Chapter 456 The Sternest Warning

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  Chapter 456: The Sternest Warning

  The first half of the hospital-level battle was somewhat beyond Li Luo's expectations.

  He originally thought that it would be a team-based alliance at most, but now it seems that his structure is still a bit small. This actually requires the cooperation of the entire hospital level.

  But it’s normal if you think about it carefully. Although the Holy Grail War organized by the School Alliance is highly competitive, its essence is still to temper the students, and the unity among the students is also a very important part, because sometimes the collective power, After all, it is stronger than the individual.

  Although there is no shortage of beings in the world who are so powerful that they have surpassed the shackles of the collective, at least Li Luo and the others are still far from this step.

  There is basically no big problem in cooperating with other Zihui teams, except for
  Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan, the two troublemakers.

  Thinking of this, Li Luo's eyes turned to Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan. At this time, they were also frowning. When they noticed Li Luo's gaze, their expressions became a little unnatural.

  In the past, there was a lot of friction between each other in the school, and the relationship was not even friendly.

  Generally speaking, in this kind of competitive environment, it is considered good to be able to refrain from stumbling upon the other party, but now they are still required to cooperate sincerely? Isn't this funny?

  "Dear students, I still have to repeat it here. This Holy Grail War is extremely important to our Shengxuanxing Academy, so I need you to take into account the overall situation and put aside all selfishness. If in the college-level competition , if you have such bad behavior of obstruction, I will definitely give you the most severe punishment when you return to the school. Even the school will not accept any students who have anything to do with you in the future." Li Luo and others were thinking about it. While thinking about it, Vice President Su Xin spoke calmly again.

  As soon as she said these words, many students present turned pale, and a strong look of fear appeared in their eyes. No one expected that the usually gentle and approachable Vice President Su Xin would say such harsh words and... Such a harsh punishment.

  This is simply implicated.

  Even Li Luo couldn't help but swallowed. The academy is the top training ground in Daxia. If the academy really bans people from a certain family or force from entering to practice, it will definitely be an extremely terrible blow. .

  So this time, even Wang Hejiu looked pale and put away all his thoughts. The Wang family he belonged to had a strong foundation in Daxia, and many of the Wang family's children entered the academy every year. If the academy failed because of him, If he doesn't accept any more children from the Wang family, I'm afraid his father will kill him with his own hands.

  At this time, Wang Hejiu also noticed that Vice-President Su Xin's dull gaze swept across his face, and immediately felt a chill in his heart. It seemed that this Vice-President who used to have an excellent reputation in the school actually knew that he had an affair with Li Luo in the past. those grievances between.

  Now, that's knocking him.

  After all, Li Luo is now regarded as a competitor for the strongest student in the Eastern China One-Star Academy. If he is held back, it will definitely not be tolerated by the academy.

  Thinking of this, Wang Hejiu could only suppress the grievance in his heart and expressed his position with a forced smile: "Don't worry, Vice President, those fights between Li Luo and I were just a joke. I will definitely understand the current situation clearly. When the time comes, I will definitely unite and cooperate with other teams."

  Duze Beixuan was a little embarrassed and didn't want to speak, but he felt an unusually sharp gaze coming from the side.

  That was his sister Guren Mizawa.

  Duze Honglian's eyes were a bit scary, which made Duze Beixuan's heart tremble. His sister also had a fierce temper. If she really angered her, she would probably beat him with bruises and swelling in front of so many people. So he could only nod quickly and said: "I will also cooperate fully." Duze Honglian then looked back. She was previously worried that Duze Beixuan was young and energetic and could not let go of the arrogance in her heart, but now she was worried The dean has made it so clear that anyone who dares to lag behind in the college-level competition will be directly listed by the school. This is a very serious consequence.

  Even Duze Mansion cannot afford it.

  "It seems that Honglian is quite knowledgeable." On the other side, Jiang Qing'e's team member Tian Tian smiled quietly.

  Duze Honglian ignored the most majestic girl in the Sanxing Academy, looked at Jiang Qing'e calmly, and said: "I will fully cooperate with you in the academy level competition. Jiang Qing'e, use all your skills to conquer the Eastern Region." Let's win the title of the strongest student of China Three-Star Academy."

  "I have never seen you really show your strength seriously. This time, I hope to have the opportunity to take a look."

  Jiang Qing'e looked at Duze Honglian . He glanced at it, nodded slightly, and said: "I will try my best, and you are also very strong. With your help, I will be much more relaxed." After saying these

  words, Duze Honglian couldn't help but open his eyes wide. She could not believe that one day Jiang Qing'e would say that Duze Honglian's help was also very important to Jiang Qing'e.

  Since the day the two girls entered Shengxuanxing Academy, Duze Honglian has regarded Jiang Qing'e as her biggest competitor. However, in the past three years, the gap between the two has become wider and wider. If it weren't for the stubbornness in her heart, Hold on, Duze Honglian is really going to feel desperate.

  But competition is competition, but deep down in Duze Honglian's heart she recognized Jiang Qing'e's strength, and sometimes she was a little confused. Is she competing so hard with Jiang Qing'e just so that she could be valued more? Her some?
  But soon Duze Honglian suppressed his emotions forcibly, and at the same time he was annoyed: "Duze Honglian, Duze Honglian, you are so worthless, someone can make you so moved with just one sentence, it's ridiculous !"

  Compared to the One Star Courtyard, the Three Star Courtyard and the Four Star Courtyard are much more peaceful, because over the years, the Four Star Courtyard has basically been divided into two factions, Gong Shenjun's faction and the eldest princess's faction. They both have a large number of followers, and both of them are extremely sensible. Their relationship is quite friendly on weekdays, at least on the surface.

  So they were able to reach a consensus very quickly.

  As for Erxingyuan, how should I put it, it has been slightly neglected.

  Zhu Xuan and Ye Qiuding could clearly feel that Vice Dean Su Xin's eyes did not linger too much on their side, and there was no special warning.

  This makes them emotionally complex.

  Because this shows that Vice President Su Xin does not have any expectations for the Second Star Academy, but it is normal. Compared with the other three levels, the Second Star Academy of Shengxuanxing Academy is indeed relatively ordinary. During the previous ticket competition It even almost caused the school to lose important tickets.

  Under such circumstances, who can expect the Nisei Institute to perform in the Holy Grail War?
  I'm afraid that in Deputy Dean Su Xin's mind, Erxingyuan is just here to gather people.

  Zhu Xuan and Ye Qiuding looked at each other, both seeing the bitterness in the other's eyes and feeling sad.

  Is this how poor students are treated?
  It’s so fucking uncomfortable.

  (End of chapter)

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