Chapter 497 Pearl of Dragon Blood

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  Chapter 497 Dragon Blood Pearl
  "What is going on?!"

  Li Luo looked at the black token in his hand in shock. The token exuded some cold breath. This token was left by his father and mother. thing.

  About the so-called "Li Tianwang lineage".

  And now, this black token seems to have absorbed a wisp of dragon blood fire?

  Such a change made Li Luo stunned for a moment. Then he looked carefully and saw that there was no special change in the black token. No, Li Luo's eyes suddenly focused on the "Li Luo" in the center of the token. " below the words.

  Under the word "李", there is a faint dragon shadow pattern.

  The dragon shadow was very blurry and could not be seen clearly, but Li Luo could feel a special aura emitted by the blurry dragon shadow. This aura was so vast, ancient and vast.

  He couldn't understand why just a vague dragon pattern could make him feel this way.

  And now, it is the position of this vague dragon head, which should be the dragon's mouth, right? In the dragon's mouth, there was an extremely faint red dot looming.

  The red dots were so subtle that if Li Luo hadn't carefully investigated, he wouldn't have been able to detect them.

  But he remembered clearly that when he got the token, he had checked it carefully. At that time, there was definitely no such faint red dot on the dragon's mouth.

  it just appeared?

  Li Luo was shocked. Could it be that the dragon blood fire just now was absorbed by the vague dragon pattern on the token?
  What is this scenario?
  Li Luo was confused. This sudden change made him a little confused for a while.

  And just when he was at a loss, he suddenly discovered that there was another change, because as he held the black token in his hand, the fire of dragon blood suddenly surged towards him in the surrounding sea water. At first, Li Luo He was shocked. Once it was contaminated by so much dragon blood fire, it would probably melt the dew film of the heavenly spirit on his body in an instant.

  But his nervousness only lasted for a moment before it disappeared, replaced by deep shock.

  Because he saw that the incoming dragon blood fire was like birds flying into the forest at this time, all of them swarming towards the black token in his hand.

  Li Luo finally couldn't help but stopped and looked at this scene in shock.

  And as more and more dragon blood fire poured into the black token, Li Luo found that the red dot in the mouth of the blurry dragon shadow became more and more obvious and clear.

  It looks vaguely like a giant dragon holding a pearl.

  Li Luo's eyes flickered, and there was a look of contemplation in his eyes. Judging from the current situation, the black token in his hand seemed to be very interested in the dragon blood fire in the dragon blood fire domain. The dragon pattern in the token looked a bit like Do you regard these dragon blood fires as some kind of food?
  What is the function of the red dots condensed in the dragon's mouth?
  This made him hesitate a little. Should he go to Dragon Bone Island now, or should he stay for some time to let the dragon pattern absorb enough dragon blood fire?

  He had a vague feeling that when the red dot condensed in the dragon's mouth was completely formed, it might be of great benefit.

  This hesitation did not last long, and Li Luo quickly made a decision.

  Hold on to the island for a while and use the black token to absorb the fire of dragon blood.

  The current Dragon Bone Island must be extremely chaotic and fierce. Top students from various schools have boarded it, and an extremely brutal elimination battle will definitely break out.

  Although Li Luo is not afraid of such fierce competition, if it can be avoided, he will certainly not act recklessly to show off his strength. After all, waiting for work is the best policy.

  If he could avoid the most brutal period on Dragon Bone Island and at the same time allow the token to absorb enough dragon blood fire, then it would be the true best of both worlds for him.

  Of course, doing this also requires an important prerequisite, that is, the "Ice Nightmare Armor" blessed by Lu Qing'er and his own Heavenly Spirit Dew Film can last long enough in the Dragon Blood Fire Domain to fully absorb the tokens.

  This premise was a bit unsatisfactory before. After all, although the "Ice Nightmare Armor" is special, it is limited by Lu Qing'er's own phase power. Obviously, it is impossible to completely resist the erosion of dragon blood fire, so its melting speed is not very fast. Slowly, Li Luo was even worried about whether it could persist to Dragon Bone Island.

  But things are a little different now.

  Because the melting speed of "Ice Nightmare Armor" has slowed down.

  This was not Li Luo's illusion. After all, the melting speed of the "Ice Nightmare Armor" was what he focused on.

