Chapter 512 Jing Taixu’s Dragon General Technique

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  Chapter 512 Jing Taixu’s Dragon General Technique

  The two violent forces collided together like a torrent. The simple straight knife and the cyan banana fan chopped together, sparks splashed, and there were some ripples in the void.

  The huge backlash caused the figures of Li Luo and Jing Taixu to fly backwards. With each step, a half-finger footprint appeared on the hard stone surface under their feet. It can be seen that the two sides were using their own strength at this time. Moved to the extreme.


  Jing Taixu stamped his foot violently, causing cracks on the stone surface under his feet. At this time, his face no longer had the calm smile before, but became expressionless, and at the same time, there was still a little beating in his eyes. Some evil spirits.

  This also brings out the anger.

  Li Luo's tenacity was somewhat beyond his expectation.

  Previously, both sides had used almost all of their methods, and they were merciless in their attacks, both of which were extremely ferocious. However, although this mutual attack caused some injuries to both sides, it was not enough to determine the outcome.

  So Jing Taixu understood that he had to break the deadlock.

  Otherwise, as time goes by, his physical strength will begin to be consumed a lot, and the power of his killing move will also begin to weaken.

  "Li Luo, you are very powerful."

  Jing Taixu's bloody palm slowly grasped the handle of the banana fan, and his voice became cold: "But in this decisive battle, I will definitely win." Li

  Luo There is no answer because it is meaningless. The final victory or defeat depends not on the words.

  However, he could feel that the phase force in Jing Taixu's body was violently agitated at this moment, which made him understand that Jing Taixu was about to use his real trump card.

  So he held the Xuanxiang Knife tightly, the phase force inside his body began to flow, and his body became tense accordingly.

  Jing Taixu didn't say too much nonsense. He stretched out his finger, and a wisp of wind blade passed by, and blood suddenly dripped from his fingertip.

  His fingers quickly traced the green banana fan in his hand, and blood appeared, and a blood-red line seemed to emerge on the surface of the fan.


  There was a strong wind blowing between heaven and earth.

  The rocks on the top of the mountain were all rolled up at this time.

  The faint shadow of the wind spirit that appeared on Jing Taixu's body also turned into a wisp of blue smoke and fell down, entrenching itself on the blue banana fan.

  Suddenly the banana fan in Jing Taixu's hand seemed to become like jade.

  His hand holding the banana fan trembled slightly, as if he was bearing some extremely heavy weight.

  But in the end, he held the banana fan and fanned it down hard.

  The wind energy between heaven and earth turned into a violent wind and swept forward, and green light spurted out from the banana fan, rolling up the billowing wind energy, and then quickly compressed and condensed it.

  Ten breaths later, green light rose into the sky. At this moment, there was actually a vague sound of dragon roars, and the entire sky seemed to be shaking violently at this moment.

  And Li Luo's eyes suddenly tightened at this moment.

  That dragon roar turned out to be a dragon general technique? !
  This scene is too virtual to be able to perform the Dragon General Technique? !

  A solemn look flashed across Li Luo's eyes. The Dragon General Technique can only be touched by those who have reached the general level. Under the general level, it is extremely difficult to cultivate the Dragon General Technique. After all, it is just a dragon. The kind of phase power consumption required by general skills is not something that the phase master realm can bear.

  But now, this scene is too virtual, but it is displayed.

  Although this was blessed by his "Wind Spirit Envoy" and the blue banana fan in his hand, it was definitely enough to shock countless people.

  The green light kept vibrating in the mid-air.

  And within the green light is a heavy blue gun. The heavy gun is suspended in the void. Every vibration will cause a circle of energy ripples to ripple in the void, and an inexplicable heavy pressure will be emitted. come out.

  Li Luo looked at the cyan heavy spear and finally understood why Jing Taixu was called "King Ming's Spear". He thought... it was because of this most powerful killing move.

  With the strength of the fortune teller level, he can activate the Dragon General Technique that can only be performed by general level strength. Although judging from the energy intensity, it should be just a low-level Dragon General Technique, but no matter what, the Dragon General Technique is the Dragon General Technique. , that kind of power is far from comparable to the Tiger General Technique.

  Li Luo has a very high talent in physiognomy, but even he has never mastered a real dragon general technique.

  From this we can see how difficult it is to master the Dragon General Technique while in the fortune teller realm.

