Chapter 42 Governor’s Mansion

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  Chapter 42:

  In order to celebrate his promotion to the president of Xiyangwu in the Governor's Mansion, Yan Lingqing, who was in a very good mood, hosted a banquet for Li Luo and Cai Wei. Then Li Luo really saw Yan Lingqing's vast power.

  And what shocked him the most was that not only Yan Lingqing had a terrible drinking capacity, but Cai Wei was also called a hero among women. The two women drank so boldly that Li Luo was so shocked that he could only tremble beside him, like a weak quail. .

  "Li Luo, as long as you can increase the assistance of the secret source water in the future, I will definitely be able to make all the spiritual water and strange lights produced by Xiyangwu the strongest in Tianshu County!" With the help of the wine, Yan Lingqing's beautiful eyes Staring at Li Luo passionately.

  "Okay, I will try my best to provide it." Li Luo agreed with a smile. At present, his phase power is only at the Seven Seal Realm. If he can step into the phase master realm, his phase power will be qualitatively improved. By that time The secret source water that can be provided should be able to enhance it a lot.

  And if Xiyangwu can dominate the Lingshui Qiguang market in Tianshu County, then Luolan Mansion's annual profits in Tianshu County will also be greatly increased, which will help Li Luo continue to squander.

  "Then, let me wish you in advance that Xiyangwu will dominate Tianshu County."

  Cai Wei smiled sweetly. Under the influence of alcohol, her flowery oval cheeks became even more charming and charming.

  The three of them raised their glasses and touched each other with a smile.

  After helping Yan Lingqing solve the internal problems of Xiyang House, Li Luo finally felt a lot more comfortable, and in the next few days, the time he spent going to Xiyang House was slightly reduced.

  Because as the holiday approaches, Li Luo must also start thinking about another extremely important thing, which is the upcoming college entrance examination.

  The college entrance examination determines the admission quota for Shengxuanxing College. As the top school in Daxia, it is a holy place that countless young girls yearn for.

  Looking at Daxia, no force dares to say that it has ignored the strength and qualifications of Shengxuanxing Academy. Before Daxia, there were dynasty changes, but no matter how the dynasties changed, Shengxuanxing Academy always stood firmly there, motionless. , which shows its heritage and strength.

  There are even rumors that in the Holy Xuanxing Academy, there is a strong man who can be crowned king.

  So don't forget that Li Luo is the young master of the Luo Lan Mansion, but compared with the Shengxuanxing Academy, he is still far behind. Therefore, for the sake of his future, Li Luo must enter the Shengxuanxing Academy.

  What's more, he still has an agreement with Jiang Qing'e.

  The college examination will include all schools in Tianshu County, and each school will send the top twenty outstanding students to compete for admission to Shengxuanxing Academy.

  The number of places devolved to Shengxuanxing University varies every year, but according to the same rules, the top ten students in the college entrance examination will definitely be able to obtain admission places, while the remaining excess places will be allocated according to the requirements of each school. Allocated based on the scores obtained in the major exams.

  Therefore, Li Luo's goal for himself is to enter the top ten in the exam.

  "The top ten is not easy."

  In the golden room, Li Luo looked deep in thought after finishing his training. Although Nanfeng Academy is the number one academy in Tianshu County, it cannot be underestimated by other universities. Perhaps the top twenty among other universities Most people are not afraid of it, but there are always a few people who have real abilities, and the number of these people combined is not small.

  Moreover, there is Dongyuan Academy that can pose a threat to Nanfeng Academy.

  If you want to fight your way out of these powerful enemies and squeeze into the top ten, you can imagine how difficult it is.

  Li Luo's current strength is in the Seven Seal Realm, and his "water-light phase" should be able to evolve to the sixth level before the big exam comes, but these may not necessarily allow him to sit back and relax.

  Because when he was making progress, other people also did not stand still.

  Therefore, there is no room for Li Luo to be underestimated in this big test.

  As a result, Li Luo carefully examined all his strengths and methods, and then he discovered some of his own shortcomings.

  The biggest flaw is that he lacks powerful attack methods. In his previous fight with Song Yunfeng, although there was a huge gap in strength between them, he was at a loss. Even if he finally relied on the enhanced version of "Water Mirror Technique" to draw the battle, this was also revealed. Apart from Li Luo's lack of attack methods, it was difficult for his attacks to pose any threat to Song Yunfeng.

  But this problem is not limited to Li Luoyou. I am afraid that it is the same for all owners of the water phase. The characteristics of the water phase mean that its attack power and destructive power are not as good as those of the fire phase, thunder phase, and metal phase. A type of elemental phase.

  Of course, if it falls into a protracted battle, the water element will gradually reveal its advantages, but Li Luo feels that this is too passive, so he must find a way to improve his attack methods.

  Other water phase owners may feel helpless about this, but Li Luo is different. He is not simply a water phase, but an extremely rare "water-light phase"!
  Thinking in his mind, Li Luo got up, walked out of the golden room, and went upstairs to the library.

  Nanfeng City, Governor's Mansion.

  In this Great Xia, the governor-general ruled a county, so in terms of status and power, the governor-general's mansion was considered the most powerful in the county.

