Chapter 399 Ticket Competition Begins

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  Chapter 399 The ticket competition begins.

  At the stands of the One-Star Hospital, Li Luo and his group took their seats, surrounded by cheers and cheers.

  "Brother Luo, come on!"

  "Brother Luo, show off the style of our One-Star Academy of Shengxuanxing Academy!"

  "Brother Luo is so handsome!"


  The constant cheers show that Li Luo is now here at the One-Star Academy After the competition between him and Qin Zhulu a few days ago, he was already the well-deserved number one person in the One Star Academy.

  The commotion at the One-Star Academy was not small, and it also attracted many students in the stands at the nearby Two-star Academy to look sideways. When their eyes looked at Li Luo, they were all a little complicated. If they were in the past, When facing the juniors and juniors of the One-Star Academy, they still had some psychological advantages, but since even Ye Qiuding's team fell one step behind Li Luo and the others in the Holy Wood Realm Cave, the students of the Two-Star Academy understood that this time The one-star academy seems to be different from the one they used to have.

  Although today's Li Luo has the strength of the first transformation of the Transformation Stage, if he really wants to fight, the ordinary third transformation of the Transformation Stage may not be his opponent.

  Looking at the entire Erxingyuan, I am afraid that only Zhu Xuan can suppress it.

  Such a fierce record has been achieved by only a handful of people in Shengxuanxing Academy over the years, and none of them are influential figures in the academy.

  So no matter how complicated their feelings were, they had to admit that Li Luo and his team were much stronger than they had been in the past.

  But when it comes to their one-star academy, Jiang Qing'e happened to be in the two-star academy, so she was simply suppressed into the dust. How could she dare to think of competing with them? Zhu Xuan doesn't have the ability or courage.

  "Captain, our Shengxuanxing Academy should be able to win this time, right?" Bai Mengmeng sat next to Li Luo and asked curiously.

  Li Luo smiled and said: "I really don't dare to lie before the results come out. Although the foundation of Lanyuan Saint Academy is not as good as our Saint Xuanxing Academy, it is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. This time they came prepared and must have some trump cards." of."

  "Of course, we don't need to belittle ourselves. Our lineup this time is actually very luxurious." "

  So we still have to fight to know the outcome."

  Looking at the current Shengxuanxing Academy, except for the Erxing Academy's slightly stretched hips, Each of the other courtyard levels has someone with a heavyweight in charge. The four-star courtyard is Gong Shenjun, the three-star courtyard is Jiang Qing'e, and the one-star courtyard is naturally Li Luo.

  While speaking, Li Luo cast his eyes on a stand slightly further to the left. Unlike the crowds of people in other stands, it seemed particularly empty. There were only dozens of figures standing in it, and among them , Li Luo saw the beautiful figure of Zhao Huiyin.

  Obviously, that is where the Lan Yuansheng Academy delegation is located.

  When Li Luo looked at Zhao Huiyin, the latter turned his head as if sensing something. Their eyes met for a moment, and then a shy smile appeared on Zhao Huiyin's charming face. Many people looked at her secretly. The male student from Shengxuanxing Academy suddenly looked straight in the eyes.

  At the same time, there were also people making noises. Could it be that before the two sides started taking action, Luo Li had already captured one of the other party's main force with his own charm?

  "Captain, do you want to defeat others without fighting? It's really enviable." Xin Fu sighed, the captain's realm has reached this level without knowing it.

  Li Luo rolled his eyes, while Bai Mengmeng on the side looked thoughtful, and then whispered softly: "This Senior Sister Zhao is of a high rank. In Shengxuanxing Academy, I feel that there may only be Senior Sister Jiang or The eldest princess can arm-wrestle with her."

  Li Luo gave her a thumbs up: "Mengmeng's eyesight is still very good. This Zhao Huiyin is not a good person. If you judge her easily just because of her superficial appearance, If she does, I'm afraid she will eat her till she has no bones left."

  Bai Mengmeng smiled slightly and said: "Then she must have a chance to eat it. The captain is extremely smart and has seen through her tricks a long time ago."