  Of course, Sun Dasheng's so-called incomplete "Sealing Marquis Technique" is a special case, and there is not enough Xiangli as a foundation. The so-called "Sealing Marquis Technique" is probably less than one percent of its true power.

  "Li Luo, Sun Dasheng was defeated by my move. If you can take it, why not give up the golden emblem of the sacred tree of this star courtyard to you?" Jing Taixu's face was cold and serious, and then he suddenly slapped the cyan banana fan in his hand

  . Down.

  "Low-level Dragon General Technique, Amaterasu Wind Demon Spear!" "Go!"

  As Jing Taixu shouted loudly, the cyan heavy spear with a halo blooming in mid-air suddenly shot out, and the void was torn open. A trace of cyan, an extremely shocking wave rose into the sky.

  The ear-piercing sonic boom resounded throughout the sky.

  Li Luo looked at the shocking cyan rainbow, and his figure immediately retreated.

  His face was full of solemnity, and Jing Taixu's offensive made him feel an extremely dangerous aura.

  Ordinary means may not be able to stop it.

  Fortunately, he is not completely powerless.

  As Li Luo retreated violently, he glanced at the Xuanxiang Knife in his hand, and then a look of determination flashed across his eyes. He suddenly grasped the handle of the knife tightly with his five fingers, and at the same time, the force in his body was poured into the blade without any reservation.

  "Golden Jade Xuanxiang Knife, the second level of elephant divine power!"

  The gold and jade Xuanxiang Knife comes with three levels of elephant divine power, but this power is extremely overbearing. When Li Luo activated the first level of elephant divine power, the skin and muscles of both arms were completely destroyed. It was in a torn state because his physical body could not fully withstand the power of the Golden Jade Xuanxiang Knife.

  And if the first level of elephant power is so overbearing, what kind of damage will the second level cause?
  Li Luo hadn't tried it, but he was prepared for it.

  The moment Li Luo activated the second level of the elephant divine power of the Golden Jade Xuanxiang Knife, an ancient elephant roar seemed to resound in his body, and then, his expression suddenly changed.

  Because he felt an extremely terrifying force pouring crazily into his arms from within the Xuanxiang Knife.

  The tearing pain broke out instantly.

  It felt as if ancient giant elephants were galloping along the meridians in his arms. Along the way, even the flesh and blood were trampled to pieces.

  Li Luo lowered his head, and he could see the flesh and blood in his arms beginning to crack.

  The blood was pouring down, looking extremely terrifying.

  This is the arrogance of the second level elephant power. With Li Luo's current physical strength, he simply cannot bear it. If it continues, his arms will explode into a ball of blood foam.

  Looking at the tragic situation on his arm, Li Luo looked solemn, but he did not panic.

  Because this was expected.

  He couldn't increase the strength of his physical body in a short period of time, but he had other means.


  Li Luo took a deep breath of the blood-smelling air, and then quickly used the physiognomy he had prepared long ago.

  "Wood physiognomy, spiritual wood silk pattern."

  "Light physiognomy, small light recovery technique."

  "Water physiognomy, spiritual water technique."

  The three physiognomy techniques were performed by Li Luo in one breath. The level of physiognomy is not too high, but they have something in common, that is, they have The role of recovery.

  This is the method used by Li Luo to check the impact of the second level elephant's divine power on the physical body.

  Since the physical body can't bear it, then enhance the recovery power. As long as you recover quickly enough, your arms will naturally be able to bear it.

  Li Luo lowered his head and looked at his arms, only to see that there were countless thread-like cyan phase forces spreading in the flesh and blood at this time. These cyan phase forces penetrated the flesh and blood, connecting the flesh and blood that were about to collapse.

  At the same time, the recovery effects brought about by the Spiritual Water Technique and the Little Light Restoration Technique began to quickly repair the tears between muscles.

  Although the levels of the three physiognomies were not high, with the cooperation of their different effects, Li Luo's arms, which were dripping with blood and about to be broken, actually began to stabilize.

  But it still looks a bit miserable, like a rag doll that has been sewn together with rough techniques.

  But this is the limit of what Li Luo can do.

  Moreover, this is the best result, because he can swing the knife.

  Li Luo raised his head. He looked at the cyan gun rainbow that was rapidly enlarging in his pupils. He expressionlessly raised the ancient straight knife stained with blood in his hand, and then slashed it down suddenly.

  You have the power of the Dragon General, and I have the power of the Elephant.

  Let's see who can stand at the end!

  (End of chapter)

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