  "Haha, brother Song, I've wanted to invite you to the Governor's Mansion for a long time, but I was too busy before and couldn't spare the time, so I had to wait until today." In the living room of the Governor's Mansion, there was hearty laughter

  . The source is a middle-aged man with a thin face. Although the man is smiling, he exudes an aura of calmness and self-power.

  It was Shi Qing, the governor of Tianshu County, who was also a strong man in the Tiangang Realm.

  And sitting at the position where he started was the head of the Song family, Song Shan.

  "The Governor is busy with official duties, how can he be like idlers like us." Song Shan said with a smile on his face.

  "Brother Song is laughing at me." Shi Qing smiled. He held the tea cup, looked at the tea leaves floating on it, and said casually: "There has been a lot of commotion in the Song family recently. It must be because of Luo Lan's family. A lot of meat."

  Song Shan said: "Thanks to the Governor's guidance." "It's a pity for Luo Lan Mansion. If those two people don't disappear, it's impossible to say that all the five major mansions in Daxia will be headed by it in the future." Shi Qing said with a smile.

  "It's a pity that those two are so sharp, otherwise..." He paused at this point.

  "Now that Luo Lan Mansion cannot protect itself, the Song family must seize the opportunity." He looked at Song Shan and said.

  "Thank you, Governor, for the reminder. Our Song family will always remember this kindness." Song Shan nodded and said slowly.

  Shi Qing smiled and changed the topic.

  Outside the living room, facing a lake, Song Yunfeng listened to the sounds coming from the living room, and then looked at the lake in front of him.

  There, there was a young man in white clothes with short hair but a braid hanging down from the back of his head. He was feeding the fish leisurely by the lake with bait in his hand.

  After a while, he clapped his hands and a maid respectfully handed him a silk scarf. He took it and applied it on, then turned and walked towards Song Yunfeng.

  As he got closer, his face became clearer. In terms of appearance, he seemed to be a bit ordinary, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

  However, looking at the seemingly ordinary young man in front of him, Song Yunfeng had a vague feeling of danger.

  The person in front of me is none other than the governor's son, Shi Kun.

  He is also the first person in Dongyuan Academy.

  "Yunfeng, in this year's college entrance examination, my father said that he must help Dongyuan College win the title of the number one college in Tianshu County." Shi Kun said with a smile.

  "With Brother Kong's strength, we still have a good chance." Song Yunfeng said.

  "But that's not enough. Lu Qing'er from Nanfeng Academy is not an easy person. If we meet him, he will be a formidable opponent." Shi Kun said.

  In this regard, Song Yunfeng also nodded with deep sympathy. He also understood Lu Qing'er's strength.

  "Although I'm not afraid of her, I don't like uncertainties when doing things, so when the time comes for the college entrance examination, I may need your cooperation in some matters." Shi Kong said calmly.

  When Song Yunfeng heard this, his expression couldn't help but change, and he said with some embarrassment: "Brother Shi Kun, do you want me to betray Nanfeng Academy?" "

  Hey, what you said is too ugly, and you really will How about treating Nanfeng Academy as one of our own? It is just a temporary stop in our practice. As long as you get the top ten results in the college entrance examination, you will naturally be able to enter Shengxuanxing Academy. At that time, you still need to pay attention to Nanfeng A school?" Shi Kun said with a smile.

  "And don't worry, I won't let you do anything too obvious."

  He waved his hand and said, "This is also what my father meant. The old dean of Nanfeng Academy had a grudge against my father and repeatedly obstructed me. My father was promoted, so this year I must take away the golden sign of the number one school in Shu County."

  Song Yunfeng was silent for a long time, and finally nodded with some difficulty.

  Only then did Shi Kun smile gently, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder gently, saying, "By the way, I heard that Li Luo is dating again? Did he even have a draw with you before?" Mentioning this

  matter , Song Yunfeng's eyes became gloomier, and he said: "It's just that he is opportunistic. If we met in the big exam, he would have no chance of a draw." "That's it." Shi Kun thought for a while and said, "That's a


  . I want to meet this young palace master during the big exam. After hearing what you said, my interest has weakened a lot." "I don't need to trouble Brother Kong to take action. When the

  opportunity comes, I will deal with him." Song Yunfeng said.

  "That's fine."

  "Although I haven't met this guy a few times, I still hate him." Shi Kong smiled faintly.

  Song Yunfeng was slightly confused when he heard his dislike for Li Luo in his words.

  When Shi Kun saw this, he smiled with a nonchalant tone.

  "This is also a scandal. My father once wanted to help me propose marriage to Jiang Qing'e of Luo Lan Mansion." "Haha, of course, in the end, he was directly rejected

  by the two palace masters."

  "I dare them to do this. "I want to keep it for my son."

  "It's a pity, I don't know if their useless son can really keep such a beautiful wall?"

  Song Yunfeng suddenly felt a little enlightened when he heard this, and then he understood why the Governor's Mansion has been Secretly fueling the flames and helping the Song family to devour the Luolan Mansion's property, it turns out that there
  are still such past events between the two parties.

  (End of chapter)

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