  Originally, he thought that with so many dragon blood fires coming around, it would cause greater melting of the Ice Nightmare Armor, but to his surprise, the melting of the Ice Nightmare Armor weakened instead.

  "Is it because the black token has absorbed the fire of dragon blood, so the impact of the Ice Nightmare Armor has become lower?"

  Li Luo thought thoughtfully, but this result is undoubtedly good news for him. The Ice Nightmare Armor can support more Only with time can his best-of-both-worlds plan be implemented.

  "Qing'er's "Ice Nightmare Armor" has done a great job."

  Li Luo smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. Without the protection of the "Ice Nightmare Armor", with his broken Heavenly Spirit Dew Film, even with the black token Helping absorb the fire of dragon blood would definitely not last long. At that time, he really had no choice but to give up this opportunity. "But to be safe, I still need to go to an area closer to Dragon Bone Island first. When the absorption is completed, I will go directly to the island."

  Li Luo thought like this, he already moved his figure and started to move forward.

  But this time, the speed became much more leisurely.

  As Li Luo moved forward unhurriedly, more and more dragon blood fire was sucked into the black token along the way, which also made the red dot in the dragon's mouth on the token get brighter and brighter.

  Time passes unconsciously.

  The outline of Dragon Bone Island has appeared in the field of vision,
  but the black token seems to be a bottomless pit that cannot be filled up.

  Li Luo's brows also gradually wrinkled. There was only an extremely thin layer of "Ice Nightmare Armor" left on the surface of his body. Once the "Ice Nightmare Armor" melted away, then with his remaining Heavenly Spirit The dew mask can only last up to ten minutes.

  "The last five minutes!"

  Li Luo decisively set a final bottom line for himself. If the black tokens still couldn't be filled up after five minutes, then he would have no choice but to give up.

  After all, if he doesn't land on the island, he will face elimination.

  Time is like quicksand, five minutes almost flies by in the blink of an eye.

  The black token remained silent.

  Li Luo let out a helpless breath. Although his heart was full of regrets, he didn't hesitate at all. He moved and rushed directly in the direction of Dragon Bone Island.

  On the surface of his body, the Ice Nightmare Armor completely melted away, and without the protection of the Ice Nightmare Armor, the broken Sky Spirit Dew Film began to become thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Even Li Luo began to faintly feel an extremely terrifying hot air eroding away.

  But he didn't panic and moved forward as fast as he could.

  A few minutes later, the red water waves under his feet bounced up, and his figure also used the force to rise into the sky. Finally, he rushed out of the Dragon Blood Fire Domain and landed on a rock on Dragon Bone Island.

  Finally entered Dragon Bone Island.

  Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the token in his hand and said sadly: "You really let me down!"

  I wasted half a day on you.

  And just when Li Luo was about to put away the black token, at this moment, the token suddenly vibrated.

  The sudden change shocked Li Luo, and he quickly looked around. Then he was surprised to see the red light spot at the mouth of the dragon pattern on the token becoming more and more dazzling. Looking at it faintly, it seemed as if It was like a ball of fire, exuding an extremely violent wave.

  "Is it done?"

  Li Luo was surprised and happy. At this time, the red dot was really as dazzling as a dragon ball in the dragon's mouth, but what does it do?

  And just when Li Luo was scratching his head, the black token in his hand suddenly emitted a halo of light as if it knew what he was thinking, and then Li Luo saw the ancient "Li" in the center of the token. The words seemed to vibrate slightly at this moment.

  There is an inexplicable charm spreading quietly.

  Then Li Luo was surprised to find that a crimson bead suddenly appeared on the black token. The bead was dark red and unusually deep, and there seemed to be fire surging inside.

  The red light spot in the dragon's mouth disappeared at this time.

  "Is this the dragon blood fire that the dragon pattern absorbed just now?" Li Luo looked shocked.

  This mysterious black token is really magical. It can actually absorb the fire of dragon blood and condense it into this thing?
  But what's the use?
  Li Luo hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand to hold the red dragon blood pearl in his hand. The moment he held it, a long and ancient dragon roar suddenly sounded in his ears.

  His heart suddenly moved.

  His eyes suddenly became brighter at this time.

  He knows what this thing is used for.
  Isn't this the main material used to refine the third acquired phase?
  Is this a dragon sign?

  (End of chapter)

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