Chapter 405 The war at Sanxingyuan begins

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  Chapter 405: The battle at Sanxingyuan began,

  and Liang Kui lost as expected.

  Regarding this result, many students from Shengxuanxing Academy were slightly relieved. Although this was expected, Liang Kui's fatal blow before was indeed too fierce. They were really worried that Gong Shenjun would be too powerful. If you fail to do so, Shengxuanxing Academy will suffer a disastrous defeat.

  But the good thing is that Gong Shenjun, the strongest student at Shengxuanxing Academy, is still quite reliable.

  Thunderous cheers resounded throughout the mountains as all the students of Shengxuanxing Academy celebrated their first victory in the ticket match.

  Li Luo was also looking at Gong Shenjun's figure. In this competition, the latter won extremely beautifully. He not only showed his magnanimity, but also showed his own strong strength. The effect of this wave of popularity and reputation harvesting is really indescribable. Talk.

  Compared with his one, the princess's one was undoubtedly inferior. Although everyone knew that Zhongnan was more difficult to deal with than Liang Kui, sometimes the result was indeed more important than the process.

  The eldest princess lost, and Gong Shenjun won.

  It's that simple.

  Although no one would say that the eldest princess was not strong enough, some would say that Gong Shenjun was indeed the strongest person in Shengxuanxing Academy.

  "Senior Gong is really strong."

  Even Bai Mengmeng sighed like this, then looked at Li Luo and said, "Senior Jiang will probably come on stage next. I'm really looking forward to it. In fact, up to now, I have never seen Senior Jiang actually fight with someone."

  Li Luo said melancholy: "Actually, I have seen her many times, but every time I was the one who got beaten."

  Bai Mengmeng couldn't bear it. He covered his mouth and snickered. It seemed that the captain was often challenged by Senior Sister Jiang at home.

  "Captain, what do you think about the draw of Sanxingyuan?" Xin Fu asked at the side.

  Li Luo thought for a moment and said: "The results of the Four-Star Academy's draw are actually in favor of Lanyuan Holy Academy, because if their strongest shield encounters Gong Shen Jun, Gong Shen Jun will still have a good chance of breaking through. His defense, in this way, as long as the eldest princess defeats Liang Kui, then we can achieve two wins. Two wins are guaranteed, and we will get half of the basic tickets." "

  And for the next Sanxingyuan draw, from our Shengxuan From the perspective of Star Academy, it is best for Jiang Qing'e to draw Zhao Huiyin and Duze Honglian to draw Yan Tai. In this way, we will have a good chance of winning both games. But if Jiang Qing'e draws Yan Tai, Duze Honglian meets Zhao Huiyin, that's probably the result of one win and one defeat."

  Although Zhao Huiyin and Li Luo didn't fight her, they knew from their previous contact that it was not simple. This cunning woman could only be dealt with by Jiang Qing'e. If you meet Ze Honglian, you will definitely not get any good results.

  Bai Mengmeng nodded and said with a smile: "Then I hope that Senior Jiang can meet that Zhao Huiyin, because it will definitely be exciting."

  Li Luo smiled and agreed. He also wanted to see that little fox Zhao Huiyin meet. How much waves can Jiang Qing'e, this majestic white goose, create?

  "Captain, if you are at the end of the queue, will you not get a chance to play?" At this time, Xin Fu over there spoke again, which was a little embarrassing.

  Li Luo said angrily: "Our One Star Hospital was ranked last because the weight class is not high, because it is very likely that the winner of the ticket competition will have already been decided by the time we get here, so you are guessing Although it deserves a beating, it's not impossible."

  Xin Fu sighed: "That's such a pity, I'm still waiting to see you, captain, shock the whole audience."

  Li Luo rolled his eyes, you are such a black heart Maggots, I believe you are the only one who has ghosts.

  While Li Luo and the others were chatting, Zhao Huiyin, who looked extremely bright and charming in a bright red dress, stood up from his seat in the stands where Lan Yuan Sheng Academy was located, and said with a smile: "One draw and one loss, that's it. The result was expected, but fortunately it's not the worst."

  "Sister Zhao, the next step depends on your Sanxingyuan." On the other side, Lu Cang said with a smile.

