smile to Gong Shenjun, and said sincerely: "Senior Gong, I'm sorry, I and Sister Qing'e cannot join your team."

  "We have to join the team of Her Royal Highness the Princess."

  When Li Luo's voice fell, there was obviously some stunned uproar in the venue.

  Li Luo's choice was a bit beyond their expectations.

  Gong Shenjun's expression also condensed slightly at this time, and his face changed a little. In fact, when Li Luo avoided his invitation last night, he vaguely noticed something, but now when Li Luo made it clear, his heart There were still some intense emotions.   Is it just a simple choice that

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e chose the eldest princess ?   Or is it that they, or the Luo Lan Mansion, have taken refuge with the eldest princess?   "Senior Gong, although you are actually the best choice, there is nothing we can do about it. In fact, before the Holy Grail War, we accepted the eldest princess's invitation, so..." Li Luo said apologetically, and then looked at a   slightly The eldest princess, who was a little distracted, smiled and said: "Princess?"   The eldest princess quickly came to her senses and said without changing her expression: "Brother Wang, everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. I have worked so hard to invite Qing. E formed a team, you want to recruit people at the last moment, how can such a good thing happen."   Gong Shenjun smiled helplessly: "Luan Yu, now it is not a matter of order, but of winning the championship and maintaining the reputation and honor of the school. Question."   The eldest princess smiled and said: "Brother Wang, do you think I am too weak to compete for the championship?" "I   don't dare."   Gong Shenjun quickly smiled and shook his head, and then he turned his eyes to Jiang Qing'e, his expression sincere. Said: "Xuemei Jiang, although Luan Yu has made an agreement with you in advance, the mixed level competition is related to the ownership of the final Dragon Bone Holy Grail. This matter is of great concern, so I really hope you can think more about it. Of course I know Luan Yu is the same." A good choice, but I also feel that if you choose my side, you will have a better chance of winning."   His sincere and frank words made many students around him nod.   Putting aside everything else, if we just talk about the luxury of the team, Jiang Qing'e and Gong Shenjun are the strongest together.

  Jiang Qing'e, who was as beautiful as the Goddess of Luo, was quite calm. Facing Gong Shenjun's sincere words, there was no wave in her eyes. She only opened her red lips slightly after Gong Shenjun finished speaking.

  "Our family Li Luo makes the decision. Since he has already said that he will cooperate with the eldest princess this time, I naturally dare not refute his face. So I'm sorry, Senior Gong, we can only cooperate next time." She said this

  . , which directly made many students in the field stunned.

  (End of chapter)

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