  Li Luo sighed, this Mengmeng's words were really nice.

  While they were chatting, the sound of bells and drums suddenly echoed in the mountains.

  The boiling noise in the field suddenly weakened a lot, and everyone's eyes turned to the highest point of the stands, which was located on the top of the mountain. At this time, purple-robed figures were walking out one after another, and then sat down among them.

  These are all Zihui instructors from Shengxuanxing Academy.

  Then there were some big figures in Daxia, such as Yu Hongxi, the masters of the major palaces, and at the same time, Li Luo also saw the figure of the little emperor. Next to the little emperor was the regent.

  Finally, Vice-President Su Xin appeared. She was not alone, but there was an old man in blue robes. That was the Vice-President from Lanyuan Saint Academy. It was said that his name was Qiu Jizi. As the dean, Pang Qianyuan still did not appear.

  This made many students who admired the prestige of the dean a little disappointed. After all, ticket competitions and other matters are extremely important to Shengxuanxing Academy, but they did not expect that even so, the dragon would still not be seen. The endless dean.

  The regent listened to some disappointed voices in the audience, hesitated slightly, and asked: "Vice President Su Xin, is President Pang still not out of seclusion?"

  Some of the big bosses from Daxia Kingdom around, including Yu Hongxi, They all looked at him slightly, showing their concern for this issue. After all, Pang Qianyuan was considered the strongest person in Daxia no matter what.

  Vice President Su Xin shook her head and said apologetically: "Dean has been in seclusion for several years and it is indeed difficult to show up."

  The Regent said: "That's a pity. I haven't seen Dean Pang's grace for several years."

  Su Xin The vice-dean smiled and said: "It's okay, the dean should be out of seclusion soon."

  The regent smiled and nodded: "That's good. There is only one king-level powerhouse in our country, dean Pang. Let me tell you. I have always wanted to ask the dean for advice on the way to the king."

  Vice dean Su Xin responded with a smile, then stood up, her voice resounded throughout the audience, and first said something about welcoming Lan Yuansheng Academy from afar. Kind words like "Come on", but the last words changed.

  "This ticket competition is related to whether our Holy Star Academy can participate in the Holy Grail War, so this battle is important. Needless to say, I hope that the seven representatives of our Holy Star Academy can show your strongest strength. This is also the highest respect for guests who have come from afar."

  Countless students in the mountains burst into applause and cheers.

  "The time is almost here, so I won't say any more. I hereby announce that the ticket competition for the Holy Grail Battle will begin now!" "According to the rules, the order of participation is from high to low, so the

  first contestant is from both sides. Representative of the four-star hospital."

  When Vice President Su Xin's voice fell, deafening cheers suddenly erupted from the stands.

  "Gong Shenjun!"

  "Gong Luanyu!"

  As the two strongest people in Shengxuanxing Academy now, their reputation in the academy is definitely much better than that of newcomers like Li Luo. So at this moment, the crowd cheering was extremely loud.

  And amid the boiling sound, two figures soared into the sky, and finally landed on a stone platform.

  It was Gong Shenjun and the eldest princess.

  As the two people appeared, two rays of light and shadow flashed from the other direction, appearing to the right of Gong Shenjun and the eldest princess.

  Lanyuan Holy Academy, Zhongnan, Liang Kui.

  When the two sides met, they both nodded in greeting.

  Next will be a drawing ceremony for both sides to determine their opponents.

  Both parties were already aware of the process, and then they grabbed an intact pill pill from their respective stone boxes, crushed the pill pill, and revealed the note, which the four of them held high.

  Countless lines of sight followed.

  The note in the hands of the eldest princess clearly has the word "一" written on it, and over at Lanyuan Holy Academy, the person who got the word "一" is

  In Shengxuanxing Academy, the expressions of some of the veteran students of the Four-Star Academy gradually became serious. This first match was actually between the eldest princess and the strongest shield of Lanyuan Academy. I don’t know what the future will be like
  . Can the eldest princess's strength penetrate Zhongnan's strongest defense?

  If not, this first game would be a draw.

  (End of chapter)

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