  Zhao Huiyin said with a smile: "Then you pray to me, Senior Sister, that I will draw the Duze Red Lotus. Otherwise, if I face Jiang Qing'e, I will really be in big trouble." "Even if it's Jiang Qing'e, I don't think Senior Sister is the same.

  " There is no strength to fight." Lu Cang said.

  Zhao Huiyin curled her lips and said, "It doesn't hurt to talk while standing. That's the ninth grade light phase, and it's the real ninth grade! Not the virtual ninth grade!" As she was speaking, she had already walked forward, and at the same time there was someone. A young man with a thin face and a smile also stood up and came behind her. He must be the representative of Sanxingyuan named Yan Tai.

  Then the two of them straightened up and landed on the drawing table under the gaze of countless eyes.

  Jiang Qing'e and Duze Honglian have been waiting here for a long time.

  "Hi, Jiang Qing'e, how are you?"

  Zhao Huiyin landed on the stage, his charming eyes immediately turned to Jiang Qing'e, and he immediately stepped forward and said hello without fear.

  Jiang Qing'e glanced at Zhao Huiyin and nodded calmly.

  "Classmate Jiang Qing'e, you are too cold. Is it because your fiancé and I got closer two days ago? In fact, it was a misunderstanding. Don't blame him. I really wanted to ask him about it at that time. Road." Zhao Huiyin blinked his beautiful eyes and explained apologetically.

  Duze Honglian on the side couldn't help but look over after hearing this, her beautiful eyes widened slightly, what does this mean? Is your fiancé talking about Luo Li? This Li Luo actually went to contact Zhao Huiyin two days ago? Is this guy so brave?

  Zhao Huiyin's appearance and temperament in front of her are absolutely excellent, and her charming temperament is very exciting. Li Luo is a romantic person, and if he meets him, he will not really be able to provoke him.

  But this Zhao Huiyin is not simple. How dare he tell Jiang Qing'e such a thing in person? Is this a provocation?

  Oh, that's really interesting.

  Duze Honglian sneered in his heart and chose to watch indifferently.

  However, in the face of Zhao Huiyin's words, Jiang Qing'e's beautiful face did not show any signs of trouble. She just said lightly: "If Mr. Zhao is really interested in my Li Luo, it is not impossible, but my Luo Lan Mansion The rules are strict. If you want to enter, you need to start as a maid. If you perform well in the future, you may be promoted to a concubine."

  Zhao Huiyin couldn't help being startled and asked me to be a maid for Li Luo. ? I can't beat him to death!

  Although he was sneering in his heart, Zhao Huiyin's expression did not show any signs of it. Instead, he said a little shyly: "Can I really do it? Li Luo has a really good personality, and he also has great potential. He will definitely become the top of Daxia Kingdom in the future. He told me two days ago that it is common for a man to have three wives and four concubines. If I could stay in Daxia, he might even leave a room for me in Luolan Mansion. Jiang

  Qing'e chuckled lightly and said: "The woodshed is also a house, and what kind of house you want to live in depends on your ability."

  Zhao Huiyin smiled sweetly and said: "What Jiang Qing'e means is that if we meet next, then Is it the battle to decide between the main house and the side house?"

  "No, it is to decide whether you will live in the woodshed or the side house after entering Luo Lan Mansion." Jiang Qing'e shook her head and explained.

  Zhao Huiyin seemed a little angry and said: "Classmate Jiang, I think in Luo Lan Mansion, it still depends on the wishes of the young master Li Luo. Is it possible that in Luo Lan Mansion, Li Luo is just a puppet? You can't do this You don't respect him at all."

  Jiang Qing'e looked at Zhao Huiyin with her golden eyes, but she didn't say any more meaningless words to her. Instead, she stepped forward directly, reached out and grabbed a sealed wax pill from the stone box. Crush it into pieces and take out the paper. On it is the word "一".

  Zhao Huiyin also took out the wax pill, crushed it and looked at it, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then lifted it up.

  The word "一" above it immediately caused a commotion all over the mountains and plains.

  In the first game of Sanxingyuan, as expected, Jiang Qing'e and Zhao Huiyin met.

  At this time, Jiang Qing'e looked over calmly, and at the same time, a voice sounded.

  "Zhao Huiyin, are you ready to be beaten?"

  (End of chapter)

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